Cost Breakdown
Name/Model: "Wing" Wraith TR7
Technology: Inner Sphere (Mixed)
Tonnage: 55
Configuration: Biped BattleMech
Structural Cost
Armor (Stealth): (152 pts) 9.5 x 50,000 475,000.00
Internal Structure (Endo-Composite): 55 x 3,200 x 1 (+) 176,000.00 = 651,000.00
Myomer (Standard): 55 x 2,000 (+) 110,000.00 = 761,000.00
Engine (XL): (20,000 x 330 x 55) / 75 (+) 4,840,000.00 = 5,601,000.00
Gyro (Standard): 4.0 x 300,000 (+) 1,200,000.00 = 6,801,000.00
Cockpit (Standard): 200,000 (+) 200,000.00 = 7,001,000.00
Life Support: 50,000 (+) 50,000.00 = 7,051,000.00
Sensors: 55 x 2,000 (+) 110,000.00 = 7,161,000.00
Heat Sinks (Double): 13 x 6,000 (+) 78,000.00 = 7,239,000.00
Arm Actuators: 55 x ((100 x 2) + (50 x 2) + (80 x 2)) (+) 25,300.00 = 7,264,300.00
Leg Actuators: 55 x ((150 x 2) + (80 x 2) + (120 x 2)) (+) 38,500.00 = 7,302,800.00
Total Structural Cost: 7,302,800.00
Weapons and Equipment Cost
Angel ECM Suite 750,000 750,000.00
Cargo, Standard (0.5 ton) 0 x 1 (+) 0.00 = 750,000.00
Coolant Pod 50,000 (+) 50,000.00 = 800,000.00
ER Medium Laser 80,000 (+) 80,000.00 = 880,000.00
ER Medium Laser 80,000 (+) 80,000.00 = 960,000.00
ER PPC (C) 300,000 (+) 300,000.00 = 1,260,000.00
Jump Jets 55 x (6 x 6) x 200 (+) 396,000.00 = 1,656,000.00
Partial Wing 4 x 50,000 (+) 200,000.00 = 1,856,000.00
Total Weapons and Equipment Cost 1,856,000.00
BattleMech Cost
Structural Cost: 7,302,800.00
Weapons and Equipment Cost: (+) 1,856,000.00 = 9,158,800.00
BattleMech Cost Multiplier: 1 + (55 / 100) (*) 1.55 = 14,196,140.00
Final BattleMech Cost 14,196,140.00