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Aparctias P
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Clan Snow Raven
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PostPosted: 05-Mar-2025 23:28    Post subject: Aparctias P Reply to topic Reply with quote

TRO: Aparctias P
                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Aparctias P
Designer:           magical_savior
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan (Mixed)
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            85
Role:               Juggernaut
Configuration:      QuadVee OmniMech
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3147
Rules (Current):    Advanced
Rules (Era):        Advanced
Rules (Year):       Advanced
Total Cost:         32,607,291 C-Bills
Battle Value:       1,898

Chassis:              "Combat Wombat" Endo Steel
Power Plant:          Vlar ClanTech 255 XL
Walking Speed:        32.4 kph  
Maximum Speed:        54 kph    
Jump Jets:            None
    Jump Capacity:    None
Cruising Speed:       43.2 kph  
Flanking Speed:       64.8 kph  
Armor:                ProtecTech Light
    1 Hyper-Assault Gauss 20
    1 PPC (IS)
    1 Streak SRM 6
    2 ER Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer:         Benson and Bjorn
    Primary Factory:  Spittal
Communications:       Q2 Block 9
Targeting & Tracking: Optisight-12

    When Clan Hell's Horses attempted to recover thinly-defended Wolf Empire systems along their
    corridor to Terra, they brushed rather unfortunately against the Rasalhague Dominion. Having
    just finished the development of the Quadvee, the Horses were eager to test their invention
    against whoever would oppose them.
    Perhaps they should have held back somewhat, as their "wunderwaffe" proved to be less than
    intimidating. On Weingarten and Gunzburg, the Dominion held them off fairly handily - while
    taking isorla and claiming their rights as victors. However, the Horses proved mostly
    victorious at New Oslo, St. John and Unzmarkt, and borders were shifted - the success of the
    Quadvee was difficult to refute completely.
    The Clan Ghost Bear brass was less than enthused at the concept of the Quadvee. Though the
    Horses offensive received grudging respect for effectiveness, they had absolutely no
    intention of adopting their blasphemous ground-LAM. The KungsArmé, however, was deeply
    inspired by the Quadvee and the ability it had to mitigate the weaknesses of conventional
    armor divisions and vehicles. Even poorly-armored Arion Quadvees were somehow able to
    withdraw in good order from losing battles; conventional vehicles would have suffered defeat
    in detail - and at times they did.
    Using the effective Boreas and later Notos as a template, the Dominion began a project to
    develop their own Quadvee with resiliency and support as a goal. Feeling that the main
    weaknesses of Quadvees were related to insufficient use of terrain and the natural
    exploitation of the battlefield, they created a unit to do that as thoroughly as possible.
    While they had workshopped several names for the design, the one that stuck was a tribute
    and insult to the Boreas - another Greek name for the North Wind, Aparctias. The meaning,
    "from the Bear," showed their resolution to demonstrate the "correct" way to use this

    As an Assault Quadvee with nearly 95% armor coverage, the durability of the Aparctias is
    considered stellar. While the speed can leave something to be desired, it is still capable
    of keeping up with a battle line in Vehicle Mode and able to move quite freely on paved
    surfaces and urban combat. ... Eventually.
    The vehicle is low-slung and intimidatingly dense; even in Battlemech Mode the design seems
    to carry gravitas. However, the geometries of the wheels in vehicle mode and legs in 'mech
    mode, while enabling the 'mech to hug and exploit terrain, makes rapid acceleration
    difficult. The unit was initially designed to take advantage of frequent transformations
    during combat with specialized weapon stabilization systems to compensate during
    reconfiguration; these systems were only partially successful.
    The cockpit is on the turret instead of being split; they had intended the unit to be able
    to move in any direction in both Quad and Wheeled modes. A combined dual cockpit has the
    gunner seat at the front, with the driver seat mounted in the center of the 'mech on a
    stabilized command chair which is able to face in whatever direction the pilot designates as
    forward to avoid disorientation during maneuver while moving.
    The tonnage available for pods is quite large, enabling quite a hefty amount of hardware to
    be brought into combat. However, physical space is in short supply. Most variants favor
    ballistic-heavy and missile-based designs to avoid the bulk of additional heat sinks for
    energy weapons. As the most frequent uses of the Aparctias are anticipated to be defensive
    and planetary, ammunition dependence is not considered a problem.

    The Aparctias is currently rather rare, and mostly found on worlds at the edges of the
    Dominion. The reduced crew needs compared to conventional tanks and vehicles, and
    surprisingly low maintenance requirements for a borderline experimental creation, have
    earned it a place there where it is highly valued by armor regiments and cavalry. It can
    fill gaps in vehicle formations by adapting equipment, and components are simple to pull off
    and replace.

    Prime - This variant is frequently used by Clan duelists despite the Spheroid accessories.
    The Aparctias Prime is a mid-ranged brawler equipped with a Clan UAC/10, ATM 9, LAC/5, and
    Laser AMS. All weapons carry two tons of ammo for reasonable endurance; it has proven
    effective in combat despite the risks of malfunction and the easy heat management ensures it
    remains capable.
    A - A sniper variant used for powerful fire support, the Aparctias A brings a Clan Gauss
    Rifle, ERPPC, and LRM-15 to the table. These weapons have been supplemented with a Light TAG
    and all explosive components are protected with CASE II; all weapons bring two tons of
    ammunition for endurance and flexibility. The only common variant with all-Clan equipment,
    it is somehow unpopular with the Clan tank divisions that receive this unit's otherwise
    exemplary supporting fire.
    B - An extremely accurate anti-air and city defense tool, the Aparctias B is equally capable
    of engaging enemies on the ground. It carries two Clan Large Pulse Lasers, and two LAC/5's
    with two tons of ammunition. Supplementary equipment is an Active Probe for scouting into
    buildings for hidden units.
    C - An indirect fire support missile boat, the Aparctias B brings three LRM-15 launchers,
    two LAC/2 autocannons, and two Medium Lasers. The missile launchers carry four tons of
    munitions, and the Light Autocannons have two tons in total. Special equipment is
    supplemented with a Remote Sensor Dispenser, enabling the unit to spot its' own indirect
    F - An anti-vehicle and anti-Battle Armor unit, the Aparctias F is a mixed-range urban tank
    that takes advantage of the Quadvee's ability to mount Double Heat Sinks. It is armed with
    2x Clan ER Large Lasers, 2xClan SRM-6 with two tons of ammo, one Plasma Rifle with a single
    ton of ammunition, and a Medium Variable Speed Pulse Laser with no additional special
    equipment... Except for three DHS over the stock loadout to somehow tame the massive heat
    output it can be capable of.
    H - A heavy hitter's fever dream, the H variant is an "odd duck" to say the least that uses
    a surprising combination of weapons. It carries one ER Large Pulse Laser, two Improved Heavy
    Medium Lasers, two Heavy Small Lasers, and two Spheroid RAC/2's with two tons of ammunition.
    There are no additional heatsinks and no place to put them, at times making the H an
    extremely toasty machine.
    J/K - The Aparctias J, unofficially referred to as the K or Joker for using looted DCMS
    equipment, is an urban destruction wrecker that is unpopular both with Spheroid and Clan
    forces of the Dominion. It comes equipped with 2xMRM-20, 2xClan Medium Pulse Lasers, 2xClan
    Small Pulse Lasers, an ECM, and a C3 Slave unit. It is capable of jumping 90 meters, and the
    MRM missiles are somehow carefully calibrated to converge fire for maximum accuracy. Many
    pilots will trade the C3 and ECM for Apollo FCS when it is available; the MRMs have two tons
    of ammunition.
    S - Frequently marked with graffiti tags for the local currency, the Aparctias S is the most
    expensive variant known to be fielded - and by quite a margin. It carries a Large VSP Laser,
    a Snub PPC, a Clan Mech Mortar 8 with two tons of ammunition, and a Supercharger. It can
    jump 90 meters, and is much more popular for urban combat than the J despite the price tag.
    U - An extremely rare variant intended for underwater combat in coastal regions, the
    Aparctias U is equally functional on land and at sea. It wields a Heavy PPC with PPC
    Capacitor, Clan ER Large Laser, LRM-10, and LRT-10 with one ton of ammunition each. Given
    the inherent lethality of underwater combat, the goal of the design was to turn an armor
    breach chance into an armor breach certainty. Pod-mounted HarJel has been attempted to be
    installed into the vulnerable torso locations, but tests so far have proven unsuccessful.
    X "Dolman" - The variant Aparctias X is an infrequently used unit favored by commanders and
    mixed armor divisions. It is relatively lightly armed with a Clan LB 10-X Autocannon, Streak
    LRM-15, Light PPC, and equipped with three tons of Communications Equipment for force

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.50                     
QuadVee Conversion Eqpt:                                               9.00                     
Engine:                                       255 XL                   6.50                     
    Walking MP:                                 3                                               
    Running MP:                                 5                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 0                                               
    Wheeled Cruise MP:                          4                                               
    Wheeled Flank MP:                           6                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         10 [20]                   0.00                     
Gyro:                                      Compact (IS)                4.50                     
Cockpit:                                     QuadVee                   4.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  264                    16.50                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      27             39       
    Center Torso (rear):                              12       
    R/L Torso:                         18             27       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  9       
    R/L Front Leg:                     18             33       
    R/L Rear Leg:                      18             33       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
2 ER Small Pulse Lasers                                   CT                2          3.00             
Hyper-Assault Gauss 20 (Ammo 6)                           CT                1          1.00             
Hyper-Assault Gauss 20                                    RT                6         10.00             
Hyper-Assault Gauss 20 (Ammo 6)                           RT                1          1.00             
PPC w/ Capacitor (IS)                                     LT                4          8.00             
Streak SRM 6                                              LT                2          3.00             
Streak SRM 6 (Ammo 15)                                    LT                1          1.00             
QuadVee Wheels                                            *                 4          6.00             

* QuadVee Wheels occupy 1 critical slot in each leg

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 43
TP: BM,  SZ: 4,  TMM: 1,  MV: 6"qw
Damage: (S) 4 / (M) 4 / (L) 2,  OV: 1
Armor (A): 9,  Structure (S): 5
Specials: CASE, FLK1/1/1, OMNI, QV, TUR(4/4/2, FLK1/1/1)
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