Mordel's Bar & Grill
Relentless 3
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Kell Hounds

Joined: 01-May-2018 08:00
Posts: 112

PostPosted: 31-Oct-2024 21:54    Post subject: Relentless 3 Reply to topic Reply with quote

TRO: Relentless 3
                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Relentless 3
Designer:           Castro
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan (Mixed)
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            75
Role:               Brawler
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current):    Advanced
Rules (Era):        Advanced
Rules (Year):       Advanced
Total Cost:         12,391,750 C-Bills
Battle Value:       2,838

Chassis:              coventry metal works Endo Steel
Power Plant:          GM 300 300 
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Jump Jets:            Skyreach EX Improved
    Jump Capacity:    180 meters
Armor:                J63-3E Ferro-Fibrous
    1 TSEMP Cannon (IS)
    1 Large Pulse Laser
    1 Laser Anti-Missile System
    3 Micro Pulse Lasers
    2 ER Micro Lasers
Manufacturer:         Coventry Metal Works, Technicron Manufacturing
    Primary Factory:  Coventry (CMW), Savannah (TM)
Communications:       MegaBand System 21 with Angel ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking: Dtrac Suite 4 with Advanced Targeting Computer

    With the Dark Age burning in the past, and the time of the ilClan in fruition - Clan Sea Fox
    began to dabble again with newer mech designs. While other Clans were developing
    battlemech's to go along with newer technology - Clan Sea Fox took a step back, wanting a
    mech that can go years without resupply and repair. With the popularity of the Regent from
    Coventry Metal Works and Technicron Manufacturing, scientists began designs on what would
    now be known as the Relentless, Vigilant, and Phobos.
    The initial development for the Relentless, Vigilant, and Phobos were constantly marred by
    politicking or normal Clan financial struggles, to the point where many thought the
    battlemech's would never see the light of day. Tragically, for a fairly long amount of time,
    all three designs languished in states of half-built, skeletal structures in battlemech
    facilities, never really achieving the financing nor the backing to finish the project. Only
    until Clan Sea Fox began establishing relationships with battlemech developers and factories
    later on in the ilClan era, such as Coventry Metal works, and further realizing that a full
    energy operated battlemech would be more cost efficient (and appealing) to the buyer - only
    then did they begin to put their full effort into turning the three battlemech's from simple
    concepts into realistic designs.
    Much like the design philosophy of battlemech's such as the Regent, these battlemech
    "borrowed" certain design elements from many other successful energy dependent mechs; for
    example, borrowing designs from the Black Hawk, Supernova, and structural designs from mechs
    like the Deimos. Thankfully the three battlemech's finally saw production in the late 3100's
    to great success. The battlemechs had two basic philosophies of design and function:
    primarily, to be a battlemech that had a full complement of energy weapons to theoretically
    allow it to work indefinitely during a long campaign or mercenary contract without refit;
    secondarily, to contain an advanced suite of electronics (with the minimum requirement being
    an ECM) to allow it to act defensively as a command mech during battle. While unofficial -
    each battlemech would also have two variants - each providing a different role for the lance
    or star that it was assigned and bought for. Therefore, using those as its principle design
    philosophies, the Relentless, Vigilant, and Phobos were created.
    While there was initial criticism that there was some initial criticism of its heavy number
    of lasers taxing the reactor to some degree, either as a battle-line design for a Mercenary
    company or Clan Star that required a mech that required little to no refit and wanted simple
    and easy parts to be rugged and easy to maintain - its popularity rocketed these new mechs
    to the top of sale charts.

    Weighing a sturdy 75 tons and sporting maximum levels of armour with Endo-Steel and
    Ferro-Fibrous structure, the Relentless battlemech further supplements its survivability
    with a slightly larger cockpit space, which allows Mechwarrior pilots to have more
    supplemental space to fill with survival gear, rations, or weapons in case of long
    operations. However, most shocking to the design is the absolute disuse of the stereotypical
    clan XL engine in favor of a heavier, but more centralized, clan fusion engine. This allowed
    the initial build and repair cost of the chassis to remain low, and, allow the durability
    and repairability to remain quite high - a bonus with many who sought after a rugged
    Battlemech to purchase for longer campaigns or contracts. This usage of cheap, yet common,
    parts gave the Relentless its rugged and easy to maintain status - as any damage to the mech
    was easily fixable, and its standard engine and skeletal structure allowed it to take quite
    a lot of firepower before being marked as crippled. The Relentless also features four large
    Skyreach EX Jump Jets on either side torso, gifting the mech with superior mobility of a
    roughly 120 meters of jump height - allowing the Relentless to easily outmaneuver other
    enemy battlemech's of similar weight classes.
    Along with the internal structure, engineers made it a point to provide the Relentless with
    excellent, if not superior, electronic warfare suites. Ergo, every variant of the Relentless
    is hardwired with the same electronic and defense hardware. In the right torso can be found
    an Angel ECM suite - easily masking the presence of the battlemech during operations or
    extended missions. Further, a Laser Anti-Missile system was installed in the right torso
    chassis to provide excellent defense, without the need for ammunition, against any incoming
    missiles that bypassed the ECM suite. Further, in the back of the cockpit, a Clan Active
    Probe sensor suite was placed, giving it a massive boost to sensor ranges as well as the
    ability to communicate and command effectively from the battlefield. This base electronic
    and defensive suite allowed the Relentless to act essentially as a command unit to any lance
    or star - able to defend itself, monitor the battlefield, and defend itself with its
    formidable weaponry. With the base skeletal structure, electronic suite, and defense
    electronics and equipment all laid out, engineers now set out for their actual main goal: a
    mech that requires no ammunition.
    Taking inspiration from designs like the Supernova, Black Hawk, and other  battlemech's that
    had sole usage of energy weaponry - the Relentless boasts three Medium Pulse Lasers in each
    arm, providing a terrifying amount of medium range firepower. A further two more ER Medium
    Lasers are found on the bottom section of each side torso, allowing for further damage at
    medium range. Furthermore, completing its all-energy weaponry, two centralized ER Micro
    Lasers are located in the central torso, near the cockpit of the battlemech. While this does
    tend to heat things up in battle for the Mechwarrior inside, it does provide some bit of
    Anti-Infantry firepower. All of the energy weapons are hardwired to the clan Targeting
    computer found in the left torso for further accuracy, as it is typical to clan philosophy
    to design a mech whose systems work together in harmony. In order to make sure the mech and
    pilot do not suffer through the massive amounts of heat the Relentless puts out with its
    energy armaments and Laser Anti-Missile system - engineers were able to fit 18 Double Heat
    Sinks throughout the mech, which allowed the mech to consistently fire most of its weapons
    without a worry of generating an excess amount of heat.

    While this battlemech should have seen deployment earlier in its development - its
    production near the end of the Era of the Dark Age sadly left most of them in their
    production facilities either half-built or collecting dust. Rather than forgotten, building
    a new mech was seen as "not needed" by Clan Sea Fox, and they had not developed the
    relationship they had now with many Battlemech manufacturers. However, with the new
    prosperity found in the ilClan Era, as well as the Relentless, Phobos, and Vigilant
    blueprint rediscovery, there is now new life brought into the battlemech, and Clan Sea Fox
    has started to see its benefit (and money) selling it to many a buyer across the Inner
    Sphere and Clan space.
    Thankfully, with the Relentless' high level of common parts and rugged status, coupled with
    its ability to essentially never need refit on long campaigns or contracts, the Relentless
    has begun to collect battle scars instead of dust particles.

    Despite being a newer mech design from Clan Sea Fox and Coventry Metal Works, there were
    actually two other variants (rather than the one) of the Relentless that were produced over
    a short amount of time, both of which sought to allow the Relentless to fulfil different
    roles in whatever lance or star it had been sold to.
    The Relentless 2 variant dumps all six Medium Pulse Lasers on either arm and replaces them
    with the cheaper (and much more common) ER Medium Lasers. With the weight these new weapons
    save, it allows the Relentless to exchange the two ER Medium Lasers in the side torsos for
    two ER Large Lasers. This provides the Relentless a solid, long-range punch somewhat missing
    from the original variant of the design. However, to save space, this variant drops the jump
    jets on either torso, losing it quite a lot of mobility. Otherwise, the Relentless 2 keeps
    the same philosophy as the original design when it comes to energy design and electronic
    warfare; it retains the ECM, Laser Anti-Missile System, and Clan Active Probe, all of which
    are still located in the right torso and head. This still allows the Relentless superior
    protection and sensors range, which still allows the mech to perform admirably in its new
    sniper configuration. The mech also still also retains the Targeting Computer, so that the
    Lasers maintain the same level of accuracy as before. Many pilots who did not enjoy the
    brawling nature of the original variant (and mostly did not want to spend the C-bills to
    repair said mech from brawling encounters) preferred the Relentless 2 - as it provided a
    much safer engagement distance with its armaments while retaining the same heat efficiency
    and electronic warfare capabilities of the original.
    The Relentless' 3 variant was unpopular and experimental, but still useful by tactical
    standards. It breaks convention by mixing Clan and Inner Sphere technology by adding a TSEMP
    cannon to the right arm. While bulky, and quite hot, the TSEMP cannon allowed the Relentless
    to perform a more specialized role of disrupting enemy mechs and vehicles while the rest of
    the unit follows up on the kill. It also returns to its original by re-adding the Jump Jets
    of the original version, but, upgrades them to Improved Jump Jets for a whopping 180 meters
    of jumping power. It also adds a Large Pulse laser to the top shoulder of the left torso for
    some extra range. To fit these massive weapon systems and Jump Jets, it sadly has to
    downgrade its arm weapon systems to three Micro Pulse Lasers on the left arm - and while
    these are barely effective against an opposing mech, the micro pulse lasers complementing
    the ER Micro Lasers in the center torso is enough to deal with infantry, or, a mech that has
    been shut down by the TSEMP cannon. Thankfully, the Relentless keeps the large suite of
    electronic warfare equipment, including the Angel ECM, Laser Anti-missile System, Clan
    Active Probe, and Targeting Computer. It does shave about a half of ton of armour from the
    legs, but it is not enough to worry any Mechwarrior pilot. While this mech was not as
    popular as the other designs due its odd loadout with not enough heat dissipation, the TSEMP
    cannon provided a unique role for the mech to perform insofar as disrupting enemy
    formations, and, paired well with a lance able to capitalize on said disruption, can be a
    very dangerous mech indeed. Furthermore, while TSEMP cannon could be prone to internal
    explosions if hit internally, the lack of ammo for such a weapon gave the Relentless 3 the
    same ability to operate in extended contracts and campaigns on the battlefield, and its
    ability to possible shut down an enemy mech is exceptionally useful (if not absolutely
    terrifying) in combat as a tactic.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.00                     
Engine:                                     300 Fusion                19.00                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                                 6                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 6                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         11 [22]                   1.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  229                    12.00                     
    Type:                                 Ferro-Fibrous                                         

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      23             37       
    Center Torso (rear):                               9       
    R/L Torso:                         16             26       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  6       
    R/L Arm:                           12             24       
    R/L Leg:                           16             31       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
Active Probe                                              H                 1          1.00             
2 ER Micro Lasers                                         CT                2          0.50             
Angel ECM Suite                                           RT                2          2.00             
2 Improved Jump Jets                                      RT                4          4.00             
Laser Anti-Missile System                                 RT                1          1.00             
2 Improved Jump Jets                                      LT                4          4.00             
Large Pulse Laser                                         LT                2          6.00             
Targeting Computer                                        LT                3          3.00             
TSEMP Cannon (IS)                                         RA                5          6.00             
3 Micro Pulse Lasers                                      LA                3          1.50             
Improved Jump Jet                                         RL                2          2.00             
Improved Jump Jet                                         LL                2          2.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 50
TP: BM,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"/12"j
Damage: (S) 3 / (M) 1 / (L) 2,  OV: 1
Armor (A): 8,  Structure (S): 6
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Kell Hounds

Joined: 01-May-2018 08:00
Posts: 112

PostPosted: 31-Oct-2024 22:02    Post subject: Relentless 3 Reply to topic Reply with quote

So some context on these three mech designs I posted.

Back when I was a wee young lad in the good days, someone created a robot game using some of the pictures shown in these record sheets. As a young lad, I spent a good amount of time making record sheets for these designs. I had two design philosophies in mind - make them all energy so that they need little to no refit on the battlefield, and make them have full suites of electronic equipment. Some variants broke that rule - but it was more for fun (aka the laser fist of the vigilant) then it was out of meta gaming. I should also point out that even since I was a kid, I have been a sucker for self-imposed WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get - meaning what the model has physically is the weaponry), so unofficially that was a rule I had when making these mechs as well. Now I never had disposable income much in my life, so I was never able to purchase those models - and sadly as time went by - they disapeared from the internet.

However, recently, I found and reached out to the person whom printed said models - and as luck would have it THEY STILL have the STLS and even some models to sell. So using my now disposable income - I slapped my card down as hard as I could and purchased a few of each model (so that I may also create the different variants).

Ergo - the teenage dream is now complete. I have my Relentless, Phobos, and Vigilant battlemech now coming in the mail to be assembled and painted (keep an eye on reddit and facebook groups - cant wait to post them!), and now I have record sheets for them. Will I ever use them - probably not Laughing Are these the most meta-gaming, cut throat, edge lord memeing battlemechs - again no (many have... some flaws haha). But at the end of the day these battlemechs were somewhat of a teenage dream - a dream now realized and made because I now got big boy money to spend on little plastic... resin?... toy soldiers. Enjoy, and maybe get a laugh out of these variants (and some neat as hell artwork - there is more I will post later).

Also let me know if I messed up on words or lexicon - I was trying to transcribe the mad ramblings of a young one on an old marbled notebook from roughly 15 years ago Laughing
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Kell Hounds

Joined: 01-May-2018 08:00
Posts: 112

PostPosted: 02-Mar-2025 15:40    Post subject: Relentless 3 Reply to topic Reply with quote

TRO: Relentless 3
                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Relentless 3
Designer:           Castro
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan (Mixed)
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            75
Role:               Brawler
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current):    Advanced
Rules (Era):        Advanced
Rules (Year):       Advanced
Total Cost:         12,140,625 C-Bills
Battle Value:       3,105

Chassis:              coventry metal works Endo Steel
Power Plant:          GM 300 300 
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Jump Jets:            Skyreach EX Improved
    Jump Capacity:    180 meters
Armor:                J63-3E Ferro-Fibrous
    1 TSEMP Cannon (IS)
    1 Large Pulse Laser
    3 ER Medium Lasers
    1 Laser Anti-Missile System
    2 ER Micro Lasers
Manufacturer:         Coventry Metal Works, Technicron Manufacturing
    Primary Factory:  Coventry (CMW), Savannah (TM)
Communications:       MegaBand System 21 with Watchdog CEWS
Targeting & Tracking: Dtrac Suite 4 with Advanced Targeting Computer

    With the Dark Age burning in the past, and the time of the ilClan in fruition - Clan Sea Fox
    began to dabble again with newer mech designs. While other Clans were developing
    battlemech's to go along with newer technology - Clan Sea Fox took a step back, wanting a
    mech that can go years without resupply and repair. With the popularity of the Regent from
    Coventry Metal Works and Technicron Manufacturing, scientists began designs on what would
    now be known as the Relentless, Vigilant, and Phobos.
    The initial development for the Relentless, Vigilant, and Phobos were constantly marred by
    politicking or normal Clan financial struggles, to the point where many thought the
    battlemech's would never see the light of day. Tragically, for a fairly long amount of time,
    all three designs languished in states of half-built, skeletal structures in battlemech
    facilities, never really achieving the financing nor the backing to finish the project. Only
    until Clan Sea Fox began establishing relationships with battlemech developers and factories
    later on in the ilClan era, such as Coventry Metal works, and further realizing that a full
    energy operated battlemech would be more cost efficient (and appealing) to the buyer - only
    then did they begin to put their full effort into turning the three battlemech's from simple
    concepts into realistic designs.
    Much like the design philosophy of battlemech's such as the Regent, these battlemech
    "borrowed" certain design elements from many other successful energy dependent mechs; for
    example, borrowing designs from the Black Hawk, Supernova, and structural designs from mechs
    like the Deimos. Thankfully the three battlemech's finally saw production in the late 3100's
    to great success. These battlemechs had two basic philosophies of design and function:
    primarily, to be a battlemech that had a full complement of energy weapons to theoretically
    allow it to work indefinitely during a long campaign or mercenary contract without refit;
    secondarily, to contain an advanced suite of electronics (with the minimum requirement being
    an ECM and Active Probe) to allow it to act defensively as a command mech during battle.
    While unofficial - each battlemech would also have two or more variants - each providing a
    different role for the lance or star that it was assigned and bought for. Therefore, using
    those as its principle design philosophies, the Relentless, Vigilant, and Phobos were
    While there was initial criticism that there was some initial criticism of its heavy number
    of lasers taxing the reactor to some degree, either as a battle-line design for a Mercenary
    company or Clan Star that required a mech that required little to no refit and wanted simple
    and easy parts to be rugged and easy to maintain - its popularity rocketed these new mechs
    to the top of sale charts.

    Weighing a sturdy 75 tons and sporting maximum levels of armour with Endo-Steel and
    Ferro-Fibrous structure, the Relentless battlemech further supplements its survivability
    with a slightly larger cockpit space, which allows Mechwarrior pilots to have more
    supplemental space to fill with survival gear, rations, or weapons in case of long
    operations. However, most shocking to the design is the absoulute disuse of the
    stereotypical clan XL engine in favor of a heavier, but more centralized, clan fusion
    engine. This allowed the initial build and repair cost of the chassis to remain low, and,
    allow the durability and repairability to remain quite high - a bons with many who sought
    after a rugged Battlemech to purchase for longer campaigns or contracts. This usage of
    cheap, yet common, parts gave the Relentless its rugged and easy to maintain status - as any
    damage to the mech was easily fixable, and its standard engine and skeletal structure
    allowed it to take quite a lot of firepower before being marked as crippled. The Relentless
    also features four large Skyreach EX Jump Jets on either side torso, gifting the mech with
    superior mobility of a roughly 120 meters of jump height - allowing the Relentless to easily
    outmaneuver other enemy battlemech's of similar weight classes.
    Along with the internal structure, engineers made it a point to provide the Relentless with
    excellent, if not superior, electronic warfare suites. Ergo, every variant of the Relentless
    is hardwired with the same electronic and defense hardware. In the right torso can be found
    an Watchdog CEWS suite, which acts as both a Clan ECM suite and a Light Active Probe. This
    easily allowed the Relentless to mask its presence  during operations or extended missions,
    while also giving it a massive boost to sensor ranges as well as the ability to communicate
    and command effectively from the battlefield. Further, a Laser Anti-Missile system was
    installed in the head to provide excellent defense, without the need for ammunition, against
    any incoming missiles that bypassed the Watchdog CEWS suite. This base electronic and
    defensive suite allowed the Relentless to act essentially as a command unit to any lance or
    star - able to defend itself, monitor the battlefield, and defend itself with its formidable
    weaponry. With the base skeletal structure, electronic suite, and defense electronics and
    equipment all laid out, engineers now set out for their actual main goal: a mech that
    requires no ammunition.
    Taking inspiration from designs like the Supernova, Black Hawk, and other  battlemech's that
    had sole usage of energy weaponry - the Relentless boasts three Medium Pulse Lasers in each
    arm, providing a terrifying amount of medium range firepower. A further two more ER Medium
    Lasers are found on the bottom section of each side torso, allowing for further damage at
    medium range. Furthermore, completing its all-energy weaponry, two centralized Micro Pulse
    Lasers are located in the central torso, near the cockpit of the battlemech. While this does
    tend to heat things up in battle for the Mechwarrior inside, it does provide some bit of
    Anti-Infantry firepower. All of the energy weapons are hardwired to the Clan Targeting
    computer found in the left torso for further accuracy, as it is typical to clan philosophy
    to design a mech whose systems work together in harmony. In order to make sure the mech and
    pilot do not suffer through the massive amounts of heat the Relentless puts out with its
    energy armaments and Laser Anti-Missile system - engineers were able to fit 19 Double Heat
    Sinks throughout the mech, which allowed the mech to consistently fire most of its weapons
    without a worry of generating an excess amount of heat.

    While this battlemech should have seen deployment earlier in its development - its
    production near the end of the Era of the Dark Age sadly left most of them in their
    production facilities either half-built or collecting dust. Rather than forgotten, building
    a new mech was seen as "not needed" by Clan Sea Fox, and they had not developed the
    relationship they had now with many Battlemech manufacturers. However, with the new
    prosperity found in the ilClan Era, as well as the Relentless, Phobos, and Vigilant
    blueprint rediscovery, there is now new life brought into the battlemech, and Clan Sea Fox
    has started to see its benefit (and money) selling it to many a buyer across the Inner
    Sphere and Clan space.
    Thankfully, with the Relentless' high level of common parts and rugged status, coupled with
    its ability to essentially never need refit on long campaigns or contracts, the Relentless
    has begun to collect battle scars instead of dust particles.

    Despite being a newer mech design from Clan Sea Fox and Coventry Metal Works, there were
    actually two other variants (rather than the one) of the Relentless that were produced over
    a short amount of time, both of which sought to allow the Relentless to fulfil different
    roles in whatever lance or star it had been sold to.
    The Relentless 2 variant dumps all six Medium Pulse Lasers on either arm and replaces them
    with the cheaper (and much more common) ER Medium Lasers. With the weight these new weapons
    save, it allows the Relentless to exchange the two ER Medium Lasers in the side torsos for
    two ER Large Lasers. This provides the Relentless a solid, long-range punch somewhat missing
    from the original variant of the design. However, to save space, this variant drops the jump
    jets on either torso, losing it quite a lot of mobility. Otherwise, the Relentless 2 keeps
    the same philosophy as the original design when it comes to energy design and electronic
    warfare; it retains the Watchdog CEWS and Laser Anti-Missile System, all of which are still
    located in the right torso and head. This still allows the Relentless superior protection
    and sensors range, which still allows the mech to perform admirably in its new sniper
    configuration. The mech also still also retains the Targeting Computer, so that the Lasers
    maintain the same level of accuracy as before. Many pilots who did not enjoy the brawling
    nature of the original variant (and mostly did not want to spend the C-bills to repair said
    mech from brawling encounters) preferred the Relentless 2 - as it provided a much safer
    engagement distance with its armaments while retaining the same heat efficiency and
    electronic warfare capabilities of the original.
    The Relentless' 3 variant was unpopular and experimental, but still useful by tactical
    standards. It breaks convention by mixing Clan and Inner Sphere technology by adding a TSEMP
    cannon to the right arm. While bulky, and quite hot, the TSEMP cannon allowed the Relentless
    to perform a more specialized role of disrupting enemy mechs and vehicles while the rest of
    the unit follows up on the kill. It also returns to its original by re-adding the Jump Jets
    of the original version, but, upgrades them to Improved Jump Jets for a whopping 180 meters
    of jumping power. It also adds a Large Pulse laser to the top shoulder of the left torso for
    some extra range. To fit these massive weapon systems and Jump Jets, it retains the three ER
    Medium Lasers on the left arm from the second variant - and while these are barely effective
    against an opposing mech, the ER Medium Lasers complementing the ER Micro Lasers in the
    center torso are enough to deal with infantry or vehicles, or, a mech that has been shut
    down by the TSEMP cannon. Thankfully, the Relentless keeps the large suite of electronic
    warfare equipment, including the Watchdog CEWS, Laser Anti-missile System, and Targeting
    Computer. It does shave about a half of ton of armour from the legs, but it is not enough to
    worry any Mechwarrior pilot. While this mech was not as popular as the other designs due its
    odd loadout and not enough heat dissipation, the TSEMP cannon provided a unique role for the
    mech to perform insofar as disrupting enemy formations, and, paired well with a lance able
    to capitalize on said disruption, can be a very dangerous mech indeed. Furthermore, while
    TSEMP cannon could be prone to internal explosions if hit internally, the lack of ammo for
    such a weapon gave the Relentless 3 the same ability to operate in extended contracts and
    campaigns on the battlefield, and its ability to possible shut down an enemy mech is
    exceptionally useful (if not absolutely terrifying) in combat as a tactic.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.00                     
Engine:                                     300 Fusion                19.00                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                                 6                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 6                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         10 [20]                   0.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  229                    12.00                     
    Type:                                 Ferro-Fibrous                                         

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      23             37       
    Center Torso (rear):                               9       
    R/L Torso:                         16             26       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  6       
    R/L Arm:                           12             24       
    R/L Leg:                           16             31       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
Laser Anti-Missile System                                 H                 1          1.00             
2 ER Micro Lasers                                         CT                2          0.50             
2 Improved Jump Jets                                      RT                4          4.00             
Watchdog CEWS                                             RT                2          1.50             
2 Improved Jump Jets                                      LT                4          4.00             
Large Pulse Laser                                         LT                2          6.00             
Targeting Computer                                        LT                4          4.00             
TSEMP Cannon (IS)                                         RA                5          6.00             
3 ER Medium Lasers                                        LA                3          3.00             
Improved Jump Jet                                         RL                2          2.00             
Improved Jump Jet                                         LL                2          2.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 51
TP: BM,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"/12"j
Damage: (S) 2 / (M) 2 / (L) 2,  OV: 2
Armor (A): 8,  Structure (S): 6
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