Member Review : 01-Aug-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Snake SNK-1V
Rating: 1.50
Comment: Although this makes a nice crit-seeking companion to big-gun mechs for anti-vehicle/mech work- it is sub par for it's stated anti-elemental role. The LB 10-X alone doesn't do much against fresh elementals, nor do the Streaks. The armor is light- not great when dealing with an XL engine and ammo-dependant weapons- and it has no energy wepaons (odd for a desgin with an extra DHS). It's speed is fine for catching elementals- you just can't kill them without several rounds of fire. It works more like a big Javelin or Commando than an anti-elemental platform; the Komodo is far superior for that prupose.
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Member Review : 30-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Anubis ABS-3L
Rating: 2.00
Comment: Although I can definitely see the use of a mech like this, the extremely limited ammo really dooms the design. After 6 rounds all that's left is a fast ECM with an ER small. It might be useful providing ECM cover for it's lancemates, but it would be much better off with a long range energy weapon. Plenty of room for an ER Large, or even an ER PPC.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Annihilator ANH-1A
Rating: 0.50
Comment: No- this is far too limited. This thing has roughly the same firepower and armor as a standard Archer with a much lower range and half the speed. It can only be used in very resticted spaces, which it then can't escape from. It can't even do effective physical attacks with no hands, jump jets, and near-immobility. Once the ammo is gone (far too soon), this thing can be mopped up by infantry.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Annihilator ANH-2A
Rating: 1.50
Comment: The insanilty of not upgrading to DHS on a 3050 assault aside, this is much better than the terrible original. The increased range and crit-seeking of the autocannons makes this a great anti-aircraft or anti-vehicle platform. It works well in a lance of Gauss-wielding mechs: they puch holes and the Annihilator fills them. On the minus side- it's still a subpar platform. It's speed is still too slow to keep up with most lances, and the armor and ammo capacity is still weak.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Daishi (Dire Wolf) "Widowmaker"
Rating: 4.00
Comment: It has great firepower, both at range and up close, but no more than the Warhawk C. It's also slower, has no targeting computer, and no crit-seeking weapons- it relies on pure overall damage to bring down opponents. That works well, but this mech is far from invincible.
As an aside, any mech can be defeated by any other mech, with skill and a little (or a lot of) luck. I've seen a Daishi topple in the very first round of combat from a lucky PPC shot. Slow mechs are always vulnerable to multiple attackers, elementals, artillery, you name it.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Galahad III
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This mech is much better than the previous reviews indicated. There are hundreds of mechs listed here- how original can any of them be? To be honest, all 100 tonners are quite munchy- a good player shouldn't need the crutch of having the biggest mech with the most armor.
It has the ability to focus all of it's attacks on a single body location, and then pour SRM's into the gaping hole. Not a bad combination, but not unbeatable either, this mech has a few too many flaws to be "perfect" for anyone. The LPL's have good, but not great, range and damage. Without JJ's this slow mech may find it hard to close within Streak SRM range. Why this mech has two small pulse lasers (requiring an additional ton of targeting computer) is beyond me.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Supernova
Rating: 4.50
Comment: I fail to see how a Warhawk C has a beter range or more firepower than this design, although it certainly handles heat better. The Warhawk Prime may have sightly more firepower, but has the same problemes with heat.

This is the perfect mech for hilly terrain- by setting up at the top of a hill, it can snipe oncoming mechs, and easily outmanuver any assaults without JJ's. Even at close range it is a match for most heavies in a slugfest- while at long range it's more than a match for the Dire Wolf Prime. The light armor and high heat are its only drawbacks- and it can lose an entire torso with minimal decline in combat effectiveness.

Just like the Nova Prime, it relys on energy firepower, rather than high-tech trimmings, and can easily outlast more 'advanced' mechs.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Kingfisher C
Rating: 4.00
Comment: Actually closing to range almost doubles this mech's firepower- quite a bit more than 30%. With a standard engine, energy weapons, tons of armor and a hefty chassis this mech can soak up immense amounts of damge- and deal the same. It's firepower is no better, however, than what many heavies can muster- and at a higher speed. 90 ton mechs give up a lot to move at 4/6. This one is good, but still a little less firepower than I like to see in a Clan omni.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Kingfisher A
Rating: 2.00
Comment: The huge number of heat sinks and limited pod space scream out for energy weapons- not autocannons. This is undergunned and over heatsinked at long range- even an alpha-strike at point-blank range barely nudges the heat meter up one point. Great in the middle of a forest fire, but otherwise not an efficient use of pod space on a mech that doesn't have much to waste.
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Member Review : 29-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Cerberus MR-5M
Rating: 4.00
Comment: Very good. The long-range firepower may not be anything special, but the high speed allows it to close relatively quickly and bring the pulses into play. The machine guns actually add a lot to the mech- nothing is more embarrassing than losing an assault mech to infantry that you couldn't be bothered to turn around and wipe out with the big guns. Good against elementals, too. Just remember that it's not a sniper, and any pilot should do okay.
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