Member Review : 16-Nov-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Tapper TPR-1X
Rating: 3.00
Comment: Ah...death by paper cut. It's always good to see someone make use of the underrated AC/2. :)
As a design meant to mimic the Kraken, it gets the job done reasonably well enough.

On the positive side, the Tapper improves on the original design by having a stronger back up weapons system. There's no question that the four medium lasers are more effective than the Kraken's machine gun battery.

As noted in earlier reviews, however, there is room for improvement. I agree that one of the main difficulties with this design is the 360 XL engine. The price tag of 20 million + c-bills doesn't fit the fluff - that's one expensive way to settle an argument between techs! :0

Furthermore, you could make the Mech more efficient by slowing it down to a 3/5 model. Speed really shouldn't be a priority for this design. The Tapper would be nearly four times less expensive, have the same weapons and armor and, assuming you hold on to Endosteel, would have 10 more tons to play with.

Overall, I'd give the Tapper 3 out of 5 stars.
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