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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 19:03    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*as vagabond watch's, one of the near city access gates, disolves from the inside. to his horrer a horred of gorrila's augmented by simian battlearmor boils out on to the surface.*

"Command, we've made contact with enemy elements. there augmented with BA, and are faster then estimated."

*the sound of heat induced static interupts the comm, as vagabond lets loose with his lrm's... pepering the moderatly armored but agile simians. only destroying one*

"I say its safe to say that there in the city, judging by the way these things move."

*as vollies of simian acidic feicies fly in the direction of the black roses*

"where holding this point, but where gonna start loosing armor quick. requesting assistence... black rose 1 out."

*ingaging his jump jets, he moves to block a lance worth of simian ba*


*as a meniacle female laugh fills the channel.*

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 19:18    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

"Black Rose Leader this is Command Company, Crimson Janassaries, sure looks like you could use a hand here! Where do you want us? Any idea where they set up there command Post? We are currently on a hgih G burn from a local pirate point and can be on station where evere you need us in less than 30 minutes. We will launch fighters and send Charlie and Delta sqaudrons to assist you. We will be Dropping HOT. I say again, we can be on station in 30 minutes, and we will be dropping hot!!"

Crimson Jannassairies prepare for Combat Drop. We will be dropping right on top of the damn simian scum, catching them off guard, to allow our frindly forces on planet to regroup and laucn a counter attack. Orders are to locate and destroy all simian troops, and if possible locate and destroy enemy HQ. I say again prepare for COMBAT DROP.

"Launch Bays, launch all fighters. Flight Control once all fighters have launched driect Charlie and Delta Squardons to the planet immeadiately and provide air cover to all friendly forces in the vacinity of Mordel's.

Alexx Knight, Lance Sgt.
Command Company, Crimson Janissaries
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. . . And you
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Clan Nova Cat
Star Colonel
Star Colonel

Joined: 23-Jun-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 19:21    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

OOC: This is getting really strange.

IC: *Phoenix sits in the chair in corner, not caring about the screaming patrons or the attacking armies. He looks over to see Chihawk, sit un-phased, cleaning glasses.*

"Hey, Chihawk. Can you toss me another soda?"

*Chihawk lobs the soda to Phoenix, who catches it and pops the top. As he does so a part of the ceiling falls on the table next to him. He decides that it would be better to leave. He tosses his money on the bar and walks to the door. Just before reaching it he, and inferno, ignite and are gone as the flame dissipate.* (No, I am not dead. Control is fire is one of my character's tricks.)

History is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever.
-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
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Draconis Combine

Joined: 12-Jul-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 19:53    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Sarkkahn walks into the room and quizically looks at chihawk and askeds where the skylight came from?*

*getting a dirt look he decides to shut up and asks for a beer.*

*chihawk procedes to ask for an Idea as I change the order to a diet coke.*

*Btw, chihawk, what the heck is going on here?*
You want some? Come and get it
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Clan Blood Spirit
Master Bartender
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:03    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-10-14 19:53, Sarkkahn wrote:
*Btw, chihawk, what the heck is going on here?*

I'm not really sure what the worry is about...after all, they're just monkeys.

Besides, I have my Northland and have used it to kill the buggers before so I know they'll be staying away from here

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Draconis Combine

Joined: 12-Jul-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:04    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

What is the monkey revolution upon us?
You want some? Come and get it
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:07    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

No...if it were I'd have put on all my geer and not just have the Northland.

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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:18    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Leaping around the corner, Cavalier battle armor in the colors of Harewood's Harvesters RCT is upon the simians and mowing them down with portable autocannon fire.

As the Major's Griffin links up with Chaos Unit the simian 'Mechs begin to charge into the city. Immediatly, Misfire Group began counter battery fire, trying to silence the simian guns. An unidentified solider burst onto the comm system. "Buckle up, Spanky! This one's gonna hurt!"

Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:25    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Lt Gabels roared through the sky in a conventional fighter fresh from the production lines of Bryant: the new MiG 65.

Raven had recently poured a massive amount of the money that the Royal Roses had been earning in raising and outfitting a support unit made up of armor and infantry. The results, the Autumn roses, were now deployed for the first time against the simian threat.

Gabels rolled and brought his two autocannons to bear on the ground below, where hundreds of the simian horde pushed towards Command Rose and White Rose company's positions. Shells ripped out of the underwing guns and tore into the ground, sending the broken remains of Simians everywhere. Simian antiaircraft responded, sending large clouds of methane gas into the air, then lighting it on fire. Gabels swerved and weaved in and out of the burning farts, and pulled up again.

Raven watched from below as the call for an LZ came in. "This is CO Royal Roses to CO Crimson Janassaries. I recommend landing at the following LZ. White Rose Company and Red Rose company will establish a permiter while Autumn Rose Support Unit will begin a counterattack now." Raven switches over to unit frequency, "Black Roses, keep skirmishing but use those jump jets to burn them up whenever you can. Keep them tied up till the Harvesters can strike in force. Autumn Rose attack now."


In the realtive peace of the Royal Rose compound, there are nearly 4150 pristine acres of wilderness: forest, mountains, hills and a lake which feeds a river that heads to the farming pastures out of the compound. In this lake four huge tanks sat, each with massive cannons facing up into the sky. The Ogre Artillery system was about to be unleashed for the first time upon the Simian threat, and it was going to hurt.


Raven manuvered the BattleMaster back again and then suddenly a plane whipped down and did a strafing run with an AC/20. Another MechBuster flew by to blast Simians apart. Then a line of 12 Po Heavy Tanks moved forward, tank gunners firing their autocannons and sitting in the turret manning the machine gun for full effect. The Simians began to fall back from this threat. Raven breathed a sigh of relief as the line stablized, then held. The LZ was clear and until the Simians brought their new Battle Armor or mech units here, the
Crimson Janassaries should be able to land and unload in safety.

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Free Worlds League
Master Sergeant
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:51    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Dead-fish sat there.
Listening to the chaos over his comm. System and watching the mayhem take place below.
From the hill he had made his way to as the attack raged on he and the SBIASBL security force, as well as the two Laser cannons had a front row view of the attacking simian horde, that was about to change.

Random soldier: “sir the coolant trucks have been hooked up and were ready to begin firing”

DF: “good soldier. Go find some cover were about to attract some attention”
“Alright find your targets and be ready to fire on my command”
“SBIASBL command?”

SBIASBL Command: “Capt Amam here”

DF: “intercept Ravens fire cords and target the two arty towers, also have the satellites found their drop ships yet?”

SBIASBL Command: “I’ll relay those orders to artillery command at once, and no the sats are still looking but we will inform you the second we find them.”

DF: “good, make shur all security units are alert, there have been reports that they got into the tunnels, and if possible recall the Zephyr from its jump to outreach, it could help”
“Dead Fish out”

At that moment Dead-Fish raised his Mech’s PPC hand cannon up above its head


The arm then swung down


Perpetually decamped

SBIASBL inc. - Everything you asked for, and even more of what you didn't.
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Capellan Confederation

Joined: 08-Oct-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 20:59    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ironhand's com system is screaming with all the intel coming in. His wheeled scout skids to a stop on the spaceport tarmac. the Leopards already forming up on the field.

"What the hell are monkeys, Colonel? asks Major Danny Kipley, his 1st Btl. formed up in the gates of the launch bay.

"Beats me, Danny," says Ironhand climbing the ladder into his Dragon, "Put it this way, if it comes through the gate and shoots at you, nuke it!"

"Command One to all Leopards. We are going to secure the spaceport and hold position." commands Ironhand moving his Dragon out in front of his troops, "Major Steele take 1st platoon and park those Manicores on the front gate. Major Kipley move bravo company to support Chaos Unit and link up with Haywood's Harvesters. Javenlin One (aero lance) launch all fighters and stand by for target. Alpha and Charlie companies secure perimeter and await orders."

The Leopard's move quickly, Bravo Company (LIght Mech's) rush out of the space port and down the street to Chaos Unit's position. "Chaos Unit Commander come in. This is Leopard Bravo Leader requesting situation," Sqwaks Major Kipley's com.

Ironhand Walks his Dragon to the gate of the space port as the Manicores form up across the gate....the hum of PPC' as they position for frontal assault.

"Okay folks....let's see where everyone is." says Ironhand, "Black Rose do you copy. Space port secure. Jumpships awaiting orders. Leopard's formed and ready. Air support fighters en route. ETA 10 minutes. Bravo Company moving to support Chaos Company. Leopard Command One out."
Steiner Forever!
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Kell Hounds

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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 21:27    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

Goind hull down in nearby defensive postures around the SBIASBL Cannon the Harvester armor had a grand view of the destruction Dead-Fish's fire order caused. The whole cannon seemed to roll back from the recoil as nearby windows exploded inward from the shockwave. Several Crimson Langurs had been charging the cannon when it went off, oblireating the center torso of the leader and punching the annihilated machine back 30 plus meters. The rest of the apes fell back in a panic.

"SBIASBL Gunner, this Gun Runner 1 (Colonel Amy Sazame, CO 302nd Federated LA(R)), how long until you can fire again?"

Elsewhere, the battle was going less well. The equvilent of 2 trianaries of 'Mechs and 4 Behemoth tanks crashed into combined Harvester and Chaos lines, forcing them back and inflicting grievous damage.

Major Joseph Garbo
CO 17th Recon Battalion,
Harewood's Harvesters

“An engineer can look at a pile of junk and tell you what it was, a good one can tell you what went wrong and an expert engineer can put the pile of junk back together.”

[ This Message was edited by: CO_17thRecon on 2002-10-14 21:28 ]
Jarylan Blackwell

"What the...?! Where did you get THAT?!"

"Creative aquisition."
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Draconis Combine

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 22:01    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

"Shimatta" curses Horhiro as he picks up Vagabond's distress call. Strapped into his custom Thunderbolt his dismay is more at missing his heavyweight bout in the Steiner Stadium than at the actual fact of M****** on the loose again.

On route towards the Arena Tunnels already, Horhiro kicks the "Ryu No Tomo" up to 60 kph, disregarding the slick ferrocrete underfoot.

Spotting a lance of Assault Simians blocking a tunnel entrance he sprints his mech into the fray. (did someone say fray?)

A purplish mech with its back to him catches the full fury of Horhiro's LRM, it's artemis guided missles blossom 20 missles along it's rear torso, followed up by a scortching laser blast. As the GRAPE APE's gyro distintegrates, the mech crashes to the ground.

I'ts hulking mate, a rather intelligent looking mech, slowly turns to face the enraged Kuritan. GORRILLA GRODD's movement is to slow however,as Horhiro closing at full speed unleashes his 5 ER medium lasers tied to his targeting computer. They punch a whole into it's left torso finding a critically weak armor plating.The energy is soaked up internally by the monkey's ammo bay causing a horendous explosion of metal and guapo, and leaving behind only a pair of hunched legs.

Horhiro sweats profusely as his cockpit's internal temperature rises to a stifling level, as he slaps down the shutdown override buttons the last of the simians attack. Pure physical force is what KING KONG, a huge black mech, is all about. Horhiro struggles to keep his mech upright as it it pummelled again and again. "Two can play that game!" he shouts. A quick kick to KK's leg and the beast drops to the ground. As it tries to regain it's footing, Horhiro spins the T-Bolt graciously around to deliver a back kick to it's head, crushing the cockpit and turning the Mighty Joe Young pilot into a puddle of goo.

"Time to find new prey" he whispers, kicking his mech up to top speed again......

"I have lived my life trying to be a virtuous man. The Dragon admires tenacity, and the code of the samurai upholds it as well." -Minobu Tetsuhara
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 22:06    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Troops near the front lines see a disturbance moving through the simian forces towards them, laser blasts randomly firing into the apes*

(over the com)...buggerbuggerBuggerBUGGER!! Aim back a bit! Something big's coming! Gang way! *Warmonger's Piranha barrels through and plows to a stop in a slight incline* ...pant... I. Am. Completely. Out. Of ammo. And I need a bigger 'mech. Much bigger.

*stumbles back up and runs to the storage bays* I wish I had outgrown needing those by now. Can't be helped though.
"A man who does not speak his own words, does not think his own thoughts." -me
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Federated Suns

Joined: 11-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 14-Oct-2002 23:03    Post subject: RE: WARNING WARNING....... Reply to topic Reply with quote

"Harvester One, Chaos One, this is Alexx Knight of the Crimson Jannassaries, looks like you could you a hand ridding yourselve's of these bananna loving punks."

"Crimson Jannassaries, this is Harvester One, glad to see you, we weren't sure how much longer we could hold here. If you don;t mind dispatch some of your Boys to our left flank. It looks like they are about to turn it."

"Crimson Jannassaries, this is Chaos One, if you'd be so kind and hurry up to our center we sure could use some help here, they have got something big coming this way, ETA . . . now."

"Roger that Gentlemen, we are on our way. Hammer Company reinforce the Harvesters west flank. Anvil company, follow me. Everyone else stand by in reserve, this one ain't gonna be no picnic" Alexx Replied as he throttled up his TSG-9G Ti Tsang and headed towards the Chaos's center line. He fired his most of his lasers to kick in a little something special for the bananna lovers. Sudden'y his mech kicked up speed, moving incredibly fast for a machine that size.

"Oh my god they're punching through our center line."

"Crimson Jannassaries, this is Choas One, where the heck are you if you don;t get here soon our line are gonna be shattered. THey've gotten some kind of new mobile artillery mech that also packs one hell of a walup at short range too."

"Chaos One, this Alexx Knight of the Crimson Jannassaries, never fear the calvary has arrived right on cue" he replied as he kicked in his jumps jets and took to the air.
"I see him. Assault Lance make me a hole.

Alexx adjusted his jets so that he was flying over mechs of all sorts. Even from up here he was having a tough time sorting out he lines. THen he saw it. "Great Kerensky, that is the biggest mech I've ever seen. Time to die Donkey Kong. Time to Die!" He triggered his main target interlock cirucit and opened up with his 3 ER Medium and ER Large Lasers, cloiling armor plating way from DOnkey Kongs left torso and left arm. One more bound and he was right on top of it. Just before landing behind Donkey Kong he unloaded a massive alpha strike, slicing of almost 3 tons of armor from its center torso alone. Alexx then pivoted his mech with inhume ability and brought his most fearsome ability to bear. Swinging down in a great overhead chop his Hatchet crashed into Donkey Kong's already damaged left torso. As he withdrew his hatchet and prepared for another devestating strikem his mech vanished under a haze of the simian counter attack. His mech was cover in one of the most feared weapons at the Monkey's disposal, type VI Feces rounds. These rounds burst above a mech and cover it in foul smelling feces, which smells so bad it is enough to knock the pilot of from the stench.

Lucky for Alexx though, by this point his mech was runing so hot that, most of the feces burned up on impact with his mech, and failed to clogg his air supplies.

Donkey Kong wasn't so lucky however. "Damn it, Knight has gone down. Wait . . . I see something moving. It can't be. He survived. By God he Survived."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that it isn't nice to fling poo at people? Inhale this, you over sized chimp." With one sudden move, the Right arm and its dealy blade lifted up and crashed into the head of Donkey Kong, which came crashing down smushing at least two platoons of symian infantry beneath is bulk.

Alexx Knight, Lance Sgt.
Command Company, Crimson Janissaries
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. . . And you
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