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  Topic: Warhammer WHM-6R-U

Replies: 0
Views: 13
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 08-Oct-2024 23:38   Subject: Warhammer WHM-6R-U
BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model: Warhammer WHM-6R-U
Designer: Vagabond
Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology: Inner Sphere
Te ...
  Topic: Manticore IIC Heavy Tank

Replies: 2
Views: 36
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 05-Oct-2024 15:14   Subject: Manticore IIC Heavy Tank
A tank only the Clans could love... that price tag. lol.

  Topic: Vedette IIC Medium Tank

Replies: 1
Views: 35
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 05-Oct-2024 15:06   Subject: Vedette IIC Medium Tank
*Magneto meme*

  Topic: Found differences between and masterunitlist

Replies: 10
Views: 233
PostForum: Site Bugs and Enhancements   Posted: 04-Oct-2024 23:11   Subject: Found differences between and masterunitlist
So I was told by a Catalyst Demo organizer that some of the units on the MUL have had their PV altered from official catalyst values. Something to be aware of.
  Topic: Scorpion IIC Light Tank

Replies: 2
Views: 46
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 03-Oct-2024 21:36   Subject: Scorpion IIC Light Tank
If you can't get a LAC/5, the PAC/4 is nearly as good.
  Topic: Goblin IIC Infantry Support Vehicle

Replies: 5
Views: 70
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 03-Oct-2024 21:25   Subject: Goblin IIC Infantry Support Vehicle
Then objective achieved.
  Topic: Goblin IIC Infantry Support Vehicle

Replies: 5
Views: 70
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 02-Oct-2024 23:23   Subject: Goblin IIC Infantry Support Vehicle
You could drop the AMS, AMS Ammo for 1.5 tons.

Or you could drop down to a standard SRM for 1.5 tons.

The remaining 0.5 tons could be taken from armor or by dropping an AP gauss.
  Topic: Goblin IIC Infantry Support Vehicle

Replies: 5
Views: 70
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 02-Oct-2024 21:10   Subject: Goblin IIC Infantry Support Vehicle
Nice. I'd have gone with 5 tons of infantry bay so it can also carry Elementals.
  Topic: Hun-CL Heavy Tank CL

Replies: 0
Views: 36
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 01-Oct-2024 19:28   Subject: Hun-CL Heavy Tank CL
Combat Vehicle Technical Readout

Name/Model: Hun-CL Heavy Tank CL
Designer: Vagabond
Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology: Clan (Mixe ...
  Topic: Aerospace Fighter design option?

Replies: 5
Views: 89
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: 01-Oct-2024 11:54   Subject: Aerospace Fighter design option?
In motion, dunno. Planned, yes.
  Topic: Aerospace Fighter design option?

Replies: 5
Views: 89
PostForum: General Discussion   Posted: 30-Sep-2024 22:22   Subject: Aerospace Fighter design option?
not yet.
  Topic: Hun Heavy Tank Prime

Replies: 1
Views: 42
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 29-Sep-2024 21:27   Subject: Hun Heavy Tank Prime
Ugg, a accidental windows reload deleted some of my fluff. Oh well. Its a Omni, Dark Age upgrade of the Po with fuel-cell and armored motive systems.
  Topic: Hun Heavy Tank Prime

Replies: 1
Views: 42
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 29-Sep-2024 21:25   Subject: Hun Heavy Tank Prime
Combat Vehicle Technical Readout

Name/Model: Hun Heavy Tank Prime
Designer: Vagabond
Source(s): Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology: Inner Sphe ...
  Topic: Nightsky NGS-8S

Replies: 1
Views: 54
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 29-Sep-2024 19:44   Subject: Nightsky NGS-8S
Viscous. Can head cap, can smack a fool, is fast/manuverable. I might have used 3 MPL or XMPLs.
  Topic: Tomahawk IV MBR-04

Replies: 4
Views: 136
PostForum: Design Submissions   Posted: 29-Sep-2024 13:38   Subject: Re: Tomahawk IV MBR-04
Thanks! I made it on a piece of scratch paper and it lingered here for a few years.
Now that i saw the Tomahawks here i remembered😉

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