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                 Combat Vehicle Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Crusher 12 CRSH-12A
Designer:           Captain_Frosty
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  D
Tonnage:            60
Role:               Juggernaut
Configuration:      Combat Vehicle
Era/Year:           Succession Wars / 3012
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         1,001,600 C-Bills
Battle Value:       684

Movement Type:        Tracked
Power Plant:          Hercules Motors v6 240 Internal Combustion
Cruising Speed:       43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Armor:                BSM Combat plating
    1 Saria Inc. Model 1c 'Flash' Large Laser
    2 Hercules ReZipp Flamer (Vehicle)s
Manufacturer:         Blackshield State Manufacturing
    Primary Factory:  Ducon
Communications:       SamCo 'Farspeak' T5
Targeting & Tracking: Saria Inc. 'Longshot' v2

    Outdated by all metrics, the ancient CRSH-12A 'Crusher 12' was created as the Blackshield
    Company's very first attempt at a home-made combat vehicle using entirely locally sourced
    materials and equipment. Initially designed with the intent to replace the long aged fleet
    of Marsden I tanks, the crusher ended up taking the form of an assault gun, best suited for
    supporting roles.
    Though not deemed a failure, being a functional and entirely viable design at the time, the
    Crusher's inability to act as a main battle tank discouraged future attempts at home-made
    vehicle creation for years to come, most attempts that went through anyway resulting in
    mediocre prototypes that were never adopted for production.
    Long since outclassed, both by other designs and the introduction of its successor, the
    CRSH-44-CEV, the only remaining factory producing Crusher 12s is in Ducon; the majority of
    the vehicles used as simultaneous garrison and construction equipment for both civilian and
    military construction projects on the planet.

    The CRSH-12A 'Crusher 12' is a very cheap, decently armored but slow weapons platform.
    Equipped with a bulldozer, two flamers and a large laser, it is very effective in urban
    combat situations, able to hold down choke points, combat infantry and resist flanking
    attacks and ambushes.

    The CRSH-12A is best utilized as a cheap roadblock and breakthrough vehicle for any form of
    urban combat. While not the most armored unit by any measure, it is protected enough to
    resist anything short an assault mech's alpha strike. The large laser helps provide decent
    fire support at an equally decent range and the forward and rear facing flamers can quickly
    dispatch enemy infantry even if it attacks from a flanking position.

    None. Though the CRSH-12A 'Crusher 12' was not deemed a failure outright, it never succeeded
    to a degree that could justify the funding of variants and alternative loadouts.

Notable MechWarriors:
    None; even if a vehicle crew did attain fame, it would only be in the territories of the
    Blackshield Company and thus of no significance to the major powers.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                          Standard                  6.00                     
Engine:                              240 Internal Combustion          23.00                     
    Cruising MP:                                4                                               
    Flanking MP:                                6                                               
Heat Sinks (Single):                            8                      8.00                     
Control Equipment:                                                     3.00                     
Lift Equipment:                                                        0.00                     
Power Amplifier:                                                       0.50                     
Turret:                                                                0.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  168                    10.50                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

    Front:                                      44                                              
    R/L Side:                                   42                                              
    Rear:                                       40                                              

Weapons and Ammo                                            Location              Tonnage       
Bulldozer                                                     Front                2.00         
Flamer (Vehicle)                                              Front                0.50         
Large Laser                                                   Front                5.00         
Flamer (Vehicle)                                              Rear                 0.50         
Flamer (Vehicle) (Ammo 20)                                    Body                 1.00         

Alpha Strike Statistics                                                    
Point Value (PV): 19
TP: CV,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"t
Damage: (S) 1 / (M) 1 / (L) 0
Armor (A): 6,  Structure (S): 3
Specials: EE, ENG, REAR0*/-/-, SRCH