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Mission Idea - While the Cat's Away.....
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 02-Oct-2005 14:32    Post subject: Mission Idea - While the Cat's Away..... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Set-Up: This mission is intended for 2-4 green players piloting light mechs. This mission can take place on almost any Chaos March world.

Situation: VTOLs, airmoble infantry, and conventional fighters from an unknown OPFOR air base have been harrassing patrols and convoys in the area. Based on the radius in which all the air strikes have taken place, the party's CO has identified a probable location for the air base.

With this information in hand, the CO has decided upon a plan. A supply convoy will be sent between bases, and in the process will travel within the radius. What the OPFOR will not know is that a group of AC/2 carriers and LRM infantry have been hidden along the convoy route; the aircraft and the infantry that they are carrying are on their final mission.

While the aircraft are occupied, the party will come from the opposite direction into the sector where the radius is centered. They will be escorting some infantry, and will be attacking from the southern flank. One platoon of infantry and their carrier guard this flank; the rest of the garrison is facing to the north, where their CO believed the attack would come from.

Player's group (in addition to players):
2 platoon foot rifle / loyal / green
2 tracked APC / loyal / regular

4 Scorpion light tank / loyal / regular
3 platoon foot rifle / loyal / regular
2 wheel APC / loyal / regular1 Light SRM carrier / loyal / green


"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Rogue Penetrator
Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2005 14:39    Post subject: RE: Mission Idea - While the Cat's Away..... Reply to topic Reply with quote

It looks like it might be fun.

"All it takes for evil to prevail is for good to do nothing."
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 16-Oct-2005 20:00    Post subject: Mission Idea #2 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Setup: Same as in previous mission - 2 to 4 light mechs with green pilots.

Situation: With the loss of the air base in the previous mission, the OPFOR units operating in the area were ultimately routed. They fled across a major river, in the process destroying all those bridges that they crossed. The few tanks they have with any anti-aircraft capability have been assigned an infantry escort and set up as a protective screen, effectively preventing the characters' faction from using fighters and VTOLs. Without a proper escort, the dropships and shuttles are in danger of being intercepted and shot down. In order to pursue the OPFOR, a land-based invasion is required.

The party will have their choice of the two missions.

Mission #1: Satelite recon has showed what could possibly be a fording site. All the party has to do is destroy the defenders and hold it until a bridgelayer can come.

1 * AC/2 carrier (regular / loyal)
1 * platoon - SRM, foot (regular / loyal)
2 * tracked APC (regular / loyal)

Mission #2: The OPFOR have secured a bridge that they were intending to use for a counter-offensive. If this bridge is taken, then not only will there be a clear path but the counter-offensive won't take place.

1 * light SRM carrier (regular / loyal)
2 * platoon - rifle, foot (regular / loyal)
2 * tracked APC (regular / loyal)
1 * GAL-100 Galleon tank (regular / loyal)

The course of the campaign will be affected by which mission the party chooses.

Mission 1 - This will not only allow for a ground incursion, but the loss of the AC/2 carrier will allow for limited air drop capability. However, once the OPFOR realizes that there has been an incursion then they will launch a counter-offensive across the bridge.

Mission 2 - The OPFOR does not have a bridgelayer of their own; without the bridge, they will have to have their engineers construct one if they wish the counter-offensive to take place. However, if the party's faction decides to use the bridge to launch the incursion then they will have no air support; they will stall out as they start hitting the pockets of scattered OPFOR.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 16-Oct-2005 20:27    Post subject: RE: Mission Idea #2 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Or how bout this? The players bomb/destroy the bridge before/while they are taking out the OPFOR at the Ford and cross there. While it does destroy very valuable infrastructure, it severly limits the OPFOR, and with the added benefit that it restores the benefit of air superiority.

not sure if this would even be possible. Are the PCs the only defenders left/around? but it sounds like they have some Air Support, so why couldn't they send that to blow the bridge, while they take out the OPFOR at the ford?

That's what I'd do if were the PCs. You can always rebuild a bridge. Plus if it is a ford, then it sounds like you don't need a bridge layer, unless of course it is still deep enough, so that only mechs can get across.

[ This Message was edited by: AlexxKnight on 2005-10-16 20:29 ]
Alexx Knight, Lance Sgt.
Command Company, Crimson Janissaries
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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 16-Oct-2005 22:27    Post subject: RE: Mission Idea #2 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I'd take the Bridge, then coordinate with allies to catch the ford location in a pincer attack. With light mechs you could probably catch the unit guarding that locale before they could escape.
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 16-Oct-2005 22:30    Post subject: RE: Mission Idea #2 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I'm not sure if I stated it, but the reason why the party is being sent on these missions is because their faction doesn't have very many mechs; the party is really the only element that they can allow to leave the capital city and the main HQ. Everything else has to be handled by infantry and conventional vehicle. That's why it's so important for the player's faction that some sort of bridge is in place for them to cross at.

If the party was smart, then they'd choose to capture / destroy the bridge. If the counter-offensive were allowed to roll through, then they'd have to fight their way past the OPFOR *and then* have to tangle with the bridge defenders, who by this time would have been re-inforced. And if the OPFOR had to try and built a bridge at that crossing, then the engineers involved would be an easy target for commandos or even the party itself.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 17-Oct-2005 00:10    Post subject: RE: Mission Idea #2 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Which is why I'd use what little air power the good guys have and knock out the bridge. Then they can deal with the enemy at their leisure so to speak. what kind of air power does the OPFOR have?

Alexx Knight, Lance Sgt.
Command Company, Crimson Janissaries
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. . . And you
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 04-Dec-2005 10:36    Post subject: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote

I'm bumping this thread up so that I don't start a new one.

Mission set-up:

Again, this is for 2-4 players, green to regular, piloting light mechs. It can be played out on any Chaos March world. This particular scenario would take place during a large-scale offensive.

After a skirmish with a number of lighter tanks, the battalion CO's Rommel has been crippled. The party (who had been in reserves in case of a counter-offensive) has been sent to protect the Rommel until a recovery unit can arrive in five minutes' time. However, the OPFOR has intercepted the broadcast and is sending a team of their own after the Rommel.

The Rommel starts in the center of the play area. The party enters from the south, while the OPFOR enters from the north.



1. Rommel - Elite / Fanatical.

Due to the recent combat, the Rommel's left tread has been destroyed. The left side has 25% of its original armor (round down); the other locations have 50% (round up). The Autocannon is out of ammo, and the LRM launcher is at half.

2. 2 * Peregrine VTOL - Veteran / Loyal.

These two Peregrines are the escort for the recovery unit. They are at full strength and have full ammo loads.

3. 1 * Karnov VTOL - Veteran / Loyal.

This is the Karnov that will recover the CO and his crew.

4. 1 * Karnov VTOL - Veteran / Loyal
1 * Platoon Infantry (foot / standard / MG) - Veteran / Loyal

The mission of this infantry platoon is to provide cover fire for the recovery Karnov.
5. 1 * Heavy Recovery Vehicle - Veteran / Loyal

This vehicle will recover the tank itself.


1. 2 * Warrior H7 VTOLs - Regular / Fanatical

They head up the team sent to finish off the tank.

2. 2 * Karnov - Regular / Fanatical
2 * Platoon infantry (foot / standard / SRM)
The primary mission of the infantry is to take the CO into custody. Failing that, they are to kill him.


Effect on game:

If the CO is captured or killed, then it will effectively decapitate his battalion until he can be replaced. With the battalion side-lined, the offensive is over.

If the CO can be recovered, the players can expect some sort of honor to be given to them.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 04-Dec-2005 21:17    Post subject: RE: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote

While I'm not totally familiar with the Pererine Helo, I think it sounds pretty balanced. The way I see it is that the helo's cance each other out, with the Warriors having the slight edge there. But then OPFOR has the 2 SRM Platoons to 1 Rifle Platoon. Then the Players have 1 lance(?) of Light mechs which depending on the type of mechs can tip the balance either way (this factor includes their state of repair, which I'm guess is close to if not 100% and how well they are quipped to deal with infantry and helos).

Overall It should be a good fight one that can go either way depending on luck and tatics. Let us know how it turns out. Also how did the other scenarios go?

Alexx Knight, Lance Sgt.
Command Company, Crimson Janissaries
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. . . And you
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Warhammer: 3025
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PostPosted: 04-Dec-2005 23:16    Post subject: RE: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote

If there's a Stinger or Locust among the friendly 'mechs, those infantry are completely screwed.

What we have is this:

two Peregrines vs two Warriors, and one MG infantry platoon vs two SRM infantry platoons. Fairly even forces (even though the SRM infantry outnumber the friendlies by 2-1, the MGs balance that out).

Then we add FOUR 'mechs on the friendly side. They will probably slaughter the infantry, and then shoot down/cripple the Warriors.

Oh, and we can't forget the Rommel tank. Even though it can't move, the turret still works. LRM fire can mess up those Warriors even more, and wreak havoc with those infantry.

EDIT: This actually comes off as kinda rude. I don't intend to be. Perhaps I missed something?

[ This Message was edited by: Warhammer: 3025 on 2005-12-04 23:32 ]
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 05-Dec-2005 07:58    Post subject: RE: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Actually, I create all of these missions out of boredom. Due to transportation issues, I can be stuck on campus anywhere from eight to eleven hours in a given day *at minimum*.

I word them to be generic so that people who want to use them for their own games can.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 05-Dec-2005 08:02    Post subject: RE: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Not sure if I said it, but the LRM rack is down to half of its ammo load-out.

Would that help matters?

Also, I noted that the rescue team won't arrive until five minutes (30 rounds or so) after the battle starts. So for that first while, it's the party and the Rommel against the OPFOR.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 05-Dec-2005 08:22    Post subject: RE: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-12-04 21:17, AlexxKnight wrote:
While I'm not totally familiar with the Pererine Helo, I think it sounds pretty balanced.

It has all of 2 external armor in all of its locations. I wouldn't use it; small arms fire can take it down, or a single medium laser. I consider it a suicide helicopter...

The Warrior Attack is a far better Heli, its faster and carries a couple more SRM rockets and has far more armor. I like the Warrior Heli, and I've taken down mechs with a pack of them. If the OpFor uses them correctly, they can wreck havoc. Depending on the designs/tech/weightclass of the character's mechs, they could lose a mech or have on crippled if they don't watch it.

I'd try it. It can go either way, depending on how you play it.

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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 05-Dec-2005 13:57    Post subject: RE: bumping the thrad up (idea #3) Reply to topic Reply with quote

That's why I selected the H7 - it has enough punch to threaten the party without requiring me to say they're facing an unrealistic number of them.

I also chose the Peregrines deliberately - the players *cannot* depend on them for back-up in case they get careless and get chewed up.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 29-Dec-2005 08:43    Post subject: Idea #4 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Set-up: 2-4 somewhat new players, each with a light mech. Playing field is a 2 * 2 map square. Players start near where two maps meet.

Situation: The players have been notified that they are to escort an emergency convoy of supplies to an outpost. Fortunately for them, it's dark so they'll have some cover. Unfortunately for them, the OPFOR has intercepted the communique and is sending an airborne assault team to intercept.

4 * cargo trucks (regular / loyal)

6 * Ferret VTOL (regular / loyal)
2 * Warrior H7 (regular / loyal)

Victory conditions: The players win if the OPFOR unit is destroyed or if the trucks are able to cross to the other side of the playing field. The OPFOR wins if all four trucks are destroyed or the party has been destroyed.

End result / punchline: The outpost ran into a batch of bad rations, and so most of the staff there have fallen ill. One truck contains replacement rations, and another contains medicine. The other two have toilet paper. If the players make it through, they will be asked to defend the outpost until everyone is capable. If they fail, then the survivors of the air assault team will lead a charge against the outpost.

"I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat." -Edgar Allen Poe"I knew there was something special about you, but I never realized you were really a cat." Wolfwood to a random cat (Trigun)
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