Member Review : 25-Mar-2006 00:00
1 out of 1 users (100.00%) have found this review useful  
BattleMech: Hyoujin (Victor) VTR-9B-Mod
Rating: 3.50
Comment: Should perform well against other lvl 1's. Once again, move the LRM. (I hate repeating other people but it has to be said). Ditch the flamer, unless you're a pyro and have a thing about randomly setting forests on fire. I have a good story about flamers....maybe I'll tell it sometime. Good fluff.
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Member Review : 25-Mar-2006 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful  
BattleMech: Stalker IIC
Rating: 4.50
Comment: Everyone loves this thing so much I'm reluctant to say what I think....
I would swap out the ER Mediums for Pulse Mediums. Mainly for the -2 modifier. Excellent range fighter though. One would have a tough time closing.

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Member Review : 22-Mar-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Marauder MAD-XX2
Rating: 3.00
Comment: Props for dissapating alot of possible heat. If I were you though I think I might ditch the JJ's for a larger engine. The AMS is kinda nice but only useful if (with that much ammo) if you're facing a Catapult or something. I'd dump it for something else. Maybe another Med pulse laser or something. Just to give you some short range firepower; otherwise you're kinda toast if you get closed on. Don't worry about fluff ;-)
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Member Review : 21-Mar-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Reaver RVR-01
Rating: 2.50
Comment: With the twin Guass and twin ER PPC's, ditch the ER Large lasers. They create too much heat for similar range and not as much damage. If your primary use is for a defender, swap the ER Larges for more armor and Gauss ammo.
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Member Review : 21-Mar-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Canyon Beast CBST-0x3
Rating: 2.00
Comment: I'm not a big fan of ER lasers. They create too much heat for what they are. Switch your ER Mediums for Pulse Mediums. The damage per heat ratio is better. If you're concerned about losing long range effectiveness when swapping out these weapons swap out a couple of the ER smalls for something with more range. Granted at close range you could do 25 points of damage and dissapate all heat (if running). But you could better yourself by using more heat efficeint weapons.
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