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ECM and ECCM reliance
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PostPosted: 21-Jan-2025 05:00    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hello again, everyone!

A couple days ago, me and my buddies had a match of tabletop BT using Roll20 as the platform (and to make our sheets (thanks!)). During that game, I noticed something slightly concerning.

Between 5 players, there were 3 of us that used ECM; my Mech (Custom IS quad medium brawler), my ally's mech (Custom mixed Tech biped medium skirmisher) and one enemy (Raven RVN-4Lr). In all three cases, this effectively meant that despite most pilots in the game having gunnery 1 & 2, the vast majority of medium to long range attacks were done at anywhere from +6 to +10 (movement of shooter, movement of target, range and ECM).

With all of this in mind, I have to ask; is there any reason *not* to pack ECM into a ground unit? It just seems like a +2 on all non-short range attacks (and short range if the enemy has no ECCM) is ridiculously good for a mere 1.5 tons (assuming guardian ECM).

Any opinions on this? Also, as an extra question, when firing LRMs and other such weapons indirectly, does the ECM effect go off the attack or the spotter? That is to say, if the spotter has ECCM, does that count as the shooter having a clear shot to the target as well? Couldn't personally find any info on this but it was late and I had work the next day so I might have missed it.
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Joined: 03-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Jan-2025 10:00    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

I think you may be using ECM Suites incorrectly. ECM alone does not give a +2 target modifier on weapons fire. Do you have other equipment, such as Stealth armor, in conjunction with it?
Mordel Blacknight - Site Administrator
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Private, First Class
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Joined: 22-Nov-2024 02:18
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PostPosted: 21-Jan-2025 10:24    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

My buddy had the Void signature system but that's about it. From what I read in Total warfare (7th printing), the "bubble" of an ECM grants a +2 to any attack whose LOS goes into or through it.

Did I misunderstand or misread how it works?
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PostPosted: 21-Jan-2025 12:15    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

Void does something unique, as is stated in the rules on Sarna. ECM by itself has no effect other than negating certain other equipment, such as Narc, C3, and Artemis. I'm not sure where you are seeing it grants a +2 bonus. Can you point me to the page and paragraph in your copy of TW?
Mordel Blacknight - Site Administrator
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Private, First Class
Private, First Class

Joined: 22-Nov-2024 02:18
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PostPosted: 21-Jan-2025 13:45    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ok, now that I'm home and have access to my rulebooks again, I can see where I made the mistake... and I honestly have no F-ing clue how I managed to misinterpret the mechanics that bad.

After some digging, I found out that I was going by the rules for "ghost targets" from Tactical Operations but had somehow completely misremembered them.

This is honestly embarrassing since I was pretty sure I had re-read the rules but I'm going to chalk it up to my sleepy ass trying to remember rules I read at 1AM.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
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Joined: 03-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Jan-2025 16:26    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well don't lose sleep over it. We've all been there before!!
Mordel Blacknight - Site Administrator
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 07-Feb-2025 21:10    Post subject: ECM and ECCM reliance Reply to topic Reply with quote

FYI, that is not how modern ghost targets work either. Best you could get with an ecm is +1
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