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Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 24-Jan-2005 18:08    Post subject: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ok, I'd like to see designs for a battlegroup.

Rules for this are as follows:

Tactical Group:
1 BattleShip or Heavy Cruiser
2 Light Cruisers and/or Frigates.
4 Destroyers/Corvettes.
Ability to field 3-6 Fighter Wings
Sufficient DropShip capacity to carry as much as a regiment of mechs, 2 regiments of vehicles, and a mixed support regiment of infantry, artillery, and supply troops.
Sufficient Cargo capacity to stay afield without resupply for a minimum of 6 months. (Allowed to have cargo JumpShips if you need extra dropship capacity.) Six months of supplys include 6 months of fuel for all ships travelling at 2/3 max speed (this is including a combat reserve), food/water, ammuntion (enough to refill each warships magazines 3 times), 10% spare parts for the ground combat regiments.

Strategic Group:
2 or 3 Tactical Groups with the addition of a Command Ship (Must be a BattleShip, can be one of the Tactical Groups' BattleShips if one is present).

I want a detailed story to go with this, including Captain and XO of every ship, including dropships. Don't forget the Admiral if you are doing a strategic group. Each ship must be named, and have a service record of at least the duration of the BattleGroups life.

If you use any custom ships, include their design specs.

I accidently posted this in wrong forum, could a mod please move it to design submissions. Thanks.

[ This Message was edited by: ralgith on 2005-01-24 18:15 ]
Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 11-Feb-2005 19:55    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ok, it seems like this was a bit misunderstood... so a little clarification:

The ERA for this is far far into the future (for mine I'm going a little more than 250 years..)

Also by service record I simply mean list any major events it has participated in.

A ships commanding officer if ALWAYS called the Captain, no matter his rank. For example in WW II destroyers and covettes were often enough captained by Lt. Commanders or Commanders instead of an actual Captain. In battletech this means that if an Admiral captains a ship, he IS the captain of the ship. In my group the Erian Hendvarden (Erian Hendvarden Class Nameship) is captained by Admiral Scott Hendvarden (great-great-grandson of the ship's namesake). He is also the strategic group's commanding Admiral.

The story I'm asking for is just a history of the fleet since it was commissioned AS a fleet. It needs to be detailed, but not so much that its a story that would fit in the Fiction forum (though I may or may not create a story in that forum for my own group....)

Anyways, hope that clears things up.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 13-Feb-2005 01:48    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

You want a standing fleet? I was doing a fleet brought together for a specific task. Not just thrown together of course; but not a standing fleet either. Just put together for the objective, given a couple months to train, and sent off.

And a few questions. First, my Aerotech doings are similar to Vagabond's - that is, without the benefit of the actual AT2 book. So how would I go about calculating spare parts for several RCTs? And specifying the cargo of DropShips? Second, do you really want me to fluff down to the DropShip level? I can do every WarShip, I can do the major fighter pilots. But JumpShips and DropShips?

Oh. I just reread. You say a regiment of 'Mechs. Well, I plan to pack three or four. We're going to Luthien. (Shhh... Don't tell Lord Kurita.) Which is why I'm reluctant to fluff them all. A good twenty to twenty-five total regiments and their transport.

"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close semblance to the first."
- Attributed to General Aleksandr Kerensky
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 13-Feb-2005 09:48    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

I'm only fluffing the WarShips, and if they were just brought together it just wont have a long history

As for cargo capacity on dropships thats all available in HM Aero if you open the dropship. However I'm not even detailing exactly what dropships I have, just how many over all (which is a huge number). My fleet has 5 full RCTs with it, but it's a strategic fleet also... As for the spare parts and such, just use 10% of mass (if not using specified regiments just figure out overall tonnage by any method you think is appropriate. Don't forget spare parts for the DropShips, AeroFighters, and Vehicles as well as the mechs though.

Have fun, any more questions hit me with em.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Warhammer: 3025
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PostPosted: 13-Feb-2005 10:21    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10 and hot dog buns come in packages of 8?
Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

Ya Rl'yeh!
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 13-Feb-2005 15:51    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-02-13 10:21, Warhammer: 3025 wrote:
Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10 and hot dog buns come in packages of 8?

Methinks my funny friend here is a mite bit too literal minded sometimes... on purpose of course

As for why? I don't know, I thought in this day and age we had gotten over such things. I know in my home in the Federated Suns portion of the Federated Commonwealth... well we have anyways.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 16-Feb-2005 19:57    Post subject: My Strategic BattleGroup Reply to topic Reply with quote

3rd FedCom Strategic BattleGroup (SG = Strategic Group, TG = Tactical Group,
CO = Commanding Officer [ALWAYS called the Captain abord ship, no matter the rank!!], XO = Executive Officer)
1st FedCom Tactical BattleGroup
Erian Hendvarden - FCS Erian Hendvarden CO (SG and TG CO): Admiral Scott Hendvarden, XO: Captain Lucifer Dergonnes, Crew: 2/2
-Avalon - FCS Avalon II CO (TG XO): Major Christiana Smith, XO: Commander Henry Forsythe, Crew: 4/2
-Avalon - FCS Robert Davion CO: Captain Harold Jorgensen, XO: Commander Sven Underen, Crew: 3/3
--Lola III - FCS Duchess CO: Captain Roger Deltente, XO: Commander Steven Sorensen, Crew: 4/5
--Essex - FCS Seraphim CO: Captain Susan Redmond, XO: Commander Fonda Borodec, Crew: 2/4
--Gorgon - FCS Gorgon CO: Commander Hank Grosswiler, XO: Lt. Commander Rupert Strous, Crew:
--Gorgon - FCS Admiral Simone Kell CO: Captain Richie Area, XO: Lt. Commander Mac Gandrud, Crew:

9th FedCom Tactical BattleGroup
Kirishima - FCS Prince Ian Davion CO (SG XO, TG CO): Vice Admiral Logan McGregor, XO: Major Ted Stolte, Crew:
-Congress - FCS Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion CO (TG XO): Captain Lexa Johannesburg, XO:, Crew: 4/5
-Eagle - FCS Devil's Maul CO: Captain Alyssa Fox, XO: Commander Hank Filpus, Crew: 4/5
--Essex - FCS Hallucination CO: Commander Norene Valdo, XO: Lt. Commander Golda Siar, Crew:
--Fox - FCS Kathil CO: Lt. Commander Hank Revelo, XO: Lt. Mathew Deeds, Crew:
--Lancer - FCS Lancer CO: Lt. Commander Allan Scogin, XO: Lt. Kurt Gade, Crew:
--Lancer - FCS Savage Nicholas CO: Commander Roxie Mayton, XO: Lt. Commander Guy Nishida, Crew:

7th FedCom Tactical BattleGroup
Kirishima - FCS Prince Hanse Davion CO (TG CO): Rear Admiral Eric Tumbles, XO: Major Nannie Marshal, Crew:
-Aegis - FCS Immortal Quasar CO: Captain Derian Davion, XO: Commander Lonnie Gong, Crew: 4/4
-Eagle - FCS High Heir CO (TG XO): Major Samuel "Sammy Boy" Feldar, XO: Captain Darcy Verner, Crew: 4/5
--Essex - FCS Millenium CO: Captain Lance Nesby, XO: Commander Kathrine Laperle, Crew:
--Fox - FCS Admiral Corinne Donnings CO:, XO: Lt. Commander Corinne Donnings 3rd, Crew:
--Lancer - FCS Trader Dustin CO: Commander Jamie Gotcher, XO: Lt. Commander Hugh Zahm, Crew:
--Lancer - FCS Youthful Shawn CO: Lt. Commander Sung Garitty, XO: Lt. Brice Sardo, Crew:

Support Craft - Commanded by: Commodore Darren Bellefeuille
14 IPV-1 System Patrol Craft
10 Assorted JumpShips
272 DropShips
18 Fighter Wings
5 Full Regimental Combat Teams
1 Cassanova Fleet Tanker

History and Deployment
The Federated Commonwealth 3rd Fleet (3rd Strategic BattleGroup) was commissioned in mid 3247. To date (April 3251)
the 3rd Fleet has participated in 2 major conflicts, the FedCom/Draconis Offensive against the Second Word Of Blake
Uprising, and a Battle with Liao naval assets when Sun Tzu Liao the 3rd attacked Kittery during the Liao War of 3248.
The fleet was also instrumental in removing the line of Sun Tzu Liao from power earlier this year, as it was one of
seven allied fleets that poised over Sian while the decendants of Kai Allard-Liao removed their cousin from power for
the betterment of the Liao people, as life under Sun Tzu Liao the 3rd was grim, as he recessed into the madness that
was a major fault of his bloodline. Both of these major battles where either authorized by the Star League Council
(FedCom/Draconis Offensive), or as part of an SLDF taskforce (the Liao War of 3248).

During the 3rd Fleet's lifetime 2 of it's ships have been lost, the Essex Class FCS Admiral Henry Accord, and the
Lancer Class FCS Trader Alexander. Both of these ships were lost in the 3248 battle during the Liao War, taken down
by the Liao Flagship, and a Feng Huang respectively. During the FedCom/Draconis Offensive in 3249/3250 several ships
were severely damaged and required almost a year in spacedock for repairs. These included the Erian Hendvarden, which
was the most heavily damaged and was in spacedock from January 3250 to November 3250.

The 3rd Fleet is scheduled for temporary decomissioning in August of this year (3251) due to the age of most of it's
ships. The Erian Hendvarden is almost 200 years old; and some of the other ships, such as the Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion
are from the original Star League and thus are somewhere around 500 years old. Even the extensive periods of dissuse,
and the many refits most of these ships have undergone, they are just far too aged compared to more modern ships.

The 3rd Fleet is based in the general are of Tikinov, and generally operates at the Tactical Level, which means each of
the 3 Tactical BattleGroups comprising the 3rd Fleet operate independently and in different regions. However when needed
they all assembles at Tikinov, or an action spot where they entire Fleet is needed.

Thanks go out to all the Name Generators I used when my own creativity ran dry
(after about half the ships and 1/4 the officers)
Mordel for creating this kick a** site!
And Karagin for the inspiration to take shipbuilding into a different tangent.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 16-Feb-2005 20:48    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

Interesting. Do you mind if I use this as a sort of template, ralgith?

And two questions. First, could you post the address of this name generator? It sounds useful. And second, a timeline question. Are you assuming that the Civil War never happened?

"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close semblance to the first."
- Attributed to General Aleksandr Kerensky
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 16-Feb-2005 21:03    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

Yes, you can use the template.
I'd give ya the NameGen except I'm still using it and it's only got so many names to spit out. I still need names for all the members of my Shrike's Talons merc unit and such, sorry on that score tho I'll PM you some other name gens I've found useful.
Lastly, yes the civil war happend, but the Federated Suns portion of the Commonwealth remained the Federated Commonwealth, while the Lyran half remained the Lyran Alliance. Also Skye finally seperated, if you want I'll give you a list of the worlds that make up the Skye Republic.

Oh, heck, may as well do it right now I'll make a new post in the General Discussion area, look for it.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 17-Feb-2005 16:09    Post subject: RE: Design Contest: BattleGroup - Tactical or Strategic Reply to topic Reply with quote

Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
If ignorance is bliss, then why are you so miserable?
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 22-Feb-2005 17:43    Post subject: RE: My Strategic BattleGroup Reply to topic Reply with quote

Yet another question, ralgith. How did you figure the number of DropShips?

"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close semblance to the first."
- Attributed to General Aleksandr Kerensky
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 22-Feb-2005 20:16    Post subject: RE: My Strategic BattleGroup Reply to topic Reply with quote

Calculated the tonnage needed to meet 110% of the minimum supplies I stated in my original post, and just started rolling random DropShips. If it wasn't a cargo hauler, I rerolled. Then I added the DS for the RCTs, once I had the cargo tonnage meet.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 12-Mar-2005 11:15    Post subject: Poke!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Pokes StarRaven in the side*

Hehehehe, wheres your group pokie?

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 12-Mar-2005 14:05    Post subject: RE: Poke!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-03-12 11:15, ralgith wrote:
*Pokes StarRaven in the side*

Hehehehe, wheres your group pokie?

Languishing. Don't worry, I've not forgotten. I just got to spring break, so I'll have some real time to work on this, as well as the TDB TRO thing.

But thanks for the reminder. ::opens file::

And a question. Should I be considering the group size as only a minimum, or as both a minimum and a maximum?

[ This Message was edited by: StarRaven on 2005-03-12 14:06 ]
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close semblance to the first."
- Attributed to General Aleksandr Kerensky
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 12-Mar-2005 17:21    Post subject: RE: Poke!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

As a minimum mostly. However substitutions are ok also, so if you want 1 MORE Light Cruiser and 1 LESS Destroyer go for it . I'm not that picky, but I tried to make it realistic w/out going overboard on number of ships. Like modern naval fleets could be much much bigger, some with as many as 20 destroyers during wartime conditions. In BT sense thats gonna cost some huge c-bills though.

Colonel Ralgith t'Mayasara
Blighted Sun Battalion
1st Company 'Ralgith's Renegades'

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