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Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN)
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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 11:47    Post subject: Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN) Reply to topic Reply with quote





Thank you! Just wanted to make sure that edit was up here. My new rules are posted below - R!

To Sleeping Dragon,

Again: the names I choose are just reflection of time line and have no unit meaning. You can call them militia or purple people eaters for all I care! However, it doesn't change the rules they operate under (though I could understand a mixed bag unit called Militia/Mercenary with different rules from the ones I posted. Or perhaps a police unit, but the rest is still the same. Militia could be called Early or Basic very easily).

Further, I don't mind contributions as long as people are willing to look and read! I'll address some org things down there actually. Cause thats one thing where I think I have an advantage in my system.


[ This Message was edited by: Raven! on 2005-09-06 18:29 ]
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Sleeping Dragon
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 12:09    Post subject: RE: Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Very nice

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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 13:03    Post subject: RE: Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Don't fall in love yet! Still more to come. Just got back from Church so I still have work to do Smile

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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 13:21    Post subject: RE: Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Nice working, infantry have been completely useless. I especially like the range increases the most. Being a short ranged, low damage, poor armoured cannon fodder before. Even the specialist and Elite infantry was useless!

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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 13:29    Post subject: RE: Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Yeah. I agree. This puts Infantry on the battlefield and gives them the oppertunity to inflict some heavy damage. I forgot one thing though and that is irritating me: MORTARS! Gah! *smacks forhead, then table, then wall, wakes roommate who has been asleep since 3am and its almost 3pm*

I'm going to add that right now.

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Sleeping Dragon
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 14:06    Post subject: Few thoughts (just loosely related) Reply to topic Reply with quote

I just had some ideas, so I based this on your system. I'll mark my babbling with asterisks and normal text will be actual rules, I'm not trying to thead-jack this, just presenting ideas.

*There is a lot of choices, it may use some generalization or reorganization*

*Infantry may have just three types that would represent the training instead of era, because there were all types of infantry present every time, but the difference was in quantity that various factions were able to field*

*I decided to give infantry something like RPG like abilities (standard BT experience (like Green, ...) and Training) and equipment (Movement, Armor, Weapons and big guns) this may simplify things a little*

General rules
Each infantryman is represented by one armor point.
Infantry doesn't have facing.
Infantry cannot be detected by active probes.
Normal rules for carriers apply.


Militia: citizens collected from street and sent to field in desperate attempt to slow down the enemy.
Foot, or Vehicles movement only.
Green experience only.
May be armed only with rifles and soft armor.

Basic: standard troopers that received some training and can use basic equipment.
Green, Regular or Veteran experience only.
May be armed with standard weapons and soft or hard armor.
one big gun per squad.

Advanced: Well trained troops that are trained to deal with everything that can be encountered on the modern battlefield.
Regular, Veteran, or Elite experience only.
May be armed with any weapon and any type of armor, can use armor modifications.
Can execute anti-mech attacks
two big guns per squad.

Movement *with sub variants*

Foot: 1 MP
Mechanized: 1 additional big gun
- Cavalry: 2/3 MP
- Motorcycles: 5/8 MP, can be detected by Active probe
- Light vehicles: 4/6 MP, can be detected by Active probe *maybe +1 AP per trooper*, may fire big guns and move
Jump: 3 MP, jump or 1 MP

Armor *with modifications*
Soft: no additional AP
- Stealth: standard stealth armor
- Climbing kit: -1 for anti-mech attacks, can change elevation without limit (1MP per level) foot or jump only.
- Parachute

Hard: 1 additional AP per trooper
- Environmental: For dangerous environments.
- Fireproof: can survive 3 rounds in fire in single battle.

Weapons *damage per trooper*
- Rifles: 0.25 damage, ballistic, 1/2/3
- SMGs: 0.5 damage, ballistic, 1/2/3
- SRMs: 1 damage, missile, 3/6/9
- Portable lasers: 1.5 damage, laser, 1/2/3
- LRMs: 0.5 damage, missile, min 6, 7/14/21
- flamer: 2 damage (or 2 heat), fire, 1/2/3

*probably various high-tech gadgets, maybe flamers, lasers and LRMs*

big guns
*various weapons that aren't man portable like MG (normal infantry killer) and weapons that have limited ammo like infernos, or special use like portable TAG an maybe C3 network*
Hand grenades: range 1, 10 shots, 0.5d6 damage per trooper, treat like fragmentation SRMs *one more (forgotten) weapon*

[ This Message was edited by: Sleeping Dragon on 2005-09-04 14:26 ]
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Sleeping Dragon
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 14:08    Post subject: RE: Raven's Infantry System v1.0 (LONG AND NOT VERY CLEAN) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Actually I worked for a while on this too - Few thoughts

[ This Message was edited by: Sleeping Dragon on 2005-09-04 14:09 ]
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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 14:15    Post subject: Basic Movement Modifiers (add on to the original document above) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Movement Modifications
Movement modifications represent different ways of transporting infantry around, either from place to place, or during the middle of a battle. These modifications effect the units movement points and type, and may also have effects on any other aspect of the infantry. Therefore these modifications can greatly increase the price of the unit. The three basic types offered are calvary, mechanized, and motorized. These three basic modifications are available to infantry of all types.

Although some refuse to believe it, horses have yet to leave the armed forces of the various space faring powers, despite advancements in fusion engines, armored infantry carriers, and many other forms of transportation, the horse and other non-engine powered forms of transportation are still exceedingly popular in areas where speed and self-sufficiency is required. Such units are also hard to detect, is a platoon of infantry on horses a dangerous threat or just a pack of horses to an IR scanner? Especially if that scanner is being actively jammed or confused. Such units are atractive for those reasons.

MP: 3/5
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 1/Man
Armor Type: Soft
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +1
Price: +5,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Calvary units are still considered foot units because even if they use bicycles, they are still able to go areas where traditional wheel vehicles will be unable to go. Such units cannot be detected by Beagle Active Probes or their equivalents. Calvary units with artillery of any kind cannot move and fire at the same time. The extra transportation ability makes it easier to carry heavy weapons and field guns, but they cannot be used while moving.

The next step up from horse and bicycle is motorized. Using vehicles with light armor, and sometimes mounting weapons, motorized infantry changed the face of combat in the middle of the 20th century. Things have not changed. Those worlds which can afford to give their infantry motorized transportation usually never regret the decision, as it grants them unprecentented manuverability on the battlefield. Although this removes their stealth qualities, many believe that the other benefits make this acceptable.

MP: 3/5 (T); 4/6 (W); 7/11 (H)
Movement Type: T = Track; W = Wheeled; H = Hover
AV: +1/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +1
Price: +50,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Motorized units have to obey the terrain restrictions on their movement type. Such units can be detected by Beagle Active Probes or their equivalents. The advantage of the motorized unit is that heavy weapons, though not field guns, may be mounted on the vehicles allowing the unit to move and fire at the same time, even if the heavy gun says that it is not possible (i.e. a semi-portable laser). A motorized infantry Platoon is considered a Vehicle for stacking limits.

A unit which takes more then 50% losses becomes a foot platoon, loosing all benefits of motorization. Restore 25% of the men back to the Unit as the losses will be considered vehicle losses rather then soldier losses. For example, a squad with 8 men takes 50% losses. This would normally drop them to 4 men. However, because the vehicles have absorbed some of the damage, and firepower that was directed against the squad, they gain back two men and become a foot platoon to reflect this.

Mechanized infantry, similiar to motorized, use vehicles for transport in combat. However, unlike motorized, these units travel in fully armored vehicles, whether they are halftracks, armored cars, infantry fighting vehicles or any other type of unit. They are the most powerful of the three standard infantry types. Their vehicles provide full armored protection against many weapons on the field of battle, as well as providing speed and manuverability.

MP: 2/3 (T); 3/5 (W); 6/9 (H)
Movement Type: T = Track; W = Wheeled; H = Hover
AV: +2/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +2
Price: +150,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Mechanized infantry must obey the terrain restrictions on their movement type. Such units can be detected by Beagle Active Probes and their equivalents. Mechanized units gain a bonus 4 Armor Points for every three men (round down). This armor is destroyed before the squad takes damage. Mechanized units may move and fire heavy weapons at in the same turn. Mechanized units may move and fire one field gun in the same turn. Mechanized Platoons count as a Vehicle for purposes of stacking.

[ This Message was edited by: Raven! on 2005-09-04 14:17 ]
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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 14:35    Post subject: RE: Few thoughts Reply to topic Reply with quote

Wow! Lots of ideas! I do like what you have to say here too.

TAG and C3 will definitly be included. Mark my words, a lot of what you put down was going to be included in the next section on special training (paratroopers, mountain troops, wet marines, space marines, and special forces).

Now to respond in general:
I used dates to represent when the infantry type became very common. I wasn't dealing with elite units, just what everyone would have available. I might have not made that super clear, so I'll fix that. but yeah. ComStar can deploy advanced whenever they wish. Clans would always use Improved (remember, they don't like infantry), and then periphery states might have mostly crap, but their leaders are surrounded by Advanced with Mechanization!

What I want to do is create a seperate area for experience. So you have the basic unit found in the first section of the first post, but then you can modify it with experience. this can be fire (i.e. number of battle survived) or you can pay to deploy better units.

As for your weapon system, though it is very cool, it does one thing that I was trying to avoid: bring in models of weapons. I was attempting to keep things as generic as possible to allow for maximum ease of use. Further, I wanted to keep the infantry man armed with a basic rifle, and have heavy guns be a seperate section. So no SRMs or LRMs. (btw, why did they never make an MRM infantry mod?)

It is definitly an interesting thought, but not one I'm going to go with.

As for hand grenades. Those I am going to go with. Cheap easy way to increase the strength of a unit.

maybe something like:

Hand Grenade (Shrapnel)
DV: 1d6 against Soft/1 against Hard
Rng: 5/10
Ammo: 4/Man
Cost: 100 C-Bills/Man
Special: Can be used as an Incindeary (inferno round) or Smoke (smoke cloud) grenade.

Hand Grenade (HE)
DV: 1d6 against Soft/2 against Hard
Rng: 4/8
Ammo: 2/Man
Cost: 200 C-Bills/Man
Special: Can be used as a Stun Grenade (no damage; non-mechanized infantry are stunned for the next turn, unable to take any action); Incindeary (inferno round); or Smoke (smoke round);

Its ammazing how similar our lines of thought were though. I'm glad my system is that easy to understand, it means I have succeeded!!! Thank you for the feed back. I'll get the special equipment section up right after the Alternative Movement and Training.
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Mr. Referee
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 15:21    Post subject: RE: Few thoughts Reply to topic Reply with quote


Hand Grenade (Shrapnel)
DV: 1d6 against Soft/1 against Hard
Rng: 5/10
Ammo: 4/Man
Cost: 100 C-Bills/Man
Special: Can be used as an Incindeary (inferno round) or Smoke (smoke cloud) grenade.

Hand Grenade (HE)
DV: 1d6 against Soft/2 against Hard
Rng: 4/8
Ammo: 2/Man
Cost: 200 C-Bills/Man
Special: Can be used as a Stun Grenade (no damage; non-mechanized infantry are stunned for the next turn, unable to take any action); Incindeary (inferno round); or Smoke (smoke round);

I think Hand Grenades should not be used in order to keep things easy. It is standard military practice to equipe infantry with HGs and as such they should just be figured in to the base units damage abilities. Otherwise you get bogged down. In addition, HGs are not foot balls. They are heavy and not easily throw great distances. You have your men throwing them 900 feet. A HG would rairly get beyond the hex the infantries in. I say, just add a plus 1 or 2 AV whenever infantry attack a target in the same hex.

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 15:22    Post subject: RE: Few thoughts Reply to topic Reply with quote

thats good thinking there.

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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 04-Sep-2005 16:32    Post subject: Full Document with all Edits to date (very long) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Raven's Revised Infantry Rules for BattleTech (V1.0)
These rules are intended to show the natural evolution of infantry over time from the end of the succession wars to the coming of the Clans. The most elite and powerful units will be able to fight and destroy a group of Elementals, while the weakest and cheapest are only good at police and garrison duty on worlds no one wants. Enjoy!

The Basic Infantry Unit
Infantry fights from foot. They are good in urban terrain, and other areas of low line of sight (LOS) and constricted areas where the power of BattleMechs, though still formidable, is weakened.

3rd Succession War Infantry (Early)
The Wars of Succession destroyed the Inner Sphere, not only in the realms of BattleMech and Space technology, but in many of the vital infrastructures needed to wage war successfully.While all resources were poured into protecting and maintaining BattleMechs, the other branches of the armed forces suffered. The worst hit was the lowly ground soldier, who went from an advanced and technologically sophisticated fighting unit, to one barely able to survive the modern battlefield.

The early infantry of the succession war use basic rifles, and usually wear little to no armor. As such they have minimum values in all areas of the game: Armor Value (AV), Damage Value (DV), and Movement Points (MP). Armor is usually limited to basic bullet proof vests, and metal or kevlar helmets.

MP: 1
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 1/Man
Armor Type: Soft
DV: 0.5/Man
Damage Type: Balistic
Artillery Slots: 1
Price: 5,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Early Infantry is not able to be detected by Beagle Active Probes or their equivalent.

3025 Infantry (Basic)
With time to lick wounds on the internal core worlds of the Successor States, and time for their armies to recover, survivors were slowly able to begin the process of recoverry that would lead to the development of basic infantry. New tactics learned at terrible costs would lead to new training programs, improvements on existing weapons, and a fresh supply of gear and troops made for a world in which all would be equal. Though these improvements are miniscual, the units are now able to work far more easily together, allowing for better units and more effective battlefield presence.

MP: 1
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 1/Man
Armor Type: Soft
DV: 0.75/Man
Damage Type: Balistic
Artillery Slots: 2
Price: 8,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Basic Infantry is not able to be detected by the Beagle Active Probes or their equivalent.

3030 Infantry (Improved)
Technological developments with the ceasecetion of hostilities allowed for improved infantry to be placed on the field of battle. Although this technology would not be able to equal the later developments that were brought out by the find of the Star League memory core, these technologies would be enough to improve the survival of infantry on the field of battle, and make them more effective against armored units such as tanks and BattleMechs.

MP: 1
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 1/Man
Armor Type: Soft
DV: 1/Man
Damage Type: Balistic
Artillery Slots: 2
Price: 10,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: The improved infantry is able to engage in Anti-Mech tactics. Improved infantry is not able to be detected by Beagle Active Probes or their equivalents.

Note: ComStar may be assumed to be using infantry of this quality during the Succession Wars.

3055 Infantry (Advanced)
After the open assault of the Clans and a fuller understanding of the Star League Memory Core, new technology was placed onto the field of battle that completely changed the face of infantry. Although infantry from 3030 were effective in many combat situations, such as dealing with armor and BattleMechs, they were not fully able to deal with the new OmniMechs and Elementals. Further the confusion caused by Clan methods of battle, resulted in poor deployment and high losses.

This situation changed as integrated combat tactics evolved and infantry was brought up to date. New tactics required troops with the ability to make those tactics a reality. Though troops of this caliber are usually only deployed by the most well equipped army, they were able to make significant combat advancements against both Inner Sphere and Clan opponents.

MP: 1
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 1/Man
Armor Type: Hard
DV: 1/Man
Damage Type: Balistic or Laser
Artillery Slots: 2
Price: 15,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: The Advanced infantry is able ot engage in Anti-Mech tactics. Advanced Infantry may not be detected through the use of Beagle Active Probes.

3065 Infantry (Semi-Modern)
Battle Armor is the most advanced and capable of all forces. No where is this more clearly seen then in the use of the Clan Elementals. Battle Armor provides speed, protection, fire power, and the ability for a small number of men to take on and destroy a fully armored, fully armed BattleMech. The ultimate achievement of speed, firepower, and protection.

However, for those who cannot afford that technology, there is the Semi-Modern Infantry. Armored, tough, and usually arriving in large numbers, these soldiers can and have taken on BattleMechs as well. And although there needs to be more of them, they are still able to inflict the same terrifying damage as their Battle Armor cousins.

MP: 1
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 2/Man
Armor Type: Hard
DV: 1.5/Man
Damage Type: Balistic or Laser
Artillery Slots: 3
Price: 20,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: The Semi-Modern infantry is able ot engage in Anti-Mech tactics.

A Note about Arms & Armor
Above you have encountered four words that are without clear definition or obvious game mechanic. However, since they are in the game mechanic section of this article, it would be safe to assume they mean something. Don't worry. They do. This section will tell you what they mean.

Due to the potentially outrageous number of weapons that could potentially exist, it is simply easier to give a designation of Ballistic or Laser and leave it at that. However, that, in and of itself, is lacking. The following designations provide the basic weapon used by the units above, and then provides alternatives. This system allows for units with heavy close range firepower, but lacking in the long range fire power that would make them stronger in wider open areas. Infantry have three ranges: melee, short range, and long range. Melee is when engaging a unit that is in the same hex as they are and the squad recieves a +2 to hit. Short range is close enough that they can fire without needing careful aim with that weapon type. Long range is outside of the effective firing range of the weapon, thus imposing a -1 to hit.

Note that these modifiers are per man.

Ballistic: Ballistic weapons are the most common weapons and they are the ones most likely to be encountered by BattleMechs. The rules below are considered standard for ballistic weapons used by any infantry force.

Laser: Laser infantry also use the same rules, but short range is increased by one. Further laser infantry are considered to be using lasers, and battlefield conditions that could affect lasers, such as some of the optional rules found in MaxTech are assumed to apply.

Ultra Light
AV: -0.5
Range: 3/6
Cost Modifier: x50%

AV: -0.25
Range: 4/8
Cost Modifier: x75%

Medium (Standard Weapon)
AV: 0.0
Range: 5/9
Cost Modifier: x100%

AV: +0.25
Range: 4/8
Cost modifier: x150%

AV: +1.0
Range: 2/4
Cost Modifer: x200%

Armor is actually far easier to apply to the infantry system. Basically you have two types of armor: that which is designed to protect the soldier from other soldiers, and that which is meant to protect the soldier form the big hulking chunks of metal seeking to rip him apart. Most armies prefer the first sort because it is cheaper. Basically the rules work like this:

Soft: Soft armor is only designed to stop small arms fire, and not to stop the large and massive weapons of the modern battlefield. Against machine guns and autocannons, an infantry unit which has soft armor takes damage across the unit. The machine gun does 2d6 points of damage, autocannons do full damage, continually destroying men until the damage value of the autocannon has been met. The same applies for Missiles, which saturate an area with explosives and damage. Lasers however, which are direct fire and do damage against armor by drilling, do not do full damage.

Hard: Hard armor is significantly improved. Although not battle armor, it will still collect more machine gun bullets then soft armor will. Against a unit in Hard armor, machine guns do normal damage. Autocannons and missiles only inflict half damage, representing the absorbing effect of the armor.

Modifications: Infantry are clever and have managed to adopt a number of protections against attack. These modifications cost more, but to the commander that cares, they can be an invaluable asset on the battlefield. Though normally only given to special units that need it, sometimes small elite units carry armor modifications that catch the enemy by surprise. Such modifications increase the price by 15% unless noted otherwise.

DV: +2
Effect: User cannot fire and move in the same turn.

Ceramic Plate
DV: +0
Effect: Reduces damage from lasers by 1.

Command, Control, & Communications
DV: +0
Effect: A unit with this modification raises the price by +20% but provides the same features as a C3 suite. Only available
to Improved, Advanced, or Semi-Modern infantry.

DV: +0
Effect: Allows the user to work in a hostile enviornment (poisonous gas or radioactive). NOTE: This is not for use underwater, or in space. That is covered under other rules.

DV: +1
Effect: No other effect.

DV: +0
Effect: Machines using targeting computers have a -1 chance of hitting the protected infantry.

DV: +0
Effect: Infantry normally able to be targeted by Beagle Active Probes are now shielded. The active probe knows that it is being jammed.

Another statistic from the stat block found in the initial infantry section above is the artillery slot. This represents the number of heavy weapons or artillery pieces that a unit can carry to augment its firepower and effectiveness on the battlefield. Not that damage from these weapons is not added per man, but just once per weapon carried. Further, these weapons do have an ammuntion score which must be tracked. When the weapon is fired that ammo must be tracked, and resuply can be done. Note that the ammo is considered to be carried by members of the squad, so more ammuntion cannot be added.

A squad without artillery slots cannot use artillery.

Heavy Weapons
Direct fire artillery, or heavy weapons, simply augments the units fire power directly, and needs no special rules or clarification. These weapons have classifcation types, ranges, damage values, and ammuntion cost. An optional rule for players using heavy weapons would be to keep track of artillery ammuntion even if the unit was wiped out, thus allowing for the scavanging of ammunition from the battle field which is a very common event.

Autocannon, Semi-Portable (Ballistic)
DV: 2
Range: 7/14
Ammo: 15
Cost: 75,000 C-Bills
Special: A squad with even one of these weapons cannot move and fire at the same time. This weapon is a stripped down version of the Autocannon/2 and thus may share ammunition with BattleMechs.

Flame Thrower (Energy)
DV: 2
Range: 2/4
Ammo: 10
Cost: 5,000 C-Bills
Special: The flame thrower, when used against exposed infantry, the flame thrower does 3d6 points of damage and is
treated as a machine gun. Can be used to set fires.

Grenade Launcher (Missile)
DV: 2
Range: 4/8
Ammo: 25
Cost: 50,000 C-Bills
Special: In exchange for doing 1 damage against targets in hard armor, the Grenade Launcher is treated as a machine gun against infantry in soft armor.

Laser, Semi-Portable (Energy)
DV: 3
Range: 7/14
Ammo: 20
Cost: 100,000 C-Bills
Special: A squad with even one of these weapons cannot move and fire in the same turn. Further this weapon takes up two artillery slots and can only be used by advanced or semi-modern infantry.

Machine Gun, Heavy (Ballistic)
DV: 2
Range: 5/10
Ammo: 100
Cost: 10,000 C-Bills
Special: The heavy machine gun does 2d6 damage against units in soft armor.

Machine Gun, Light (Ballistic)
DV: 1
Range: 6/12
Ammo: 50
Cost: 5,000 C-Bills
Special: The light machine gun does 1d6 damage against units in soft armor.

Missile, Portable (Missile)
DV: 2
Range: 10/20
Ammo: 9
Cost: 45,000 C-Bills
Special: Can be defended against using AMS. May use special ammunition as desired.

Mortar, Heavy (Missile)
DV: 3
Range: 6/12
Ammo: 15
Cost: 10,000 C-Bills
Special: The Mortar system may only be fired indirectly, and only against a single target hex. Against soft targets it does 2d6 damage. It may be loaded with Inferno rounds, Smoke rounds, or the standard high explosive round.

Mortar, Light (Missile)
DV: 2
Range: 8/16
Ammo: 20
Cost: 5,000 C-Bills
Special: The Mortar system may only be fired indirectly, and only against a single target hex. Against soft targets it does 1d6 damage. It may be loaded with Inferno rounds, Smoke rounds, or the standard high explosive round.

Recoiless Rifle, Heavy (Ballistic)
DV: 3
Range: 3/6
Ammo: 10
Cost: 25,000 C-Bills
Special: Recieves a +2 to criticcal an armored vehicle.

Recoiless Rifle, Light (Ballistic)
DV: 2
Range: 3/6
Ammo: 20
Cost: 15,000 C-Bills
Special: Recieves a +1 to critical an armored vehicle.

Target Aquisition Gear (TAG) (Special)
DV: 0
Range: 7/14
Ammo: N/A
Cost: 75,000 C-Bills
Special: May be used to target missiles equiped with TAG guidance.

Field Guns
Field guns are large weapons that can be used to engage other infantry formations or heavy vehicles over great distance. Though most people consider field guns to be large artillery pieces, and they are, some are also direct fire anti-tank weapons or rocket artillery systems. This section will give notes for all three.

Every unit is able to bring one field gun with them into battle. Field guns may not be fired and moved at the same time. Field guns do not count against artillery slot limits.

All field guns are ballistic weapons, except rockets, which are missiles.

Field Gun, Advanced
DV: 5/2
Range: 3 map boards
Ammo: 6
Cost: 100,000 C-Bills
Special: May be fired indirectly.May use all artillery rounds.

Field Gun, Basic
DV: 4/2
Range: 2 map boards
Ammo: 6
Cost: 80,000 C-Bills
Special: May be fired indirectly.May use all artillery rounds.

Field Gun, Early
DV: 3/1
Range: 30
Ammo: 6
Cost: 50,000 C-Bills
Special: May be fired indirectly.May use all artillery rounds.

Anti-Tank, Advanced
DV: 5
Range: 8/16
Ammo: 5
Cost: 150,000 C-Bills
Special: Gains a +3 when causing critical damage against armored vehicles.

Anti-Tank, Basic
DV: 4
Range: 6/12
Ammo: 6
Cost: 100,000 C-Bills
Special: Gains a +2 when causing critical damage against armored vehicles.

Anti-Tank, Early
DV: 3
Range: 4/8
Ammo: 6
Cost: 75,000 C-Bills
Special: May be fired indirectly.May use all artillery rounds.

Rocket Artillery, Advanced
DV: 2
Range: 2 map boards
Ammo: 8
Cost: 300,000
Special: Target hex is saturated with 3d6 rockets. Surrounding hexes are saturated with 1d6 rockets. Number rolled are the number that effectively hit a target. Add 1 to this number if firing against infantry in soft armor. May only be used

Rocket Artillery, Basic
DV: 2
Range: 1 map board
Ammo: 8
Cost: 200,000
Special: Target hex is saturated with 2d6 rockets. Surrounding hexes are saturated with 1d6 rockets. Number rolled are the number that effectively hit a target. Add 1 to this number if firing against infantry in soft armor. May only be used indirectly.

Rocket Artillery, Early
DV: 2
Range: 10/20
Ammo: 8
Cost: 150,000
Special: Target hex is saturated with 1d6 rockets. Surrounding hexes are saturated with 1d6 rockets. Number rolled are the number that effectively hit a target. Add 1 to this number if firing against infantry in soft armor. May only be used indirectly.

Movement Modifications
Movement modifications represent different ways of transporting infantry around, either from place to place, or during the middle of a battle. These modifications effect the units movement points and type, and may also have effects on any other aspect of the infantry. Therefore these modifications can greatly increase the price of the unit. The three basic types offered are calvary, mechanized, and motorized. These three basic modifications are available to infantry of all types.

Although some refuse to believe it, horses have yet to leave the armed forces of the various space faring powers, despite advancements in fusion engines, armored infantry carriers, and many other forms of transportation, the horse and other non-engine powered forms of transportation are still exceedingly popular in areas where speed and self-sufficiency is required. Such units are also hard to detect, is a platoon of infantry on horses a dangerous threat or just a pack of horses to an IR scanner? Especially if that scanner is being actively jammed or confused. Such units are atractive for those reasons.

MP: 3/5
Movement Type: Foot
AV: 1/Man
Armor Type: Soft
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +1
Price: +5,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Calvary units are still considered foot units because even if they use bicycles, they are still able to go areas where traditional wheel vehicles will be unable to go. Such units cannot be detected by Beagle Active Probes or their equivalents. Calvary units with artillery of any kind cannot move and fire at the same time. The extra transportation ability makes it easier to carry heavy weapons and field guns, but they cannot be used while moving.

The next step up from horse and bicycle is motorized. Using vehicles with light armor, and sometimes mounting weapons, motorized infantry changed the face of combat in the middle of the 20th century. Things have not changed. Those worlds which can afford to give their infantry motorized transportation usually never regret the decision, as it grants them unprecentented manuverability on the battlefield. Although this removes their stealth qualities, many believe that the other benefits make this acceptable.

MP: 3/5 (T); 4/6 (W); 7/11 (H)
Movement Type: T = Track; W = Wheeled; H = Hover
AV: +1/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +1
Price: +50,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Motorized units have to obey the terrain restrictions on their movement type. Such units can be detected by Beagle Active Probes or their equivalents. The advantage of the motorized unit is that heavy weapons, though not field guns, may be mounted on the vehicles allowing the unit to move and fire at the same time, even if the heavy gun says that it is not possible (i.e. a semi-portable laser). A motorized infantry Platoon is considered a Vehicle for stacking limits.

A unit which takes more then 50% losses becomes a foot platoon, loosing all benefits of motorization. Restore 25% of the men back to the Unit as the losses will be considered vehicle losses rather then soldier losses. For example, a squad with 8 men takes 50% losses. This would normally drop them to 4 men. However, because the vehicles have absorbed some of the damage, and firepower that was directed against the squad, they gain back two men and become a foot platoon to reflect this.

Mechanized infantry, similiar to motorized, use vehicles for transport in combat. However, unlike motorized, these units travel in fully armored vehicles, whether they are halftracks, armored cars, infantry fighting vehicles or any other type of unit. They are the most powerful of the three standard infantry types. Their vehicles provide full armored protection against many weapons on the field of battle, as well as providing speed and manuverability.

MP: 2/3 (T); 3/5 (W); 6/9 (H)
Movement Type: T = Track; W = Wheeled; H = Hover
AV: +2/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +2
Price: +150,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Mechanized infantry must obey the terrain restrictions on their movement type. Such units can be detected by Beagle Active Probes and their equivalents. Mechanized units gain a bonus 4 Armor Points for every three men (round down). This armor is destroyed before the squad takes damage. Mechanized units may move and fire heavy weapons at in the same turn. Mechanized units may move and fire one field gun in the same turn. Mechanized Platoons count as a Vehicle for purposes of stacking.

Advanced Movement & Training
The importance of effective ground movement was understood as far back as World War I and II. Throwing large numbers of forces against static defenses would only result in high casualities. Manuverability gave you the ability to avoid static defenses and choose where you would like to fight.

However, there are situations where there is no way to avoid the static situation, or it must be challenged and attacked. In these circumstances, further advanced training and new manuverability types become useful. Though not guaranteed "bunker busters," they provide a significant tactical advantage to any army.

Four new types of movement are offered in this section: Paratrooper, Underwater, VTOL, and Zero-G. Further training is provided in the form of Engineers, Marines, Mountain, and Special Forces. Combat infantry training cannot be stacked with other forms of training.

Paratroopers are transported to battle in VTOLs, Conventional Aircraft or even Dropships. They are brought over a specific site and then jump out, using parachutes to float to the ground below. Though this allows for fast placement of units, they are often lightly equiped upon landing, and are considered to be foot infantry. Paratroopers are best used against lightly defended regions and for general disruption and confusion. They are often to lightly equiped to participate in a full offensive, though their better training and manuverability make them useful anywhere. Litterely.

MP: Varies
Movement Type: Airborne
Armor Type: N/A
DV: +0.25/Man
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: -1
Price: +80,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Paratroopers can arrive from any location on the board using any style of transportation that they choose: VTOL, Conventional Aircraft, Aerospace, Dropship, even by foot. If an air unit is destroyed while in air, and with paratroopers aboard, role 2d6. If the number is higher then 8, then the unit was able to jump before the vehicle was wiped out. They land the next turn in the hex above which the unit carrying them was destroyed. Paratrooper manuverability may be combined with Motorized or Calvary manuverability. May participate in anti-mech attacks.

A variant of this type of unit is the Glider Troops. Gliders must arrive from a specific side of the map and must land before troops can participate in the battle. There must be at least three clear hexes to land in. Treat the glider as an uncontrolled vehicle for checks regarding ability of the unit to land successfully. Each glider carries one squad. Gliders cost the same, but also allow for the use of mechanized infantry in combination with the Glider mobility.

This infantry type was introduced by the Federated Suns to protect their underwater C3 facilities.Uniquely armed, underwater infantry became an important part of the Federated Suns defense. To counter this, the other Successor States quickly adopted underwater training programs themselves. Now such units are fairly common, seen defending and attack important underwater instillations.

MP: 1
Movement Type: Submersable
AV: +1/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Ballistic
Artillery Slots: -1
Price: +150,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Underwater infantry may be combined with motorized or mechanized infantry to grant them the same speed and special abilities as Wheeled motorized or mechanized units. Their movement type does not change from submersable. Underwater infantry cannot fight out of water, as their special weapons require the water enviornment to work. Heavy weapons are also restricted to those weapons that can be converted for use underwater: the portable missile, semi-portable laser, and grenade launcher. The portible missile is changed from missile to torpedo and treated as normal. The laser may only fire at half its normal range. The Grenade Launcher now fires modified depth charges and is treated as normal. The only field gun that can be carried is the rocket artillery, which becomes a torpedo battery instead. Underwater infanty may be carried by displacement hulls, hydrofoils, and submersable vehicles.

Only available to Improved Infantry or higher.

Vertical Take Off & Landing (VTOL)
Having infantry with the same combat capabilities of helicopters has long been a desire of many combat commanders. They can clear obsticles, mine fields, and difficult situations with ease, giving them the advantages of paratroopers, but over and over again. The price that is paid for this is that they are fairly light infantry, usually unable to engage in a slug fest with less manuverable but heavily armed opponents. VTOL infantry, however, is here to stay. To often they have turned the tide of battle, striking out against their opponents with percision, skill, and by being where the enemy was not ready for them to be.

MP: 4/6
Movement Type: VTOL
AV: +1/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: -2
Price: +250,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: VTOL infantry can hover in the air. VTOL infantry cannot use field guns. VTOL infantry must land in order to use heavy weapons. VTOL infantry can ride as Battle Armor can. VTOL infantry has all the advantages of VTOL movement.

Zero-Gravity Infantry
Moving from planetside to space is difficult for any soldier. Fighting in space requires special training, abilities, and techniques not readily available to the average soldier. It also requires special, and extremely expensive equipment. The infantry that make up the Zero-G forces of any Successor State or Clan are extremely dedicated, extremely skilled, and extremely proud of their work. With only the thinnest shell of protection between themselves and space, they enter a world crawling with micrometeorites, high powered weapons, and the awesome power of warships.

MP: 6/9
Movement Type: Aerospace
AV: +2/Man
Armor Type: Hard
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +1
Price: +500,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Zero-G infantry are trained to fight in space, whether on a space station, ship, or out in the wide open. Therefore they do not recieve any penalities for fighting in space or in more friendly enviornments. All heavy weapons and field guns used by Zero-G infantry must be modified to work in space, these modifications add 2,000 C-Bills to the weapon. Zero-G infantry may attack and defend stations and ships as per the rules found in BattleSpace. Zero-G infantry is only available to Improved, Advanced, or Semi-Modern Infantry.

Combat Infantry Training - Engineers
No soldier likes to see a lance of BattleMechs moving quickly towards them, while they have no cover, or hope of finding any. That sight by itself can cause infantry to break formation and flee. However, there is a source of relief to that problem, and they are known as Engineers. Specially trained to dig fortifications, prepared positions, lay minefields, remove obsticles, and anything else that is necessary on the field, Engineers are extremely useful and will always have a place on the front lines.

Interestingly enough, the Clans normal disdain of infantry does not apply to Engineers from Clan Snow Raven. Their expertise regarding battle field salvage makes them an invaluable asset to this Clan, and though scientists and freebirth warriors, they are given the same respect and acknolwedgement that other Clans reserve for trueborn MechWarriors.

MP: Unchanged
Movement Type: Unchanged
Armor Type: Soft
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +2
Price: +150,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Engineers can detect and destroy minefields. Each turn spend next to a minefield, and not firing any weapon allows the safe disposal of five mines. Roll 2d6. On a 4 or lower one mine detonates causing damage as per that mines rules. On a 5 or higher, five mines are successfully disposed of. Engineers can also destroy fortifications. As long as the defenses are not armored, in other words not a wall or fortified building, then they may place a satchel charge inflicting enough damage to open a breach. This charge does 20 points of damage and can also be used against bridges and buildings. An engineering team has one charge per man.

A team that has been given the Calvary, Mechanized, or Motorized modification can also lay minefields. They can place 5 mines in a hex per turn spent there, up to 20. Each squad may place up to three hexes of mines. They may also establish prepared positions and firing nests. Prepared positions grant a +1 AV bonus to all infantry units in the position, and also give them the equivalent of Hard Armor. Firing Nests are positions prepared for field guns, allowing one squad to opperate two field guns rather then just one. Mechanized Engineers may also set up cement bunkers, allowing for a squad to have a fortified building with 20 armor points to hide in. It also increases the squads artillery slots by 2.

Enginees may salvage equipment. Calvary squads may salvage up to five tons of equipment, motorized may salvage ten tons, and mechanized engineers may salvage up to 15 tons per squad.

Engineers are available at all levels of play.

Combat Infantry Training - Marines
Marines are trained to fight frontal assault battles intended to establish a beachhead upon enemy ground, whether fighting from dropships in space or on the ground, or from ship to beach, Marines are taught the essentials of fighting the hardest fight, the longest fight, and the most crucial battle of the war: the one that wins the war.

MP: Unchanged
Movement Type: Unchanged
AV: +1/Man
Armor Type: Unchanged
DV: +0.5/Man
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: +1
Price: +50,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Marine training can be attached to any infantry mobility form. They can fire and move semi-portable weapons on the same turn. May engage in anti-mech tactics.

Combat Infantry Training - Mountain
Fighting in mountains can be as trecherous as fighting in the confines of a city, but where some tactics work perfectly in block to block fighting, mountains can change the situation. Mountain training goes beyond fighting in a built up region. It also includes fighting on snow, ice, glaciers, and cliff faces that tower above the mightiest BattleMech. Only the most daring soldiers can master this terrain, but the power and versatility it grants makes the cost worth it.

MP: Foot: N/A; Others: -1 (recalculate flank speed)
Movement Type: Varies
Armor Type: Unchanged
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: Unchanged
Price: +100,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Mountain trained infantry do not take any movement penalty for shifting elevation. They do not take any penalty when moving on ice or snow. Cannot be applied to Underwater infantry.

Combat Infantry Training - Special Forces
Special Forces are the top of the line infantry, they are the most effective, mobile, and destructive infantry force that will be placed on the field of battle, and their price reflects that. Special Forces are trained in every kind of manuever, every kind of technique, every tactic and every weapon. Further they are more then likely trained in vehicle, battlemech, and aerospace operations as well. This combination of skills and training make them deadly and versatile.

MP: Unchanged
Movement Type: Unchanged
AV: +1/Man
Armor Type: Unchanged
DV: +1.0/Man
Damage Type: Unchanged
Artillery Slots: Unchanged
Price: +1,000,000 C-Bills/Man

Special: Special Forces can swarm vehicles and BattleMechs. If successfully taken, then they can attack the pilot or MechWarrior, gaining a chance to take the unit over. Roll 2d6. On a role of 8 or higher reduce 1 from the Squad, and take over the BattleMech. Special Forces can also run any piece of infantry equipment, and use any form of transportation. This includes captured transportation. When fighting motorized or mechanized infantry, Special Forces squads can swarm them as per the vehicle swarming rules. The units must occupy the same hex for this to work, nor is it guaranteed to succeed.

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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

Joined: 06-Apr-2005 00:00
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PostPosted: 06-Sep-2005 06:22    Post subject: RE: Few thoughts Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, my thoughts behind HGs was that they can easily destroy unit in closed formation and in the open. I used range 1 because of the problems with throwing (maybe grenade launchers would give it greater range)

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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

Joined: 06-Apr-2005 00:00
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PostPosted: 06-Sep-2005 08:28    Post subject: Soldier v.0 Reply to topic Reply with quote

I'll start with soldier as I perceive him.

The basic soldier isn't much tough (try to survive some bullets running through your body), so he is generally left with one point of armor representing himself. Rules state that he can move for one hex per turn (thats 5 m/s or 18 km/h) so he trots a little (and tries to cover along the way).

From previous texts he's armed with some medium sized personal weapon (assault rifle, SMG, ...), has soft armor and moves on foot. I'll call soft armor and personal weapon Default equipment in this post.

From basic rules he doesn't have facing (he has but can change it at will) and receives double damage if caught without cover. His combat abilities are represented by gunnery skill.

Every soldier without weapon can do contact damage against infantry (not BA) using improvised weapons like sticks, ...

So, here are the stats:
Foot soldier
1 MP
1 AP
0.25 damage (contact) range 1
gunnery skill: varies

I decided to sort soldiers according to their training instead of era.

Militia - knows how to shoot and whom. Probably limited to basic weapons as written above, no additional equipment and limited movement choices. Canon fodder, mass deployment (probably whole platoons, squads don't receive benefits for spread formation)

Basic - knows the weapons and the enemy much better, trained in tactics (can be deployed in squads normally), can be equipped with hard armor and additional weapons.

Advanced - knows weapons, tactics, enemy and it's weaknesses, so it can strike hard when needed. Can be equipped with all types of weapons and armor, may be equipped with special equipment. Can execute anti-mech attacks (and swarm vehicles under lvl 3)

Crew - if the crew survives vehicle destruction, it may leave the vehicle and try to act separately treat as basic infantry with default equipment. (May be able to swarm vehicle)

Mechwarrior - mechwarriors are trained in all aspects of ground combat, so dispossessed may be treated as advanced infantry with default equipment.

(maybe this would be broken to other posts to discuss each type separately)

[ This Message was edited by: Sleeping Dragon on 2005-09-06 09:22 ]
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Sleeping Dragon
Draconis Combine

Joined: 06-Apr-2005 00:00
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PostPosted: 06-Sep-2005 09:39    Post subject: Normal organization v.0 Reply to topic Reply with quote

Infantry is normally organized to Platoons with 28 soldiers (4 squads) each, but can be broken to squads with 7 soldiers each.

I would allow squads with the same equipment to form platoon or break platoon to squads when needed. Squads must have the same equipment to form working platoon, if they don't the platoon can use only the equipment that is shared (so if the platoon has SRM squad and laser squad may use only rifles that are default for ll soldiers). (this needs some thoughts).

Jump platoons have only 21 soldiers (3 squads).

Clan infantry has always 25 soldiers (5 squads), squads have 5 soldiers.

Infantry units may have have one big gun for each squad. At the beginning of the scenario chose one trooper in squad. This trooper is weapons specialist and if he is killed, big gun is destroyed. (This may be changed by movement type mechanized infantry will have better carrying capacity than jump infantry, ...)

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