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                 ProtoMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Nekomusume 1
Designer:           Thunder
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            15
Configuration:      Ultraheavy Glider ProtoMech
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current):    Advanced
Rules (Era):        Advanced
Rules (Year):       Advanced
Total Cost:         1,461,219 C-Bills
Battle Value:       214

Chassis:              ProtoMech
Power Plant:          240 ProtoMech Fusion
Cruising Speed:       10 kph, 129.6 kph with Gliding
Maximum Speed:        10 kph, 194.4 kph with Gliding
Armor:                ProtoMech
    2 LRM 1s
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    The modern survivors of Clan Blood Spirit are very different from their original
    incarnation.  Many similaritie; you can still see they're Blood Spirits, but at the same
    time their approach to standards and procurememt is almost a complete reversal from their
    The one of the biggest changes is anyone who can pass basic training can become a warrior.
    Given that they culturally were the only clan with universal military training of all
    castes, and still are,  its easy for anyone who wants to enlist to do so.  This has allowed
    them to swell the ranks of their touman in short order, but with a corresponding drop in
    their skill levels.
    The other extreme change is that the Blood Spirit's have completely turned around on the
    concept of frugal military procurememt.   Maximum technological and material superiority is
    their new gospel.  This can be blatently seen in the Blood Kite II, effectivly their totem
    mech, but also in how they equip the masses of young recruits.  Most combat specialists
    become protomech pilots.  This is both their largest contingent of troops and the first step
    in becoming a front line mechwarrior, so there is no lack of volunteers.  There is a lack of
    survivors though.  Blood Spirit command does their best to give recruits training, but have
    accepted that real combat will seperate the wheat from the chaff faster and more efficiently
    then years of extra training ever could.

    The Nekomusume is a rather mad design.  Given its fragility of being effectivly unarmored
    and a rather steep resource cost, why does it exist?  The reasoning is similar to the
    Hunchback IIC.  Its a unit to assign to less desirable troops.  In many ways its a penal
    design that can give a pointed lesson to shape up and act as part of the team, or die.
    Which doesn't prevent two other groups from requesting it,  ristars determined to make a
    name for themselves (and honestly should be in the penal group for that attitude but for
    them being so good and earnest), and Solahma who have decided to at least use their death
    for the good of the Clan.
    The protomech itself is modeled after a Catgirl wesring a combat frame exosuit from a
    popular if depressingly morbid animated movie.  The pilot sits centered in the frame with a
    quad of wings sweeping to the rear flanked by their thrusters.  The primary weapon is a
    sword.  The sword is functional on this protomech, as are the pair of LRM tubes used for
    harassing fire or other special affects.
    What makes this concept gimmicky and not a complete boondoggle is the height advantage
    gained by the WiGE design.  This places heads within easy reach of that sword.  The speed
    and the proximity needed to use that sword also make attempts to fight back difficult with
    most mechs being reduced to flailing around trying to swat at their attackers.

    Fortunatly the type 1 Nekomusume is fairly rare.  The type 2 tones down the extreme need for
    speed in favor of actual armor and weapons.  It keeps the sword.  Thats what makes the
    protomech differet from other similar designs.

Notable MechWarriors:
    (Alpha Strike.  This variant is intended to reduce tge cost of the effect I wanted to
    achieve in alpha strike.  Thus no armor.  The under strength LRM is for a secondary effect I
    wanted involving Narc.  The 15 ton mass is mostly a by product of keeping the potential for
    the 2nd variant available.)

Equipment                                                             Mass (kg)                 
Internal Structure:                         ProtoMech                   1,500                   
Engine:                                240 ProtoMech Fusion            11,500                   
    Walking MP:                                 1                                               
    Running MP:                                 1                                               
    WiGE Cruise MP:                             12                                              
    WiGE Flank MP:                              18                                              
Heat Sinks (ProtoMech):                         0                         0                     
Cockpit:                                    ProtoMech                    750                    
Armor Factor:                                   5                        250                    
    Type:                                   ProtoMech                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               4              1       
    Torso:                             15              1       
    Main Gun:                           -              -       
    R/L Arm:                            4              1       
    Legs:                               8              1       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location         Mass (kg)               
2 LRM 1s                                                  T                400                          
LRM 1 (Ammo 12)                                           T                100                          
ProtoMech Melee Weapon                                    RA               500                          

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 11
TP: PM,  SZ: 1,  TMM: 4,  MV: 24"g
Damage: (S) 0* / (M) 0* / (L) 0*
Armor (A): 0,  Structure (S): 1
Specials: GLD, IF0*, MEL