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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 06-Aug-2003 08:10    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

*vagabond and company tear thru the commercial sector, progressing towards the BnG as quick as possible. having lost two more mechs and becky lossing 4 BA's to repeated attacks*

~were getting hammered vagabond. but where holding. lets go kick some fury baboon buts.~

*the radio relaying Becky Trisdail's words from her BA that hangs clinging to the left shoulder of vagabond's mech kodachi.*

i here that Becky. we owe you for saving our pilots back there.

*the BnG came swinging into view as kodachi rounded the corner at dangerous speeds. as if the two units had been together for years, Becky's BA bounded of the running mechs to engage the ever growing piles of goop incrusted simians. the battlemechs suppling support fire.*

BnG THIS IS Black Rose One. Anybody awnser! 7 mechs and an under sized company of BA inbound to support. spot your fire.

*vagabond let loose with his dual MRM 10's from his modified Dervish. Then adding the carnage with twin Streak Srm 4's set to dumb fire. a swath cute in the slowly rising wall of green goop.*

give them hell alpha lance, beta lance, charlie lance support our rear. keep these simian buggers off our buts. becky get inside the BnG and push them out. Secure the bathroom and kitchen. no one is to open any of the freezers, roger!

*opening with both er medium lasers, slicing the leg off a howler monkey and turning a baboon into a pinkish mist.*

~roger vagabond, lite up the entrence will you sweety.~

*turning his mech towards the BnGs front doors, and letting loose with his last salvo of MRM's.*

there you go beck.

*then a blood curtiling scream transmitted over the radio, as Avenger Two disappeared in a fire ball.*

good god, what was that.

*as he scanned a stream of cahuita monkeys each the size of a large cat came bounding down the street to swarm Blue Jay Six, seconds later another fireball consummed the mech.*

by the heavens, Kamakazi Monkeys.

*clkicking his radio*

all units retreat, keep away from them

*lifting kodachi up into the air upon her jump jets, as Viper 5 responded to late and in mid air had his entire left leg blown apart. the bulk of his 75 ton mech plummiting to the ground. helpless before the onslaught.*

[to be continued]

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 06-Aug-2003 10:00    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-08-06 08:10, Vagabond wrote:

by the heavens, Kamakazi Monkeys.

As Joe tries to hear the warning over the frantic communications, he swerves his Metal Fox from the Tanks he was fighting. Suddenly a large baboon lactches onto his 'Mech, climbing for the cockpit. "Simian anti-'Mech infantry?"

Suddenly the truth became clear, the monkey detonates a huge pentaglycerine suicide bomb and the Metal Fox disappears in a massive explosion, the Major's scream cutting through the comm channels.

The Simian tanks and 'Mechs redouble their efforts to push past Montenegro, now facing only the sporadic opposition of Stinger's attack helios. be continued?

Major Joseph Garbo
CO 17th Recon Battalion,
Harewood's Harvesters

“An engineer can look at a pile of junk and tell you what it was, a good one can tell you what went wrong and an expert engineer can put the pile of junk back together.”

[ This Message was edited by: CO_17thRecon on 2003-08-06 10:04 ]
Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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PostPosted: 06-Aug-2003 17:10    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

As Ronin enters into the B&G, the simian defense systems become active, and soon simians are being neutralized everywhere. Just as Ronin finally finds some simians to eliminate with his own weapons, Lurch charges through, slamming monkeys aside like they are nothing.

"Damn, he's enjoying this! Note to self: never piss of Lurch." Ronin says to himself.

Soon, the B&G is secure. Sir Henry starts to direct the clean up efforts, while chihawk emerges from the kitchen with his broken Northland, covered in monkey residue.

"Well, that's a little anti-climactic, but I'm not complaining." Ronin starts to secure his weapons in their holsters, bt a glare from Lurch lets him know that the "No Weapons" rule is again in effect since the emergency is over. Ronin surrenders his weapons to Lurch, and turns to find a table to sit at.

"Man, I'm tired. I haven't crashed from an adrenaline rush this bad before." Ronin thinks to himself.

Ronin then becomes woozy, apparently from having turned too fast. As Ronin slumps to the floor, he notices his jumpsuit is soaked in blood in a few places, *from the inside*. Ronin's last thought before he passes out is "Damn, this can't be good. I hope the medics take care of my cargo master."

Actually, his last thought is "I could use a cold IBC Root Beer right about now", but that's hardly a heroic ending for this tale, now is it?

OOC: I may be without an internet connection for a bit when I move next week, so this will be a convenient excuse for any extended absence.
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 06-Aug-2003 22:05    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

As the helos depart the Knights of Chaos come around the corner as Joes mech is engulfed in a huge fireball. The knights meger forces are little match for the horde as the tanks take up position along side the Mechs. The fighter cover having long since returned to base for rearm and refuel, is just now starting to return as 6 Hammerheads streak by fully loaded with ordance. Reports of artillery can be heard over head as all the fortresses parked at the spaceport have opened up on the simeans. As the battle between rages fighters of all units can be seen filling the skies as the sun begins to set slowely, casting shadows across a battle torn Montenegro. More mechs and units show up as the defenders of Montenegro grow and slowely turn the tide of battle.

"Chaos ground leads check in." Stinger calls as he lands the last helo on fumes.

"Sit looks better. We have 4 mecs down 2 tanks destroyed, we saw Metal Fox explode I had vis on a chute but havent gotten there to see if hes alive. I think he landed on a building. If you can get back up here with some more napalm and we may get them running ground forces look minimal at this time." Stinger sighs and wonders where the simean threat originally came from. "Copy that Chaos 1, How is the Devestator holding up?" A pause as a explosion can be heard off in the distance. "Good so far, Thanks for the promotion by the way." Stingers smiles "And you know its not permenent."

Switching frequencies to the BnG. "Stinger reporting how is the situation there?" A tech brings Stinger and his copilot some Gatoraide. "Were undercontrol now Stinger. Get back to the front we lost contact with Joe a few minutes back. if you can locate him and give us the location well get some back up for him." Replies Sir Henery.

"Copy that" The flight chief grabs the empty containers and slams the canopy hatches closed and gives the 'Good hunting' thumbs up. "Were lifting off now." The 4 remaning Apache crews watch the rest of the helo company depart. As the Helos bank to return to the front Stinger switches frequencies back to the unit channel. "Grab some gear and grab a quick vehicle and await coordinates for Joe and the rest of the pilots. Well be giving you the loc asap. Remanin Air units activate Bloodhounds, we'll see if we can locate the Major." The helos pick up speed as they scan the surrounding area.

As the Helos near Stinger relays the locations of several possible places the Major could be to both the BnG and the awating support personell. As the Helos start the saturation bombing 400 yards from Montenegro, the simian forces are split by the burning jelly cuts off the remaning monkes from anysort of reinforcements. Several simian mechs and vehicles attmept to run the flaming gauntlet and explode from the heat, as ammo cooks off or engines start melting down.

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Motown Scrapper
Clan Ice Hellions
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 00:04    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Watches in awe as the monkeys fleeing toward the back start comimg pieces*
"So Lurch tell me are we having FUN yet?"
*Lurch gives a big grin*
* watches Ronin collapse*
"Dammit you twit after all I went through to save your ass you BETTER NOT DIE!!!"
* Lurch gives the LOOK*
" Not yet I still have somework to do ,there is another casualty in the truck"
* Heads back out side surveys the mess,goes to van shuts off hull charge opens door to passenger compartment*
"This guy needs a medic FAST"
*looks at unconcous cargo master*
"not good"*shakes head*
"Anybody here able to give me a hand reloading my weapons and doing some patching on the hull so I can get this thing back into some kind of fighting condition those guys out there still need help"
* starts to gather the kitchen sinks and bathtubs used earlier to reload *

Having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have-Rush Limbaugh

Force of nature

Still crazy after all these years
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Sir Henry
Team Bansai
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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 07:42    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

After giving a Heads up to Stinger about Joe's situation.... Switching back to the Major's Freq....

"Joe!!! There's no sleeping out there. I've sent Stinger to your area. Hang in there. I didn't give you permission to give up out there. There's a lot of work to do here, so get your butt up and get it back here... "

At the B&G....

Ok, Good job everyone.... Now lets get the mess cleaned up. Chihawk is the medic here yet??? Ronn is bleeding all over the floor.... Bowtie, put some pressure on Ronin's wounds 'til the medic gets here...

Mo, Here's a Broom, sweep the carcasses outside where the Automatic Caustic Carrion Cleaner will take care of them....
Dead-Fish will take care of the Kitchen... As if anyone else will venture in there...
I'll start repairing the Electronics and Reseting the Defenses and....

looking at the Pinball Machine.... or whats left of it anyway...

Damn it!!! I just fixed that thing!!! If there were any of them left I'd kick their butts from here to the Parts Shop and Back....

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.

[ This Message was edited by: Sir Henry on 2003-08-07 07:43 ]
Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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The Knights of Chaos

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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 12:11    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

"Damn that was close" Stinger thinks as AA fire bursts over head. "Artillery adjust fire 4 degrees left and raise elevation 6 degrees, your still hitting to close to the fire wall." Stingers watches as his 8 infernos tear into the armor plating of a simian mech, switching targets he quickely lets loose with a pair of Er medium lasers miss the heavy tank, vaporizing a pair of baboons. As he banks the craft for another pass he watchs the remaning 5 helos follow. AA fire tracking as they begin to accelerate catches the trailing Helo snaping the stabilizer from the body, As the remains blow into the ground cutting a deep furrow and sending ground troops flying through the air, several are flung into the path of the approacing tanks crushed by the heavy tanks. "Donnie, Carmin! Do you copy! some in!" Stinger yells over the company frequency. "Stingrays form a protective circle, keep them back." 2 of the jump capable chaos mechs jump the 100 meter flame wall and move to check on their downed comrads. After a few tense minutes fighting off the simians "Donnie didnt make it sir, Carmin is unconcious were going to try to move the remains back to the safe side, and get her medical attention." The 50 ton machine reaches down and the cockpit and part of the remaning fusilage section of the downed chopper and rockets back to saftey as the remaning machine lays down covering fire on the approaching ground troops and mechs. Switching ammo loads to antipersonel Stinger lets loose with paired srm 4 's sending the frag missiles into the forward numbers of simians cutting them to ribbons. "Pull back Chaos rearm if you can looks like they are getting ready to try another push through the fire."

If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so I can drop in on them unexpected, then FINE, I'm "creepy". Howard Wolowitz. BBT.
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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 14:02    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Several minutes after a large explosion Slythis stumbles in, his normally pristine uniform torn and scorched*

Well, I'm out one Fafnir, little buggers ambushed me and used some kind of jamming device to keep me from calling for help, so I punched out and blew my mech took a lot of them down with me though. but since I don't have any other mechs here is there anything I can do in here?

"It is pleasant, when the winds are high and the seas are rough to watch the stuggles of another from the shore."
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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 14:31    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

In his soundproof office Mordel looks up from his newspaper as he swears he just heard something? Not wanting to get up to look through the closed shades he looks back to his newspaper and reads about how the Red Sox have won their Universe Record 65th straight Universe Series.

Mordel Blacknight - Site Administrator
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Sir Henry
Team Bansai
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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 15:40    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Mordel, That's a typo... It's the Cubs.....

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 16:36    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

The Major comes to inside what's left of the Wolfhound WLF-1A's head. Although it automatically ejected when the explosion occured, it was immediatly thrown off course, and into a building. Joe looks outside through the hole in the armor plating...

The radio crackles and through his haze of pain and the weak signal, the Major thinks he can hear Sir Henry's voice. The Federated Suns cavalier struggles to free himself from the safety harness and grabs an ancient heat-seeking missile launcher from the locker.

Suddenly he feels very dizzy and reaches up to his head, finding there is a hole in his neurohelment and he can feel blood and smell the stale iron of it. Steeling himself as best he can he hoists the missile across his back and climbs out of the hole onto the roof of a building.

Through the sky he can see the Solaris defenders working together to beat back the horde. A helicopter zooms by his position, being chased by a holed Monkey 'mech, quite probably the last. Summoning his last strength he stands and raises the missile launcher, aiming at the machine. As soon as the it has lock, he fires, the missile scorches through the air and hammers into a hole on the machine, igniting the ammunition.

Joe feels weak again, and collaspes to his knees, the launch tube keeping him from falling completely over. As he blacks out he can hear the explosions of the 'Mech's ammo obliterating it from the inside out, but he can't see the chopper turning to come and get him.

One last thought flashes through his mind. "I feel as though I've lost something important...a part of me I'll never get back...but at least I have my friends."

OOC: My girlfriend and I just broke up...I think I'm going to be okay though. It's odd how I can come to a place as odd as the B&G, but still be reminded that I still have a lot to be thankful for.

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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Joined: 05-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 16:59    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-08-07 16:36, CO_17thRecon wrote:

OOC: My girlfriend and I just broke up...I think I'm going to be okay though. It's odd how I can come to a place as odd as the B&G, but still be reminded that I still have a lot to be thankful for.

OOC: Sorry to hear that man. It's one of those "life experiences" that we all go through, become a better person for, and all that other crap people tell you when you're hurting.

Look on the bright side, your character and my character can have rooms next door to each other in the hospital. I hear the jello is good here!
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Clan Blood Spirit
Master Bartender
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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 17:14    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-08-07 16:59, Ronin wrote:

On 2003-08-07 16:36, CO_17thRecon wrote:

OOC: My girlfriend and I just broke up...I think I'm going to be okay though. It's odd how I can come to a place as odd as the B&G, but still be reminded that I still have a lot to be thankful for.

OOC: Sorry to hear that man. It's one of those "life experiences" that we all go through, become a better person for, and all that other crap people tell you when you're hurting.

Look on the bright side, your character and my character can have rooms next door to each other in the hospital. I hear the jello is good here!

I was drinking with my brother one time after he got dumped by his girlfriend (who he happens to be married to now) when he said some very prophetic words...

"Woman suck, we know it, and for some reason we don't care and we find another."

Truer words have never been spoken.

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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 18:08    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

OOC: Aye 'tis true. I've actually been wondering if Mordel has ever considered opening a B-Tech themed pub. I think the only thing stopping him from getting both the personnel and patrons needed is that we're spread out over the world. But yeah, for some reason coming back here always makes me feel better. I get to trash monkeys, play the hero and meet a bunch of swelll people. Most message boards aren't quite as friendly. So here's to the Bar and Grill!

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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Motown Scrapper
Clan Ice Hellions
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

Joined: 24-Jul-2003 00:00
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PostPosted: 07-Aug-2003 18:54    Post subject: RE: MONKEYS!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Walks into B&G hands Lurch doorknob cannon and stainless steel Katana with faux ivory handle*
"Normaly I would leave them in the truck But under the circumstances I think it would be wise and prudent to keep them nearby"
* Spots Slythis*
"Hey Slithis I hear you are looking for someway to help.I could use a gunner it's kinda hard to drive and shoot at the same time and I don't think I am going to be doing much static defence now.For combat purposes the van should have a crew of three .Do you think you could handle a Kitchen Sink Launcher and a Bathtub thrower if I show you hnow they work?Sir Henrys team is patching my armore right now I got some 18-8 stainless that should handle the acid crap the monkeys are using."
*Goes to bar*
"Hey chihawk I need a Code Red Mountain Dew and food right now I don't care what it is just as long as its ready fast so I can get back out there .The scrap van may not have the stongest offensive weapons but so far the electofied hull seems to be an effective defense so I want to get back out there as soon as possable Those guys need all the help they can get and as Sir Henrys team makes what repairs they can and I get some more ammo I am out there"

Having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have-Rush Limbaugh

[ This Message was edited by: Motown Scrapper on 2003-08-07 18:54 ]
Having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have-Rush Limbaugh

Force of nature

Still crazy after all these years
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