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Scouting is fun
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5871
Location: United States
PostPosted: 27-Feb-2022 00:39    Post subject: Scouting is fun Reply to topic Reply with quote

Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign)
    SRM 2 at Hex: 2618 (Ignite)needs 3, rolls 9 : 2 inferno missile(s) hit.

        Hex 2618: terrain takes 8 damage.
        Needs 0 [0 (inferno)] to ignite, rolls 5
        Fire started in hex 2618.

Weapons fire for Wolfhound WLF-1 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor)
    Large Laser at Firestarter FS9-H (Mordel Campaign); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses

Heat Phase
Firestarter FS9-H (Mordel Campaign) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign) gains 7 heat, sinks 7 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Mongoose MON-67 (Mordel Campaign) gains 3 heat, sinks 3 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Mercury MCY-98 (Mordel Campaign) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
BattleMaster BLR-1D #2 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Adding 5 heat from a fire...
Rifleman RFL-3N #2 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 5 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 5 heat.
Hatchetman HCT-3F #2 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wolfhound WLF-1 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 8 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 1 heat.

Control Rolls

End Phase
Fire at 2224 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2521 is burning brightly.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2324.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2124.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2520.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2620.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2420.
Fire at 2618 was started this round.
Light smoke fills 2617.
Light smoke fills 2718.
Light smoke fills 2518.
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5871
Location: United States
PostPosted: 27-Feb-2022 00:40    Post subject: Scouting is fun Reply to topic Reply with quote

Initiative Phase for Round #9
Mordel Campaign rolls a 6[4+2].
Mordel Campaign - Opfor rolls a 14[12+2].
Wind direction is North. Wind strength is Calm. The weather is Clear. Visibility is Daylight.
Fog level is None.
Mordel Campaign: 2346 BV remaining (91.0% of 2557 initially) 0 BV fled


one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5871
Location: United States
PostPosted: 21-Mar-2022 23:10    Post subject: Scouting is fun Reply to topic Reply with quote

Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Wolfhound WLF-1 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor)
    Large Laser at Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign); needs 11, rolls 9 : misses

Heat Phase
Firestarter FS9-H (Mordel Campaign) gains 3 heat, sinks 3 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign) gains 1 heat, sinks 1 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Mongoose MON-67 (Mordel Campaign) gains 1 heat, sinks 1 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Mercury MCY-98 (Mordel Campaign) gains 1 heat, sinks 1 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Adding 5 heat from a fire...
Rifleman RFL-3N #2 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 5 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wolfhound WLF-1 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 9 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.

Control Rolls

End Phase
Fire at 2224 is burning brightly.
Fire spreads to 2324!
Fire at 2521 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2618 is burning brightly.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2324.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2124.
Fire at 2324 was started this round.
Light smoke fills 2323.
Light smoke fills 2423.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2520.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2620.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2420.
Light smoke continues to fill 2617.
Light smoke continues to fill 2718.
Light smoke continues to fill 2518.
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5871
Location: United States
PostPosted: 21-Mar-2022 23:11    Post subject: Scouting is fun Reply to topic Reply with quote

Initiative Phase for Round #10
Mordel Campaign rolls a 4[2+2].
Mordel Campaign - Opfor rolls a 9[7+2].
Wind direction is North. Wind strength is Calm. The weather is Clear. Visibility is Daylight.
Fog level is None.
Mordel Campaign: 2346 BV remaining (91.0% of 2557 initially) 0 BV fled

Movement Phase

Mongoose MON-67 (Mordel Campaign) flees the battlefield.

Mercury MCY-98 (Mordel Campaign) flees the battlefield.

Heat Phase
Firestarter FS9-H (Mordel Campaign) gains 3 heat, sinks 3 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign) gains 5 heat, sinks 5 heat and is now at 0 heat.
BattleMaster BLR-1D #2 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 1 heat, sinks 1 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wolfhound WLF-1 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 0 heat, sinks 0 heat and is now at 0 heat.

Control Rolls

End Phase
Light smoke cloud drifts to 2323 and 2423 and 2223 and dissipates completely!
Fire at 2224 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2324 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2521 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2618 is burning brightly.
Fire spreads to 2617!
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2324.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2124.
Light smoke continues to fill 2323.
Light smoke continues to fill 2423.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2520.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2620.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2420.
Fire at 2617 was started this round.
Light smoke fills 2616.
Light smoke fills 2717.
Light smoke fills 2517.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2617.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2718.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2518.
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5871
Location: United States
PostPosted: 21-Mar-2022 23:15    Post subject: Scouting is fun Reply to topic Reply with quote

Initiative Phase for Round #11
Mordel Campaign rolls a 6[5+1].
Mordel Campaign - Opfor rolls a 8[6+2].
Wind direction is North. Wind strength is Calm. The weather is Clear. Visibility is Daylight.
Fog level is None.
Mordel Campaign: 1180 BV remaining (46.0% of 2557 initially) 1166 BV fled

Movement Phase

Firestarter FS9-H (Mordel Campaign) flees the battlefield.

Heat Phase
Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
BattleMaster BLR-1D #2 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 0 heat, sinks 0 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wolfhound WLF-1 (Mordel Campaign - Opfor) gains 0 heat, sinks 0 heat and is now at 0 heat.

Control Rolls

End Phase
Fire at 2224 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2324 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2521 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2617 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2618 is burning brightly.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2324.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2124.
Light smoke continues to fill 2323.
Light smoke continues to fill 2423.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2520.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2620.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2420.
Light smoke continues to fill 2616.
Light smoke continues to fill 2717.
Light smoke continues to fill 2517.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2617.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2718.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2518.
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5871
Location: United States
PostPosted: 21-Mar-2022 23:18    Post subject: Scouting is fun Reply to topic Reply with quote

Initiative Phase for Round #12
Mordel Campaign rolls a 12[11+1].
Mordel Campaign - Opfor rolls a 7[5+2].
Wind direction is North. Wind strength is Calm. The weather is Clear. Visibility is Daylight.
Fog level is None.
Mordel Campaign: 384 BV remaining (15.0% of 2557 initially) 1962 BV fled

Movement Phase

Wasp WSP-1A (Mordel Campaign) flees the battlefield.

Heat Phase

Control Rolls

End Phase
Light smoke cloud drifts to 2520 and 2620 and 2420 and dissipates completely!
Light smoke cloud drifts to 2617 and 2718 and 2518 and dissipates completely!
Fire at 2224 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2324 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2521 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2617 is burning brightly.
Fire at 2618 is burning brightly.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2324.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2124.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2323.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2423.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2223.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2520.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2620.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2420.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2616.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2717.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2517.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2617.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2718.
Heavy smoke overpowers light smoke in 2518.
Team 2 has achieved all required victory conditions!
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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