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Civil Service 'Mechs
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Clan Wolf
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PostPosted: 21-Sep-2003 19:20    Post subject: Civil Service 'Mechs Reply to topic Reply with quote

Type: FMN-01 Fireman
Technology Base: Inner Sphere 3050
Mass: 20 Tons
Chassis: FMN Endo Steel
Power Plant: OmniTek 140 XL
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Armour: KR Flame Resistant Armour
1 Hatchet
4 KBT Class 5 Water Cannon
Communications System: Savant Screamer 2
Targeting and Tracking System: FireTrak 8
Primary Manufacturer: General Mechanics, Incorporated
Primary Factory: Outreach


In the days of the Star League, ‘Civil Service’ 'Mechs were a common sight. Nearly every planet had access to 'Mechs like the FMN-01 Fireman, POL-01 Policeman, and SR-8 Search and Rescue 'Mechs. However, during the Succession Wars, most of these 'Mechs were equipped with weapons and sent into battle, and the factories that produced them were retooled to manufacture other Light 'Mechs-such as the Locust, Stinger, and Wasp. However, in recent years as a technological renaissance swept across the Inner Sphere, manufacturers have been able to return to the manufacture of these ‘Civil Service 'Mechs’. General Mechanics, Inc. of Outreach is at the forefront of Civil Service 'Mechs and is prepared to offer them at competitive prices to planetary governments.


Since the FMN-01 Fireman is expected to operate in densely populated areas, a primary concern was speed. The 'Mech had to able to cross long distances in a short amount of time to support conventional Fire-Fighting services. The usual method for this is the installation of Jump Jets, but since the 'Mech will be piloted by civilians rather than elite ‘MechWarriors, the company decided that it was better not to risk mounting Jump Jets on the 'Mech, in order to avoid an inexperienced pilot simply climbing into the ‘Mech and crashing into a building they were supposed to protect. A top speed of well over 100 kph allows the Fireman to quickly arrive at the heart of a blaze and begin to extinguish it.

The 'Mech’s armour is a high-quality aluminium composite. As you are well aware, aluminium absorbs very little ambient heat, even from a fire, so this makes the armour composite quite effective. To increase its fire-resistant capabilities, underneath the armour is a thick layer of Gorex material, and backed by a layer of Kevlar material to stop any burning material which penetrates the 'Mech’s armour. This allows the 'Mech to enter the very heart of a blaze in complete safety.

Although cost was a concern, the 'Mech was equipped with Endo Steel internal structure, lightening the chassis and allowing us to equip the 'Mech with a substantial payload.

For Fire-Fighting duties, the 'Mech is equipped with four KBT Class 5 water-cannon. These weapons are modified Flamers which spew fire-retardant foams and water rather than the standard naptha/pitch/napalm mixture of a Flamer. Equipped with a tank containing 3 tons of this ‘Ammunition’, the Fireman can cover an area in excess of 100 square metres in foam within a matter of seconds. If it uses all of he cannon continually, it can deplete its stores in little over two minutes, but at the end of that time the tanks can be quickly refilled, either by attaching a hose to the 'Mech from a Fire Truck or by simply walking into a nearby body of water; the 'Mech was equipped with powerful pumps along its lower legs, allowing the tank to be refilled in slightly over a minute.

Finally, the Fireman carries a Hatchet, allowing it to hack off burning materials or chop its way through an area choked with trees or buildings to attack a fire.


Some House Military outfits have purchased the Fireman, removed the Hatchet and added two more Water-Cannon and an additional ton of space to the fuel tank. Instead of fire-retardant foam, the tank is loaded with 'Mech coolant. These units use the Fireman as a mobile coolant unit, roaming the field and spraying friendly 'Mechs with coolant to aid them when engaged in heavy combat.

The Marian Hegemony has also purchased some Firemen, and reports indicate that they have replaced the Fire-Retardant Foam with Flamer fuel. They are using the design as a combat vehicle.


Wolf’s Dragoons bought several Firemen and have deployed them across Outreach with local fire-fighting outfits. All of the Great Houses have lodged orders for the Fireman; we cannot hope to fill the orders in a reasonable time, so we are conducting negotiations with other manufacturers to sell licensing rights or employ them as sub-contractors.


Costing just 2,171,840 C-Bills, the Fireman is slightly cheaper than most combat BattleMechs, but offers a far greater sense of security to a planet’s populace.

The FMN-HU (House Unit) costs slightly more at 2,173,040 C-Bills, and we are prepared to offer it as a factory model.


FMN-01: 223
FMN-HU: 167


It was an exceedingly long and boring day, OK?

I got this idea from the Com guard sourcebook, where the 8th Army’s 56th Division has modified their Firestarters to carry Water-Cannon for riot-control and fire-fighting duties.

This 'Mech counts as a Level 3 Design if it carries Water Cannon, but otherwise you can swap the Water-Cannon for Vehicle Flamers and it’s still OK. The BV for the 'Mechs was calculated as though they were carrying Flamers. The House model works a bit like those Coolant Trucks from MT. If you are playing a Level 3 game and want Coolant Systems instead of Flamers, the 'Mech is worth 356 BV in FMN-01 configuration, or 389 BV in the House model. These calculations are subject to the assumption the Coolant does not count as explosive ammunition.

I am working on a riot-control 'Mech (POL-01 Policeman) and a Search and Rescue model, inspired by Phelan Kell. I’ll post them when I get the fluff done up.


Engine: 2.5
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 1
Armour: 4.5
Hatchet: 2
4 Flamers with 3 tons of Ammo: 5

(The House model removes the Hatchet and adds two Flamers and an extra ton of Ammunition.)


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 9/3
Side Torsos: 8/2
Arms: 6
Legs: 8


Hatchet- Right Arm
2 Flamers- Left Arm
2 Heat Sinks- Each Leg
2 Flamers- Centre Torso
1 Heat Sink- Head
3 tons Flamer Ammo- Left Torso

(The House model adds an extra ton of Flamer ammo to the Left Torso and replaces the Right-Arm Hatchet with 2 Flamers. Place Endo Steel slots into empty Crits.)

Type: POL-01 Policeman
Technology Base: Inner Sphere, 3050
Mass: 20 Tons
Chassis: POL Endo Steel
Power Plant: K2 100 XL
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armour: POL Armourshield
5 SperryBrowning Machine Guns
2 Holly SRM-4s
Communications System: Police Band 12
Targeting and Tracking System: Tek TruTrak
Primary Manufacturer: General Mechanics incorporated
Primary Factory: Outreach


Primarily intended for guard duty at important functions and to escort officials through cities, the POL-01 Policeman carries a number of highly effective anti-personnel weapons.


Although most Light 'Mechs can Jump, by its very nature the Policeman will often operate in areas crowded with civilians. Since the likelihoods of an inexperienced pilot engaging the Jump Jets by accident or incorrectly judging the distances his 'Mech can Jump are so high, designers felt it would be best if their 'Mech was not capable of causing accidental civilian deaths.

Again, whereas most Light 'Mechs are fast, the Policeman is intended solely for use in urban environments. Since most speed limits in cities are about 70 kph, the design team felt that any excess speed would only hamper the 'Mech by making it difficult to control on paved surfaces. Its top speed of 86.4 kph allows it to move quickly in case of emergencies but should not cause undue piloting difficulty.

Some may find it odd that a 'Mech intended for such operations should carry area of effect weapons like SRMs. However, these are simply launch tubes for improved grenade submunitions. All Policemen ship loaded with Tear Gas and Net ammunition loaded in its SRM ammo bays. However, we understand that in case of riots or assassination attempts, a more lethal response may be required, so the bays and launchers also accept standard SRM ammo.

The same is also true of the Machine Guns. We ship Policeman loaded with DMSO Gel Pack ammunition. This innovative ammunition uses a gelled ammunition head filled with DMSO and a Tranquiliser. DMSO has the unusual effect of making substances more porous, which allows the Tranquiliser agent to swiftly be absorbed through skin and clothing. The Tranquiliser we use is one of the safest available, but approximately 50 people per million will display a lethal allergy to the substance. We can also provide rubber bullets or standard Machine Gun ammunition if a lethal response is required.

The 'Mech’s weapons are controlled by the highly advanced Tek TruTrak computer. Whilst most would feel that such a powerful system is far out of place on this 'Mech, we elected to use the system to improve targeting capabilities for the pilot. In a crowded area, millimetres can determine life or death for both innocent civilians and touring dignitaries, so we wanted the 'Mech to be as accurate as possible.

As a necessity, the 'Mech is fully armoured, allowing it to sustain hits from any anti-personnel weapon and most widely available anti-'Mech heavy weapons.

The 'Mech is also equipped with a powerful, pintle-mounted Searchlight for riot-suppression duties and night ‘combat’.

Although the 'Mech is only intended for use as a Police 'Mech, it can also be deployed as the last line of defense if a city is attacked.


All major Houses in the Inner Sphere have placed orders for the design. The Marian Hegemony has also ordered the design, but we believe they will either use it as a combat design or attempt to replicate the Tek TruTrak computer.


Costing only 1,775,640 C-Bills, this 'Mech is less than half the price of the only other 'Mech designed for this duty (the Wyvern).


Assuming you load it with ‘Lethal’ ammo, the 'Mech is worth 315 BV.


Treat any Hex hit with Tear Gas ammo as though it has been hit by a Smoke SRM round a size smaller than the launcher (SRM-2s still count as a 2-pack). Additionally, any unarmoured Infantry unit not supplied with Gas Masks caught in the Smoke zone suffer 2D6 ‘Damage’ per turn they remain in the ‘Smoke’ area, as they are incapacitated by the choking fumes of the gas. These ‘losses’ are recovered at the end of a scenario, though for victory purposes any units thus ‘destroyed’ count as dead for victory purposes.


Nets can only effect Unarmoured Infantry. Nets are fired from any size of SRM launcher, at the *HEX* the Infantry unit occupies, not the unit themselves. Roll on the Missile Hits table as usual; this number indicates the amount of Turns an effected unit takes to free itself.


This stuff works like normal Machine Gun ammo, except that ‘fatalities’ are recovered at the end of a scenario. Note hat any units ‘killed’ in this fashion count as dead for Victory purposes.


I dunno. Using the Wyvern for ‘crowd control’ always kinda struck me as being a little similar to using a McKenna to kill a mosquito. Other than that…. it was a long and exceedingly boring day, OK?


Engine: 1.5
Gyro: 1
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 1
Armour: 4.5
2 SRM-4s with 2 tons off ammo: 6
5 Machine Guns with ½ a Ton of Ammo: 3


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 9/3
Side Torsos: 8/2
Arms: 6
Legs: 8


2 Machine Guns- Each Arm
Machine Gun- Head
2 SRM-4s- Centre Torso
1 Heat Sink, 2 tons SRM Ammo- Left Torso
1 Heat Sink, ½ ton Machine Gun Ammo- Right Torso
2 Heat Sinks- Each Leg

Type: SR-8 Search and Rescue
Technology Base: Inner Sphere 3050
Mass: 20 Tons
Chassis: SR-8 Endo Steel
Power Plant: OmniTek 160 XL
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Jump Jets: General Mechanics Flight-12s
Jump Capacity: 240 metres
Armour: Valiant Lamellor
2 Plasma Cutters
Communications System: Civilian Security Communications Model 92
Targeting and Tracking System: KLM Heartbeat with Active Probe
Primary Manufacturer: General Mechanics
Primary Factory: Outreach


The SR-8 Search and Rescue is a rebuilt version of the search and rescue 'Mechs that served in the days of the Star League. Fast, heavily armoured, and minimally armed, the SR-8 is intended to race to sites of emergencies, using its height and strength to search through rubble and pluck civilians from danger.


Since the SR-8 is intended only to be piloted by the elite, designers modified the Star League 'Mech by adding Jump Jets. This allows the 'Mech to traverse chasms safely, or to move across broken ground with impunity.

The 'Mech is also powered by a relatively large engine, allowing a top ground speed well in excess of 100 kph, facilitating a quick arrival time.

The 'Mech is notable for its advanced electronics suite, also newly added. Designers implanted a wide array of IR, EM, and sonic sensors throughout the 'Mech, linking it to a Beagle Active Probe for additional sensor scanning. This highly sophisticated system is sensitive enough for the 'Mech to detect a human heartbeat through 15 metres of solid concrete.

To reach civilians trapped beneath rubble, the 'Mech is equipped with a pair of Plasma cutters, which spew fusion, melting metal and slicing through concrete with ease. When the 'Mech nears its ‘target’, it can employ its hands, allowing the 'Mech to lift up to two tons in order to get to the trapped.

For obvious reasons, the 'Mech is equipped with a pair of Searchlights, mounted in a turret assembly over each shoulder. Although having two Searchlights on a single 'Mech is somewhat unusual, this allows for the 'Mech to sustain damage to one system and still have lighting.

Finally, the 'Mech is very heavily armoured for its size. This allows it to enter environments where falling debris is a threat, a particularly common occurrence after earthquakes.


We are prepared to offer a variant which incorporates Triple Strength Myomers, allowing the 'Mech to lift greater loads.


Again, all major Inner Sphere powers have lodged orders for the SR-8. The Marian Hegemony has also purchased a handful, intending to use the sophisticated 'Mech as a scout vehicle.


The SR-8 is a very expensive 'Mech, considering its specialised role. The standard variant costs 2,834,440 C-Bills, and the TSM variant costs even more, at 3,170,440 C-Bills. However, one cannot put a price on human life, so every SR-8 purchased is worth far more than any currency indicates.


SR-8: 324
SR-8TSM: 346


Inspired by Phelan Kell’s rescue mission, the SR-8 is a very much a specialised design. Again, built more for fluff purposes than for battlefield use.

The ‘Plasma Cutters’ are just Small Lasers.


Engine: 3
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 1
Armour: 4.5
8 Jump Jets: 4
2 Small Lasers: 1
Active Probe: 1.5


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 9/3
Side Torsos: 8/2
Arms: 6
Legs: 8


1 Small Laser- Each Arm
2 Heat Sinks- Each Leg
4 Jump Jets- Each Side Torso
Active Probe- Centre Torso
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Motown Scrapper
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PostPosted: 22-Sep-2003 00:37    Post subject: RE: Civil Service 'Mechs Reply to topic Reply with quote

Neat Designs I like the Idea of mechs saveing lives instead of taking them the designs are well thought out. Only one minor beef ,on the firefighter Aluminium is in fact an EXELLENT heat conductor and would be a poor choice for a Firefighting vehicle it has a low melting point and burns as well just look at a house with auminium sideing that has had a fire and you can see what I mean .A better choice would be a ceramic glass fiber composite but that is just a fluff issue the design it self is very good.
And to the anti-XL crowd one word THHP!
Human life has value and the mechs mission justifies the cost.

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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 22-Sep-2003 02:09    Post subject: RE: Civil Service 'Mechs Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-09-22 00:37, Motown Scrapper wrote:
And to the anti-XL crowd one word THHP!
Human life has value and the mechs mission justifies the cost.

Justifies the cost for SOME people, of course. I can't see any clanners approving of it, or House Kurita for that matter...

A tree fall in the forest, and no one is around, and it hits a mime. Does anyone care?
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Clan Hell's Horses
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PostPosted: 22-Sep-2003 03:30    Post subject: RE: Civil Service 'Mechs Reply to topic Reply with quote

You can use a mech for something else besides fighting

It's diffrent, I'll give you that

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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 22-Sep-2003 11:34    Post subject: RE: Civil Service 'Mechs Reply to topic Reply with quote

Very interesting designs that much is for sure but... hasn't someone already done this? I seem to recall seeing something very similar to these designs...

"It is pleasant, when the winds are high and the seas are rough to watch the stuggles of another from the shore."
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