BattleMech Technical Readout
Type/Model: Isfahan ISF-1
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3067
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 2, Custom design
Mass: 95 tons
Chassis: Corean Model 105BLP Endo Steel
Power Plant: 285 Pitban Fusion
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Standard
2 Magna Mk III Large Lasers
1 Imperator-B Autocannon/10
6 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Lasers
2 Irian Weapons Works Class 10 LRM 10s
1 Irian Weapons Works Class 4 SRM 4
2 Ma Mien Anti-Personnel Pods
Manufacturer: Earthwerks Incorporated
Location: Keystone
Communications System: Hartford JEA-1
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P FiberFeed 201
Built on Keystone in the FWL in order to prop lagging sales of the Gra
Titan line, the Isfahan is your typical quick production, easy to maintain
supplie, front line assult mech. All the weapons and parts are of tried and
true dependable designs, some dating back to 3025 or earlier. Good speed an
easily attained parts should help this mech become a favored unit for Mercs
Periphery, and even some House Units.
The very heart of this machine is the long loved Pitban 280, which has
severed house units fathfully for over 200 years. This fusion engine is
installed in a heavily modified Grand Titan chassie, this was decided over
designing a developing a new chassie to save cost and quicken production. T
outter surfaces have infact been so modified that only the legs look anythi
similar to the Grand Titan.
Over this Endo-Steel chassie is 18 tons of Duralex Heavy Armor, allowi
even the largest weapons to be deflected for a short while. DH was choosen
its avalability thru out the Inner Sphere, reducing the cost of find
replacement armor. A must have feature for mercenary units.
The primary weapons are the twin large lasers, not the extended varian
but the original, and a new designed Class 10 Autocannon, that we beleave w
designed in conjuction by Imperator with there recently aquired rights to
produce Armor Piercing ammo. As in the past IAW has only produced the Class
and 20.
Backing these up are twin 10 rack LRM launchers and a 4 rack SRM
launcher. Why the design team used two launchers instead of a single launch
is unknown, but these two weapons can yeild the same power as a 20 rack LRM
launchered used on most large designs for long range support. The SRM launc
is obviously to be employed against vehicles and wounded mechs, we figured
this out by its unique placement.
If anyone chooses to close into SRM range, they while find an Array of
medium lasers awaiting them, placed just above the autocannon barrel and a
single above the SRM rack. These lasers are capable of dealing a combined
damage with enough force to melt the armor off most mech locations in one
exchange. To counter this emense heat are 11 internally mounted double
capacity heat sinks, while this does bump up the cost some what it was deem
an acceptible cost.
Using most of the electronics from the Grand Titan, the Isfahan has on
final trick up its sleeve or more correctly, pant leg. Mounted in a band
around each shin is a Anti-personel Pod. Which quickly supprises any infant
brave enough to rush an Isfahan, let alone a mech.
Slower, lighter, and nearly as armed as its forberrer, the Grand Titan
the Isfahan is easily 1/3rd the cost. And even thou it is not nearly as
effective as more costly machines, its ability to keep coming time and agai
has endeared it to several pilots.
Type/Model: Isfahan ISF-1
Mass: 95 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 145 pts Endo Steel 14 5.00
(Endo Steel Loc: 6 LA, 6 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL)
Engine: 285 Fusion 6 16.50
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 11 Double [22] 0 1.00
Gyro: 4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 288 pts Standard 0 18.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 30 45
Center Torso (Rear): 14
L/R Side Torso: 20 30/30
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10
L/R Arm: 16 30/30
L/R Leg: 20 40/40
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Large Laser RA 8 2 5.00
1 Large Laser LA 8 2 5.00
1 Autocannon/10 RT 3 30 10 15.00
(Ammo Locations: 3 LT)
5 Medium Lasers RT 15 5 5.00
2 LRM 10s LT 8 36 7 13.00
(Ammo Locations: 3 LT)
1 SRM 4 CT 3 25 2 3.00
(Ammo Locations: 1 LT)
1 Medium Laser CT 3 1 1.00
1 Anti-Personnel Pod LL 0 1 .50
1 Anti-Personnel Pod RL 0 1 .50
CASE Equipment: LT 1 .50
TOTALS: 48 77 95.00
Crits & Tons Left: 1 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 9,615,840 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,537
Cost per BV: 6,256.24
Weapon Value: 2,109 / 2,109 (Ratio = 1.37 / 1.37)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 26; MRDmg = 19; LRDmg = 6
BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 7/7
Damage PB/M/L: 4/4/1, Overheat: 4
Class: MA; Point Value: 15
Specials: if
_________________ one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.