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Worst thing to happen to Battletech
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 07-Jan-2005 17:12    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2005-01-06 22:49, Karagin wrote:
So no matter what was or is the worst thing to happen to BT, the game of big robots blasting each other to spare parts is still there.


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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 22-Jan-2005 22:34    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

Too far to fast. They should have left a gap after the clans to play in, like the gap between 3005 (box set), 3028 (Fed-Com forming/4th war), 3050(clans), 3075(.....never made it).

They had 3 rules revisions, serious "artistic license", and too much tech proliferation. The three rules revisions seriously split up the fan base, those who could afford the $$$ to maintain SOTA, and the laggards. I would much rather have seen the depth of the game developed, something like a "capitols gazzeteer" that mapped and defined the major worlds for people, both in roleplay, and tabletop. That was the original reason for the Tech Readouts, to expand the Variety of mechs and which houses had what. The House books were to help with the house concepts, but they did not do squat for sorting out the climates and setups for major worlds and their defenses.

An early Operations manual like the one that has finally come out would have been in order way back when Objective Raids came out. A manual for the various war industries and such should have followed, then the major production planets could have been defined much like the capitol worlds.

They missed so many opportunities for product folks would have bought. In buying those products you would have had a solid fan base, who would have been willing to move on every 5 years os so when the next "era" came out. 3 rules changes and such in as many years tapped a lot of peoples budgets, and I think that is the main reason a lot of people dropped out. They did much the same thing with their shadow run line, but they did a much better job with the sorce books there.

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 22-Jan-2005 22:39    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

True swap out the 10 "freebie" heat sinks in the engine of many mechs and suddenly you can do some serious upgrading without much strain.

Maybe they could have said only xl engines are compatible with double heat sinks, or that double heat sinks would not fit in the engine freebie slots and allow the technologies (double and regular) to work together. Either way some regulation of their proliferation would be achieved.

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Free Rasalhague Republic
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PostPosted: 23-Jan-2005 00:57    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

the worst thing that happen to BT was MWDA.

Like to many others, the storyline simply make no sense. How did WoB actually stood up against the Combine IS and Clan forces ?

hell the IS were already having hell facing only 4 (cant really remember) invading clans. Now u take the 5 Great Houses + Victor Davion and his Commie Guards and ALL the Clans against WoB. Unbelievable unless the Wob has billions of fanatics.

How they actually destroyed Outreach ? Wolf Dragoons are already so munchy with their excessively large space fleets and the WoB seems to have cleared the entire fleet in like just a day before heavily nuking and orbital bombardment of Outreach.

I simply just cant accept that :/
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 24-Jan-2005 18:13    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

I thought that the WhizKids were the worst thing to happen to BT.

Sir Henry

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 25-Jan-2005 19:55    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

MWDA is a bad attempt to fix the too much, too fast. I tought the Civil war was pretty cheesy, but saw it as a way to reestablish the status quo, and would tolerate that with some rules mods to better handle the new technology. (something like hard and fast rules about who has what and when would help, and a policy about how long to wait to change eras. )

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Daphne Wilde
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PostPosted: 01-Feb-2005 00:11    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

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? & ?
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PostPosted: 01-Feb-2005 20:52    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

What's the problem with Mike Stackpole?
Evil is like a bowl of oranges. Only one, instead, is an orange of DOOM. That orange has a fate to rule over the other oranges with an iron fist. That orange is me.

Because sometimes, there are many guards in the castle.

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 02-Feb-2005 22:10    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

Intresting Idea. XL only for DHS would mean more XL verison mechs. I like the 10 engine freebies cold not be changed but tha would lead to some slight confusion when damage happened. I thing a DHS mech that takes an engine hit should suffer 10 heat, not 5, you just lost 5 DHS..... or the something to make that occur. One other thought, they ast like MASC, only on some of the time? or fail to cool at some point. Once again something else to track but just brainstorming.

AWAD- nothing much to say
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 02-Feb-2005 23:31    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

Too much artistic license, or alternately too much infuence on the real game timeline.

Either let the novels follow their own reality, or develop the game universe further by doing novels that told mercenary stories with out getting uber. Some mercs do okay a rare group does good, and the large majority do good for awhile but end up "fading to black". 60% of busineses fail in the first 5 years, and family businesses rarely last beyond the third generation, mercs often fit into both categories.

"Stackpoled" generally means that there were too many "lucky" breaks given to a unit in interests of the plot line. I think a large majority of folks would have prefered something along the lines of the Warhammer flavor. The novels about the "One and Only XXX Legion" raised from a planet that got ambushed by the tyranids or a chaos fleet just after the Legion formed, is one that comes to mind. The unit is a crack unit, but is gradually wasting away.

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 02-Feb-2005 23:42    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

True there are some other game mechanics to consider if doing that. There would be no question about what kind of HS was hit if it was external to an XL Engine, it would be a single HS. The Heat penalty should remain the same, the hit is on "shielding" not other reactor parts. The extra crit spaces in the torsos would still balance things off, "the DHS contained in the reactor are destroyed, and they are so integrated into the reactor...", or other such fluff, it would also explain some of the space taken up. The clans would be allowed 3 space DHS separate from the XL engine, allowing a not so big advantage, considering an XL would still need to be installed.

ANY mech with a regular engine would not be allowed DHS? Or a maximum of 5 outside the reactor?

Like I said there would be a lot of game mechanics to consider.

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side & a dark side, and strings also lie under it all.

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 03-Feb-2005 21:09    Post subject: RE: Worst thing to happen to Battletech Reply to topic Reply with quote

The 5 heat from the first engine hit, and any subsequent engine hits are generated from the loss of shielding on the engine, not the loss of heatsinks. So even with double heatsinks you would still generate 5 heat from the first engine hit.
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