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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 29-Nov-2007 02:37    Post subject: No longer TBT-5N discussion, not at all... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Local TRO doesn't have it included, but I managed to pull it from HMPro

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Charger CGR-1A5
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3050
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 1, Standard design

Mass:          80 tons
Chassis:       Wells 990 Standard
Power Plant:   320 Pitban Fusion
Walking Speed: 43,2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64,8 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Durallex Heavy Standard
  1 Argra 3L Medium Laser
  1 Magna Mk I Small Laser
  2 Bical SRM 6s
  1 Tomodzuru Autocannon Mount Type 20 Autocannon/20
Manufacturer:  Wells Technologies
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  Tek BattleCom
Targeting & Tracking System:  Dalban HiRez

    The Charger is a much-maligned design, as several early models proved
ineffective on the battlefield. These original Chargers were designed as heavy
scouts, but the engine required to give them the necessary speed left little
room for armor and even less for weapons. Many in the Inner Sphere wrote the
design off, but the Capellan Confederation is continually testing new
variants. The latest one changes the focus of the design from scout to close
assault 'Mech. Carrying the largest autocannon available, as well as two large
SRM racks and a medium and small laser, these new Chargers can reduce most
opponents to slag in a remarkably short time. Though it is slightly slower
than the scout version, the 'Mech is still quite fast for its size. The
Capellans also increased the armor by 50 percent, giving the 'Mech a longer
life on the battlefield. The need for ammunition, however, often causes the
Charger to retreat long before it is severely damaged.

Type/Model:    Charger CGR-1A5
Mass:          80 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  122 pts Standard              0      8,00
Engine:        320 Fusion                    6     22,50
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     13 Single                    1      3,00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LT)
Gyro:                                        4      4,00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3,00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA+H     15       ,00
Armor Factor:  240 pts Standard              0     15,00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             25         39     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 10     
   L/R Side Torso:           17      26/26     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              8/8     
   L/R Arm:                  13      24/24     
   L/R Leg:                  17      33/33     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Medium Laser           CT      3           1      1,00
1 Small Laser            HD      1           1       ,50
2 SRM 6s                 LT      8   15      5      7,00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 LT)
1 Autocannon/20          RT      7   10     12     16,00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 LT)
TOTALS:                         19          50     80,00
Crits & Tons Left:                          28       ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        7 756 771 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1 464 (old BV = 1 132)
Cost per BV2:      5 298,34
Weapon Value:      1 280 / 1 280 (Ratio = ,87 / ,87)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 24;  MRDmg = 4;  LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 6/6
                   Damage PB/M/L: 4/3/-,  Overheat: 2
                   Class: MA;  Point Value: 15

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in pursuit of LosTech
in pursuit of LosTech

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PostPosted: 29-Nov-2007 04:16    Post subject: Hahahaha - you're right! Thus: prep talk for the CGR... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Very Happy
Thanks for that.

The reason why that sheet isn't included in our TROs is because it appeared in BattlePack: 4th SW - it has yet to appear in a RS volume.
"Rear armour is defeatist!" - unknown Kuritan Mechwarrior

The AC5 is a great gun!

On heat, 3025 style:
A Rifleman knows no heat.
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 29-Nov-2007 13:09    Post subject: 3025 'mechs (currently: MAD, ON1, BLR, TBT, RFL) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Much as I hate to say it, the Liao units have pulled more out of the Charger than any other house could hope, including Kurita. The CGR-1L is pretty lousy overall, but still functions as a much better "scout" than did the original CGR-1A1. Meanwhile the CGR-1A5 is just a beast, provided you take care with the heat issues and limited ammo. With massive firepower at close range, and arms free to take the fight to the enemy, it can reduce people to nothing in an amazing amount of time. However, it pays for this with minimal ammo, and trouble dissipating the heat of repeated strikes.
Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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in pursuit of LosTech
in pursuit of LosTech

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PostPosted: 30-Nov-2007 10:02    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Today I shall look at the most infamous white elephant in the original TRO:3025 - the Charger. As everyone will know, the Charger was the only attempt to build a SCOUT out of an assault chassis. The result was a masterpiece of design inefficiency. Almost every single modification ever since changed the profile of this mech. Hence, when working with the Charger, the chassis was looked at and not its mission profile. Thus, changinging the mech was generally not an actuall attempt to improve it in its chosen role but to give it a different role altogether - something that was surely not a priority of the original designers (Wells Technologies).

CGR-1A1 - the original. An 80-Tonner that mounts 5 small lasers and nothing else. As mentioned above, it is a SCOUT. Specifically it "was intended to be a heavy scout that could enter well-defended areas where it might have to take damage yet still be able to withdraw at high speed." This criteria is certainly fulfilled. While it certainly does not mount a lot of armour for an 80-tonner (at 10 tons it is on par with the Dragon or Hunchback and short of even the rather thin-skinned Victor or Zeus) that is still more than any other SCOUT I can think of out of 3025. You tell me if I missed anything. While 5/8 is also rather slow for a scout, that armour does make up for it and serves the dual function of protecting from unforseeable damage (like combined-arms ambushes). Oh, dear, the weaponry. Theoretically on par with only the Cicada (extremely undergunned itself) this is nothing, weaker even than the comparable Wasp-W. However, remember what this is intended to do. The weaponry was apparently chosen intentionally - "It is intended to discourage the Charger pilots from engaging in protacted fire-fights, for the Charger's job is to obtain data and do it quickly." Mission accomplished! This thing is just never going to fight. To reverse an old adage: Anything that it can close with will outgun it and anything that it outguns will outrun it. The Charger should not ever be fielded to fight, period. And don't start with physical attacks, either, you're still trying to think that you just "purchased" (or whatever) an 80-tonner - except for, you didn't. The Charger should only be used if the scenario allows for it to be fielded in its intended form: as SCOUT, as spotter or to fulfill scenario relevant mission objectives. In situations where that Locust may be more flexible and faster but just a touch to brittle to guarantee success. Just forget that the Charger weighs 80 tons.

Whoa, this is an unusal one - a rather longish paragraph on the base design that not even rates it. Really, what good is it to give this one a personal appraisal? You can't even speak of obvious flaws anymore - this one is defined by its idioc...erm idiosyncracies. Take it for what it is or leave it. But now that this is done, I can be more proactive in looking at its variants.

Before that, another quick note on its deployment. When looking at mechs - getting a feeling for them, deciding on which colour scheme to paint them in - I tend to ignore force faction tables and totally orient myself on their TRO entries. Hence, the Charger is described as having a recent combat history with Houses Liao (as heavy scout and stop-gap combatant) and Davion (as garrison mech in counter-insurgency work). Only Liao originally introduced a variant with Houses Kurita and Davion not bothering (suggesting that Kuritans also had a higher concentration of these than Marik or Steiner). Anyways these three houses have spawned the following configurations that all somewhat reflect the corresponding deployment (or design) philosophies.

CGR-1L - In a desperate bid to create a more balanced design, House Liao techs removed the SL and added 2 ML and 1 LL - wonderful! However, once it is realised that 4.5 tons of armour were dropped, this changes the picture. What is this thing? To me, it is still a SCOUT - the armour is extremely light (5.5 tons), the weaponry will make it overheat if fired at once on the move and yet isn't stronger than that of the Phoenix Hawk.
The first point means that the main original reason - to give scout pilots a bit more longevity - is nullified.
The second point is very important. Usually a maximum of +6 on the heat scale is nothing, by 3025 standards (look at my sig). However, depending on movement, this will overheat by more than +4 - at that stage (due to its lack of JJ) depriving it of its other biggest asset, to move faster than 4/6.
The third point should be the reality check. This one won’t even work as a SKIRMISHER. Seriously, this thing should not be up-gunned while the engine remains the same (which is what we’re getting to). So even though I really don’t want to say this I much prefer the -1A1, keeping in mind the original SCOUTing role.

CGR-1A5 - this one was given to us in Battlepack: 4th Succession War. The Liaos got sick of being everyone’s laughing stock and came up with the epitome of JUGGERNAUT. Mounting one AC20, 2 SRM6 and token Lasers (1S, 1M), it has nothing that hits outside of 9 hexes. Which is a major reason why I don’t like it (and why I hadn’t memorised it like the other configurations).
Other weaknesses are a shortness of ammo (10 shots for the AC, 7.5 shots for the SRMs) and a slight heat inefficiency (only 13 HS). Now, why am I so anal about heat? Well, generally, I tend to think that a +20 on the heat scale isn’t (much of) a problem, as long as I have good long-range weapons (meaning that I’m a fair bit away when I hit that spike) or have JJ to get the hell out of dodge. I also like to have options to bracket-fire in any case. That won’t happen here, with its uniform range bracket of a bunch of weapons that shouldn’t be fired all at once. Granted, with 15 tons of armour its protection has increased to a point where it won’t care as much if it becomes sluggish.
All up, though this is just as much of a one-hit wonder in its intended role as the base model. Even if it has a higher damage potential than all the other JUGGERNAUTs of 3025 (with the exception of the King Crab), it mounts less armour than some and definitely no long-range options (which only the Hunchback lacks completely – and that is 30 tons lighter). I don’t really see a reason to go for this one, especially in a house where Hunchbacks aren’t terribly rare (3025 does describe a notable Liao pilot) and Hetzers are bread to the masses.

CGR-1A9 - I like this one best out of the lot! Introduced retrospectively in 3050 as the machine that evolved in the 30s in the Draconis Combine during their bid to create the Hatamoto-Chi (and ultimately was upgraded itself), this stays very true to several sources. It nicely fits in as the progenitor of the CGR-3K and yet reminds me more of the -1A1 than any others. Dropping its speed to the 4/6 that is already seen on the -1A5, it also mounts JJ. Other saved weight is invested in an upgrade of the lasers (4 of them become ML models) and the LRM20 that will later be found on the upgrade. Rather than increase the armour it stays true to the allocation of the -1A1 and invests the rest of the tonnage in HS. This makes it one heck of a massively oversinked design (or a comfortable alpha-strike jumper).
This truly is a SKIRMISHER. Jumping around the edges of combat, nimble enough to avoid the bigger brutes, able to contribute with long-range fire, just stong enough to speak for itself up close.
And in that role, I like it. Could it be improved? Heck, yes! Is it crap - dear me, no. Yes, it could still be 10 tons lighter (and then some), but it is actually a nice bridge between that which was and that which it will become. At the same time it fills out its SKIRMISHER role rather admirably (albeit one can debate the viability of an 80-tonner being a SKIRMISHER almost as much as that of one being a SCOUT).

CGR-SB - and this is what happens when veteran Davion techs have spare parts lying around. You know, the kind of parts lying around a normal RCT team that fields lots of Riflemans (yes, correct plural form): Pitban 240 engines, Magna MkIII LL, and oh, yeah, a few Chargers...
The Charger SB is really called the Challenger and is a sanctioned official field upgrade (the first tech's initials were "SB" - can't remember the full name). Its story is found in Battletechnology #0202 (aka #4) - one of the numerous instances where that magazine's content was incorporated in the canon BT universe. Superficially it looks very similar to the Awesome, yet the shorter range of the LL and the additional number (it mounts 4) mean it is more flexible and definitely not a SNIPER. This makes it a slow flashbulb of a BRAWLER - while other BRAWLERS rely on short range weapons and/or mobility, this one moves in like a JUGGERNAUT and then spreads out a considerable 15-hex bubble of doom.
Interestingly enough it has significantly stronger frontal armour than the Awesome (the rear being less obscenely armoured) and is as such really able to take on all comers.
I've never used it, it always seemed too....boring. However, it is good fun knowing its story and is really a very characterful design.
Obviously, there hasn't been a lvl2 follow up to this one.

Well, this one has been long enough. I hope you enjoyed it, I really wanted to look at this one in terms of role more than anything else.

And yes, I ignored the namesake role of the Charger. Fielding an 80-tonner for potential 60+ damage charges just seems excessively unrealistic and rather silly to me.
"Rear armour is defeatist!" - unknown Kuritan Mechwarrior

The AC5 is a great gun!

On heat, 3025 style:
A Rifleman knows no heat.
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in pursuit of LosTech
in pursuit of LosTech

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PostPosted: 30-Nov-2007 18:30    Post subject: 3025 'mechs (currently: MAD, ON1, BLR, TBT, RFL) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Much as I hate to say it, the -1L is nowhere near as good a scout as the -1A1. Look to my new post to see the reasoning for the statement.

If I were to modify the -1A1 to give it a bit more punch, I'd probably settle for replacing the 5 SL with 4 ML - 8.5 tons of armour would remain and would kinda-sorta suffice to enable it to survive for a little bit. The ML would get used only for "strafing attacks" or something similar; in case of emergencies only at any rate. That way you multiply the range x3 and the damage x1.33 - probably worth the loss of armour.

The -1L has gone too far - way too little armour as well as too much of an illusion of actual weaponry. Out of the two official (scout) designs, I stand by my preferende for the -1A1.
"Rear armour is defeatist!" - unknown Kuritan Mechwarrior

The AC5 is a great gun!

On heat, 3025 style:
A Rifleman knows no heat.
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 01-Dec-2007 03:44    Post subject: 3025 'mechs (currently: MAD, ON1, BLR, TBT, RFL) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Actually I would prefer 3 MLs and only 0.5t of armor downgrade...
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 01-Dec-2007 13:08    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

I enjoy reading your reviews and oppinions of the various designs. However I would like to put a point in favor for the 1A5. Most "Juggernauts" are paired with others to help them get into effective range to deliver their arsenal at optimal ranges. That said I have however taken out a 0/0 BNC-3S with a 4/4 1A5 in rough terrain. was a hard fight that used a lot of tactical prowess to get off but I managed it with barely a mech left to move. I finished him with kicks as I had no arms or side torsos left.

On a side note on the SB. In the game Neveron, SB's and AWS-8Q's are great duels to watch. The bets on them often get up into the 100's of millions.
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in pursuit of LosTech
in pursuit of LosTech

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PostPosted: 02-Dec-2007 06:26    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

You are, of course, absolutely right in your assessment of the -1A5. Of course my notes on these designs reflect a personal bias, too.

I think that should warrant a future entry into this thread: actual usage (and interdependence) of the 7 classes described by Nystul.

I repeat my question: has anyone actually got the starter set, beginner's box, or whatever it's called? I heard that those tactical briefings out of First Strike would be included. Can anyone confirm?

As to the Awesome vs CGR-SB - so, where would you see the advantage? Frankly, if it was a 1 on 1, I can't see how the Challenger could *not* win - based on the lack of minimum range and its heavier frontal armour (meaning that the two won't be disabled by the time that the ranges have closed to close combat distance). So that would be where my 100 million would go....

In the bigger picture, I'd prefer the Awesome, on the merits of its greater range and better damage/weapon ratio. It also doesn't hurt having such a great rear armour and being able to ignore light scouts/strikers for a turn or two. But hey, this was about the CGR, so I'll shut it now!

PS - glad that you like some of my stuff.

PPS - you never did post a final reply about the Seraph in the other thread!
"Rear armour is defeatist!" - unknown Kuritan Mechwarrior

The AC5 is a great gun!

On heat, 3025 style:
A Rifleman knows no heat.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 02-Dec-2007 08:18    Post subject: Re: 3025 'mechs (currently: MAD, ON1, BLR, TBT, RFL) Reply to topic Reply with quote

jymset wrote:
If I were to modify the -1A1 to give it a bit more punch, I'd probably settle for replacing the 5 SL with 4 ML - 8.5 tons of armour would remain and would kinda-sorta suffice to enable it to survive for a little bit. The ML would get used only for "strafing attacks" or something similar; in case of emergencies only at any rate. That way you multiply the range x3 and the damage x1.33 - probably worth the loss of armour.

My story based alteration was called the Baby Brawler and dropped 4 SLs for a pair of MLs and TSM. It just felt right for a low grade upgrade. Could allow up to 6/9 movement if you played with the heat sinks.

Still not a front-line fighter, but it gave it some teeth. PUNCHES OF DOOM!

look out anything below medium that moves 6/9/0 or less.
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 02-Dec-2007 11:44    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

The seven types! A great way to classify designs. In case anyone has forgotten, or lacks First Striker or the box or whatever, here they are. Every unit can pretty well be classified to one of these types.

Scout: Really fast, lack of weaponry. Uses speed to accomplish objectives. Good for "capture the flag". Also good for back attacks. Try to the distract the enemy away from these guys.

Striker: Fast 'Mechs with good short range weaponry and minimal armor. Rush in, blast, rush out. Aggressive tactics work well with these, but except them to be lost in the fighting. They're disposable direct damage in a way.

Skirmishers: Fairly quick units with fairly light weapons. Can be used in a pretty large variety of ways. These 'Mechs generally outshoot lighter designs, and outrun what they can't outshoot. The Hermes is a good example. Enough power to stop a scout, or striker (who's out of range anyway) but fast enough to run from things that overpower it.

Brawlers: Your bread and butter units. They lack the mobility of skirmishers, but make it up with weapons and armor. These things wade in there, and form the bulk of the fighting. One of the best examples (excuse my Davion bias) is the Enforcer, which is a tad on the slow side, but mounts heavy armor and two big weapons. Other good examples are the Centurion and Huron Warrior, etc.

Missile Boats: I really don't feel I have to say too much here. Load up the LRMs on your favorite Archer variant, park it someplace pretty far and pretty safe, and open fire.

Snipers: Also very easy to classify. Tend to be slow, lightly armored, and carry long range ballistic weaponry. Unlike missile boats, these guys require direct line of sight. Other than that, used in pretty much the same way. The Rifleman (in 3025 games anyway) and the Jagermech are good examples of this, but the Awesome is also a surprising one, given its lack of mobility and triple PPCs.

Juggernauts: Slow moving, heavily armored 'Mechs that mount a plethora of short range weaponry, almost always including a massive AC/20. These 'Mechs rely on armor and brute force to get close enough to their targets to end it all in just a few salvos. They also shine in defense (when the enemy must come to you) and ambush (when the enemy has come to you and does not know it).

Hope that helps, though I cut out a LOT of the talking about each classes strengths and weaknesses. I was trying to summarize I guess.
Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 02-Dec-2007 14:00    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

I use one more category.

BARRAGE 'MECH/VEHICLE - These machines generally have a lot of weapons and heatsinks that allow them to be fired almost nonstop. They generally lack strong armour, because their ammo load is also light. These units are able to concentrate a lot of firepower on single target in an attempt to kill it quickly, but in case that the enemy survives they have to rely on whatever backup guns they have.

Examples: Enforcer, Trebuchet, Night Gyr D, SRM / LRM Carrier
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 02-Dec-2007 16:10    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

That's essentially the "Striker" group, SD. Unless you take Strikers to be another different category? *curious*
Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 03-Dec-2007 02:58    Post subject: CGR-1* (& SB) Charger (& Challenger) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, there are strikers that fall to this category, but there are also some missile boats, brawlers and snipers that do this as well.

Barrage 'Mechs generally have the firepower that is depleted within some 10 rounds, while the strikers can easily outlast this. Striker may die before it's ammo is gone, with barrage 'Mech you'll probably run out of ammo for your main guns before you're seriously damaged. For example the Commando and Jenner are strikers, because the only limit to their operations is usually the amount of armor they have left. Depleting all SRMs with Commando takes some time. I doubt that you'll ever solve the problem whether to dump ammo or not with a barrage 'Mech. The 5N Trebuchet has 8 rounds to do whatever it wants and then it has to rely on lasers.

Another difference between these two groups is the mobility. Striker has to be fast and usually uses it's mobility to circle around the enemy and do other such things, while the barrage machine is fast just enough to get into an ideal range, stay there until the ammo is gone and then to get to the nearest J27s.
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PostPosted: 01-Sep-2008 09:21    Post subject: CTF-*X Cataphract Reply to topic Reply with quote

House Liao. The Capellan Confederation, 1988, p. 104 wrote:

The Cataphract is House Liao's latest attempt to build a successful heavy BattleMech. It is intended to become the new mainstay of elite Capellan regiments, capable of standing against Zeus and BattleMaster 'Mechs in open environment.

And it was a catastrophe that the Federated Suns captured the main production lines on Tikonov a couple of years later. Why? Because, boy, did those Cappies succeed in their goals!

CTF-1X - The Frankenmech turned out quite good, didn't it? With its 11 tons of armour, AC10 (10 shots), PPC and 16 heat sinks, this is a supreme BRAWLER. The AC10 assures that it carries the same firepower as a Warhammer, while encouraging a medium range combat. As secondary weaponry, it carries 4 medium lasers - 2 in the arms, 2 in the rear - which were common on quite a few designs of similar weight in 3025. Its two 10-point weapons will open holes fairly quickly. As thus it is well-suited to indeed take on the Zeus, which may be 10 tons heavier, but has similar armour and guns that do not smart as much at once. It would, however, be risky to take on something like a Battlemaster - which carries a lot more armour and has vastly superior close-range weaponry. When really trying to succeed in this match-up, staying at ranges 7-10 would be a main priority!

CTF-2X - first turning up in the BattlePack: 4th SW, this has been confirmed by TRO:3039 to have been a factory variant introduced before said war and is as such a design of Liao origin. Swapping 2 HS for more armour, and the PPC + rear ML for an SRM4, LL and one ton of AC ammo, it epitomises the BRAWLER concept. The armour is now as good as the 3025 heavy class gets (with the exception of the Orion), the ranges of the main guns are now even, it does not have to shepherd its ammo and its close range weaponry has just increased considerably. Nevertheless, I have my qualms: its two main guns cannot force a piloting skill roll anymore, it has no guns that reach into the long range bracket (3025 style, beginning at 18 hexes) and in short, while still having good chances against a Zeus, I really do not see this ever winning against a Battlemaster. The HS, on the other hand, are beautifully balanced - the Cataphract can always run, remaining one under with its two main guns, or will balance with all close-range weaponry + the AC. The -2X is probably the better brawler, but its more limited main guns mean it is neither as good in tackling its intended targets, nor is it as commanding in its general battlefield appearance.

CTF-3X - or not. It turns out that 3039 did not introduce this variant. There is a -3X in Starter Book: the Sword and the Dragon, but that is Sara Lytton's unique upgrade to her father's -2X.

CTF-4X - when the FedRats captured Tikonov, they happily accepted the CTF-1X, but also did some experimenting with their beloved ACs to turn out the CTF-4X on a limited basis. This changes the weaponry to two AC5s, both mounted in pods as previously only seen on the RA, and completes it by then adding a LL and an LRM5 to the torso. The price to pay for the respectable weaponry and absolute maximum armour at 14 tons (paying .5 tons for a last point to bring it to 217) is a drop of movement to a pathetic 3/5. This is esoteric, to say the least. It is slow, oversinked (only ever possibly causing 14 HS, yet mounting the original 16) and one of the rare heavy machines that can handle more damage than they can cause. However, this is also a very respectable SNIPER, quite similar to what I'd have done to the MAD-3R. With 40 shots PER GUN, it can fire all game long, the LRM5 is just garnish - but an important one, once the enemy closes to within 15 hexes. At that stage, the LRM5 ensures that the Cataphract will be able to reliably cause a piloting test if all weapons hit.

The Cataphract is a somewhat uncommon 'Mech that was just slightly too late to really make its mark on history. Yet all its 3025 variants have their merit in their roles. I prefer the -1X, that, while being a somewhat less powerful BRAWLER than the -2X, is the most flexible and arguably dangerous of the Cataphracts.

Compared to other 'Mechs, I cannot think of any heavy design that I'd rather have on my side. Sure, some may be better protected or carry more guns, but none have the same pleasant blend of damage output, range, protection and heat dissipation.
"Rear armour is defeatist!" - unknown Kuritan Mechwarrior

The AC5 is a great gun!

On heat, 3025 style:
A Rifleman knows no heat.
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

Joined: 06-Apr-2005 00:00
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PostPosted: 02-Sep-2008 11:47    Post subject: CTF-*X Cataphract Reply to topic Reply with quote

Oh yes, the 1X Cataphract is a nice machine, but I'd prefer to drop one of the rear facing lasers to get another ton of armour. Another thing irritating me is that both it's PPC and the AC are mounted on the same side, which can be a source of trouble on it's own, since the armour isn't full and PPCs will be there when Cataphract enters the fray. Heavens forbid that AC/20 carrier like one of Davion Victors or Marik Hunchbacks got in range to say hello.

I'm not too familiar with the others tough, but is I was designing a 'Mech called Cataphract the I'd also end up with something trying resemble the heavy cavalry of ancient age...
The dragon NEVER sleeps!
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