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C3 Vehicles
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Warhammer: 3025
Captain, AFFC (Ret.)
Captain, AFFC (Ret.)

Joined: 29-Jan-2005 00:00
Posts: 1856

PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 03:19    Post subject: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote

I noticed a strange dearth of C3-equipped vehicles since, theoretically, vehicles are in a prime position to maximize on the capabilities of a C3 network (almost all of them specialize in either short- or long-range attacks, and many of the lighter ones have the speed to dash in, spot for friendlies, and then dash out in the next turn.

Type/Model:    C3 Master Vehicle 
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          55 tons
Power Plant:   220 Various I.C.E.
Cruise Speed:  43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Armor Type:    Various Standard
  2 C³ Master Computers
Manufacturer:  Various
  Location:    Various
Communications System:  Various
Targeting & Tracking System:  Various

Type/Model:    C3 Master Vehicle 
Mass:          55 tons
Construction Options:  Fractional Accounting

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  24 pts Standard               0      5.50
Engine:        220 I.C.E.                    0     20.00
    Cruise MP:   4
     Flank MP:   6
Heat Sinks:      0 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      2.75
Crew: 4 Members                              0       .00
Amphibious Drive Equipment:                  0      5.50
Armor Factor:   68 pts Standard              0      4.25

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     6         25 
   Left / Right Sides:        6      16/16 
   Rear:                      6         11 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
1 C³ Master Computer     Body     0          1      5.00
1 C³ Master Computer     Body     0          1      5.00
1 Advanced Mobile HQ     Rear                1      7.00
TOTALS:                           0          4     55.00
Items & Tons Left:                          12       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        5,350,083 C-Bills
Battle Value:      86
Cost per BV:       62,210.27
Weapon Value:      0 / 0 (Ratio = .00 / .00)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 0;  MRDmg = 0;  LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 3
                   Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GM;  Point Value: 1
                   Specials: c3m, c3m, hq

Type/Model:    Demolisher II Heavy Tank (C3) 
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 2, Standard design

Mass:          100 tons
Power Plant:   300 Vlar Fusion
Cruise Speed:  32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Armor Type:    StarSlab/6 Ferro-Fibrous
  1 Defiance Disintegrator LB 20-X AC 
  1 LB 20-X AC 
  2 Coventry Light Autogun Machine Guns
  1 C³ Slave Unit 
Manufacturer:  Defiance Industries of Hesperus II
  Location:    Hesperus II
Communications System:  Niel 9000
Targeting & Tracking System:  Angst Clear View 2A

     When the Jade Falcons captured the original Demolisher factory on Sudeten
during the Clan invasion, the Federated Commonwealth solicited bids for a new
urban combat vehicle. The Typhoon urban assault vehicle began production in
early 3057, with the majority shipping to Davion Guards units. Consequently,
when Katrina Steiner issued her recall to all Lyran troops following the
Marik-Liao invasion of the Sarna March, almost no Typhoon vehicles remained in
Lyran Alliance hands. The Lyran Alliance Armed Forces asked Defiance
Industries of Hesperus II to create a new assault vehicle whose capabilities
would exceed the Typhoon's. The Demolisher II Heavy Tank is a direct result of
that effort.

     The showcase weapons of the Demolisher II Heavy Tank are the new Defiance
Disintegrator LB 20-X autocannon and Defiance Thunder Ultra AC/20 autocannon.
With their traditional love of large-bore weaponry, the LAAF devoted
considerable time and resources into replicating the Clans' largest
autocannons. Though the Disintegrator autocannon had been in production in the
Lyran Alliance for years, Lyran scientists seemed unable to bridge the gap
between the two weapon types. The final breakthrough came when Imperator
Weaponries of Atreus in the Free Worlds League began production of its
Ultra-10 autocannon, which it was willing to sell to anyone. Shortly
afterward, the Lyran Alliance began field-testing its new large-bore
     The original Demolisher was created to concentrate the devastating
firepower of twin Type-20 autocannons in one vehicle. However, the new LB-X
and Ultra versions of those weapons increase the usefulness and fearsomeness
of the Demolisher II. As with the original Demolisher, both these weapon
systems are mounted in a turret. Almost as an afterthought, twin machine guns
are fixed in the front firing arc as an anti-infantry deterrent.

     The Demolisher II began full production in late 3059, only months after
Operation Bulldog concluded. Currently, under direct orders from the Lyran
Alliance, Defiance Industries of Hesperus II has refused all orders for this
new assault vehicle outside of the Lyran Alliance.

Type/Model:    Demolisher II Heavy Tank (C3) 
Mass:          100 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  50 pts Standard               0     10.00
Engine:        300 Fusion                    0     19.00
Shielding & Transmission Equipment:          0      9.50
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      5.00
Crew: 7 Members                              0       .00
Turret Equipment:                            0      3.00
Armor Factor:  260 pts Ferro-Fibrous         2     14.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                    10         55 
   Left / Right Sides:       10      54/54 
   Rear:                     10         42 
   Turret:                   10         55 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
1 LB 20-X AC             Turret   0   20     2     18.00
1 LB 20-X AC             Turret   0   20     1     18.00
2 Machine Guns           Front    0  100     3      1.50
1 C³ Slave Unit          Body     0          1      1.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment     Body                1       .50
TOTALS:                           0         10    100.00
Items & Tons Left:                          15       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        8,251,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      974  (+169 for C³)
Cost per BV:       8,471.25
Weapon Value:      1,103 / 1,103 (Ratio = 1.13 / 1.13)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 35;  MRDmg = 14;  LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 10
                   Damage PB/M/L: 4/4/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GA;  Point Value: 10
                   Specials: c3s

Type/Model:    Schrek PPC Carrier (C3) 
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 2-FA, Standard design

Mass:          80 tons
Power Plant:   240 GoreTex Fusion
Cruise Speed:  32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Armor Type:    ArcShield VII Mk 5 Ferro-Fibrous
  2 PPCs
  1 ER Large Laser 
  1 C³ Slave Unit 
Manufacturer:  Aldis Industries
  Location:    Terra
Communications System:  Olmstead 3000
Targeting & Tracking System:  Omicron IX

     For many years, both enemy vehicles and 'Mechs considered the Demolisher
to be one of the most awesome heavy tanks on the battlefield. The Demolisher's
main guns had the side effect of generating unbearable amounts of heat,
however, requiring its crew to wear specially designed coolant suits. Even the
coolant suits could not protect the crewmen during a sustained fire fight, and
they would die either from the super-hot temperatures or the inability to
continue fighting.
     Ten years and hundreds of coolant suits later, Aldis Industries announced
that they had developed a vehicle comparable in size and firepower to the
Demolisher, but without the heat problems. This vehicle was the Schrek PPC
     Utilizing the latest innovations in particle projector technology, the
Schrek is capable of literally vaporizing the armor off of any 'Mech with one
shot. However, many potential buyers are put off by the cost and the use of a
viable fusion power plant. Many argue that they can purchase a much more
effective 'Mech for the price. Only time will prove the commercial viability
of this deadly vehicle.

     On the battlefield, the Schrek's main function is to act as long-range
heavy fire support to vehicles and 'Mechs. Its three HellStar PPCs allow the
vehicle to engage and destroy practically any unit in combat. Light 'Mechs may
be able to close with the Schrek, but one hit from its PPCs can usually
disable or kill anything under 20 tons. The heavier 'Mechs do not have the
speed to engage the Schrek before its PPCs cause major damage. The greatest
threat to the Schrek are medium 'Mechs, for they combine both speed and
     The Schrek's fusion plant has given the Aldis sales force some unexpected
problems. Currently, there are very few combat vehicles using fusion power
plants. Consequently most of the Techs assigned to vehicle units are trained
to maintain conventional internal combustion engines. While the Techs were
supposedly retrained, many Schreks started to break down as the result of
improper maintenance on their engines. Aldis has responded by offering a free
training program to anyone who purchases ten or more vehicles. However, the
response to this program has not been as favorable as expected.
     One advantage of the Schrek over the Demolisher is that the Schrek was
built mainly for defilade fire, or fire from prepared, hidden emplacements.
The Schrek's high-angle, sloped armor and low profile make it a difficult
target to spot and destroy. In addition, the Schrek's two treads create less
ground pressure than the Demolisher's four, allowing it to move over softer
     The Schrek's greatest limitation is its lack of close-range attack
capability. The PPC has difficulties concentrating a particle stream at ranges
of less than 120 meters, and so the Schrek must avoid closing with the enemy.
When it is in a favorable battle position, however, the vehicle's heavily
armored turret and front slope give it the protection needed to fight well.

==Battle History:==
     On one occasion, an undisclosed invader attacked Butte Hold, home world
of Periphery Bandit King Redjack Ryan. While Ryan and his troops were away
from the planet, the unknown attackers began to raid several outposts. Once
they had stolen enough of Ryan's equipment and supplies, they set up a
semi-permanent campsite jug outside a major city. It was obvious to the city
forces that an attack was being prepared.
     Fortunately, the city defense force had acquired several Schreks, and so
they were not totally unprepared. After a day of setting up dug-in firing
positions for the Schreks and other vehicles still in working order, the
defenders believed they could hold out until Ryan's return.
     The invader's force consisted mostly of light and medium 'Mechs, but also
included several AeroSpace Fighters. Though the attack began as an attempt to
overwhelm the city defenders, the five Schreks had totally decimated the enemy
units within a half an hour. This included the Cyclops piloted by the enemy
leader. Within five minutes of the start of the attack, the concentrated
firepower of the Schreks had reduced the assault 'Mech to a slag heap.

     There have been very few variants of the Schrek over the years.
Sometimes, however, troops do mount the Schrek with external machine guns or
small lasers if they believe that a small enemy raiding force may be near, but
even this is rare.

==Notable Vehicles & Crew:==
Frederick "Sniper" Jones
     A private in Halsten's Brigade, a heavy armor unit, Jones has earned his
title of "Sniper" by never missing a critical shot when it is needed most. On
several occasions, the Brigade was called on for defensive firepower against
an overwhelming 'Mech force, but Jones has never failed to pick out a
commander and to kill him with a lucky triple PPC shot to the head.

Type/Model:    Schrek PPC Carrier (C3) 
Mass:          80 tons
Construction Options:  Fractional Accounting

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  40 pts Standard               0      8.00
Engine:        240 Fusion                    0     11.50
Shielding & Transmission Equipment:          0      5.75
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:     32 Single                    0     22.00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      4.00
Crew: 6 Members                              0       .00
Turret Equipment:                            0      1.90
Armor Factor:  116 pts Ferro-Fibrous         2      6.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     8         35 
   Left / Right Sides:        8      23/23 
   Rear:                      8         16 
   Turret:                    8         19 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
2 PPCs                   Turret  20          2     14.00
1 ER Large Laser         Turret  12          1      5.00
1 C³ Slave Unit          Body     0          1      1.00
TOTALS:                          32          6     79.65
Items & Tons Left:                          15       .35

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        4,380,300 C-Bills
Battle Value:      646  (+180 for C³)
Cost per BV:       6,780.65
Weapon Value:      647 / 647 (Ratio = 1.00 / 1.00)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 23;  MRDmg = 18;  LRDmg = 7
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 5
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/3/3,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GA;  Point Value: 6
                   Specials: c3s

Type/Model:    Von Luckner Heavy Tank (C3) VNL-K75N
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 2, Standard design

Mass:          75 tons
Power Plant:   225 VOX Fusion
Cruise Speed:  32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Armor Type:    Ferro-Fibrous
  1 Ultra AC/20 
  1 Holly SRM 6 
  2 Medium Lasers
  1 MRM 20 
  2 Ramsey Machine Guns
  1 C³ Slave Unit 
Manufacturer:  HartfordCo Industries
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  O/P 300
Targeting & Tracking System:  O/P GRNDSTAT 50A

     After the Reunification War, Star League military commanders asked
several contractors to design a heavy tank. HartfordCo Industries answered the
call with the VNL-K65N Von Luckner, named after the famous twentieth-century
Terran raider, Count Felix von Luckner.
     The tank was designed as a BattleMech without legs. It weighs 75 tons,
more than many 'Mechs. The Von Luckner is one of the few vehicles still driven
by a fusion reactor, as most reactors have been stripped from vehicles for use
in 'Mechs.
     Only a few Von Luckners remain in service. Like the larger Demolisher
tank, they are deadly foes against light BattleMechs.

     The VNL-K65N provides ample firepower and supports a great deal of armor
to protect its delicate systems. Its fusion power plant gives it a very long
range, making it deadly in combat against most 'Mechs. It carries an Armstrong
AC/20, considered one of the most accurate autocannons of its class.
     The Von Luckner's indirect weapons and missile systems are also
impressive. Two Holly SRM-6 racks on the turret provide right and left firing
capability when the turret is facing forward. Holly Armaments also included an
LRM-10 rack mounted high on the tank's rear. This system acts as a turret
mount, as it can be rotated to a certain extent. Finally, a Dannel SRM-4 rack
is mounted on the front of the turret just to the right of the autocannon.
     For close-in weapons, the Von Luckner supports a Ramsey machine gun
mounted in the front turret. Though the Ramsey has a tendency to jam, a single
Firestorm flamer on the front of the tank fills the gap well enough when
     Though its armor and weapons might seem to make the Von Luckner
unstoppable, the tank's weakness is the enormous amount of ammunition it must
carry to support its missile systems. Most reloads are stored in the lower
portion of the tank rather than in the turret, and so a fire or an internal
critical hit can cause devastating explosions in the Von Luckner. The tank
also has problems with its ammunition reloading system, which jams from time
to time.
     The four-person crew of the Von Luckner tank has its hands full during
combat. One man drives the tank, and a second crew member is in charge of the
ammunition reloading systems and the engine. A third acts as the turret/fire
control officer, coordinating the turret with the O/P targeting and tracking
system. The fourth crew member is the turret gunnery officer, who works
closely with the turret fire control officer.

     House Davion is known to have several experimental versions of the Von
Luckner in its armies. Once of these, the VNL-K100, has fewer missile
deliverey systems than the standard but carries an Armstrong AC/20 with an
updated targeting and tracking system.

     Only a few Von Luckners are still in service. Many were cannibalized for
BattleMech spare parts: House Liao, for example, has stripped all its Von
Luckners for parts. The other Great Houses have a few VNL-K65Ns serving with
front-line troops. Many of these tanks proved their worth on such far-flung
worlds as Wing, Proserpina, Bryant, Tannil, Danais, and Tybalt.
     A famous battle involving Von Luckner tanks took place in 2859, when
House Davion launched an attack on the Kurita-held world of Saffell. Kurita
had no 'Mech units on the planet, and so they had to rely on their tanks and
infantry. The 3600th Heavy Armored Company, consisting of a few Von Luckners,
led the counterattack.
     The Davion invasion force received reports of tanks moving along their
western front through the forests. Mistakenly believing the tank forces a
minor threat, they sent only one light company to hold them back. The light
lances found themselves trapped by fire from the Von Luckners, and the heavy
tanks destroyed the company to the last 'Mech.
     Several Von Luckners were stationed on the Commonwealth world of Aubisson
to cover House Steiner's retreat before Draconis Combine forces in 2989.
Though most historians viewed the loss of the Von Luckners as a senseless
waste, the tank battle bought time for the Steiner forces to regroup. By all
accounts, the heavy tanks inflicted severe damage on the Kurita troops.
     In 3017, Redjack Ryan led a raid for water on the world of Icar in the
Lyran Commonwealth. The raid turned into a disaster for Ryan's forces when
several Von Luckners emerged and shelled Ryan's 'Mechs. Many of the 'Mechs
were crippled, and Ryan was eventually forced to retreat with nothing gained.

Type/Model:    Von Luckner Heavy Tank (C3) VNL-K75N
Mass:          75 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  40 pts Standard               0      7.50
Engine:        225 Fusion                    0     10.00
Shielding & Transmission Equipment:          0      5.00
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      4.00
Crew: 5 Members                              0       .00
Turret Equipment:                            0      2.00
Armor Factor:  179 pts Ferro-Fibrous         2     10.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     8         43 
   Left / Right Sides:        8      30/30 
   Rear:                      8         30 
   Turret:                    8         46 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
1 Ultra AC/20            Turret   0   20     2     19.00
1 SRM 6                  Turret   0   15     2      4.00
2 Medium Lasers          Turret   6          2      2.00
1 MRM 20                 Front    0   24     2      9.00
2 Machine Guns           Front    0  100     3      1.50
1 C³ Slave Unit          Body     0          1      1.00
TOTALS:                           6         14     75.00
Items & Tons Left:                           6       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        4,536,875 C-Bills
Battle Value:      910  (+194 for C³)
Cost per BV:       4,985.58
Weapon Value:      913 / 913 (Ratio = 1.00 / 1.00)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 46;  MRDmg = 11;  LRDmg = 1
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 7
                   Damage PB/M/L: 6/5/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GH;  Point Value: 9
                   Specials: c3s

[ This Message was edited by: Warhammer: 3025 on 2005-09-19 03:20 ]
Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

Ya Rl'yeh!
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 05:34    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote

very good point. but with armor you have to look at the enviorment. and C3 is a unit item so.

Say take those PPC carriers and pop in a fast little guy maybe even a vtol?

for city I would thing along the same likes with the Demol or maybe srm carryers...
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 08:42    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote

C3 master vehicle is very lightly armored, for it's importance as company command.

As spotter VTOL, maybe sprint C3 variant.

My C3 master carrier (a bit old and made without much thinking)

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Warhammer: 3025
Captain, AFFC (Ret.)
Captain, AFFC (Ret.)

Joined: 29-Jan-2005 00:00
Posts: 1856

PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 08:46    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-09-19 08:42, Sleeping Dragon wrote:
C3 master vehicle is very lightly armored, for it's importance as company command.

Which is exactly why it should be hidden away from enemy guns. Probably on a hilltop somewhere (with a good view of the battle), beneath some camo tarps.

[ This Message was edited by: Warhammer: 3025 on 2005-09-19 08:46 ]
Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

Ya Rl'yeh!
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 09:14    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote

Even with that it doesn't seem easy to use and this won't work forever. In defensive operations it may be used this way, but I think that first trap, or counterattack on unit equipped with this vehicle would mean losing it. As C3 master it's prime target, slow and lightly armored prime target.

[ This Message was edited by: Sleeping Dragon on 2005-09-19 09:17 ]
The dragon NEVER sleeps!
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 11:12    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote


2 with light gauss rifles, 1 with command equipment and the last a ultrafast one with heavy protection and crazy close in weapons (srms infernos, flamers, iNarc with haywire etc....)

"My job is to keep the majority of people in this country alive. That's it. If fifty-one percent eat a meal tomorrow and forty-nine percent don't, I've done my job." - The Beast (AKA The President), Transmetropolitan
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 12:31    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote

A good idea. I've done a few C3 configs for my hover-OmniTank, but nothing else for vehicles. I especially like the Demolisher.

I don't like the C3 command tank at all. Slow, unarmed, and lightly armored are not a good combination for something important. Hiding it may be a good idea, but arming it would be better. Otherwise it can be easily destroyed by any lucky light 'Mech, tank, or VTOL. And it might well get left behind in a retreat. Lack of ECM makes it harder to hide, too.

"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close semblance to the first."
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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 12:39    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-09-19 12:31, StarRaven wrote:
I don't like the C3 command tank at all. Slow, unarmed, and lightly armored are not a good combination for something important. Hiding it may be a good idea, but arming it would be better.

Or using something else as the command vehicle? Like a VTOL?

A Yellowjacket that dumps the Gauss for two C3 Masters can pack a LB-2X with one ton of ammo. Engaging at a range of 27 hexes sounds about right for a command vehicle.

A tree fall in the forest, and no one is around, and it hits a mime. Does anyone care?
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 19-Sep-2005 18:11    Post subject: RE: C3 Vehicles Reply to topic Reply with quote

The Command vehicle, like a mobile HQ should be lightly to unarmed. You do not want hostiles firing at it and eliminating your command staff. Rather let them capture it and ransom them back. It's costly but it keeps them alive.

If ignorance is bliss, then why are you so miserable?
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