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WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox"
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 09-Aug-2003 19:17    Post subject: WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox" Reply to topic Reply with quote

In case anyone was curious about my ride:

BattleMech Technical Readout
Custom* Weapons

Type/Model: Wolfhound WLF-1A
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3062
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 3, Standard design

Mass: 35 tons
Chassis: Arc-Royal KH/3 Standard
Power Plant: 210 GM Fusion
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Light V3 Ferro-Fibrous
1 Thunderbolt A5M Large Laser
4 Defiance B3M Medium Lasers
1 O/P Custom Computer Upgrades (Installed by Joseph Garbo)
1 Anti-Missile Counter Measures System (Installed by Joseph Garbo)
Manufacturer: TharHes Industries
Location: Tharkad
Communications System: O/P COM-22/H47
Targeting & Tracking System: Digital Scanlok 347

The Wolfhound first appeared as property of the Kell Hounds mercenary unit in 3028. It is manufactured exclusively in the Lyran Commonwealth, where it was not licensed-not even as an experimental design-until early that year. Since then, either Morgan Kell or TharHes Industries has been willing to share this design with Wolf's Dragoons. As Comstar has been unable to pinpoint when the first Wolfhound came into Dragoon possession, speculation has been intense regarding whether or not Colonel Wolf may have violated the technology clause of his Draconis Combine contract.
The Wolfhound carries more armor than most light 'Mechs. It was designed to be a Lyran response to Kurita's panthers, though Katrina Steiner's delay in approving it indicates that it was not intended to beef up the Lyran military for the Fourth Succession War. The most ingenious detail about the design is that it is equipped exclusively with energy weapons, which enables it to carry less weight and remain in the field longer than 'Mechs that need to return to base to reload.

1) Ferro-Fribrous Armor
2) Advanced Computer
3) Advanced Close Combat Abilities
4) A set of somewhat...ineffective...counter measures.

A Davion supporting stable, Diamond Sun had been the victim of Skye Tiger aggression almost since the stable formed, quickly losing money to the better-trained and better-equipped Skye Tiger forces. Soon it seemed that the Diamond Sun stable would cease to exist.
Through luck, the stable discovered some information on a damaged memory core they found in the scrap yards of the desert. What information they could gather described a new system for improving mynomer and actuator performance in BattleMechs. Apparently, research was later dropped with the rediscovery of MASC and the invention of Triple Strength Mynomer.
Adapting the technology as best they could, the Diamond Sun techs added the Improved Mynomer/Actuator Circuitry (IM/AC) to their last remaining 'Mech, a Wolfhound. Around this time, Skye Tiger challenged the little stable to a final match, promising top money if the Diamond Sun 'Mechwarrior won. On the downside, the Skye Tigers would get the option to specify the maximum weight, arena and defending pilot.
Diamond Sun agreed, and began looking for a pilot who wouldn't balk at the massive odds against them.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
Major Joseph Garbo:
Major Garbo originally received his original WLF-1 Wolfhound after participating in a match for the beleaguered Diamond Sun stables on Solaris VII. Diamond Sun hired the Federated Major to pilot their machine against their adversaries, the Skye Tigers, in return, the Major would keep the 'Mech if he won. Because he was dispossessed at the time, the Major jumped at the chance.
Already having a previous grudge against Joe, Skye Tiger stables pulled out the stops to make sure they killed both birds with one stone. They brought in the well known headhunter pilot, Tseng San Wei, and armed him with a rare Shootist BattleMech. To stack the odds even more, they decided that the fight would occur in the Coliseum. Although it was a very close and costly battle, a little bit of exceptional luck Joe was able to defeat Tseng.
Through careful betting, Diamond Sun was able to get themselves out of debt, and succeeded in teaching the Skye Tigers a lesson in humility.
Currently, the Wolfhound Joe pilots contains the prototype IM/AC system. He has also installed Ferro-Fibrous Armor, a heavily updated computer and, strangely, a set of ancient missile counter-measures. The 'Mech has been christened the Metal Fox.

Type/Model: Wolfhound WLF-1A
Mass: 35 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 58 pts Standard 0 3.50
Engine: 210 6 9.00
Walking MP: 6
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 2 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA 15 .00
Armor Factor: 119 pts Ferro-Fibrous 14 7.00
(Armor Crit Loc: 3 LA, 3 RA, 4 LT, 2 RT, 1 LL, 1 RL)

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 16
Center Torso (Rear): 6
L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5
L/R Arm: 6 12/12
L/R Leg: 8 16/16

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Large Laser RA 8 2 5.00
1 Medium Laser RT 3 1 1.00
1 Medium Laser LT 3 1 1.00
1 Medium Laser CT 3 1 1.00
1 Medium Laser CT(R) 3 1 1.00
1 Computer Upgrades* HD 0 1 .25
1 Counter Measures* RT 1 2 .25
TOTALS: 21 55 35.00
Crits & Tons Left: 23 .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,282,930 C-Bills
Battle Value: 780
Cost per BV: 4,208.88
Weapon Value: 522 / 522 (Ratio = .67 / .67)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 13; MRDmg = 5; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 6, Armor/Structure: 3/3
Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/-, Overheat: 1
Class: ML; Point Value: 8

Game Rules:

Improved Mynomer/Actuator Circuitry: These systems do a slight amount to boost close combat performance. When punching with the left arm, the Metal Fox deals an extra point of damage from the circuitry imbedded there.

Computer Upgrades: The computer upgrades allow the Metal Fox to be tailored somewhat for a specific mission, though in general, these minor changes can be difficult to detect. In Stealth Mode, the Fox presents a smaller profile of heat and noise and has a +1 modifier to be detected. However, the walking speed drops by 1 and affects the running speed accordingly. In Normal mode, the Metal Fox functions normally. In Sniper mode the large laser has -1 to-hit, but the Metal Fox also has a -2 target modifier. In Close Combat mode, the Metal Fox's physical attacks get a -1 to-hit modifier, but the lasers get a +2 to-hit modifier.

Ancient Counter Measures: Though rarely of much use, sometimes the activated counter measures carried by the Metal Fox do something useful. The system has three charges it can fire before it must be reloaded, these charges may be used when the Metal Fox is targeted by an LRM or non-Streak SRM launcher. It doesn't affect unguided rockets and MRMS. Streaks are never fooled by the counter measures. When activated the system launches various flares, chaff and noise makers in an attempt to throw off missiles that are tracking in on the Metal Fox. When used, roll 2d6. On a roll of 2-8, nothing happens, on a roll of 9-11, decrease the missile table roll by 2, on a roll of 12, all missiles miss. Only one charge can be used per turn.

And of course, if you don't like these rules, don't use'em. In this case, the WLF-1A Wolfhound is simply a normal 3025 Wolfhound with a lot of history in it.

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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PostPosted: 12-Aug-2003 23:09    Post subject: RE: WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox" Reply to topic Reply with quote

I am wondering has the Metal Fox survived the Monkey War.

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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 13-Aug-2003 07:16    Post subject: RE: WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox" Reply to topic Reply with quote

Somewhat... If Joe want's I'll get my Best Tech on it. Miles "Tools" O'Toole...

Sir Henry

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PostPosted: 13-Aug-2003 19:32    Post subject: RE: WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox" Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-08-13 07:16, Sir Henry wrote:
Somewhat... If Joe want's I'll get my Best Tech on it. Miles "Tools" O'Toole...

If the up-grades that were done on my scrap van are an example of his work I pity the next opponant that Joe faces in that thing

Having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have-Rush Limbaugh

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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 14-Aug-2003 07:08    Post subject: RE: WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox" Reply to topic Reply with quote

Yeah, Tools comes up with this knid of crazy sh...Stuff all of the time. I swear he'll find a way to make a Mech Hover one day....

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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Motown Scrapper
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PostPosted: 14-Aug-2003 21:07    Post subject: RE: WLF-1A Wolfhound "The Metal Fox" Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-08-14 07:08, Sir Henry wrote:
Yeah, Tools comes up with this knid of crazy sh...Stuff all of the time. I swear he'll find a way to make a Mech Hover one day....

It's called a LAM

Having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have-Rush Limbaugh

Force of nature

Still crazy after all these years
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