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Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125
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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

Joined: 24-May-2002 00:00
Posts: 299

PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 07:58    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Not happy with Dark Ages? Want a plot moving forward and still having the right feel? Or just want to see what Doggie Drafts look like Well, dive in, and hae a read of this. I tapped it out over the past hour and a half or so, and, while it is in no way perfect, its better than the alternative, I feel.

I've obviously got a looooong way to go, but, I'm taking suggestions. Gimmie some words, y'all? The original, and *vastly* better looking version of this is available via Email to anyone who wants it and can read wordpad files.

-- Old Dog, typin' terrier!


The year is 3100...

The Inner Sphere is in the clutches of centurian fever, the new calender year bringing hope, as the crushing waves of economic destablization begin to part. More then thirty years ago, the Inner Sphere was stretched to the limits it could bear, then beyond. Too many years of constant fighting on a scale uknown since the second Succession War devastated the economies and wills of every nation. There was war materiel remaining, of course, and sodliers, but soldiers have to be paid, have to be fed, and without these, they will not fight. Without the will of the people, there was simply no support for unwinnable conflicts.
The attacks of the Free World's League against both the Lyran Commonwealth, after the FedCom civil war had ended, and the Capellan Confederation, after that power had made such fantastic gains against its oppressor, were the last of the Great Age of War. Gains were made on either flank, but, as has so often happened in House Marik history, inner turmoil and civil war ground these assaults to a halt, forces having to turn inwards, rather than out.
War, true war, died thusly in 3075, and peace ... a tired, disjointed peace ... spread across the sphere. Raiding became the order of the day, and ahattered economies struggled to rebuild, diverting monies away from bloated wartime militaries, mercenaries finding their contracts unrenewed, and military hardware slowly mothballed or decomissioned. Armies still stand, of course, but today's forces are a pale shadow of the Age of War, when makind tore into itself with such force that the universe itself seemed to bleed.

The Great Houses

There are several Great Houses of the Inner Sphere, and several lesser houses as well, each claiming territory and power. Some range over three hundred worlds, while others are but a single continent on a single planet. Nonethless, all have power, be it great or small, and each jockies for influence and power in this constant struggle to claim a destiny.
The Terran Core is first amoung the Houses, if only for its holding of Terra, the ancesteral home of all humanity. Populated by the neutral Word of Blake, the Terran Core holds the oldest occupied planets, and the most historical artefacts, of any power. The Word of Blake, as holders of power, have declared the Terran Core neutral, and whatning no part of the conflicts that broil around them. By treaty, they may have only half the military capacity of the weakest Great House, so that their armies will forever be only defensive in nature. In return, the Word of Blake operates and maintains the Hyper Pulse Generators that are needed for interstellar communication for each House, great or small. The Terran Core also serves as a neutral point for trading, the negotiation of treaties, and serves as a 'Hiring hall' for mercenaries as well as providing military goods for anyone who will buy.
The Federated Suns, as run by the House of Davion, is at the lowest ebb of its history. In the wake of the devestation of the civil war, the Federated economy, never strong, collapsed, rendering it incapable of rebuilding properly from the damage it had taken, and leaving its miltary weakened. The Capellan Confederation struck first, rolling world after world, as green troops left behind to guard the borders fell, only to be replaced by haggered, drained fighters of better quality, but who had simply lost the will to fight. Mercenaries, who had poor relations with the House since being used in the meat grinding days of the Clan invasion, revolted as their pay was cut off, making the situation worse. Nearly the entirety of the Capellan March fell before House Liao's gaping maw, before they were finally stopped by internal pressures.
More bad news followed, as Tancred Sandoval, prince to Yvonne Steiner-Davion's princess, met his end on the Draconis border, slain by a Kuritan assassin as he personally visited, to quell tensions between the borders. Davion forces, enraged, drove into Kurita space, and were driven back, before the Daconis Combine's own attack ground to a halt against the stiff resistance. Here, the Federated Suns lost only a half dozen worlds, but each was painful. Yvonne, distraught, swore to never marry again. While well-meaning, her leadership was weak, and the pressures of the throne crushed her once bright spirit. The economy drove even lower under her watch, the foes of the house their greatest-ever gains, and, after a decade of rule, she flung herself form the top of Camelot, hoping her death would awaken her people from their sleep.
Victoria Davion, whose father dropped the 'Steiner' designation from his name, is the current ruler of the Federated Suns, and has dedicated herself to the ongoing recovery efforts of her people. Literacy is up, crime down, and, most of all, a sense of pride and hope seems to be filtering across the shrunken empire. The crown might be dented, but it remains a crown, and the Federated people are too proud to easily admit defeat. A full two generations removed from true war, the noble sons and daughters have again found the will to fight in them, albeit on a smaller, more classical, scale. Raids against neighboring powers have born fruit, while exportation of goods has risen. The Federated Suns might be half its previous size, but it seem to have lost none of its tenacity.
The Capellan Confederation, in contrast, rides at the crest of the greatest wave it ever faced. Chancellor Zhu Liao and his current wife, the lovely Paulina Liao, formerly Lenchev, rule with a detatched grace. Nearly quadrupled in size, the worlds lost to Marik some fifty years ago are seen as minor losses, scarcely worthy of attention. Instead, the ongoing campaign to fully subjegate and absorb the diverse populations of the worlds conquered from Davion space continue to be the curse and blessing of the empire. Now two generations, and in some cases three, from any other power, the vast majority of citizens have been trained to think of themselves as Capellans, first and only, but a few stubborn rebels remain. With so many cultures, the Chinese-themed spirit of unity has taken a severe beating, but is retained by the ruling house and its iron grip.
The Capellans long ago moved fully to a socialist state, with state-owned businesses, and goods given in a communal sense. Corruption has crept into the system, as it so often does, resulting in the majority being poor, but contented from never knowing another life. They are fed, clothed, and sheltered by Liao, and all sources of news and education are similarly controlled from the throne. Only the officers of the party have access to goods from outside the House, even as they decry the lack of morality in their neighbors. HIgher officers, governers, and other members of the Golden Bureaucracy wallow in decedance, with spices, toys, and more, ever at hand.
Chancellor Liao himself is a masterful schemer, without moral guidelines, who has given much power to his governers, but expects reports from each, replacing them when the whim strikes him. He's given to long bouts of opium-frenzied orgies, and seems to have no sense of self control. He thinks of himself as a god, able to take a life when he wishes, and will have whatever he wants, when he wants. Now on his eighth wife, he has sired some two dozen living children, legitimate and non, but is known to always kill any male who might be born, personally. He will take no chances of being replaced, and, having lived fifty years, fully expects to live fifty more. His favorite daughter, and sometimes consort, Lao She, is rumored to have born him a son in secret, but his spies would have reported back to him were there any truth to the matter. He does admire his granddaughter's eyes, however, and plans to take her as his next bride, once she has reached childbearing age.
The most important of his regional governers is Tai Xiang, great grandson of Justin Xiang(Allard), the Davion double-agent who cost Maxmillian Liao so much of his realm. Tai was raised at the Chancellor's side from boyhood, and is as loyal to Zhu Liao as he hates his traitorous ancestry. He rules over much of the former Capellan March, and rules with a savage hatred that shows no hint of mercy. He wants to set foot on New Avalon, someday, so that he might burn it to the ground. Only then, he feels, with his family's stain of dishonor be removed. Tai Xiang is an abberation, it should be noted, the lone governer of any fire. The rest are little more than glorified accountants, vying to get their prefectures more resources, food, and protection than the others, while fattening their own personal pockets. None are warmongers, or even despotic, so much as small, weak, and petty. War is for generals, not governers.
The Lyran Commonwealth of House Steiner remains strong, and improving, having suffered the least of all houses from the general economic malaise. The largets change after the Civil War was finally cutting the Federation of Skye free, to become a power in and of itself. Free of so much destruction to repair and wardebt, House Steiner, always the most financially sound, was able to absorb the next few decades with little effect. Conflicts with the last remnants of the Clans, and the Marik Invasion, kept the military in form, and brought fair damage, but nothing so great as the early days.
The Lyrans are fortunate, indeed, in that they are the most advanced, in terms of infrastructure. They don't have as many mech-producing facilities as the Free Worlds League, but their machiens are generally both larger and of a better quality. In fact, as has generally been the case since the first days or war, the Lyran forces are the heaviest of any house. This slow, plodding style of warfare has cost them from being quite the offensive powerhouse that they would like, but defensively, they're quite powerful.
Lord Von Steiner now rules the Lyran Commonwealth, and continues to reward his nobles with high rank and generalships, casting off the last taint of Davion from the armies. "Good breeding," he has been heard to say, "Is as vital in a man as in a beast. Who better to lead men to battle than the best amoung them?" As dangerous as teh heavy armies of the Commonwealth are, it is said that the merchants are the deadliest of all. Lyrans are known for being masters of the art of the deal, and have never been known to come out on the losing side of a treay, contract, or binding document.
If it is true that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, then Tetsuo Kurita would be happy to join him in a duet. Hohiro Kurita, Tetsuo's father,. had scarcely settled into his role as leader of the Draconis Combine when he decided o spurn the advances of the Yakuza, to whom _his_ father, Theodore Kurita, was so endebted. This was to prove quite fatal, as Horhiro perished less than a year into his role, having 'Eaten the Bad Fugu'. While the chef who prepared it was put to death, Tetsuo, then a teen, would allow nothing more to be done.
From there, the Draconis Combine entered either golden age or dark age, depending on who you asked. The Yakuza were owed a great debt, and would be repaid. Tetsuo was little more than a puppet, passing reform after reform, opening the cloistered Combine to many wonders of the Inner Sphere. Music from the Free Worlds League, furniture from House Liao, food from the Free Raslauge Republic, and more, all filtered in. Slowly, at first, but soon turning into an avalance, the cultures so long held at bay fell upon House Kurita, transmuting everything it came into contact with. While still Japanese by construct, the wave of modernization left only Luthien's face unchanged.
Deep divisions quickly formed in the Combine, as the poorer, agricultural worlds held to their older roots and traditional values, while a handful of wealthy, populous worlds became urban spirals, as twisted as a dragon's coils. Crime was common, there, and morality weakened. The free market exploded, and many corporations, backed by the state, took hold, introducing new products and advertising to a vulnerable people. In sizty years, the Combine is, argueably, the most advanced of all the houses, but terribly divided by age and culture, losing much of what made it so strong. The military is at, perhaps, its lowest ebb ever, as common citizens are more interested in earning a paycheck and providing for their family than gaining territory. Nobles now run branch offices, not fiefdoms, while the appreciation of thousand-year old paintings has been tossed aside for the current Pop Icon of the day, who, in turn, is tossed away mere months later, for the Next Big Thing.
Under Tetsuo's rule, the combine has seen more personal freedom than ever, but there are those who would like nothing better than to put the genie back in the bottle. The Yakuza, who have foiled many an attempt on Tetsuo's life, have seen their investment repaid five fold, but they, too, have failed to be untouched by these waves of reform. Simple accounting trickery and insider training finds them more profit than any number of brutal executions could, and narcotics and prostitution, while profitable, simply bring unwanted attention from security forces. Bribes drive down the bottom line, after all.
The Free Worlds League is, perhaps, the least-changed of the major powers, in that it's the same ol' same ol'. Internal rifts, petty squabling, and navel-gazing continue to hold the League back, now, more than ever, since the Marik line was removed from its hereditary position. Now, fully a republic, the congress, not the leader, bears rulership of the League, and rebuilding from a shattering civil war has remained at the forefront.
House Marik, when it was still using that name, saw small gains against the Capellan Confederation and Lyran Commonwealth, as well as great gains against Free Skye, but this was counterbalanced by the civil war that eventually drove the Mariks from power, the first true coup of a major house. Damage was staggering, withing three quarters of all mech facilities lost, to say nothing of the loss of manpower and resources. The Free Worlds League was, once again, seen themselves reduced to second place behind the Lyran economy, but has found the new Draconis Combine to be an unquenchable beast in terms of consumer goods. These two powers are tied closer than ever, due to trade, and are unique in the Inner Sphere in that the Terran Core charges no fee for those traders passing from FWL space to DC, or vice-versa. Without these tariffs, the League can undercut any other house in terms of what they sale, tho they import little in return. Adding to this ongoing financial empire, the League currently holds Solaris VII.
The newest player in the Great Houses is the Taurian Concordant. Gaining a seat on the Star League council, before it disolved, got this periphery power the status it had long craved as an equal amoung the Houses. This is especially true, now that it rests just above the Federated Commonwealth in military strength, the two greatest naval powers both lacking in significant ground resources. Tsar Vladimir Pieatrovich is only recently risen in the Concordant, but has been troubled by defending his naval assets from Federated pirates. Worse, his predecessor's war against the Magistry of Canopus has left his forces stretched thin, and Capellan raids are increasing. His is a hot seat, and actions are being demanded almost daily from the young lord.
Lastly comes the Free Raslehauge Republic. The FRR has grown since its merger with Clan Ghost Bear, winning both the Wolf Corridor and some of the Jade Falcon corridor, tho the Lyrans gathered most of the latter for themselves. After fighting several trials over the inner sphere, the Ghost Bears finally won the right to kick all clans but the Nova Cats from the inner sphere, sending the rest home to recover. From there, the Republic has had to establish itself, building from the ground up, as well as trying to draw in so many torubled worlds in the wake of the Clan departure. Sporadc infighting continued for the first thrity years of 'peace', with the end result ebing the loss of all facilities able to produce clan-level technology, and a general stagnation within the Republic itself. With such a heavy military nature, compounded by such poor resource worlds as they had, the FRR has been forced from early on to raid neighbors. Food, raw resources, and most of all water, rather than land or engineering secrets, have been the targets of choice, causing many to see the ramshackle republic as being barely better than periphery pirates.
Gunnar Johansen is first amoung his people, and has stepped up the general raiding along the Draconis border. Most interestingly, FRR navigators, using Clan maps and other, Star League era resources, have been expanding their realm outwards, into the Periphery itself, in the hopes of finding worlds that have not been so tapped out as their own. This explorer navy of his is, by far and away, the most devastating part of his Republic's budget, but he remains locked into his path, despite the protestations of those who see it as a foolish watse of their rare ships and resources. Some think he might step his raiding up into a small scale war against the Combine, in dual hopes of providing his people with a needed agrarian base, as well as getting his detractors to fall in line behind the flag, in support of the army.
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 13:16    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

WOW! Old Dog that is cool. And I would love a copy sent to me. I do have a couple of questions though.

1. What happened to Clan wolf in exile were they absorbed as well or do they still exsist?

2. What happened to comstar?

3. And you said the clans were driven away. what were the terms of their departure? How long till they return? Or can they return?

Its good to see a plausable story line and one that basically starts the universe over again.

I will admit I really did like some of the things Stackpool did with the universe. But his work did change and their was a difent ego that developed in his work ( Mabey he does suffer from the Napolen complex like Victor was supposed to have) To the point that if you read his comments on the Wizkids website last year he was a complete ass in it and basically stated that "the reason its being done this way is because I was hired to do it NOT you nener nener!" (Yes im parafrazing I know but that was the feeling I got from his letter saying that the new Clik-a-Mech was better than Classic battletech and we had no reason to worry).

Bah! Im rambeling sorry.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

Joined: 24-May-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 14:27    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

D'oh. It should be 3125, not 3100. My bad.

ANYwho, time for answers.

1. What happened to Clan wolf in exile were they absorbed as well or do they still exsist?

Still working on this. I'd *like* to go with my "Waco's Revenge" idea, but it didn't go over very well with people. Sooo, I need a plan B.

2. What happened to comstar?

Word of Blake happened. Rather than a Jihad against the entire Inner Sphere (ow), the Word fianlly took it to the remnants of ComStar. Blake had Terra, Blake had the factories, Blake's ranks were swelling while Comstar's was falling ... the collapse of the second Star League pretty much sealed the deal. Blakists managed to take care of the rest of the ComGuards in the 3070-3080 period, more or less ending them as an organization. A few diehards escaped, and still operate underground, but, for all intents and purposes, they're dead. Long live the Word of Blake!

3. And you said the clans were driven away. what were the terms of their departure? How long till they return? Or can they return?

It was a matter of honor, really. They'd taken horrific losses, in truth, and the infamous 'bottomless pockets' that they had turned out to, in fact, have limits. With a tiny fraction of as many worlds as the Inner Sphere, they simply lacked the depth. The warrior caste of the invading Clans was reduced to less than a tenth of its former strength, and Ghost Bear's trials were, really, more for show than anything at that point. The Clanners couldn't maintain what they had, so had to pull back.

The Clans have gone back home, where Wolf and Jade Falcon, so terribly drained, have lost even more to other, more predatory clans. Who knows how long they'll stay gone?

Basicly, they're written out. If the demand is high enough, they'll be able to be brought back, but, for now, I'm just excising them back home. Keeps the game focused in one area, prevents multiple writeups of teh same weapons, and so forth. 'Clan Tactics', such as challenges and so forth, will still exist, thanks to the FRR and DRaconis Combine. So, Clan players get to play the culture, but not the tech, making life easier for everyone.

Its good to see a plausable story line and one that basically starts the universe over again.

That was the goal, yes. When finished, it should be poised in a 3025-like slate: History has happened, the houses are more or less balanced with one another, political maneuvers are ongoing, and border scraps are common. Mercenaries are a major factor, and multiple regiments don't flit about the skies at whim. The game loses the 'Modern Combat' feel that was being used, returning to a more European Theatre feel, circa 1500-ish.

Now, personally, I'm not into the naval and aerospace thing, but I know other people are, so, I'm keeping it, but under limited size. Battletech needs to be about Mechs and men, not orbital bombardments.

If anybody would like to step up and toss advice on the subject, I wouldn't mind, tho I might kinda doze off. Nudge me, I'll listen, honest. The basics are that House Davion, while weak in terms of mech production, is going to more of its England feel. This means that it gets the premiere navy in the IS, but it's tied down to home defense almost exclusively. The TC, also a naval power, is on the border, giving reason for each side to keep ships at home. The others have token Warships, but most stay parked, for the same reason.

More questions? Ideas? Anything?

-- Old Dog, craftin' canine
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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 15:53    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

First of all, structure all this into a numbered list. I think that you have a fresh perspective of the Battletech universe, since you haven't read all the House books, and that's good.

To make the setting consistent, we have to do an exercise in prospective, that is figuring out the future trends based on each House characteristics and their history.

There are a lot of people in this board that figured out the major developments by FASA so you can rely on a pool of experts willing to offer sound advice.


The year is 3100...
the crushing waves of economic destablization begin to part. Too many years of constant fighting on a scale uknown since the second Succession War devastated the economies and wills of every nation.

So what you are saying is that the turmoil caused by the Clan Invasion and subsequent conflicts leading to the Federated Commonwealth break up and those started in their wake got us back to the starting point?

Basically, what happened is that the recovery of technology instead of leading to a Renaissance of the Inner sphere after the Succession Wars, something that could have happened in 3049 if it weren't for the Clan Invasion, instead led to another round of high intensity warfare.

So the fighting dies down due to economic collapse, the recovery being aborted, and a peace of exhaustion settled in, and the Sphere is now beginning to recover as of 3100.


The attacks of the Free World's League against both the Lyran Commonwealth, after the FedCom civil war had ended, and the Capellan Confederation, were the last of the Great Age of War.

so the FWL takes advantage of Lyran weakness to get even at their eternal enemy, and launch preventive attacks on the Capellans before they get too powerful to turn against the League.


Gains were made on either flank, but, , inner turmoil and civil war ground these assaults to a halt, forces having to turn inwards, rather than out.

Well, the biggest problem we can see for the League now is a war of Marik's succession.
The problem is that there's not a clear heir to Thomas Marik, but the possible successors and their would be backers are too weak factions to resort to arms to make their claim.
I don't think a civil war it's a neccessary outcome. I can see a peaceful solution arranged, a compromise, a regency, naming a Captain General that is not a Marik, or having Parliament reclaiming the authority of the Captain General.


War, true war, died thusly in 3075,

Can anybody tell me when the FedCom Civil War started and how long it lasted? And what was the outcome?
What's the duration of the other conflicts?
Intensity? Scale of destructions? Economic losses? Casualties?

We know that the Combine is sparring with the Ghost Bears, that the Lyran Commonwealth will face assaults from the Jade Falcons, that the FWL will attack left and right to take advantage of the turmoil, that the Capellans will likely jump at the chance of attacking the Capellan march, of course, and increased level of pirate activity, the MOTC and the TC will be drawn into attacking the Federated Suns as vultures to the carrion, I also forgot, the Combine and the Suns will also be fighting on their border.

So the mighty FedSuns gets assailed on all fronts, torn by internal strife, and it's very likely that in absence of a powerful central power, the Marcher lords gain independece.
I'm not suggesting a partition of the Suns in three marches, though the inevitable outcome of all this is that the Prince is weakened and the Dukes of the Marches win concessions.

So, summarizing:

Draconis Combine: loses a great deal of its military might fighting the Bears to a standstill and fending off Federated attacks. But otherwise doesn't come too bad off.

Lyran Commonwealth: breaks free of the FedCom, after civil war between Katrina's and Victor supporters, fights undecisive war with invading Federated Suns troops in suport of Victor, some other Steiner is made Archon after Katrina and Victor are removed from the picture, Skye becomes independent a loss, but it would be a good firewall measure to stop the FedSuns invaders, are attacked by the Jade Falcons, we can only hope the ARDC and the Kells absorb the blow and the FWL takes some planets along the border. Blake's Blood! and I thought that the suns was taking a beating? How will the Lyrans survive? what will be left after all this?

Free Worlds League: well, it should come out as one of the winners of these wars, even if it's paralyzed by a succession war, or by ousting the Mariks from the Captain Generalcy.

Capellan Confederation: another clear winner, problem is that the Taurian Concordat will get out of the alliance once they got what they want , after capturing some Suns worlds that belonged to the TC ages ago. More or less looks like they will have to stop to consolidate, and they will have a confederation of sorts with Canopus. Sun Tzu would have a heir with Naomi Centrella.

Federated Suns:
Well, they get another hardcore pure race Davion into the throne. Though the Marcher lords will take care of nmatters in their own hands. Unsure of the state of the Davion military, but you are right that the general mood would be one of hopelesness and decay, after the peak of power usually comes a collapse. Military they aren't as bad off as the Lyrans, and the territory losses are affordable, but the worst will be economic collapse. Historically , the Fed Suns is a a giant of clay feet, compensating its economic weakness by military conquest.

I don't know what would happen with the Clans, though the most likely prospect is that like all barbarian invasions, they soften by contact with the conquered peoples.

Now, I can see that the World of Blake makes a bid for power and ends up resurrecting the old Terran Hegemony. Well, that sounds good.
One question, though, there's no Word of Blake jihad nor any insane plan to bring apocalypse to the sphere, right? So that moderates win in the WoB, and they are more like the old ComStar.

What happens with the Star League? looks like it was exposed as the sham it was, but, what happens with the ComGuards and the SDLF? I think the most sensible thing would be joining the WoB "if you can't win them, join them"

I like a lot this angle, that the WoB becomes a group of sensible people with their own agenda, rather than the crazed cultists they are portrayed as.


Victoria Davion, whose father dropped the 'Steiner' designation from his name,


People on both sides of the FedCom have had it with the Steiner-Davions. Put a pure breed Davion on the throne, and forget that bastard lineage forever.

Well, I'll stop for now. this covers the overall picture. I'll comment on each faction later.
Memento audare semper
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Clan Nova Cat
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 17:25    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I went through and spellchecked it for you Old Dog. If you want a copy of it, just say the word and what format you want it in (it's currently in .DOC format).
There is one sentence I'm a bit unsure about...
Free of so much destruction to repair and wardebt,...

If I understand what you're trying to say "Free of so much destruction, the Lyran Commonweath was able to repair and repay their wardebt..."
Did I get it right?

And the nice thing about having the Clanners leave is that if a GM decides that he really wants a genuine CLAN game... well off to the clan clusters.

Is the FRR called the FRR or Clan Ghost Bear or some mix of the two?

It's a little thing, but would the Lyran state be the Lyran Alliance or the Lyran Commonwealth?

So Comstar was absorbed by WoB, I can buy that... and I'll also admit I don't know EVERYTHING that WoB did but wouldn't some people know that WoB's final goal is the domincance of the Inner Sphere...? Or have they given up on that whole idea of "we will be the Saviors of humanity by firey doom" thing?

Vampire: From CBT's FedSun's Page
In December of 3062, the brewing conflict between the two halves of this once-great power finally boiled over. The catalyst was the murder of Duke Arthur Steiner-Davion, with disturbing evidence suggesting Archon Katherine's complicity.

In regards to the violence of the FedCom Civil War... not sure... but it's a fair bet it wasn't pretty...

As far as the outcome, Vic kicked Kitty-Kat's {bleep} off of the throne of the Lyran Alliance. In this timeline I'm guessing Vic took up the FedSun's throne (Old dog?)?

Well that's my bit... for now.
Nova Commander Tarn (Elam)

3rd BattleMech Star

1st Battle Trinary

8th Scorpion Uhlans (The Crimson Legion)

Gamma Galaxy (The Cave Dwellers)

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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 17:59    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

And another post dies.

A post for Vampire that took over an hour, lost, now one to you, lost.

I should take a nap and sleep off teh desire to cry. Ugh.

Regardless, I'm sticking with the official Civil War, and spinning things from there. So, Yvonne and Tancred on Davion throne, Adam Steiner the new Archon, and Vic back in Comstar (Katherine dead).

More after I recover. UGH.

-- Old Dog, depressed doggie
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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 18:10    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

For Falcon:

And the nice thing about having the Clanners leave is that if a GM decides that he really wants a genuine CLAN game... well off to the clan clusters.

** The big goal, here, was to get them gone. Too many times having to repeat weapon info, having to make exceptions, the clear fact that they had better pilots, etc. The method of removal leaves a door open for a future return, if fans clambor for it, or even a 'Clan Homeworlds' pack, where Clan forces can duke it out with one another all day.

Is the FRR called the FRR or Clan Ghost Bear or some mix of the two?

** I'm using FRR for now, with the Ghost Bears eventually subsuming themselves into the Republic, to not come off as conquerers.

** If you have a bette name, I'm all for it.


It's a little thing, but would the Lyran state be the Lyran Alliance or the Lyran Commonwealth?

** Well, the seem to be using 'Lyran Alliance', so, I went with that as well. I figure that, after the civil war, that want nothing to do with the Federated Commonwealth. If their name has to change to give them more distance, then so be it.

So Comstar was absorbed by WoB, I can buy that... and I'll also admit I don't know EVERYTHING that WoB did but wouldn't some people know that WoB's final goal is the domincance of the Inner Sphere...? Or have they given up on that whole idea of "we will be the Saviors of humanity by firey doom" thing?

** The final goal is dominance, yup, and some people know. But, they just aren't regarded as all that important. Each house has plenty of other problems to worry about, currently. As long as the WoBbies keep communications up, stay neutral, and don't try to attack anyone, then they can sit in their little temples and basements and what have you and plot to their heart's content. All the gleeful handrubbing in the world doesn't bother the House Lords, who figure it'll be another 500 years before teh WoBbies do anything.

** The WoBbies, meanwhile, have just seen the greatest age since the true Star League fall apart into shambles. They'll happily sit back and gleefully rub their hands together, knowing that, in 500 more years, the sphere will have fallen apart, and then, they can move in and save humanity. Until then, they're happy to stay neutral, listen in on communications, sell off old war material so that teh Sphere will keep blasting itself stupid, and keep its military pristine and mothballed for the far future.
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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 18:34    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Once more, in to the breach...

*From Vampire*

First of all, structure all this into a numbered list. I think that you have a fresh perspective of the Battletech universe, since you haven't read all the House books, and that's good.

Rather than numbered, I'm trying to do this as a guideline, which will turn into mini-chapters. I'm going to make this work, comma durnit. For a better read, send me your Email addy (Or let me dig it out of my archives) and I'll send you the Word file. It's quite pretty, honest.

To make the setting consistent, we have to do an exercise in prospective, that is figuring out the future trends based on each House characteristics and their history.

Yup! Vital to keep the 'feel' for each, but, some new directiosn were also needed, I felt. A little from column 'A', a little from column 'B'.

So what you are saying is that the turmoil caused by the Clan Invasion and subsequent conflicts leading to the Federated Commonwealth break up and those started in their wake got us back to the starting point?

Basically, what happened is that the recovery of technology instead of leading to a Renaissance of the Inner sphere after the Succession Wars, something that could have happened in 3049 if it weren't for the Clan Invasion, instead led to another round of high intensity warfare.

So the fighting dies down due to economic collapse, the recovery being aborted, and a peace of exhaustion settled in, and the Sphere is now beginning to recover as of 3100.

** Well, 3125. I goofed on the first line. (sigh) ... otherwise, that's pretty much it.

so the FWL takes advantage of Lyran weakness to get even at their eternal enemy, and launch preventive attacks on the Capellans before they get too powerful to turn against the League.

** Ayup. But before they get far on either front, Thomas Marik dies, a civil war erupts, and, oof, the old Free Worlds Brakes are thrown on again.

Well, the biggest problem we can see for the League now is a war of Marik's succession.
The problem is that there's not a clear heir to Thomas Marik, but the possible successors and their would be backers are too weak factions to resort to arms to make their claim.
I don't think a civil war it's a neccessary outcome. I can see a peaceful solution arranged, a compromise, a regency, naming a Captain General that is not a Marik, or having Parliament reclaiming the authority of the Captain General.

** I have a civil war, if only to keep the FWL on par with the other houses. If everyone else is crippled, and the FWL isn't, it gets a one-sided edge and can roll over foes. A civil war does it perfectly, and letting them wind up a republic, rather than a dictatorship, makes the house stand out. Marik has traditionally been the 'Oh, and that guy' house, which everyone forgets. Ideally, making them the lone Republic will make them more notable. Subtle differences.

BTW, while not being pushed as The Good Guy, I *do* plan on making the FWL more 'American' in feel, turning the Federated Suns back into Franco-England. By hook or by crook, I *will* make the FWL interesting!

Can anybody tell me when the FedCom Civil War started and how long it lasted? And what was the outcome?
What's the duration of the other conflicts?
Intensity? Scale of destructions? Economic losses? Casualties?

** Officially, the civil war started in, I think, 3065, ended in 3067. Kat dies, Yvonne and Tancred run the Federated Suns, Adam Steiner runs the Lyran Alliance, and Vic goes back to Comstar. Lots of damage in Skye and some areas around New Avalon, and a LOT of bodies. The biggest casualty is the trust between the two houses, which split up, and the morale of the populace.


So the mighty FedSuns gets assailed on all fronts, torn by internal strife, and it's very likely that in absence of a powerful central power, the Marcher lords gain independece.
I'm not suggesting a partition of the Suns in three marches, though the inevitable outcome of all this is that the Prince is weakened and the Dukes of the Marches win concessions.

** Basicly. With what I'm doing, the Capellan March basicly vanishes, as about 80%% of it falls to Liao (Good lord!) the Draconic border changes very slightly, due to Tancred's death, but the Princess gives lots more autonomy to the Dukes than ever before. (Yvonne gets the King John role, in the end)
So, summarizing:

Draconis Combine: loses a great deal of its military might fighting the Bears to a standstill and fending off Federated attacks. But otherwise doesn't come too bad off.

** Correct-ish. Note that the Yakuza are owed, massively. In Doggie Timeline, they collect, which inflicts MAJOR cultural changes.

Lyran Commonwealth: breaks free of the FedCom, after civil war between Katrina's and Victor supporters, fights undecisive war with invading Federated Suns troops in suport of Victor, some other Steiner is made Archon after Katrina and Victor are removed from the picture, Skye becomes independent a loss, but it would be a good firewall measure to stop the FedSuns invaders, are attacked by the Jade Falcons, we can only hope the ARDC and the Kells absorb the blow and the FWL takes some planets along the border. Blake's Blood! and I thought that the suns was taking a beating? How will the Lyrans survive? what will be left after all this?

** The first chart I did was lost to the timeout. I'll remake it. The Lyrans actually remain in the best shape of anyone, despite the loss of territory to Skye.

Free Worlds League: well, it should come out as one of the winners of these wars, even if it's paralyzed by a succession war, or by ousting the Mariks from the Captain Generalcy.

** Working on this, still. Marik comes out in good shape, even with teh civil war.


Capellan Confederation: another clear winner, problem is that the Taurian Concordat will get out of the alliance once they got what they want , after capturing some Suns worlds that belonged to the TC ages ago. More or less looks like they will have to stop to consolidate, and they will have a confederation of sorts with Canopus. Sun Tzu would have a heir with Naomi Centrella.

** Lots of yups. The CC is paralyzed by internal forces, having gobbled up *so* *much* *land* from the Federated Suns, and never really havng to deal with that before. New, wide-stretched borders don't help. They're bloated, but happy. And ripe for banditry. *pluck pluck*

Federated Suns:
Well, they get another hardcore pure race Davion into the throne. Though the Marcher lords will take care of nmatters in their own hands. Unsure of the state of the Davion military, but you are right that the general mood would be one of hopelesness and decay, after the peak of power usually comes a collapse. Military they aren't as bad off as the Lyrans, and the territory losses are affordable, but the worst will be economic collapse. Historically , the Fed Suns is a a giant of clay feet, compensating its economic weakness by military conquest.

** I have them worse off, militarily, in the mech field, but with a powerhouse Navy to guard shrunken borders. Territorial losses were also bad, but survivable. Amazingly, teh Davions still came out as #2 in my power poll. Maybe things aren't as bad for them as I thought...


I don't know what would happen with the Clans, though the most likely prospect is that like all barbarian invasions, they soften by contact with the conquered peoples.

** The Ghost Bears and Nova Cats get absorbed, Wolf in Exile killed, Wolf and Jade Falcon go home and get slappe about by the now-stronger Clans that have stuff left unused. Long story about the Clans for later. For now, they're out of the IS and the storyline for the near future.


Now, I can see that the World of Blake makes a bid for power and ends up resurrecting the old Terran Hegemony. Well, that sounds good.
One question, though, there's no Word of Blake jihad nor any insane plan to bring apocalypse to the sphere, right? So that moderates win in the WoB, and they are more like the old ComStar.

** Well, the upper command still don't mind seeing teh Sphere blow up, so they can step in and take over, but, they're dedicated first and foremost to preservation. They're the old ComStar, in fact, under a new name. More moderate than the WoB was, for certain. Just biding their time for a few more centuries.

What happens with the Star League? looks like it was exposed as the sham it was, but, what happens with the ComGuards and the SDLF? I think the most sensible thing would be joining the WoB "if you can't win them, join them"

** Officially? The SL breaks up as a sham. In Doggie Time, ComStar was beaten about by teh WoBbies, until it got to a stage of 'Be absorbed or die' ... they got absorbed, at which time the WoBbies started to establish the Terran Core, and stepped out of warfare and such. They went Switzerland.

People on both sides of the FedCom have had it with the Steiner-Davions. Put a pure breed Davion on the throne, and forget that bastard lineage forever.

** As far as I can tell, only Hanse and Melissa's kids have claim to the throne. As such, I have Tancred and Yvonne having a kid, who erases the 'Steiner' from his name, who in turn gives birth to Victoria Davion, who is seen as 'Pure', as she never had the STeiner stigma. This keeps the ruling house bloodline intact, but gets rid of the hyphen. At this point, the Federated Suns as a whole is willing to overlook a little 'dent' in the bloodline for teh chance to have someone step up that they can rally behind. Victoria will wind up doing a lot of good for them.

-- Old Dog, who prays THIS one gets in. But saves it to buffer, Just In Case.
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Old Dog
Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 18:47    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hot diggity! It went in!

Okay, last thing before I nap, honest.

Here are some rough power levels I have in mind.

1. FRR
2. Capellan Confederation
3. Draconis Combine
4. Tauran Concordant
5. Free Worlds League
6. Lyran Alliance
7. Federated Suns

1. Lyran Alliance
2. Free Worlds League
3. Draconis Combine
4. Capellan Confederation
5. FRR
6. Federated Suns
7. Tauran Concordant

1. Federated Suns
2. Capellan Confederation
3. Lyran Alliance
4. Free Worlds League
5. Draconis Combine
6. FRR
7. Tauran Concordant

1. Federated Suns
2. Tauran Concordant
3. FRR
4. Draconis Combine
5. Capellan Confederation
6. Free Worlds League
7. Lyran Alliance

1. Lyran Alliance
2. Free Worlds League
3. Draconis Combine
4. Tauran Concordant
5. Federated Suns
6. Capellan Confederation
7. FRR


1. Federated Suns
2. FRR
3. Lyran Alliance
4. Tauran Concordant
5. Draconis Combine
6. Capellan Confederation
7. Free Worlds League

Mind you, these are *rough* placements, and some can easily be shifted. However, looking at the totals...

The Federated Suns have 21 'points'.
The FRR has 24 'points'.
The Lyran Alliance has 21 'points'.
The Tauran Concordant has 28 'points'.
The Draconis Combine has 23 'points'.
The Free Worlds League has 26 'points'.
The Capellan Confederation has 25 'points'.

This leaves the Lyrans and the FedSuns in 'first place', in overall situational power, while the TC is last amoung teh Great Houses ... but is still a player, rather than a lesser house member. The FWL and CC are balanced against one another, and teh DC is still a major threat against the FS, as it should be.

There are a LOT of mitigating factors, mind, and the CC sure *looks* like a powerhouse, but. Well. I have Ideas.

-- Old Dog, still thinkin'...
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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 19:05    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Okay, I like the plan for the Free Worlds League. There's gonna be a big mess when Thomas Marik dies, and I like that the power returns to Parliament, and the Captain General office goes back to being a generalissimo in times of war.

But I don't like the idea of removing the Marik family from play, after all, they own one of the states that makes up the League, so they remain a major player in League politics.

I'd install a non-Marik Captain General, until such time he or she botches, and everybody goes begging the Marik to accept the post.

I think you have overlooked Thomas Marik grand scheme, the Knights of the Inner Sphere.

They should definitely be a feature of the Free Worlds League, and a comeback of feudalism should be one of the fixtures of the setting. After all, you have pointed out that the Princess of the FedSuns gave power to the nobles. You mentioned King John, well, let's draft another Covenant for the FedSuns (sort of Magna Carta)

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Clan Nova Cat
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 20:33    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

** The big goal, here, was to get them gone. Too many times having to repeat weapon info, having to make exceptions, the clear fact that they had better pilots, etc. The method of removal leaves a door open for a future return, if fans clambor for it, or even a 'Clan Homeworlds' pack, where Clan forces can duke it out with one another all day.

If the desire is there I'm more than willing to take up the burden. I love the clans (and not just the ClanTech either. You could take it all away and I'd still rather play them.)

Is the FRR called the FRR or Clan Ghost Bear or some mix of the two?

** I'm using FRR for now, with the Ghost Bears eventually subsuming themselves into the Republic, to not come off as conquerers.

** If you have a bette name, I'm all for it.

Well we all know that, even with politics in the mix, most Clanners are very prideful, and CGB wouldn't just stop being called Clan Ghost Bear... it'd probably be something along the lines of "Rasalhague-Ghost Bear Alliance" (That sounds good b/c it makes them both seem like partners...) Nonetheless it would proabably have both Rasalhague and Ghost Bear in it's name.


It's a little thing, but would the Lyran state be the Lyran Alliance or the Lyran Commonwealth?

** Well, the seem to be using 'Lyran Alliance', so, I went with that as well. I figure that, after the civil war, that want nothing to do with the Federated Commonwealth. If their name has to change to give them more distance, then so be it.

Lyran Alliance is fine.

So Comstar was absorbed by WoB, I can buy that... and I'll also admit I don't know EVERYTHING that WoB did but wouldn't some people know that WoB's final goal is the domincance of the Inner Sphere...? Or have they given up on that whole idea of "we will be the Saviors of humanity by firey doom" thing?

** The final goal is dominance, yup, and some people know. But, they just aren't regarded as all that important. Each house has plenty of other problems to worry about, currently. As long as the WoBbies keep communications up, stay neutral, and don't try to attack anyone, then they can sit in their little temples and basements and what have you and plot to their heart's content. All the gleeful handrubbing in the world doesn't bother the House Lords, who figure it'll be another 500 years before teh WoBbies do anything.

** The WoBbies, meanwhile, have just seen the greatest age since the true Star League fall apart into shambles. They'll happily sit back and gleefully rub their hands together, knowing that, in 500 more years, the sphere will have fallen apart, and then, they can move in and save humanity. Until then, they're happy to stay neutral, listen in on communications, sell off old war material so that teh Sphere will keep blasting itself stupid, and keep its military pristine and mothballed for the far future.

Just checkin'... it seemed too perfect. While I realize this will be under your control, what if another Waterly type person comes into power?

As for Clan Wolf-in-Exile, I say they absorb Kell's Hounds. As for Arc-Royal area they had at the end of the FedCom civil war, the Lyran Alliance struck a deal with them. Since they were gonna take back JF holdings, but didn't want an area of potential enemies in the middle of the country, nor did they want the bad publicity of attacking an "ally", they offered to move the as many people as wanted to go, to an area just "north" of the Lyran Alliance. Since the Arc-Royal Defense Cordon comprised of 17 planets, this took a few years. But since not everyone went with them, it ended up that only 7 planets were required to hold the population of this new "Periphery State". As for Clan Tech, certain vital bits of this data was corrupted or destroyed... *cough* Word of Blake *cough* and rendered either completely useless or recoverable after time (and those would be limited to things like low number ATM and Small and (maybe) Medium Heavy Lasers, i.e. things with no IS equivilent)
Not sure about the name, Clan Kell Wolves? I'd say once again they would still consider themselves a Clan, and use Clan Doctrine.

Now for why WoBblies would take out Clan tech... well I have the motive, just not the total method. To the WoBblies, Clan tech is a bad thing... it could potentially make one group too powerful. While if that one group was us (WoB) that'd be fine... but it's not. Others have it. We must stop and/or steal it for us. CWiE would be easy to get, they are itty-bitty, and if you follow my plan, they have put all their eggs in a few easily "fixed" baskets. On the other hand both CGB and CNC are a bit harder. Their militaries are MUCH larger (CWiE = 150 stars, CNC = Approximately 338 stars, CGB = 801 stars, mind you those touman may be a bit out of date... but still that should give you an idea...) Theoretically a single, Clan-wide strike could be achived, (probably CGB first, shortly after the other clans were booted out of the IS, with CNC coming next, and CWiE when the move was made, that one being nice and convenient) though it would take a long time to plan, and would probably cost many a WoBblie agent's life... but all in the cause of peace .

And my final bit for this post, I would think about a name change for the FWL... Since they just went through a Civil War and came out with a ruling BODY not a ruling person, they would probably want to give the impression that they are new and improved. Something like the Free Worlds Republic...

So what do I have to do to get put on this full time, not just as an occasional helper?

Old Dog, could you send the wonderful version? Email:

Nova Commander Tarn (Elam)
3rd BattleMech Star
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8th Scorpion Uhlans (The Crimson Legion)
Gamma Galaxy (The Cave Dwellers)
Clan Golaith Scorpion

[ This Message was edited by: RFalcon on 2002-06-17 20:36 ]
Nova Commander Tarn (Elam)

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Free Worlds League
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 20:39    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

And my final bit for this post, I would think about a name change for the FWL... Since they just went through a Civil War and came out with a ruling BODY not a ruling person, they would probably want to give the impression that they are new and improved. Something like the Free Worlds Republic...

No, you are wrong, Parliament has always ruled the League, the Mariks made the Captain Generalcy an hereditary dictatorship during the Succesion Wars.

And I wouldn't change the name, the League is the oldest existing state. Don't breack with a a tradition that is more than 700 years old.
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Clan Nova Cat
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 20:43    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Oh... sorry, FWL was never a group I looked much into... not that I didn't like them, nor that I disliked them... They were neutral in my book, so as a consequence I didn't do much research about them. FWL works for me. Just a thought.

Nova Commander Tarn (Elam)

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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 21:44    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I have a recomendation for the ending of Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon, not to mention a solution for the Clan Wolf in Excile (as well as the Wolf's Dragoons).


3072 - Clan Jade Falcon Ocupation Zone, Periphery Border.

Hard pressed on all sides, Clan Jade Falcon is preparing to retreat with its new allies, Clan Wolf. Their enemies, the ARDC, Ghost Bears, and Lyran Alliance are attack from all directions.

Yes they knew that the Lyran Alliance had all intentions of selling out the WiE.

Yes they knew that Clan Ghost Bear was about to be attacked by the Draconis Combine in retalitation for raiding by the FRR.

But it didn't matter. Those groups hated them with such ferrorcity that they planned on ending them. Martha Pryde was ready however, she had slowly been building up her Clan for just such an event, only Clan Wolf was caught unready, torn to pieces and left with shattered clusters that had been brought into the Clan Jade Falcon fold.

Now she supervised a retreat, a fighting retreat, but a retreat none the less. The survival of her Clan depended on it, lest they be destroyed, mech for mech and lost for eternity. Already many clusters had fallen, and she had sent more to the front lines, trying to hold off the Inner Sphere jaguarnaut much as she imagined her Smoke Jaguare counterparts did.

And now this.

The scantech had scurried away after reading her the notice. A Clan Snow Raven armada had just entered the system and challanged Clan Jade Falcon for its aerospace assets. Those Stravag scum had blasted all of its opponents nearly ten years ago when Clan Ghost Bear and Nova Cat defected to the Inner Sphere. Now they were on the rise, a powerful Warden Clan.

And they wanted revenge.

She knew about her holdings back in Clan Space, ransaked and nearly destroyed by the Clan Snow Raven/Blood Spirit rampage against the Crusaders. Already the Hell Horses were ravaged and decimated. Clan Wolf had no planets at all, stripped of everything but a few meager shattered Clusters, and now Clan Jade Falcon would face the same fate.

She could do nothing. She knew it, and knew the Snow Raven's knew it. She smiled and looked at the horizon. Calling over her XO she nodded to him, "Prepare my mech and order an all out attack of all ground forces against the Wolfs In Excile and the Lyran Alliance. Give the civilians and all of our holdings to Clan Snow Raven with my compliments on their timing. Prepare my mech. I ride as well." The man bowed and left.


After a climatic battle Clan Jade Falcon was destroyed mech to mech, its genetic legacies and civilian castes passing onto the Snow Ravens, whose enhanced power let them destroy the few home crusader Clans with the help of the Blood Spirits.

Clan Wolf in Excile, the Kell Hounds, and Wolf's Dragoons, were brought back to Clan Space to escape planned annilhation of all of their people by the armies of the Lyran Alliance. Terribly weaked by their fight with the Jade Falcons, the Wolves jumped on the offer of Clan Snow Raven to be brought back, and have since settled onto one world to lick their wounds, a proxy Clan of the Snow Ravens.

Clan Snow Raven turned its new found Empire to good use and levied strong arm tactics against Clan Diamond Shark. That Clan fled Clan Space and headed for the Inner Sphere, eventually to disolve into a fleet of vagabond traders and merchants, gypsies that wander over the Inner Sphere. Occasionally with a Goliath Scorpion coming in search of Star League artifacts, but their planets to fell to the hands of the Snow Ravens, which have now rissen to power over the Clan Cluster. Declaring that the role of the Clans were to watch and wait, ready to counter any threat found outside of the Inner Sphere, and to answer their call for salvation if it ever came. Clan Snow Raven settled back and waited. Challanging other Clans in sport to keep its talons sharp, Clan Snow Raven enjoyed its new found prominence, but out of mutual agreement with Clan Ghost Bear dropped all ties with the Inner Sphere.

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PostPosted: 17-Jun-2002 21:50    Post subject: Old Dog draft: Battletech 3125 Reply to topic Reply with quote

ROFLMAO!!! Gee that wasn't baised, was it?

Nova Commander Tarn (Elam)

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