Member Review : 02-Aug-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Berserker BRZ-D3
Rating: 4.50
Comment: I modded out a beserker in much the same way a while ago and it probably one of the most enjoyable 'mechs I have ever dealt with. Nothing beats this 'mech for sheer ferocity and in close destructive power. Hell, you can cleave the limbs off an assault 'mech if it got too close. I dont remember how I ran it but I know there is a weapons set very similar to this one that will maintain the overheating requirement of the 3X mymomer. The only reason that this 'mech doesn't rate a 5 is for the problem maintaining the overheat and for its lack of jumping capability. This is a close in 'mech, no bones about it, and in most close in situations (ie: cityfighting, canyon fighting, etc.) jump is very important.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Praetorian PRT-1A
Rating: 5.00
Comment: Seeing as how I codesigned this 'mech I have to rate it high, but honestly its a Davion beatstick that is good at its job. This is a 'mech for the ferocious pilot, not the typical plod and sod you see from the mainline Centurion. I see it as a cross between an Atlas and a Centurion with a lot of fun abilities included.
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Member Review : 06-Jul-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Blood Asp PRIME
Rating: 3.50
Comment: Extreme firepower up close and decent long range capabilities, this 'mechs weakness comes in at midrange. Many more 'mech weapons come into range as they close while the Blood Asp is still stuck with only its two Gauss Rifles. I am a huge fan of the Blood Asp, but find that I have to stick with some modified designs as very few of them field all of the capabilities I am looking for.
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Member Review : 22-Jun-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Turkina B
Rating: 4.00
Comment: Probably the best designed 'mech for overall ability in the game. It can engage with extreme accuracy at any range and decimate enemies with ease. I have used it before and found myself simultaniously impressed and bored with its efficiency. The ability to carve up your enemies comes at the expense of good clean fun and strategy. A 5 year old could pilot this 'mech as well as anybody else, and that is why I never use it.
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