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Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!!
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 16-Jan-2004 16:05    Post subject: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Despite all its failings MW4 (especially mercs) werent all that bad. MW series was one of the best selling game series. And i loved the entire series. So why have they stopped makin them? What i wanted was a game like mercs but more advanced. Like instead of havin a few planets, why not specialise your unit, i.e light scouts, escort, front line assult, etc. Or prehaps one based completely around Solaris. One things 4 sure, if they make another. it has to have more mechs, i tried makin a list of mechs i would want in a game and it always ends up being over 100! More vehicles, infantry and bring back Elementals and for gods sake sort out that stupid critical system from MW4! Lets see your ideas and thoughts. Anyone had the idea of a Bring back MW campaign, because it doesnt look like they are going to!

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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 16-Jan-2004 16:36    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hey, the Mechwarrior game was pretty nifty, but MW 3 had some stuff that MW 4 lacked. For one thing, the pulse lasers were much better. Mechwarrior 4 is interesting, especially when played online. Some people just dont expect you to run on passive sensors only. Thats all Im gonna say about that. Watch for me online, though. Ive got a nice clone of the Daishi S on there. Complete with LB20X. Makes the attrition games really fun.

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 16-Jan-2004 17:12    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

I was under the impression the MW4 did well and was a popular game. Maybe I am wrong, I have never played the game myself.

Microsoft might be waiting to see if they can make something based on the Wizkids Mechwarrior game.

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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 16-Jan-2004 17:57    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

The game did well, but I must admit that in my opinion MW4 was no where near the game that Mechwarrior 3 was, even including the somewhat off expansions.

On another note, I think the idea of a game based on Solaris VII would be really good. And some out of cockpit RPG-ish sections would be cool too, though you can make those optional.

Jarylan Blackwell

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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 16-Jan-2004 20:56    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well Mech 3 was a far superior game to Mech 4 (the customization was horrible. Sorry NOWHERE does it say you cant put JJ's on a Timberwolf, yet in Mech 4 you cant) and as far as mech 4 goes there was way to much clan tech in it. I would really like to see a open ended online game. Much like EQ.

What I would like to see:

1. House/Clan and Merc factions, House and Clan factions are set complete with current units (Ie New Avalon Guards/ Death commandos what ever if you can find it in the source books as a exsisting unit then you can join that unit) Mech units. You can join a exsisting mercenary unit, or you can create your own. (much like a guild in Everquest)

2. Your choice of unit. Want to pilot a Mech? Great you have to do a online test (trial) for placement. it will dictate the weight of your ride, same with vehicle or fighter.

3. Now the big one Unit make up. One thing I noticed with the Battletech 3025 was there werent enough players to fill up everyspot, so you would have matches that were 4 versus 2 or even worse because oneperson didnt want to lose the match and bailed at the last second. You wyould have to have a NPC be able to fill in for the unit. The less actual players you have the more Npc's and vise versa. As your unit filled up you could always post what days your going to raid a planet and get stuff set up that way. The NPC fall back would alow a mission to take place even if the full player unit isnt there with out having to worry about a huge disadvantage in numbers.

4. An entire universe. Or damn close to it. In all reality the mist important worlds are the border worlds so you can bring thoes out first and bring in the other plantes in expansions. But full borders are a must that way you can have some minor changes in the borders with some worlds changing hands.

5. Mechs/Vehicles/Aerospace. As many designs as you can get. And as far as customization goes, you can do it. As you progress through missions (with your company or for something else) you can earn construction points towards customizing your unit. The better the mission goes the more points you earn, If you lose your mechyou dont get any points and so on.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 17-Jan-2004 00:13    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

I have heard that the MW4 has a customization system that's nothing like Btech's, but does that make it bad? I have long thought that JJ's should not be available in pods.

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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 17-Jan-2004 01:24    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Indeed MW3 is Overall the best of the 4 games.

Graphics: ok
Gameplay: Good
Story line: above average
Customiaztion: (yes it is that bad)
How well does it stick to the "facts": Poor

Overall: ok

Story Line:
How Well does it stick to the "facts": Good

Overall: couldn't ask for much better!

Give me a MMORPG using the MW3 Engine and the specs Stinger set forth and I'll NEVER have to buy a new game again.

[ This Message was edited by: Slythis on 2004-01-17 01:24 ]
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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 17-Jan-2004 16:48    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

I think what would be nifty (and this may have been covertly mentioned before) is a MW game where you can go online and complete missions from the storyline game. Instead of having 'dummy' mechs under your control, you have actual players on your team. Of course, a verbal comm system instead of typing your commands would be vital. It would also let you get a better feel for what kind of condition your lance or starmates are in. "Im a little low on ammo, and my left arm is almost gone" is better than green, yellow, or red name tags.

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 17-Jan-2004 22:21    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

There are a couple different voice programs out there. Ventrillo is the one I use with my EQ friends when we play.

I think having all players against all players is preferable but for the times that you have one person not there. Is it better to have a vacant spot or at least have a AI teammate? I would rather have the AI teammate personally.

I think its completely doable but someone has to be willing to take the time to do it right.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 18-Jan-2004 00:36    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

The reason I like the PvP set up, is the AI can get predictable. Its a computer, after all, and once you figure out what response it will give, the game gets easy after that. For Example: Playing MW4 city map, capture the flag. After noting that several of the players would just got barreling down the main drag, guns blazing, I had an idea. I was piloting a Mad Dog with an ECM unit. I shut down my active sensors, and proceeded along the very very east end of the map, circling around behind the other team. When I got within missile distance of the opposing teams flag-sentry, I went active, got a missile lock, and cut loose. Unfortunately, he was driving a bigger mech than I had expected. Still, I did some major damage, and got a 'Nice job, Bastard" from the guy when the match was over.
How many AI programs would think of a tactic like that? Ive seen AI programs be subtle, agressive, blatant, and wary all at the same time, but Ive never seen one be an out and out stealthy bastard like that. THATS what i like about PvP games. THATS what MW needs more of.

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 18-Jan-2004 09:09    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Some good ideas coming along here, personally i would prefere a better damage system, i mean. I play the game on Veteran, and i've found that the Gauss Rifles are useless, mount 3 on an executioner, at the effective range whacked all three into the right torso of a Black Knight, and the damage went yellow! And yet a single ER PPC salvo instantly turned my Centre Red! Whats going on here, I mean theres a chance of critical hits and things but 3 depleted uranium slugs do about as much as a mg array? The ammo weapons need sorting out, especially the lighter auto cannons, Rotarys are the most powerful variants. And their pathetic.
Overall MW4 had the most cinematically spectacular graphics (never forget the first time i played one of the vengence urban missions, watching the missile arcs and lasers from a distance was amazing, and seeing an Atlas's headlamp scanning the central park area). Nice

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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 18-Jan-2004 13:37    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

About what range did you use them at? Im not saying you made a mistake, or insulting your game play, but theres an outside chance some yahoo accidentally set up the gauss rifles to work the way Hv Gauss rifles do. As in, you have to be standing right next to the guy for em to really work. Another thing could be is hes using exotic armor. I know in MW 4 theres more than standard and FF types, but I forget exactly which ones.
I know how the damage thing goes, too. Ive been blazing away at some poor shmuck doing minimal damage, even though im hitting with everything. And he will turn and cut my mech in two with one shot.

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 19-Jan-2004 00:23    Post subject: RE: Bring Back Mechwarrior!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Darkadder your missing what I am saying.

I dont want a whole AI team, but I dont want what happened in Battletech 3025 matches where 2 groups would great ready to drop only to have one team bail and leave only 1 person for the combat op.

What I am takling about is the mission leader has an active personel list of every player in his unit that is goign on the drop. If he know Player a is not going to make it for the evening then he can get a NPC to take over so he isnt down a player and instead of facing 3 lances/stars of opposing mechs down a mech or 2. Now you may ask Well what is he just puts his entire unit as NPC. Well you wouldnt be able to do that. you could set it up so that if 25%+ of your unit is NPC you dont launch.

And I agree abotu the damage. In mech 4 I walked around a Atlas with my mostly clan tech Awesome ablasting the head into scrap. I hit the head and it went yellow. And I ended up blowing the leg off as my cross hairs never left the Head.

All in all I actually really disliked Mech 4. the story was good but the game mechanics were not. Way to much clan tech was avaliable for a INNER SHPERE campaign I thought.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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