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Hades, Shadow Hunter, Baelfire, and Grey Singer
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Clan Wolf
Point Commander
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Joined: 19-Sep-2003 00:00
Posts: 39

PostPosted: 21-Sep-2003 19:28    Post subject: Hades, Shadow Hunter, Baelfire, and Grey Singer Reply to topic Reply with quote

Type: Hades
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line 3067
Mass: 25 Tons
Chassis: Hades Endo Steel
Power Plant: DarkStar 175 XL
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Jump Jets: Demon’s Wings XLR-5
Jump Capacity: 210 Metres
Armour: Hades Ferro-Fibrous Plate
4 Javelin-Class 2 SRMs
4 PyroTech Flamers
Communications System: Hades CommCon
Targeting and Tracking System: Hades TargeTrak
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Hell’s Horses
Primary Factory: Hades


Clan Hell’s Horses has long known the usefulness of conventional infantry and vehicles, but such tactics have been slow to return to other Clans. Once, however, these units were common amongst the Clan Touman, and as always strategies and 'Mechs were invented to combat them. The one hundred and fifty year-old Hades is a relic of those times; considered obsolete even by the Horses who created it and deployed only amongst Solhama warriors, the Hades is used only in city assaults where its limited, and extremely short-ranged, weapons can be used at peak efficiency.


In its heyday, the Hades’ top speed of almost 120 kph was considered incredible, even for so light a 'Mech. At the time the Hades was first deployed, it was also one of the first 'Mechs to use an Extra-Light Engine developed after the Exodus. The XL engine used on the Hades was even lighter and smaller than the Star League engines, a testament to Clan engineering. Although some criticised the high weight of the engine, saying that the mass could have been used to mount heavier weapons, the Hades was designed to serve as an anti-infantry unit, acting not alone but as a support for a major push into close-confine enemy areas; the additional speed the engine provides allows the Hades to move quickly to support a faltering attack or pull back should overwhelming forces be sighted.

The eight weapons the Hades caries give the 'Mech its name; all of them focus on the most feared weapon on the modern battlefield; that of fire. The SRM packs are generally loaded with Inferno ammunitions, and the Flamers allow the 'Mech to spew forth engine plasma. These vicious weapons serve a psychological purpose in addition to the sheer physical damage they can wreak; confronted by a ten-metre tall machine spewing fiery death even the most hardened of enemy troops is likely to run. It should be noted, however, that in the almost two intervening centuries between the 'Mech’s inception and today that a new Battle Armour variant has been created; the Salamander. Even more at home in flames than the Hades, Salamander armour cannot be harmed with fire.

Finally, the 'Mech benefits from just-less-than-full armour and full Jump capability. Although the former is a given, as the Hades is designed to operate in cities, the second is somewhat surprising. However, as with the large engine, this feature allows the Hades to relocate swiftly in battle, or perhaps to outpace the hellstorm it has just unleashed upon the unsuspecting.


Iota Galaxy, under-manned, under-equipped, and heavily out of favour is home to the lion’s share of these 'Mechs. A few scattered examples appear in other units, however, generally as part of a mixed Star that is home to a group of Conventional troops or Elemental Battle Armour and infantry transport vehicles specially trained in neutralizing enemy infantry. Such Stars, however, are extremely rare; Gamma Galaxy has the most in the Touman, home to just two Urban Assault Stars.

An interesting historical note is the fact that Zeta Galaxy’s 27th BattleMech Cluster was once home to the highest concentration of these 'Mechs and was the leading urban-assault Cluster in the Clan for decades. The nickname “Hades Cluster” has stuck with the unit ever since.


Although it is unusual for a Frontline warrior to pilot a second-line machine, the formidable (some might say slightly unhinged) Star Commander Chesterton of Delta Galaxy’s 82nd Assault Cluster (The Firestorm) has fought in his ancient Hades from the day he qualified as a warrior. Because of these (and several other) peculiarities, he has not been permitted to take a Trial of Position for a higher rank and is not expected to win sponsorship for a Bloodname. Chesterton, however, cares little; he seems more than content to command his Urban Assault Star, and can often be heard cackling maniacally as he incinerates his foes.


Clan Diamond Shark recently bought three Hades 'Mechs for “study” purposes. They paid about 700,000 Kerenskys for each 'Mech.


Flamers and Inferno launchers!* Ka-vooomcha* Burn ‘em! Burn ‘em all! Err…ahem.

Yes. Uh…well. As you all know, I am an inferno junkie. Thus, a 'Mech built around infernos and Flamers. With a bit of luck, you could inflict an unpalatable 22 extra points of heat on your opponent, and will certainly send their PBI’s and Tanks scurrying for cover lest the Fires of Retribution scorch them! Nyahahahahaha….

*Degenerates into senseless ravings. Mutterings of “Aha! You fail your 8+ roll, Mr Tank Boy! I pop you” can be heard.*


Engine: 3.5
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 2
Ferro-Fibrous: 4.5
1 Additional Double Heat Sink: 1
7 Jump Jets: 3.5
4 SRM-2s with 2 tons of Ammunition: 4
4 Flamers: 2


Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 7

Total Heat Sinks: 11 (22) Double Heat Sinks

Notes: SRM-2s should be loaded with Inferno ammunition for one ton and standard for the other.


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 12/4
Side Torsos: 8/12
Arms: 8
Legs: 11




2 Flamers- Each Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, 3 Jump Jets, 1 SRM-2, 1 Ton SRM-2 Ammunition- Each Side Torso
SRM-2- Head
SRM-2, Jump Jet- Centre Torso
1 Double Heat Sink- Each Leg


Type: Shadow Hunter
Technology Base: Clan, 3067
Mass: 50 Tons
Chassis: SH Endo Steel
Power Plant: Heavy Power 300XL
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
MASC Top Speed: 129.6 kph
Jump Jets: FlameStar Type 12s
Jump Capacity: 180 Metres
Armour: SH Moulded Ferro-Fibrous with CASE
1 Ares Blade Large Pulse Laser
2 Ares Dirk Medium Pulse Lasers
2 Spiral Tech SRM-2s
Communications System: WolfComm-8X with integrated ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: WolfTracker XBT with integrated Active Probe and Targeting Computer
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Wolf
Primary Factory: Dagda


As the technology used for Stealth armour proliferated throughout the Inner Sphere in the early-to-mid 3060s, it became apparent to the Clans that steps must be taken to counter this new tactic and technology. Most Clans simply resolved the problem by deploying ECCM units to their Clusters and increasing the amount of Active Probe-equipped units in their offensive Clusters. Clan Wolf, however, has taken a more proactive approach. Opening several of the Clan’s oldest Brian Caches, the Wolves reactivated several old Spectre and Exterminator 'Mechs for study purposes, eventually creating a design specifically built to take on and defeat covert operation 'Mechs. The new 'Mech was named Shadow Hunter, to emphasise and reflect its unique duties.


The Shadow Hunter’s name and powerful electronic suites reinforce its role as an executioner. The powerful ECM suite can be used for ECCM purposes, and the advanced Active Probe is tied directly into the Targeting Computer to provide enhanced accuracy for the 'Mech’s weapons. With the Active Probe (which can detect enemy jamming) and the ECM Suite (which can be used to overcome said interference), the Shadow Hunter can quickly locate and neutralise an enemy with Stealth armour.

Since the swiftest known unit with Stealth armour was the Capellan Confederation’s Sha Yu (Shark), was capable of speeds exceeding 100 kph, the Clans decided that the Shadow Hunter had to be able to at least keep up with it. Original plans called for a 350XL engine, but this reduced the 'Mech’s armament to minimal levels. Eventually, the engine was downgraded to a 300XL, but MASC and Jump Jets were added, making up for the loss of speed with enhanced mobility. In short bursts, the Shadow Hunter is capable of matching speeds with the lighter Sha Yu; in tight terrain, the Shadow Hunter’s Jump Jets will provide additional advantages.

The 'Mech’s weapons seem, at first glance, to be ill suited to a 'Mech of the Shadow Hunter’s mass; such armaments are usually found on 'Mechs weighing half the Shadow Hunter. However, the odd armament of the 'Mech is justified when one considers the 'Mech’s role; Stealth armour makes combat at long ranges pointless. Even the advanced Clan Targeting Computer this 'Mech carries has difficulty locking on to such enemies. The designers decided that the additional accuracy of Pulse Lasers-particularly when combined with a Targeting Computer- would be very useful against a fast-moving Stealth-armoured opponent. Since these weapons are so short-ranged, and the Shadow Hunter so swift, they encourage ‘MechWarriors to close in with their enemies, again negating one of the advantages of Stealth armour.

The SRMs, too, appear out of place; however, the Clan designers had good reason to place them on the 'Mech. A side effect of Stealth armour is the limited amount of heat a 'Mech’s IR baffles can dissipate whilst it is ‘cloaked’. SRMs loaded with Inferno ammunition can force a target to disable his Stealth features or risk a heat shutdown. The Inferno rounds can also be used to start forest-or, the Kerenskys help us all-city fires, blocking those areas to Stealth units. Although standard Clan design philosophies place Artemis or Streak guidance systems on the bulk of their 'Mechs, Streak Launchers cannot fire Inferno ammunition, and the ECM bubble produced when 'Mechs use their Stealth systems preclude the use of advanced Artemis gear.


In the Succession Wars, special units were formed to hunt down enemy Exterminator and Spectre 'Mechs. This job was given to the most elite and experienced warriors, and such postings were highly sought after. The Clans, however, view the use of Stealth technologies as dishonourable, and no true warrior would stoop to seeking dishonourable prey. Despite the importance of its role, front-line warriors will not look upon assignment to a Shadow Hunter as favourable; the 'Mech is more likely to be seen in Solhama outfits or piloted by disgraced warriors as punishment. Although such a powerful 'Mech would be welcomed in any Inner Sphere unit-particularly given its design role- the Shadow Hunter will have few opportunities to prove its worth amongst the Clans.


‘MechWarrior Vari, a recently graduated warrior of House Ward was assigned to the testing cycle of the Shadow Hunter, and, despite the nature of the 'Mech was highly impressed with it. He has since accepted a place in the decimated Blood Drinker cluster, and turned down assignment of a Storm Crow to take his Shadow Hunter with him. His commanding officer instigated a Trial of Grievance against the young warrior for scorning standard deployment orders. The power of the Shadow Hunter was demonstrated as the swift and deadly 'Mech gunned down the Star Commander’s heavier Gargoyle. Young Vari is currently waiting permanent assignment to the post of Star Commander.


Were this 'Mech built by those stinking, Freebirth, degenerate Inner Spherians, the Shadow Hunter would cost 11.4 Million ComStar lucre-bills.


I had a brainwave…

Forgive me.

Stealth armour is not really that much of a headache, but many 'Mechs have been built to counter another, or at least to counter another 'Mech’s mission profile. This combination of speed, armour, firepower, accuracy, and Electronic Warfare equipment seems well-suited to the role of hunting down cowardly Stealth armour users.

The weaponry and heat sinks were carefully calculated so that you only have to deal with movement heat J.

The Inferno SRMs, long a fixture of my 'Mechs, are particularly useful here. The +10 heat for Stealth armour roasts most 'Mechs; adding another 6 heat per turn is just sadistic J.


Engine: 9.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 2.5
Ferro-Fibrous: 9
1 Additional Double Heat Sink: 1
1 Large Pulse Laser: 6
2 Medium Pulse Lasers: 4
2 SRM-2s with 2 tons of Ammunition: 3
ECM Suite: 1
Active Probe: 1
Targeting Computer: 2


Walking MP: 6
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP: 6

Total Heat Sinks: 11 (22) Double Heat Sinks

Notes: Equipped with ECM, Active Probe, and Targeting Computer.


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 24/8
Side Torsos: 17/7
Arms: 16
Legs: 24




1 Medium Pulse Laser- Head
1 Large Pulse Laser, 1 Medium Pulse Laser (No Hand Actuator)- Right Arm
3 Jump Jets, 1 SRM-2, 1 2-Slot Targeting Computer, 1 Ton SRM-2 Ammo- Right Torso
3 Jump Jets, 1 SRM-2, 1 Active Probe, 1 ECM Suite, 1 Ton SRM-2 Ammo (Inferno)- Left Torso
MASC- Centre Torso


Type: Baelfire
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line
Mass: 60 Tons
Chassis: Star League XT Endo Steel Refit
Power Plant: Heavy Power 300XL
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armour: Krakau 2 Ferro-Fibrous Weave with CASE
1 Thor’s Vengeance ER PPC
2 “Great Bow” Type XV LRM Racks
3 Ares Dirk ER Medium Lasers
2 Knightsbane Heavy Medium Lasers
2 Vengeance Flamers
Communications System: Hector CC-22E
Targeting and Tracking System: Brim CT-37 Mark XII with Artemis IV
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Star Adder
Primary Factory: Arcadia


The Hellfire, deployed as a means of field-testing our new Heavy Lasers and bolstering our second-line Galaxies, has proven to be a costly failure. Although its short-range hitting power is phenomenal, our enemies have learnt of its power and gun the Hellfire down at extreme ranges, where the Hellfire’s only reply are the three LRM-10 racks. Another sour feature of the 'Mech was its MASC; the MASC of the Hellfire had a much higher rate of failure than anyone had anticipated, often leaving warriors exposed to heavy enemy fire and unable to escape. Since MASC was typically engaged to move in close to an enemy, this feature compounded the first design flaw.

It was clear something had to be done. Although Khan Cassius N’Buta is amongst the most easy-going of our Clan’s leaders, few wanted to report the failure of a new 'Mech-particularly not Jenica Turgidson, who forced the inclusion of several defective components and already who, simply by leading Kappa Galaxy, walks on treacherous ground.

Galaxy Commander Turgidson acted to refit the Hellfire after a punitive Steel Viper raid on Arcadia. The Viper force was shattered, but the several Hellfires were badly damaged. One Hellfire was so badly damaged, technicians removed it to the factory that produced Hellfires to repair it. This gave Jenica an idea; if the factory could repair such damage, could they not refit it at the same time?


The first items on Jenica’s alteration list were the 'Mech’s ageing engine and abysmal MASC. They were both replaced by the lighter (and infinitely more reliable) Heavy Power 300XL engine, allowing the 'Mech to move at the same top speed of its predecessor, but without any of the inherent risks of MASC.

Since most of the 'Mech’s internal structure had been smashed beyond repair, it was replaced with lighter-and stronger- refitted Endo Steel. Combined with the tonnage saved with the XL engine and removal of MASC, this gave the engineers enough free tonnage and space to complete the rest of the alterations Jenica wanted.

The LRM systems of the 'Mech were removed, then condensed into a pair of 15-missile racks situated in each of the Mech’s side torsos. Artemis IV was added, and the missile ammunition store was doubled. Each rack is equipped with 16 reloads, allowing for an opening barrage before closing in for a coup de la main force et incomprehension with the laser weapons the 'Mech carries.

The Technicians made one alteration to Jenica’s designs; instead of the usual heavy Large Laser of the Hellfire, the Baelfire is armed with a centre torso-mounted ER PPC. This weapon can do almost the same amount of damage as the Heavy Laser, but produces almost 20% less heat and can hit at 50% greater ranges. Jenica approved the change, which allows the 'Mech to support its LRM barrage with PPC bolts before closing in.

At ranges of 450 metres, the Baelfire can smash an opponent with three Ares Dirk ER Medium Lasers, causing damage to be further exploited by the dual Heavy Medium Lasers-the only leftover weapons from the Hellfire-which range in at 270 metres. Using these Medium Lasers alone, the Baelfire can rip off two tons of armour plating.

Finally, the technicians increased the armour plating on the 'Mech, providing it with 16% better protection.

Despite the intense heat generated by each of the Baelfire’s weapons, the feature that gave the 'Mech its name are the wrist-mounted Vengeance Flamers. These weapons were included as an afterthought, intended as anti-infantry weapon, or possibly as an incendiary device in enemy territory when it is a scorched-earth policy is used.


Jenica turned the prototypical Baelfire over to Khan N’Buta two weeks ago. It is currently undergoing testing at the hands of the Adder Command Keshik. It is proceeding well, and Khan N’Buta is reputedly pleased with his subordinate’s initiative. This action has probably bought Jenica six months of valuable breathing time.


Some warriors have suggested replacing the Flamers with Heavy Small Lasers. This would increase the 'Mech’s damage potential, and would not affect its ranging capabilities or heat output. This option is being considered.


Star Colonel Andulvar Talasko, commander of the Adder Command Keshik in his Khan’s absence, has taken a direct hand in testing of the Baelfire. A truly exceptional warrior, the Star Colonel bought down a Dire Wolf, a Cauldron-Born, and two Novas in a recent field exercise before being taken down by Khan Cassius N’Buta himself, piloting a Blood Asp.


The additional materials and manpower required to alter a Hellfire to a Baelfire are worth approximately 135,000 Kerenskys. Given the advantages of the Baelfire over the Hellfire, this is a minimal cost.


There was something not quite right with the Hellfire. Who makes a close-combat machine that moves 4/6(8)? Not me, that’s for sure.

So I took the Hellfire back to the Drawing Board. A few simple alterations later, we get the Baelfire. The reasons for each change have been outlined in the fluff above, so I won’t waste your time by going through them again.

The Flamer/Heavy Small Laser conundrum gave me a bit of a headache. I like flamers, because you set things on fire (I am a pyromaniac-I’ve yet to design a 'Mech incapable of incendiary activities), but I also like Heavy Small Lasers because of the insane damage they can spit out. Eventually, my pyromaniacal tendencies won out and the flamers were used. I don’t imagine it would be much work for a Clan Tech to refit Small Lasers in place of Flamers, so if you want the heavies, feel free.

I have thoughtfully arranged the 'Mech’s heat and range barriers to allow you to fire both LRMs and the PPC at long range, or all of the mediums up close, plus run without overheating. The LRMs can be substituted for ER Medium Lasers up close, if you have the ammunition and are feeling exceptionally vicious.



Engine: 9.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 3
Ferro-Fibrous: 11.5
6 Additional Double Heat Sinks: 6
2 LRM-15s with Artemis IV and 2 tons of Ammunition Each: 13
3 ER Medium Lasers: 3
2 Heavy Medium Lasers: 2
2 Flamers: 1


Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8

Total Heat Sinks: 16 (32) Double Heat Sinks

Notes: Engine is XL. Armour is Ferro-Fibrous; Internal Structure is Endo Steel.


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 30/10
Side Torsos: 21/7
Arms: 20
Legs: 28


1,993. Compared to the Hellfire’s 1,495, not too bad. The Heavy Laser version would cost less, at 1,952.


ER Medium Laser, Medium Heavy Laser, Flamer- Each Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, LRM-15, Artemis IV, 2 Tons LRM Ammunition- Each Side Torso
ER PPC- Centre Torso
ER Medium Laser- Head
1 Double Heat Sink- Each Leg

Type: Grey Singer
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line
Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: Clan Endo Steel
Armour: Clan Ferro-Fibrous with Clan CASE
Power Plant: Clan 300 Standard
Cruising Speed: 46.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.6 kph
2 Clan ER Large Lasers
2 Clan ER Medium Lasers
1 Clan ER Small Laser
2 LRM-15’s
6 Clan Machine Guns
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown, but contains integrated Artemis IV FCS
Communications System: Unknown
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Wolf
Primary Factory: Unknown


The Grey Singer appears to have been a precursor to the lethal Timber Wolf OmniMech that terrorised Inner Sphere forces in the opening stages of the Clan Invasion. Clan Wolf has a well-earned record for creating deadly 'Mechs, and the Grey Singer carries this tradition well.

**ADDITION TO ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Khan Phelan Ward has told us that the Grey Singer was heavily used by Clan Wolf prior to the introduction of the Timber Wolf. He told us that the Grey Singer was one of the 'Mechs used in Operation Klondike, and that it was phased out in favour of the Timber Wolf. Apparently, most Grey Singers were placed in Brian Caches. Khan Vladimir has obviously re-activated them as part of his rebuilding of Clan Wolf. **


The Grey Singer carries a large array of powerful long-range weapons. Its primary weapons are the ER Large Lasers in the 'Mech’s arms and the LRM-15 racks mounted in the torso. The chassis is well-stocked with additional Heat Sinks, allowing for the 'Mech to move at full pace and discharge its weapons at range.

The 'Mech also carries arm-mounted ER Medium Lasers and an ER Small Laser in the head. These weapons provide back-up firepower up close but cannot be used with the missile racks unless the pilot wants to risk a shutdown.

**ADDITION TO ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Grey Singers were built specially for Operation Klondike, and as a result, carry a large number of antipersonnel Machine Guns intended for use against those unfaithful to the teachings of Kerensky. Whilst the design is not particularly well-suited for anti-infantry operations due to its low speed, these weapons proved lifesavers for Grey Singer pilots during Operation Klondike, as they were often forced to enter cities where the Machine Guns could be properly employed against their opponents. **

The 'Mech, being primarily armed with Energy cannons and carrying a large amount of ammunition for its Machine Guns and LRM packs, is an excellent candidate for extended operations behind enemy lines. Since the 'Mech carries full armour and utilises a Standard engine, it is a very resilient design, and a surfeit of Heat Sinks makes the 'Mech a great asset during drawn-out battles.

**ADDITION TO ORIGINAL MATERIAL: Ironically, the very reasons for which the 'Mech was built spelt its doom amongst the Clans. Although a Grey Singer would be welcomed with open arms by any Inner Sphere warrior, the Grey Singer has difficulty integrating with standard Clan tactics. Clan warfare tends to be swift and brutal, so this design, built for extended operations, has little place in current Clan forces. However, as it serves in Garrison clusters with second-line forces and is expected to be able to hold its own until front-line forces become available, the Grey Singer’s versatility will give the 'Mech a long second life in service, albeit with Second-line warriors. **


The Grey Singer has been seen with several Second-Line units operating in the Wolf Clan OZ. We expect numbers to increase steadily over the next few months, as Vladimir intends to bring Epsilon Galaxy on-line by year’s end.


Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 4
Ferro-Fibrous: 12
Engine: 19
Gyro: 3
2 ER Large Lasers: 8
2 ER Medium Lasers: 2
1 ER Small Laser: .5
2 LRM-15s with Artemis IV and 2 tons ammo each: 13
6 Machine Guns with ½ ton ammo: 2
Additional Double Heat Sinks: 9


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 35/11
Side Torsos: 24/8
Arms: 24
Legs: 32


1ER Large Laser, 1ER Medium Laser, 1Machine Gun (No Lower Arm/Hand Actuators)-Each Arm
1 ER Small Laser-Head
2 Machine Guns-Centre Torso
LRM-15 with Artemis IV, 2 tons LRM Ammo, ½ ton Machine Gun Ammo, 3 Double Heat Sinks-Left Torso
LRM-15 with Artemis IV, 2 tons LRM Ammo, 2 Double Heat Sinks-Right Torso
1 Double Heat Sink-Each Leg

BV: 2,037


I cooked this up after I read about how the Corvis had provided the basis of the Storm Crow. I wondered if the same sort of thing had happened with the Timber Wolf, and so I made this. Interestingly, it is worth only slightly less (about 10%) than the Timber Wolf Prime upon which I based it. The name comes from a line in ‘Vampire of the Mists’, by Christie Golden, in which Wolves are described as ‘Night’s Grey Singers’. I found the line quite poetic and decided to christen this beastie the Grey Singer. Enjoy.
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