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The Marians are coming!
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Clan Wolf
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Joined: 19-Sep-2003 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Sep-2003 01:08    Post subject: The Marians are coming! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Type: DEC-MH Decurion
Technology Base: Inner Sphere, Marian Hegemony, 3205
Mass: 40 Tons
Chassis: Decurion-V
Power Plant: VLAR 200
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armour: Decurion Cuirasse
1 Large Laser
3 Medium Lasers
1 Hatchet
Communications System: Ramshorn-X
Targeting and Tracking System: Hunter KLV
Primary Manufacturer: Marian Hegemony
Primary Factory: Unknown


The Marian Hegemony, a small, backwater Periphery nation, has recently begun to field a home-grown BattleMech. Named Decurion after the Roman officers who commanded small units during conflicts on ancient Terra, the 'Mech is rapidly gaining popularity amongst the Hellenistic Marians.


The Decurion uses parts and weaponry considered terribly outmoded by today’s military. The enterprising Marians have purchased massive lots of standard Lasers and Particle Cannon from major Inner Sphere houses, as the Five Great Houses have begun to switch over to Extended Range or Pulse variant energy weapons. This has given the Marians a large surplus of spare parts for their current units, plus enough surplus weaponry to create the Decurion.

Very few Decurions are exactly alike. Since the manufacture and shape of the Large Lasers bought by the Hegemony are a mismatched hodgepodge, mass strikes by engineers tired of having to fit the weapons to the base chassis of the Decurion have been a common event of late, hampering the construction of the Decurion. Thankfully, the Medium Lasers the 'Mech employs are all so similar in shape that they can easily be fitted into the chassis. Engineers who work well are assigned to fit the Medium Lasers; ‘Large Laser Duty’ has become a form of punishment on the production lines.

Despite the stopping power of the Large Laser, the main weapon of the 'Mech is the Romanesque Gladius (a Hatchet, since in level 1 you don’t get Swords) it clutches in its right hand. Since the Gladius has no moving parts, ammunition lines, or energy inputs, the weapon is a definite favourite amongst the technicians. In addition, since the Hatchet is simply a steel I-beam with a tack-welded steel blade, they can easily be manufactured and replaced in the field.

The 'Mech is not terribly fast, but it is definitely on par with 'Mechs in the Medium weight class. Although a lack of Jump Jets somewhat hampers its maneuverability, the Marian Hegemony would not be able to easily maintain the (relatively) sophisticated Jump equipment.

However, the 'Mech does boast an incredible amount of armour plating-almost a quarter of its total mass-allowing it to engage even the heaviest of opponents and stand a chance of victory.


The Hegemony is trialing a more expensive version of the Decurion. It uses Endo Steel internal structure and Double Heat Sinks to provide the tonnage needed to mount a Large Laser and Medium laser in each torso, plus a pair of Medium Lasers in the Centre Torso. Although it is a bare 300,000 C-Bills more expensive, the Hegemony technicians have difficulty maintaining the more advanced Endo Steel and Double Heat Sinks. As such, it will remain a rare 'Mech, probably assigned only to commanders of the Hegemony’s more elite units.


In production for less than a year, the Decurion has been deployed amongst the better Marian units. So far, it has been well-received.


I do not have FM: Periphery, so if the above details are a bit off, you will have to forgive me.

The Decurion project started as an attempt to fix the abysmal Hatchetman from 3025, but like so many of my projects took on a life of its own. Original attempts revolved around a PPC and Jump Jets, but time showed it would be better served with a Large Laser.

The DEC-MH is a Level 1 'Mech, but the DEC-MH2 is a Level 2 design. As I stated above, in Level 1 you don’t get Swords, so it has a Hatchet; in Level 2 it gets a Sword.

As a Level 1 'Mech, the Decurion is not too bad. With a Large Laser for ‘Long-Range’ combat and a trio of Mediums for up close, it will leave most opponents wondering what they just got hit by. Add to that the Hatchet up close, and things get even more nasty.

The Level 2 Variant packs a pretty hefty punch. Although not too good at range, up close it will make mincemeat of most 'Mechs.

Either of them should be able to take a Marshall.



Engine: 8.5
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Internal Structure: 4
Armour: 8.5
3 Additional Heat Sinks: 3
Large Laser: 5
3 Medium Lasers: 3
Hatchet: 3


Engine: 8.5
Gyro; 2
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 2
Armour: 9
2 Large Lasers: 10
4 Medium lasers: 4
Sword: 2


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 18/5
Side Torsos: 15/5
Arms: 12
Legs: 20



Hatchet- Right Arm
Large Laser, Medium Laser - Left Torso
Heat Sink- Head
2 Medium Lasers- Right Torso
2 Heat Sinks- Centre Torso
1 Heat Sink- Each Leg


Hatchet- Right Arm
Double Heat Sink, Large Laser, Medium Laser- Each Side Torso
2 Medium Lasers- Centre Torso

(Place Endo Steel in empty slots)


DEC-MH Decurion

At 813 BV and a piddling 2,704,426 C-Bills, the Decurion is more lethal than the Hatchetman but comes in at almost half a million C-Bills cheaper. And without Ammo to worry about, nor any of those pesky Jump Jets to maintain, the Decurion is a much more attractive proposition.

DEC-MH2 Decurion

At 971 BV and a slightly more expensive 3,026,226C-Bills, this 'Mech is again cheaper and more lethal than the upgraded Hatchetman. Ranges are only slightly shorter, but it is unfortunately less accurate. However, with double heat sinks it can use more of its guns. This 'Mech is, in fact, half the price of the Hatchetman of 3050.


Type: MYR-X Myrmidon
Technology Base: Inner Sphere, Marian Hegemony, 3067
Mass: 40 Tons
Chassis: MYR Steel
Power Plant: LTV 200 Standard
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 84.6 kph
Armour: MYR Plate with CASE
1 Lord’s Light PPC
2 ChisComp 43 Medium Lasers
2 SperryBrowning Machine Guns
4 Rocket Launcher-10s
Communications System: DLK-5
Targeting and Tracking System: MYR Targeter-12
Primary Manufacturer: Paxton Arms Research and Development
Primary Factory: Unknown


The Myrmidon is the Marian Hegemony’s newest BattleMech design. Although massing just forty tons, the tiny 'Mech is capable of delivering a heavy barrage of firepower, in most cases equaling or exceeding the damage profiles attained by most new House designs despite its low-tech loadout.


The Myrmidon’s primary armament consists of the four racks of 10 71-mm, unguided rockets mounted on either side of the Myrmidon’s chest. With a range exceeding 500 metres and allowing for extreme damage, these one-shot weapons can wreak considerable destruction for minimal cost.

These weapons are backed up by a powerful Lord’s Light PPC, carried in a rifle assembly with an underslung pair of Medium Lasers. A single hit from the PPC is often enough to incapacitate n opponent, if not outright destroy them; after the initial barrage of PPC and Rocket fire, the Myrmidon can move in with its Medium Lasers to finish its opponent off.

With a top speed of 86.4 kph, the Myrmidon is a swift mover, though it does lack the high-technology Jump Jets found on most House 'Mechs of this size. This speed allows the Myrmidon to relocate quickly to bolster a failing offensive, or to press forward into an opening when they are presented. With its full nine tons of hardened steel armour, the Myrmidon is capable of surviving a heavy beating, and even facing 'Mechs up to half again its own weight with a reasonable chance of success. Despite the prohibitive cost, the MHAF authorised the use of Double Heat Sinks on the Myrmidon, allowing it to engage in heavy action for long periods of time without overheating.

However, there is one feature of the Myrmidon that its admirers treasure above all else; its dual Machine Guns, mounted on either side of the 'Mech’s chest. The bulk of Periphery military forces are composed of infantry units, so Paxton designers armed the Myrmidon with a pair of the Inner Sphere’s finest anti-infantry cannons. With enough ammunition for almost twenty minutes of continuous fire from each weapon, the Myrmidon can decimate enemy units. And, being a BattleMech, the Myrmidon has little to fear in the way of an enemy response.


The Myrmidon is being deployed first amongst the elite of the MHAF. So far, approximately twenty Myrmidon have been built, though the initial production run is expected to be about 100.


At just over 2.9 million C-Bills, the Myrmidon is one of the most cost-efficient 'Mechs in existence.


Meh. Got bored, built a Myrmidon. Based it around the PRDF’s Myrmidon from Heavy Gear; using Marian technology allowed me to almost directly convert the MRP-36 to BattleTech technology. There was, however, no analogy for the Light Field Mortar, and seeing as it was only 40 tons there was really no way to have a “Very Heavy Auto Cannon”- in BT terms, almost certainly a A/C-20- on the thing. Still, a PPC should sort most enemy 'Mechs out in short order. The Machine Guns took the place of the twin-linked Light AutoCannon, and I skipped the Vibro Blade completely.

Just in BattleTech terms, though, this thing is pretty nice. It can whack out 64 points of damage in a single turn (if you are lucky enough to hit with every Rocket), but thereafter it falls to a maximum of 24 points of damage. Still, that opening barrage should be enough to give you the edge.

While I was calculating the BVs for the 'Mech, the thought occurred to me; the BV system is seriously compromised by Rocket Launchers. Seeing as they are One-Shot weapons, the effect they have on a 'Mechs Overheat rating for calculating their BV really reduces their cost. It is entirely possible to build a 'Mech that, for only a few hundred BVs, is packed out with RLs. It would be the ultimate one-shot wonder, but since you can fit up to 51 RL-10s (It would only weigh 20.5 tons) onto a single 'Mech, this could cause problems. If you were unscrupulous. Hmmm. I think I might have to look into that; toying with the calculator I had nearby when I typed this up, I found you could make a 5/8 55-tonner with 8 tons of armour and packed out with RL-10s. With the ability to do 510 damage in a single turn…


Engine: 8.5
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 2
Internal Structure: 4
Armour: 9
CASE: .5
4 Rocket Launcher-10s: 2
2 Medium Lasers: 2
2 Machine Guns with 1 Ton of Ammunition: 2


Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8

Total Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Double Heat Sinks


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 18/6
Side Torsos: 15/5
Arms: 12
Legs: 20




PPC, 2 Medium Lasers- Right Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, 2 RL-10s, 1 Machine Gun, 1 Ton of Machine Gun Ammunition, CASE- Left Torso
1 Double Heat Sink, 2 RL-10s, 1 Machine Gun- Right Torso


Type: MRU-MH Marius
Technology Base: Inner Sphere, Periphery, 3025
Mass: 75 Tons
Chassis: MRU Standard
Power Plant: VLAR 300
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armour: Marius Cuirasse
3 Large Lasers
3 Medium lasers
Communications System: KLM Bethor-2X
Targeting and Tracking System: Knight Hunter Mark II
Primary Manufacturer: Marian Hegemony
Primary Factory: Unknown


Named after the extraordinary Roman Imperator who was twice decorated by his troops with the Grass Crown, the new Marius is intended to showcase the might and honour of the Marian Hegemony. Like its smaller sibling ( the Decurion), the Marius is equipped with cast-off equipment from the Successor States.


The fact that it has been created from second-hand equipment makes the Marius no less potent on the battlefield. Equipped with a trio of both Large and Medium Lasers, the Marius boasts considerable firepower no matter the range. With its massive coolant system, the Marius can utilise either all of its Large Lasers at once, or all of its Medium Lasers and a single Large Laser, resulting in a volley of fire that few Periphery 'Mechs can withstand.

The Marius also boasts full armour for its size, a necessity given the expense of repairing internal damage for the Hegemony.

With its incredible survivability and firepower, the Marius is sure to be a favourite for Hegemony pilots in the years to come.


The Hegemony is also trialling a variant which uses Double Heat Sinks. Because of the efficiency of the newer ‘Freezers’, the 'Mech is also equipped with an extra pair of Medium Lasers. With such a devastating amount of firepower-and the heat sink capacity to use the bulk of its weaponry on a continuos basis, the 'Mech is having a field day in its trial runs. Since it costs only 300,000 C-Bills more to manufacture than the Standard heat sink model, the Hegemony may yet abandon their current version in favour of this machine.


First ‘dibs’ on the new Marius are going to regimental commanders and the Hegemony’s most elite MechWarriors.


Originally born as my variant of the Marauder, this 'Mech has been lurking in the depths of my computer’s hard drive for a very long time now.

Extensive field testing against all 3025 Unseen progenitor models showed that the 'Mech could certainly kick @rse. In one trial, I killed off an Orion with this baby; in another, an Awesome went down as well.

Range suffered a bit with the removal of the PPCs, and it does less damage at long range since I removed the Auto Cannon. However, thanks to the extra Medium Laser(s), it can do better total damage than the Marauder.

It can stand up to any 3025 'Mech, and the level 2 version can take on any other Level 2 design without too much worry.




Engine: 19
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Internal Structure: 7.5
Armour: 14.5
10 Additional Double Heat Sinks: 10
3 Large Lasers: 15
3 Medium Lasers: 3


Engine: 19
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Internal; Structure: 7.5
Armour: 14.5
8 Additional Double Heat Sinks: 8
3 Large Lasers: 15
5 Medium Lasers: 5


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 35/11
Side Torsos: 24/8
Arms: 28
Legs: 32



1 Large Laser, 1 Medium Laser- Each Arm
2 Heat Sinks- Each Leg, Each Side Torso
Medium Laser- Head
Large Laser- Centre Torso


1 Large Laser, 1 Medium Laser- Each Arm
3 Double Heat Sinks, 1 Medium Laser- Each Side Torso
1 Medium Laser- Head
1 Large Laser- Centre Torso



At 1,208 BV and 6,391,000 C-Bills, the Marius is cheaper to manufacture than the original Marauder and more lethal in the field.


At 1,453 BV and 6,685,000 C-Bills, this 'Mech’s cost is very similar to that of the original Marauder (which cost 6,635,125 C-Bills) but will almost assuredly beat it into the ground.


Type: PTO-1 Praetorian
Technology Base: Inner Sphere, Marian Hegemony (3025)
Mass: 100 Tons
Chassis: PTO Standard
Power Plant: GM 300
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54.0
Armour: Galax Type 2
2 Large Lasers
3 Medium Lasers
2 Starflash Small Lasers
2 Shigunga LRM-15s
Communications System: DanteCom-2
Targeting and Tracking System: Dante-Trak X
Primary Manufacturer: Dante Enterprises (Computer Model)
Primary Factory: Loysville


The Marian Hegemony is a relatively powerful Periphery government located across the Sphere from the Combine. The hegemony has, of late, been adding to its MHAF 'Mech regiments, using old war materials bought at discount from the Successor States. The Hegemony introduced two new 'Mechs designed within its own borders- the 40-ton Decurion and the 75-ton Marius late last year and have since been at work on a new Light 'Mech and an Assault unit. However, the Marian Hegemony’s limited technological development has caused significant problems designing an ultra-heavy Assault 'Mech, and progress with the light 'Mech has been slow because the Marians want it to be an excellent recon 'Mech-and are having difficulties with its sensor packages. The Marians eventually had to out-source the projects to even hope to complete them, and decided to turn to a relatively close by firm, Dante Enterprises of Loysville. This contact was cleared by the ISF, and the Marian techs arrived not long ago with their specs and prototypes. The Dante engineers, more experienced and with far superior facilities, quickly finished off the designs and worked up prototypical designs. The first of the 'Mechs debuted to the MHAF High Command was the PTO-1 Praetorian, named after the elite Roman soldiers charged with protecting the Caesar.


Massing an incredible 100 tons, the Praetorian stretches the manufacturing and maintenance capabilities of the MHAF to the limits. However, this is balanced by the fact that the mighty Praetorian is equipped with (for the Periphery) highly advanced weapons systems allowing the machine to inflict serious damage against any foe.

A pair of Draconis Combine-built Shigunga LRM-15 racks occupy the Praetorian’s torso, allowing the 'Mech to engage its opponents at up to 630 metres and cause significant damage. These launchers are supplied with 16 reloads each, more than enough to last the typical engagement.

Supporting the LRM racks are a pair of Large Lasers. As with the Decurion and Marius, however, these weapons are a logistical nightmare. Although effective in battle, the lasers come from such a wide variety of configurations as to make a technician’s life hell, because the Hegemony purchased so many different types from the Successor states. To ease this burden, the MHAF will group Praetorians together based upon their laser configurations. In any case, these weapons admirably back up the LRM racks, and are capable of inflicting heavy damage in their own right.

Mounted beneath each Large Laser is a Medium Laser; one extra laser is also mounted in the 'Mech’s head. These weapons are swapped in for the LRMs as ranges narrow, and allow for impressive close-range firepower. Though the Medium Lasers are also of differing makes and models, they are alike enough not to require extensive remodelling work to install or maintain.

Finally, the Praetorian carries a pair of Small lasers, mounted in turrets over the 'Mech’s shoulders. These weapons allow for a bare amount of anti-infantry work in urban settings, and with the LRMs are the only standardised armaments of the 'Mech.

However, speed on any 'Mech of this size is bound to be poor, and the Praetorian is no exception. The MHAF cannot hope to maintain XL technologies for any length of time, so the team used a GM 300 engine, allowing the 'Mech to move at a top speed of 54 kph. Although the 'Mech is little more than a slowly moving target, it boasts almost full armour protection-a vital consideration, given the value of the Praetorian.

This weapons arrangement and design profile paints an unusual picture of the 'Mech. In this age of warfare, most 'Mechs are outfitted for either excellent long-range accuracy or blistering close-in firepower. The Praetorian, however, is expected to serve in more diverse combat environments and so cannot afford such specialisation. The LRMs allow the 'Mech to supply long-range support fire, or to keep an enemy at bay until help arrives. These weapons, when combined with the Large Lasers, make the 'Mech ideal for assualts against static objectives where they can be employed to full effect. Enemies who attempt to close with a Praetorian will likely find themselves outgunned, and if need be the Praetorian can reduce the battle to one of simple attrition-one which, with its heavy armour and powerful lose-combat attacks-will almost certainly come down in favour of the Praetorian.

Although the yardstick for a good Assault 'Mech is generally considered the venerable Atlas, the Praetorian demonstrates that newfound knowledge and modern engineering is more than sufficient to eclipse the greatest of old designs. A simulated-fire engagement at the Dante Enterprises facility proved that the ‘new kid on the block’ definitely has the goods to take over, when the Praetorian seriously damaged the Atlas at long range before closing in to administer the coup-de-grace with its laser systems.


Currently, only three prototypical Praetorians exist; two are PTO-1 configurations and the final is a PTO-2 (see below). It is expected that the MHAF could produce 6 or 8 Praetorians a year, and that they will be sent to augument units already deploying a Marius as bodyguard 'Mechs for high-ranking commanders.


D.E. ‘s expertise has allowed the Marians to field two variants: the first is a variant of the Praetorian intended to make maintenance easier. This variant would remove all of the arm and hand actuator packages, making the 'Mech look somewhat stupid but not degrading its combat ability.

There is also the second version of the Praetorian, the PTO-2. This variant incorporates a much higher technology base, and consequently costs a great deal more. The Small lasers are upgraded to Mediums, and the arm-mounted Large Lasers are replaced with Particle Projector Cannons. An additional two Medium Lasers are added to the 'Mech, and Artemis IV is added to the LRM launchers. Double Heat Sinks are used to aid in controlling the vast amounts of heat this new weapons platform is capable of generating. High-tech CASE panels are wrapped around the LRM ammunition bins, providing the pilot with exceptional protection. This variant costs almost 163,000 C-Bills more than the original variant, but does not provide greatly enhanced performance. This variant may be considered for the MHAF’s most elite pilots guarding high-security installations or protecting very high-level officers, but will not be distributed widely.


As is traditional at the Dante facility, the incomparable Graeme Southall was unleashed with the Praetorian prototypes. Aside from managing to lock up the turrets when aiming at ‘Elementals’ and then discharging one of the lasers directly into his own cockpit armour plating, Graeme managed to seriously damage a field test facility when he ‘hot-loaded’ his LRMs and then failed to check the safeties were on. One tech suffered minor burns and concussion, but there were no fatalities.


The PTO-1 Praetorian costs only 9,473,000 C-Bills- a bargain for an Assault 'Mech. This 'Mech is cheaper than even the 3025 Atlas and is almost directly comparable with the price of an old Stalker, costing only 10,000 C-Bills (approximately 1%) more. The PTO-2, however, costs 11,100,000 C-Bills, which is still incredibly cheap for a modern Assault ‘Mech


The Praetorian began its life as an Atlas variant of mine which concentrated on the delivery of long-range fire support as opposed to close-range oblivion. It more or less melded the concepts behind the Archer and Marauder onto a single chassis, but failed to really improve on the Atlas’ design. Since as a variant this is obviously a failure, I made it into a whole new 'Mech, thus avoiding those ugly issues of failure to improve on the basic model . Then it needed a name. I heard that the Australian Cricket team were in Pretoria (a place in South Africa) and decided to call it the Praetorian. Just as well they were not in India…it might be called the Salami (Delhi, get it?). Hmmm. Just as well I’m good at Biology, because a stand-up comedy career probably wouldn’t work .

I looked into Rocket Launchers for the PTO-2 model, but the amount of space I had left vs the number of launchers I could place didn’t work out too well. The Rocket Launchers would have been more in keeping with the fluff, but I just couldn’t get a design to work. If any of you bright people can do it, let me know.



Engine: 19
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Internal Structure: 10
Armour: 19
Additional Heat Sinks: 14
2 Large Lasers: 10
2 LRM-15s with 4 Tons Ammo: 18
3 Medium lasers: 3
2 Small Lasers: 1


Engine: 19
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Internal Structure: 10
Armour: 19
2 CASE: 1
Additional Double Heat Sinks: 4
2 PPCs: 14
7 Medium Lasers: 7
2 LRM-15s with Artemis IV and 4 tons of ammunition: 20


Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5

Total Heat Sinks: The PTO-1 has a total of 24 Heat Sinks. The PTO-2 has a total of 14 (28) Double Heat Sinks.



Head: 9
Centre Torso: 47/14
Side Torsos: 32/10
Arms: 34
Legs: 41



1 Large Laser, 1 Medium Laser- Each Arm
4 Heat Sinks, 1 LRM-15, 2 tons LRM Ammo- Each Side Torso
1 Medium Laser- Head
2 Small Lasers- Centre Torso
2 Heat Sinks- Each Leg


1 PPC, 2 Medium Lasers- Each Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, 1 LRM-15, Artemis IV, 2 tons LRM Ammo, CASE- Each Side Torso
1 Medium Laser- Head
2 Medium Lasers- Centre Torso


PTO-1: 1,538 (Not much less than the AS7-D’s 1,557)
PTO-2: 1,790 (About as much as a Cauldron-Born Prime.)
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