BattleMech Technical Readout
Name/Model: Phoenix Hawk IIC 13
Designer: Ruger
Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology: Clan (Mixed)
Technology Rating: F
Tonnage: 80
Role: Skirmisher
Configuration: Biped BattleMech
Era/Year: Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current): Advanced
Rules (Era): Advanced
Rules (Year): Advanced
Total Cost: 95,438,640 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,728
Chassis: DSAM Endo 4 Endo Steel
Power Plant: Sea Fox Clan Type 79 Special 400 XXL
Walking Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph [140.4 kph]
Jump Jets: Grandthrust Mk. 5
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Forging AM15 Ferro-Fibrous
1 Clan Mk. XVII ER PPC
2 Lancer Model 3 ProtoMech AC/4s
2 Tau-II AP Gauss Rifles
Manufacturer: Trellshire Heavy Industries
Primary Factory: Twycross
Communications: MegaBand System 21 with ECM Suite
Targeting & Tracking: Dtrac Suit 4 with Active Probe
Designed by Clan Sea Fox as a heavy reconnaissance skirmishing platform, the Phoenix Hawk
IIC 13 returns to the ancient roots of its namesake. Like most other Phoenix Hawk IIC
models, this BattleMech masses 80 tons, can run at 86 kph for extended periods (with bursts
of speeds in excess of 100 and even 120 kph if needed), and can leap up to 150 meters at a
time on its jump jets. Mounting a highly effective and feared clan-technology extended-range
particle cannon in its central torso, along with a Type 4 ProtoMech autocannon and
anti-personnel Gauss rifle in each side torso, it has firepower that cannot be discounted by
most opponents. Especially when considering that each autocannon is fed by two tons of
munitions, which most often consist of at least one ton, if not more of armor-piercing
shells. An active probe, ECM suite and TAG spotting laser provide ample abilities in its
counting role, and the 12.5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor plating that cover its exterior help
ensure it will come home at the end of the campaign.
The one major downfall of the Phoenix Hawk IIC 13 is that to accomplish all of these
features on one chassis meant that the designers had to opt to mount a massive, and
massively expensive, XXL fusion core. It also runs hot, so three extra double heat sinks
were added to the engine to help control the heat. This engine makes the machine vulnerable
to loosing single side torso, but it was thought that its many other benefits outweighed the
potential hazards of this engine.
Clan Sea Fox has begun deployment of this BattleMech not only within its own forces, but has
also started sellling it to other clans, and even the various powers with the Inner Sphere
and among the Periphery nations.
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: Endo Steel 4.00
Engine: 400 XXL 17.50
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8 [13]
Jumping MP: 5
Heat Sinks (Double): 13 [26] 3.00
Gyro: Compact (IS) 6.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Armor Factor: 239 12.50
Type: Ferro-Fibrous
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 25 35
Center Torso (rear): 15
R/L Torso: 17 24
R/L Torso (rear): 10
R/L Arm: 13 24
R/L Leg: 17 32
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
TAG H 1 1.00
ECM Suite CT 1 1.00
ER PPC CT 2 6.00
Jump Jet CT 1 1.00
AP Gauss Rifle RT 1 0.50
AP Gauss Rifle (Ammo 40) RT 1 1.00
Active Probe RT 1 1.00
Jump Jet RT 1 1.00
ProtoMech AC/4 RT 3 4.50
Supercharger RT 1 2.00
AP Gauss Rifle LT 1 0.50
Jump Jet LT 1 1.00
MASC LT 3 3.00
ProtoMech AC/4 LT 3 4.50
ProtoMech AC/4 (Ammo 20) [Armor-Piercing] RA 2 2.00
ProtoMech AC/4 (Ammo 20) [Armor-Piercing] LA 2 2.00
Jump Jet RL 1 1.00
Jump Jet LL 1 1.00
Alpha Strike Statistics
Point Value (PV): 61
TP: BM, SZ: 4, TMM: 3, MV: 16"/10"j
Damage: (S) 3 / (M) 3 / (L) 2, OV: 0
Armor (A): 8, Structure (S): 3