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Design Overview
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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Fireman FRN-2E
Designer:           ThatRandomClone
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            70
Role:               Skirmisher
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Clan Invasion / 3061
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         6,347,573 C-Bills
Battle Value:       1,460

Chassis:              Standard
Power Plant:          280 Fusion
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Jump Jets:            Standard
    Jump Capacity:    120 meters
Armor:                Standard
    4 SRM 6s
    3 Medium Lasers
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    The Fireman was created to overheat enemy mechanism while not overheating themselves. While
    heavily armored the Fireman lacks the ability to do serious amounts of damage that isn't
    heat based, because of this they started to become rarer and rarer as time went on.

    Serious overheat damage to enemy mech's. Jump jet capable

    Deployed in more close quarters combat and in hot environments.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                          Standard                  7.00                     
Engine:                                     280 Fusion                16.00                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                                 6                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 4                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         14 [28]                   4.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  217                    14.00                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      22             35       
    Center Torso (rear):                               9       
    R/L Torso:                         15             22       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  8       
    R/L Arm:                           11             22       
    R/L Leg:                           15             30       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
Medium Laser                                              H                 1          1.00             
SRM 6 (Ammo 30) [Inferno]                                 CT                2          2.00             
Medium Laser                                              RT                1          1.00             
2 SRM 6s                                                  RT                4          6.00             
SRM 6 (Ammo 15) [Inferno]                                 RT                1          1.00             
Medium Laser                                              LT                1          1.00             
2 SRM 6s                                                  LT                4          6.00             
SRM 6 (Ammo 15) [Inferno]                                 LT                1          1.00             
2 Jump Jets                                               RL                2          2.00             
2 Jump Jets                                               LL                2          2.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 40
TP: BM,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"j
Damage: (S) 5 / (M) 5 / (L) 0,  OV: 0
Armor (A): 7,  Structure (S): 6
Specials: SRM3/3