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Pygmy Mammoth [BASE]
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 06-Feb-2025 11:43    Post subject: Pygmy Mammoth [BASE] Reply to topic Reply with quote

TRO: Pygmy Mammoth [BASE]
                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Pygmy Mammoth [BASE]
Designer:           Thunder
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            75
Configuration:      Biped OmniMech
Era/Year:           Civil War / 3067
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         6,392,969 C-Bills
Battle Value:       805

Chassis:              Endo Steel
Power Plant:          225 Fusion
Walking Speed:        32.4 kph  
Maximum Speed:        54 kph    
Jump Jets:            None
    Jump Capacity:    None
Armor:                Standard
    45 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    What if you wanted all the firepower of an assault mech, but at a fraction of the cost?  The
    Pygmy Mammoth is the Clan enclave's answer to that question.  Originally comceived as a stop
    gap to fill depleted toumans, the Pygmy Mammoth has become a respected if unglamorous second
    line machine.  Most Clan mechwarriors will pilot one at some point in their careers.

    Armor, Firepower, Speed.  Pick 2.  The Pygmy Mammoth is what happens if you pick firepower
    twice.  60% of its mass is devoted to weapons
    Speed is barely adequate,  fast enough to keep up with the assualt mechs its meant to
    emulate, but left behind by anything with a sense of urgency.  Armor is a paltry 10 tons.  A
    good number of medium mechs are better protected.  Distribution is biased towards forward
    facing coverage sufficient to absorb a strike or two from medium to heavy weapons.  To eke
    out this performance sacrifices were made to the rear armor and legs.  "Front towards enemy"
    and "partial cover is your friend" are common mantras.
    An equally common mantra is "kill them before they kill you."  Here at least the Pygmy
    Mammoth overachieves for its weight class.  With 45 tons of pod space available, the main
    weapons arrays of a variety of Clan assualt mechs can be installed with just a bit of give.
    Often its the lack of secondary weapons or a tendency to overheat a bit more.
    An example would be the configuration modeled on the Dire Wolf A.  It still has the Gauss
    rifle, large pulse lasers, and streak systems.  But it has fewer heat sinks and is missing
    the AMS entirely.  The net result is a need to bracket fire at closer ranges, but at medium
    or longer range its capable of giving fire support just as effectivly as its Parent

    Use of the Pygmy Mammoth varies between clans.  For example the Blood Spirits use it as a
    Litteral Second line mech that follows behind their main battle line.  There is no glory to
    be had in those formations, they are mearly there to follow the dirrections of real mech
    warriors.  The Mongooses on the other hand tend to use it as a training mech for future
    assualt mech pilots.  The cognitive load is usually slightly more stressful given the weaker
    cooling systems.  In combat it will be deployed when zellbrigen is no longer a cincern.  If
    its deployed it means the mongeese are sick of your shit and are just bringing down the
    hammer. The clan that will mix the Pygmy Mammoth in with front line forces is Smoke Jaguar.
    Here the mech is seen as a viable response to more cavalry focused units like Storm Crows or
    Timberwolves.  Its also considered an excellent body guard for heavier mechs.  Perhaps most
    tellingly it is considered a bold choice for mechwarriors to use it in trials against
    heavier mechs.  If the win their codex accrues considerable honor.  Of course if they

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.00                     
Engine:                                     225 Fusion                10.00                     
    Walking MP:                                 3                                               
    Running MP:                                 5                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 0                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         10 [20]                   0.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  160                    10.00                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      23             25       
    Center Torso (rear):                               8       
    R/L Torso:                         16             20       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  4       
    R/L Arm:                           12             20       
    R/L Leg:                           16             15       

Location                                     Fixed                            Spaces Remaining  
Head                                      1 Endo Steel                               0          
Center Torso                              2 Endo Steel                               0          
Right Torso                               2 Endo Steel                               10         
Left Torso                                2 Endo Steel                               10         
Right Arm                                     None                                   10         
Left Arm                                      None                                   10         
Right Leg                                     None                                   2          
Left Leg                               2 Double Heat Sink                            0          

Fixed Equipment                                        Location          Critical     Tonnage   

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 20
TP: BM,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 6"
Damage: (S) 0 / (M) 0 / (L) 0,  OV: 0
Armor (A): 5,  Structure (S): 6
Specials: ENE, OMNI
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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 06-Feb-2025 12:12    Post subject: Pygmy Mammoth [BASE] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Interesting concept, but I think I would have put at least three more tons into armor at that speed.

But that’s me.
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Clan Blood Spirit
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Joined: 22-Feb-2024 01:39
Posts: 239

PostPosted: 07-Feb-2025 03:04    Post subject: Pygmy Mammoth [BASE] Reply to topic Reply with quote

Trade offs. Those 3 tons tend to be the difference between well rounded firepower or serious heat and ammo issues. Given its preference towards emulating stock assualt mech configurations.

And now an example that ignores what I just said about stock configurations, unless maybe it was based on the blood asp A...

2 ER PPCs, 2 Gauss rilfles, 4 tons of ammo. 15 DHS.

The points of give are the ammo and heat sinks. Loss of 1 ammo is fine, but then you cut into the heat sinks. Max overheat jumps from 4(fine) to 8(a bit much.) So you cut out a PPC from the firing patern much more often. Alterativly, drop 2 tons of ammo. Max heat gets worse by a bit, but is mitigated by the gauss rifles not taking shots anywhere near as often to husband their limited ammo.

Could also use an XL engine to free up tonnage, but that almost doubles the price. Better to just have twice as many mechs. More total armor and firepower that way.
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