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Design Overview
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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Panther PNT-12W
Designer:           Winters
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            35
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Clan Invasion / 3050
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         2,915,910 C-Bills
Battle Value:       1,101

Chassis:              Endo Steel
Power Plant:          175 Fusion
Walking Speed:        54 kph    
Maximum Speed:        86.4 kph  
Jump Jets:            Standard
    Jump Capacity:    150 meters
Armor:                Ferro-Fibrous
    1 PPC
    1 Large Laser
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    Conflict grows into war and war into opportunity.
    It's because of this thought that D. Winters started up Kishin Mech Works.
    The new facility at the moment could only build mechs that weighed up to 40 tons. In order
    to catch the eye of the Combine, the popular Panther chassis was chosen and a licence was
    obtained to produce the mech.

    At the cost of less than half a million c-bills more to produce than the original, multiple
    aspects of the beloved Panther design were improved.
    Speed and mobility were both increased by around 25%. This was achieved thanks to the weight
    saved by switching to an Endo Steel chassis. Further weight was saved by removing the old
    freezers and replacing them with the new double strength models. Because of this, designers
    were able to avoid the use of the expensive and often fragile XL engines.
    After much debate, the old PPC was retained, passing over the new ER PPC for multiple
    reasons. One was the heat concern that plagued the current new Panther models. This helped
    to ensure that the design was able to cope with the heat burden brought about by the change
    in mech's secondary weapon choice.
    A large laser replaced the SRM 4 rack. This was done in order to make the Panther more
    appealing to garrison units by ridding itself of ammo reliance. The damage potential was
    deemed the same, with the laser being far more consistent than the missiles. This also
    helped to balance the low PPC range by increasing the secondary weapons, making this model
    an excellent mid range fighter.
    Unfortunately due to the additional jump jet added, the laser had to be located in the
    Panther's left arm.
    With the 12W model able to fire both weapons while running at max speed without breaking a
    sweat, not having to worry about it's ammo bins running dry or exploding, and by switching
    over to the more advanced ferro fibrous armor composites, endurance and durability were both

    Due to the size of the firm, only a handful of 12W models are produced each year, but with
    the DCMS rapidly trying to rebuild their forces after the initial clan invasion, all
    production runs for the Panther thus far have been purchased.
    Thanks to the price tag being under 3 million, the next two slated runs have already been
    bought as well.
    Produced units have been shipped to various garrisons on worlds near the Smoke Jaguars and
    Outworlds Alliance.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 2.00                     
Engine:                                     175 Fusion                 7.00                     
    Walking MP:                                 5                                               
    Running MP:                                 8                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 5                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         10 [20]                   0.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  2.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  116                     6.50                     
    Type:                                 Ferro-Fibrous                                         

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      11             17       
    Center Torso (rear):                               4       
    R/L Torso:                          8             13       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  3       
    R/L Arm:                            6             12       
    R/L Leg:                            8             15       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
Jump Jet                                                  CT                1          0.50             
PPC                                                       RA                3          7.00             
Large Laser                                               LA                2          5.00             
2 Jump Jets                                               RL                2          1.00             
2 Jump Jets                                               LL                2          1.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 24
TP: BM,  SZ: 1,  TMM: 2,  MV: 10"j
Damage: (S) 2 / (M) 2 / (L) 1,  OV: 0
Armor (A): 4,  Structure (S): 3
Specials: ENE