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Most Extreme Gaming Moment
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Warhammer: 3025
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PostPosted: 10-May-2005 04:22    Post subject: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

What's the most extreme gaming moment you've ever had? By "extreme" I mean...well, anything. Funny, scary, frustrating...anything.

My most extreme moment came when I first played Soldier of Fortune II. Before that, the most recent shooter I'd played was Ultimate Doom (yes, my computer remained utterly pathetic for THAT long). After I shot the first guy in the head, I screamed, "OH MY GOD! HIS BRAIN! I CAN SEE HIS BRAIN!"

The neighbors called the cops...

Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

Ya Rl'yeh!
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 10-May-2005 05:23    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

Mine was on Far Cry. A massively underrated and beautiful game in my opinion.

I was at the point where you had been captured and thrown on the island with all the Trygents. Walking through a jungle with only 10 rounds in an M4. Those things are like monkeys crossed with raptors.
Saw something flicker ahead of me. I nervously clicked the trigger. Big mistake. Swarms of the little buggers skulked out of the Jungle! I turned and ran, randomly through the forest. Just as one was about to kill me, i picked up a new gun from a dead merc, swung round and filled him up with bullets about two inches from my face

The game has great atmosphere. Try playing it on headphones, it really makes a difference. You really live through it then.

Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them-Seneca
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Royal Black Watch Regiment
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PostPosted: 14-May-2005 21:11    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

I've had a few interesting oevents occur.

Best Timing: Playing Halflife, just got through a rather creepy part (can't remember which, but one where you get increasingly paranoid). I just got through it, to the relative safety of knowing exactly what's trying to kill me, when the phone rang. Two seconds earlier, and I would have jumped out the nearest window (not good when the computer room is on the second story).

Most Impressive: Playing Starsiege Tribes, did a strafing run on a sensor tower. How I do strafing runs is to fly at it in a straight line, guns blazing, and deliver the final blow in a great kamikaze explosion. Well, I took out the sensor, and my battered, burnt, and bruised corpse flew through the air for a solid minute, then slide for another 30 seconds.

Scariest: Roleplaying Beyond the Supernatural (contemporary horror) at a friends house. A combination of events (strong man lighting lamp, mage sensing evil, my character taking picture with ghost-sensing gear) culminated in the GM giving a vivid description of 200 spectral beings reaching out towards the camera. Don't know why (could be that my back was to the patio door, and it was around 11 pm), but I got the willies big time.

Best Shot Ever: Inner Sphere vs Clan CBT game. A Pheonix Hawk LAM rose from a river, took two steps forward, and got it's head shot off by my PPC from the other side of the map.

All fear Squiggy!

"I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy - okay, give me the bomb." - Ultra Magnus
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 14-May-2005 22:04    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

The most amazing thing I have ever seen didn't happen to me, it happened to an "enemy" player and Hardware's dice.

We were playing an event that was on an ice planet and every missile that hit a mech shattered doing no damage. We finally figured out to vent heat into our ammo bins to heat up the ammo and cause the missiles to hit normal.

One of the guys on the other team figured it out and asked the GM what he needed to do to get it to work, and the Gm said "2d6, 3 or better". The guy grabs Hardware's dice as his were on the other side of the table and just before he rolled them asked Hardware if it was OK to roll them. Hardware said "sure" and the guy tossed them pretty high into the air, and as they reached their apex Hardware added, "Oh, by the way, those dice are cursed".

The guy actually tried to bat the dice out of the air and missed, and they fell about 4' onto the table and didn't guess it....snake-eyes.


Hardware began the hearty laugh he has and all he could manage to get out of his mouth was "I told you, I told you"

The look on the guy's face was priceless.

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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 17-May-2005 22:23    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

That reminds me of a battle of mine. The uller pilot is my hero. Very strange, super lucky.

My Lance: 1 Awesome ,1 Uziel, 1 Enforcer III, 1 Uller A
(We rolled for weight, I rolled badly)

Opponents Lance: 1 Atlas, 1 Emperor, 1 Hunchback IIC, 1 Hellhound.

Rounds 1-5: All units advance.

Round 6: Uller is at long range with gauss to Atlas. Fires. Decapitates Atlas


Round 7: Enforcer blows the !$%^ outta uller. It still stands.

Round 8: Uller returns the favor and decapitates the Enforcer.

Opponent: :evil : WHAT THE !$%@

20 rounds latter: Uller is sole standing mech. By 1 armor point in the CT.

My 'friend' was very very pissed off at that little uller.
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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 17-May-2005 22:48    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

I had a 200-D Hussar in a city fight. It was part of my scout lance that had the unfortunate luck of running into a medium-heavy star of clan second line mechs. In the opening salvo, my scout lance, save for that Hussar was killed outright. The Hussar proceeded to turn and run back into the city, and conduct hit and run strikes on the clanners.
The clan player was absolutely when I managed to take down three of his mechs with -one- HSR 200-D.

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 18-May-2005 21:35    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well I have a few, both involving Hardware also.

One was a looooonnnngggg time ago, at a D&D table. My bro was DMing and he had spent untold hours photocoping 25mm buidings..assembling them...hand painting them..and creating an entire modular village. Well, things weren't going well that night, I don't remember the details but Hardware and I were pretty much screwing his campaign when he totally freaked! He tossed parts of the village on the floor and starts doing the Godzilla on them! Crushing them flat while cursing like a madman! Holy Cola-Nacho overdose Batman!

Then there was the time when we were playing Marvel Superheros RPG. My bro and Hardware were playing Heroes from a team (Comic) that we had created back in the 70's. There had been a pattern in a lot of the recently played games of all genres where characters were getting cacked by misfires and stray shots. I'm running the campaign and Hardware's hero tries to blast a villain and of course misses. I rule that since it was close quarters he needs to see where the shot scatters, and of course it slams my bro's hero right in the back! We all bust out laughing and due once again to cola/nacho overload and a lack of oxygen in my apartment, Hardware blacks out (yes really!) and falls to the floor! I thought I was going to have to call 911, but fortunately he came to! How would that have looked in the police log?!!

"I have lived my life trying to be a virtuous man. The Dragon admires tenacity, and the code of the samurai upholds it as well." -Minobu Tetsuhara
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Warhammer: 3025
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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 03:07    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

Any time the cops are called, it's been a good session.

Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

Ya Rl'yeh!
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Royal Black Watch Regiment
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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 09:24    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

Had a game of Warhammer 40,000 on a picnic table out in one of my friends back woods. Now, this may not sound to bad, until I mention that it was around midnight, with the only light coming from a small campfire, and a dozen of those little seance candles. It got myself and another guy in the right frame of mind that we started circling the table chanting "Blood For The Blood God! Blood For The Blood God!"

And, before you ask, no, not all Warhammer players are crazy, just the good ones

All fear Squiggy!

"I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy - okay, give me the bomb." - Ultra Magnus
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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 12:18    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

I DM a group that uses the Eberron setting for D&D. Great setting, very detailed, and just -begging- for truly bad guys.
Anyhow, the group gets hired by a minor noble to investigate some recently discovered ruins under the metropolis of Sharn. THe group makes their initial foray into the catacombs, fights som bad guys, withdraws to heal, the usual dungeon crawl stuff.
Well, as they make camp and start to rest, the party gets jumped by a bunch of thugs. The entire party, save for one, is smothered in Sleep spells and nets. The remaining PC is a Warforged, a living construct. Well, he is immune to sleep, and can easily tear out of any nets tossed his way. So I play Ultimate Bastard....
The thug leader explains to the Warforged (Panzer, officially. Panzy, behind his back) that unless he surenders, the thugs will kill the rest of the party. Kieth (Panzer's player) gives me the perfect set up when Panzer asks the question "Who the hell are you?"
For those of you who arent Trekkies (and Im not, Ive just seen the movie) the line I used comes from Star Trek 3, and scared the hell out of the party. "Who I am is not important. That I have -them-, is."
The faces of the rest of the party went 3 shades of pale, and Panzer had no choice but to surrender. My work was well done.....

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Warhammer: 3025
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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 18:10    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-05-26 09:24, WhizzbangThePowerSquig wrote:
Had a game of Warhammer 40,000 on a picnic table out in one of my friends back woods. Now, this may not sound to bad, until I mention that it was around midnight, with the only light coming from a small campfire, and a dozen of those little seance candles. It got myself and another guy in the right frame of mind that we started circling the table chanting "Blood For The Blood God! Blood For The Blood God!"

And, before you ask, no, not all Warhammer players are crazy, just the good ones

And after the local villagers burned you for heresy, what happened?

Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

Ya Rl'yeh!
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Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 19:22    Post subject: Victory is Life Reply to topic Reply with quote

TIE Fighter Collectors CD-ROM Eddition

I was on a particular mission which I cant remember the number of now. The characters were me in a TIE Advanced, an Intredictor Cruiser (INT), and Imperial Star Destroyer (ISD)(with vader aboard), the Light Calamari Cruiser Warhawk (CRL). It was the series of missions where you had to take out Zarin or Harkov or something...

I was flying back from killing somehting and noticed the INT closely tailing the ISD. I hit the flight recorder cause I thought it was an awesome size comparrison between the two ships. I targeted the ISD and noticed its shields were going down slowly...odd. So as I got closer I see the INT is firing on the ISD!!! Odd, cause they are on the same team in this mission. The ISD is firing back with what little it can bring to bare (which is only the missile launcher at this point). So, the INT and ISD exchange fire for a bit...and I smile thinking this will be a fun victory for the INT. Then the ISD turns 180 degrees and is basically bow to bow with the INT. All the ISD's guns open up, and in a matter of seconds the INT is down to 0/0 shields/hull. It starts its spin, and happens to roll away from the ISD and detonates to the side. I'm laughing my ass off with this...

It gets better

The CRL is approaching the ISD as well. They get within range and open up on eachother. Normally the CRL would be a dead duck, but the ISD had taken so much damage that its shields were down...this would be interesting. The CRL gets to about where the bridge of the ISD is and it is it begins its roll of death. The CRL doesnt stop firing though, and in its last few seconds it takes out the ISD. Thats pretty awesome, yeah? Well, to further seal the awesome factor on this...the exact moment the CRL took out the ISD was when the CRL collided into the ISD's tower. The timing was absolutely perfect!

I got it all on camera too, so I could show other people. On the downside, this was 7 years ago, and each of the multiple copies I had of this amazing footage have all mysteriously disapeared...sad.

"Historians exercise great power and some of them know it. They recreate the past, changing it to fit their own interpretations. Thus, they change the future as well." - Leto II
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Royal Black Watch Regiment
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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 19:23    Post subject: RE: Most Extreme Gaming Moment Reply to topic Reply with quote

We rose the next full moon as the undead. What else do you think we would have done?

All fear Squiggy!

"I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy - okay, give me the bomb." - Ultra Magnus
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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 26-May-2005 23:44    Post subject: RE: Victory is Life Reply to topic Reply with quote

Makes me wonder who was paying whom in which ship....

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 27-May-2005 17:29    Post subject: RE: Victory is Life Reply to topic Reply with quote

sounds great I had a similar kind of thing happen on X-wing alliance. I tried to play an epic fight between an Alliance fleet and two SSDs and a full compliment of TIEs (i had a mod so you could have as many ships as you want in the combat sim.

Well, the fleet if mon cal cruisers were blasting towards the SSD's and an epic dogfight between the huge numbers of rebels and Imperials was underway (me included in my trusty A-wing). However i swung round and right in front of me one of the SSD's suddenly turned (as fast as they can anyway). Its front quarter rammed dead into the middle of the other SSD! It kept ploughing towards it and riddled both of their shields down, suddenly the one which was hit gave way and began exploding. It wiped out an entire wave of the TIE fighters and left the last one a wreck to be picked apart by the fighters.

Another funny but smaller moment was when i flew as an Interceptor and right at the start of wing of TIE bombers started below me, and promply collided with another wing of TIEs, and the survivers collided with an ISD!!!

Imperials at their best!!!

Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them-Seneca
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