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Oafman's first campaign.
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 23-Apr-2005 21:32    Post subject: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, I initiated a campaign for Oafman. It's his first in man a year. He's in command of a lance of mechs. He was given a tonnage limit and he chose his targets. I mean troops. He chose a BJ-1 Blackjack with 2/2 pilot, PNT-9R Panther, VLK-QA Valkyrie, and STG-3R Stinger with 4/4 pilots. Gave him the token initial contract for garrison duty out in the far side of Capellan space. His lance is set to guard a factory that produces armor, structural members, and ammunition for ballistic weapons.
We played in his first encounter but I will let him tell it from his point of view and will follow it up with what really happened.

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 26-Apr-2005 16:01    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Well, since he's not gonna post it, I will. His first encouunter was against a lance of mechs backed up by a small convoy of heavy transports. The transports were there to load up on parts to take. The mechs he was p against was PHX-1 Phoenix Hawk, WSP-1A Wasp, LCT-1V Locust and LCT-1M Locust. All with 4/4 pilots. The locusts came screaming in and the 1M faded back after taking a couple hits, the 1V stayed close and did a good deal of damage to the Valkyrie. Oafman's slower mechs were unable to maintain any kind of distance to make best use of his ranged weaponry. His Stinger didn't do too bad making a nuisance of itself. The Phoenix Hawk and the Blackjack pretty much stayed at each other and the Hawk was having problems maintaining the ferocity the Blackjack could because of heat problems. The Wasp was the first to go. It got a perfect setup to trry a DFA and I went for it. The Panther, who was the target, proved most effective at removing the Wasp's leg from it's body as well as it's arm. The Wasp landed in a heap at the Panther's feet. The Wasp's pilot surrendered under threat of point blank PPC to head. The 1V Locust trtied to get past the unit but was taken down by concentrated fire. Took 3 turns to take him down to, showing the resilience of the breed. The 1M ran to a hill top and proceeded to launch LRM's at range, causing little damage and being ignored until the PAnther turned and shot him with the PPC, the 1M crumpled like a wet noodle. The Phoenix Hawk turned to run towards the base, hoping to lose the unit by using it's grreater speed. Oafman gave chase.
At this time a call came from the base saying a unit had snuck in and was raiding the stockpiles. Then things got interesting.
Will post again.

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 26-Apr-2005 20:34    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Oafman's group chased the Phoenix Hawk to where armor was stored in stacks. Inside the stockpile was another unit comprised of 2 heavy transports, 2 Scorpion Light Tanks, 2 wheeled APC's, a platoon of infantry(who were loading the trrucks), an STG-3R Stinger, and a HER-2S Hermes II. All were 4/4 pilots except the Hermes II which was 3/4.
The Phoenix Hawk entered the area first and went dashing amidst the armor stacks trying to lose pursuit. He lost a his last arm on the way in and was trying to escape. He failed a piloting roll and skid into a stack of armor plates. The damage he took left him pretty much out of action and he gave up. The Stinger engaged the Valkyrie as did the APC's. The Scorpions took up positions to shoot out of the stacks without leaving the protection of the armor. They engaged in a long range duel with the Blackjack. The Panther entered the aarmor area and met the wrecked Hawk and then met the Hermes II. A brief firefight ensued in which the Hermes II went running to get away from the Panther and advancing Blackjack. The enemy Stinger was beseiged by Oafman's Stinger and the Valkyrie gave it the slip and wrecked the APC's with the Blackjack's help. One of the Scorpions fell to combined fire from the Blackjack and the Panther and the other fell back to protect the transports. The enemy Stinger trtied to break away from Oafman's Stinger but failed his piloting roll and crashed into a stack of plates. He subsequently suffered a critical failure to his morale and killed himself by satchel charge in the cockpit. At this time they tried to flee. The one Transport was removed by the Valkyrie after taking a laser shot and then being kicked. The Hermes II took off across the area and was hit in the back by a full salvo from the Panther and Blackjack. It's ammo went critical and not much was left of it. After that, the Remaining Scorpion and transport gave up and surrendered.
The Blackjack took heavy armor damage and light structural damage, a medium laser was destroyed.
Panther took moderate armor damage.
The Valkyrie took heavy armor damage and lost it's left arm and most of it's left torso.
The Stinger took light armor damage.
Through negotiations the 2 Locust hulks were obtained through salvage rights. The LCT-1M was scrapped for parts and the LCT-1V Locust is now in good condition. The LCT-1M's gyro was traded off for repair parts and the engine was sold for cash.

If ignorance is bliss, then why are you so miserable?
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 27-Apr-2005 01:17    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Sounds like Oafman did good. His panther's a GOD!!

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 27-Apr-2005 11:33    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

yes i particularly casually way his panther killed the 1M

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 27-Apr-2005 14:02    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Sorry I did not post this sooner. I missed Seraph's first thread. So far I really like the Stinger and Panther pilots, they did the best job. The valkyrie had issues at the start, but by the time we encountered the second group the pilot had settled down and was able to do some serious damage.

BTW Seraph I finally finished typing up the story line. I will post separate.

Festina Lente!
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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 27-Apr-2005 14:03    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Samurai Headhunters back story (long, I was having too much fun)

Commander ex-Lieutenant Cornelius Jones piloting a Blackjack, Panther – Suzette Grieg, Stinger – Hal Schoendorf, Valkyrie – Magnus Samuelson.
Lt Jones was a lance commander in Lyran space when the Headhunters first formed. Going back to his school days, Jones was always known as ‘books’ for his favorite pastime. It was rare to find him out of his mech without a book in hand. When he was promoted to Lieutenant the nickname was shortened to just the letter ‘B.’ This was a reference to his old nickname and to his new mech, the Blackjack. Much to his chagrin he soon became known as ‘B Lt’ Jones. After a year of service on backwater worlds as a lance commander his unit was moved to a new regiment on the Kurita front.
This move proved to be a big turning point in Lt. Jones’ life. Over the next year on the front he grew to resent the leadership of the Lyran military. His light lance was continually put into the thick of the action, right where the heavy mechs needed to be put, not lights. This forced Jones to create new tactics for his lance in order to survive week by week. During this time period he found one of the future members of the Headhunters.
For the next two members we must go back in time again. The story of Suzette Grieg and Hal Schoendorf starts in a farming town on a planet that is lucky to have a name, let alone be on the star maps. They grew up in the same schools and lived within miles of each other in the rural farming town of Ames. Suzette and Hal were always in different social groups and knew each other, but not very well. They lost contact in their teenage years. Suzette Grieg was able to get into one of the government ran mechwarrior schools on a scholarship. Hal unfortunately did not have the luck that she had. He had to work another year after graduation in the fields before finally being able to save up enough money to enter the same school. Around 6-8 months after Lt. Jones was moved to the front, Suzette graduated and was moved to one of the reinforcement lances getting ready to be moved to the battle lines. Unbeknownst to Suzette, Hal had made it into school the class after her and quickly proved himself as an able pilot and graduated ahead of his class. He did make one mistake; an argument over tactics with one of the professors guaranteed him a Stinger to pilot instead of a more favorable mech. Suzette was often accused of doing ‘extra credit’ work and was able to get a more heavily armored Panther upon graduation.
With the action on the Kurita front heating up, the reinforcements soon were moved to replace losses in the front line units. Suzette was assigned to Lt Jones’ light support lance, while Hal went with a newly formed scout lance. This is where the story takes its bad turn. The Lyran government in their infinite wisdom moved 2 companies of mostly light mechs to a new planet in this hotly contested zone. The Combine leaders were able to trick the figurehead commander into an ambush. Hal’s scout lance was sent into a valley that contained a whole company of Jenners and Panthers that were laying in wait. Hal was able to jump his Stinger out of range of the Panthers, but his lance mates were not so lucky. The other 3 mechs were decimated by the cross fire of the SRMs and PPCs. Using the jump jets on the Stinger Hal quickly scrambled up the side of the valley and barely escaped with major damage to his mech. While jumping up the hill, his laser was damaged and left with only a pair of MG he started back towards the rendezvous point. Out of reach of the Kurita mechs he started giving warning of the ambush, but it was too late. By the time he got back to the rendezvous point the massacre was already in progress back in the valley. Out of the whole regiment on planet only 5 mechs made it onto a dropship. While in transit back to the a planet behind the lines Suzette and Hal were re-united and Lt Jones met Hal for the first time.
None to happy with the performance of the Regimental CO, the 3 of them started complaining about their plight. While on R & R they were given their next assignment, all 3 were being sent back to the front in a new unit under the same idiot commander that almost got them killed. Faced with the prospect of walking into another hellhole Jones, Grieg and Schoendorf started looking for a way out. As fate would have it they ran into 4 techs on the dropship that were also in a desperate situation. The dropship commander had been using the ship to smuggle goods to and from each one of his drop sites. The Lyran government had been following the ship’s movements closely in order to track down the ring leader of the smuggling ring. The pilot caught wind of the investigation and was attempting to pin it all on these 4 techs. When the techs over heard Jones and company complaining, they approached them with an idea. Using a stolen authorization code from the dropship commander they transferred the 3 mechs over to another dropship heading towards the mercenary star Muridox. Once those papers were in order, they 7 snuck onto the other dropship and headed off. The plot was not discovered until the ship was being unloaded and the XO for the regiment that they were transferred to noticed that the mechs and pilots were missing. It took several days for the trail to lead to the actual location of the mechs. By the time internal security was notified the new merc unit was already in negotiations for a contract and would soon be off planet and unreachable.
Thus starts a new chapter in the lives of this new group of friends. In remembrance of the Kurita massacre they decided to name the unit the Samurai Headhunters. Thanks to some inspired negotiations from the new XO/lead technician, they found work on a back water planet in Capellan space. There was just one problem; the contract was for a full lance, not for only 3 mechs. That meant that they could not finalize the deal until they found a 4th mech.
Enter Magnus son of Samuel, son of Angus, son of Gunnar. Magnus comes from not only a different background than the other 7, he comes from a different house altogether. His story starts with his great grandfather Gunnar. The men of this family were known in Davion space for their fierce fighting style and their devotion to the leadership. The Valkyrie that Magnus now pilots was a gift from Davion royalty to Gunnar when he first came out of the academy. After several years of service the first of many tragedies befell this great warrior family. The scout lance that Gunnar was leading came under heavy fire from the garrison that they were checking out. An unlucky shot took out the cockpit of the Valkyrie killing Gunnar instantly. Since the mech was a gift to the family for their years of service, it was shipped back to the family home. After the battle it was found that his lance had been attacking a Davion base and in an accidental ‘friendly fire’ incident he had lost Gunnar his life. Without him to refute all evidence to the contrary his immediate supervisor accused him of not following orders. Within months the family was shunned by friends and neighbors. Without house support or any means of income they were unable to fix the damaged Valkyrie. In order to lie low for a while they hid the mech in the farm’s barn and slowly collected replacement parts for the missing head. Almost 80 years after the first tragedy a second blow was dealt to the family. Raiders attacked a cargo ship in the skies above the family farm. By the time the smoke cleared Magnus was the sole survivor. With the house in ruins and his family gone, Magnus used the last of his money to finish the final repairs on the Valkyrie and was ready to bring the family out of retirement. After several offers to join the Davion military were rebutted he discovered that the ‘bandits’ were sponsored by his own government. So he sold off what was left of the family farm and bought a one way ticket to Muridox and swore that he would have vengeance on Davion.
Soon after arrival he discovered that there was little work for un-experienced mechwarriors. Magnus spent the next few months working odd jobs on planet. Every extra penny was spent in the training center teaching himself how to pilot his Valkyrie. One afternoon he overheard Hal and Suzette lamenting their fate. The introductions were quick and to the point. For the team it was a win-win situation. Magnus gets a job and a place to get some live fire training and the rest of the force gets their contract and a quick exit from Lyran space.
The Samurai Headhunters have been stationed on the Periphery of Capellan territory. Lt Jones and Suzette have already worked with each other and have done their best to practice maneuvers with Hal and Magnus. They did not see any action until 2 years after they arrived on planet so the four pilots had plenty of time for practice. Without any organized schooling, the Magnus’ piloting is a bit unorthodox.

Festina Lente!
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 27-Apr-2005 18:03    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

I like how you tied those all together. One point, have to check my notes later, the mercenary star was Harlech I think and the Capellan world they were stationed on was Muridox.

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 27-Apr-2005 21:05    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

OOPS. I was going off of the notes you gave me.

Festina Lente!
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 21-May-2005 14:11    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Okay, campaign update.
Oafman has negotiated a sub-contract. As a war rages on a nearby world, the defending Capellan forces have fought the Davion invaders to a stalemate. Capellan Command has sent in a merc unit, Bridger's Brigade, to land in a hot DZ and commence a strike on a major supply area behind Davion lines. Wanting some help, the Capellans have offered to let Oafman's lance get 2 months off their garrison contract to assist in the defence of the planet. Oafman's job is to hot drop behind the larger merc group and follow them at about 4 km out to disuade any strikes to their rear area. Upon discovering any flanking units, Oafman's unit will commo to the Brigade and let them know what's up and engage in a holding action until Bridger's Brigade can send one of their strtike lancecs to drive them off. Oafman's getting 140k for 2 months action and free trransport to and from their garrison post(they have a Leopard class dropship at their disposal for the duration of the contract. Also I was able to get them 40% battle compensation and also free ammo usage from the Brigade's own stores. However, the cost of 0% salvage allowed me to gain independent command.
I cannot wait to start this series of actions. I have already informed Oafman that his hot drop will be contested upon landing by a light recon lance. I also told him that I'm going to start introducing mines into our play.

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PostPosted: 22-May-2005 00:59    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

SOmething about that 'radio and hold' order has me nervous. Especially in a heavy combat zone, thats pretty much a death order for any light rear guards, Oafman's previous success not withstanding.

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 22-May-2005 11:19    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

True, but Oafman's mechs carry long ranged weapons which will help tie enemy forcecs down as he manuevers until the strike lance can arrive. Though the Stinger carries no long ranges weapons it's plenty fast.

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 27-May-2005 18:30    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Excellent! this is way too cool. Like someone wrote above: Panther´s Rule...

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 28-May-2005 20:19    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

I am looking forward (mostly) to this ensuing campaign. Hopefully we will get to play soon. This will be my first attempt at a hot drop and my first encounter with mines. Thankfully all of the mechs that I am taking into the fight are jump capable. I like having an actual chance of landing with some sucess.

Festina Lente!
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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"Seraph's Slaughter"

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PostPosted: 04-Jun-2005 23:39    Post subject: RE: Oafman's first campaign. Reply to topic Reply with quote

Okay, we played 3 engagements today. We landed in the LZ with only the Stinger getting scattered. We found a light lance in place to contest our landing. A Vulcan, Wasp, Locust, and Javelin. Killed the Wasp but the other 3 managed to escape. Then after the supply forcecs had landed and were setting up a base supply camp, a medium lancec attacked. Oafman radio'ed for assistance and engaged. Opposition was a Stinger, Rifleman, Shadow hawk, and a Griffin. They advanced slowly to try to keep together and reducee both heat and to hit numbers. The Stinger dropped fairly quickly. The others stayed grouped though the Shadow Hawk got impatient and advanced ahead of the others trying to get to the supply area. The Valkyire's pilot has a pycosis. When taking damage from a Davion foe, he has a chancec to go berzerk. He lost his LT to a few well placed shots and lost it. He engaged the Shadow Hawk at point blank range and actually forceed him back. The Rifleman was having trrouble maintaining any kind of sustained fire with his paltry heatsinks and was running hot. These guys were all 4/5 gun/pilot. The Griffin started to pull back after the Shadow Hawk went down with an ammo hit. The rifleman couldn't pull back fast enough and fell to combined fire. The Griffin almost reached the map's edge when on turn 10 our reinforcements arrived. He was met at close range by a medium/heavy lance consisting of a Crab, OstSol, Jenner, and Clint. He surrendered. A few days later after receiving repairs, Oafman was assigned a recon,strike mission. The main force bypassed a small supply depot but found out there were raids being based from there as well as more forces being sent there soon to escalate things. Oafman's group arrived to find 2 lances of green garrison troops. Enforcer, Stinger, Wasp, Hatchetman, 2 Pikes, 2 Hetzers. The mechs seperated into 2 groups and advanced. The garrison troops also split up. The Hatchetman and Blackjack engaged in a rumbling brawl that Oafman's lucky init rolls managed to keep from getting into hatchet range. The Hetzers and Pikes harassed the Valkyrie, eventually cornering it and one of the Hetzers managed a lucky shot that torn the mech assunder. The loss of the RT enraged the pilot and he went berzerk. Again. While the rest of the group were attempting to wittle down the opposing forces the Valkyrie, reduced to physical attacks only, went on a chanrging rampage. He managed to ram the last Hetzer twice, destroying it. Meanwhile the Panther, fighting heat and Pikes, managed a lucky sshot and decapitated the Enforcer while it was on a level 2 hilltop. The Pikes also were slowly tearing the Blackjack apart and he was having problems keeping all opponents in front of him as the Wasp pretty much parked in his rear arc and managed to position himself there most of the time. The Stinger, being the nearest enemy next felt the wrath of Magnus, the Vlakyrie's pilot. He charged the Stinger who had backed against a level 2 cliff to ward off attacks from behind. It was most unfortunate that the impact of the Valkyrie's 5 hex charge hit in the damaged CT area and split the Stinger in twain. That round the Wasp and one of the Pikes fell, leaving the last Pike as the sole survivor. The Valkyrie jumped over a hill to try a DFA. at the end of the movement phase the Pike surrendered. The Valkyrie then landed on it and destroyed it. We were laughing at that one for an hour or so after that one.

If ignorance is bliss, then why are you so miserable?
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