Member Review : 19-Jun-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Avatar AV1-O
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This is a solid choice. The armor is a little light, especially with an XL engine, but this mech can still take a shot of two from AC20's. The speed is all right for a heavy mech and heat isn't a problem. The weapons are good for every range and this mech excels at crit hunting. I actually like the machine guns because they have no heat and can be used with the LBX to sand off armor and crit hunt. The mediums and medium pulses are good back up weapons and can let you fight when your ammo runs out. The LRM's can keep shooting for a while, but I'd still try to get in close with this mech. The only thing I don't like about this mech is the CASE. If enough damage is done to destroy a side torso, this mech is dead anyways. I guess it lets you salvage this mech, but I'd rather have an extra ton of armor than the CASE, since with an extra ton of armor you might not even need the CASE. This is a solid line mech that should be able to deal with IS heavies and a few IS assaults, but don't take it up against the Clans.
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Member Review : 17-Jun-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Gunslinger GUN-1ERD
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This is a solid big design errors but nothing too spectacular (except for twin gauss rifles!). The armor protection is good and the gauss rifles have plenty of ammo to let you decapitate mechs all day long. The medium lasers are good backup weapons and you can fire them without overheating. I actually think that placing the rear firing pulses in the legs instead of the torso was a good idea. If someone gets behind you, you can torso twist to hit them with a gauss rifle and still hit them with the medium pulses. If the pulses were in the torso, they'd probably never get used, since it's better to torso twist and fire a gauss. I don't like the jumpjets being one movement point short, but they can still be useful for jumping over water, trees, rough terrain, etc. The max armor and the lack of explosive ammo make up for the XL engine. This is a solid choice to fill out just about any lance.
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Member Review : 16-Jun-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Grand Crusader GRN-D-01
Rating: 4.00
Comment: I've used this mech with a lot of success. The lrm20's and the number of reloads allow this 'mech to provide excellent fire support (better than a Catapult) and the armor lets it take a couple of gauss or AC20 hits before you have to start worrying and most other 3058 assault mechs mount XL's, so that is not too big of an issue. I think the pulses were intended for use after you run out of lrm ammo, so the heat problem is not too bad. The AMS is nice for a fire support mech, since you will probably facing a lot of missiles. The speed and ams ammo are both a little lacking, but that does not hurt the 'mech too much. The pulses let this act as a bodyguard for other fire support mechs since most harrassers will try to get within lrm minimum range, where the pulses are very effective. I have surprised a few friends with this when they expected to kill all of my fire support mechs at close range and instead had their own mechs destroyed by pulses. You could also keep one of these in reserve and use it to fill in gaps in your battle line. As long as you use the weapons at their intended range, this mech can dish out some serious hurt.
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Member Review : 16-Jun-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Cerberus MR-5M
Rating: 4.50
Comment: This is one of my favorite IS assaults and is way better than the V2. I've managed to take down Daishis with this thing. It's got good armor and an AMS to keep it alive despite the XL engine. It also has weapons for both long and short range. The Gauss-ERPPC combo can take down most lighter mechs and the pulses can take down anything that manages to get close. The pulses also have a amazing crit seeking ability, especially after the PPC and Gauss have made big holes. The machine guns can damage those pesky light mechs and elementals that try and get behind you. This mech's speed is also really good for its weight class, allowing you to out maneuver most assaults and keep up with most heavies. The mech's only real problem is heat, but as long as you use your weapons at the proper range and don't alpha strike too often, you shouldn't have too much trouble. The BV isn't bad either, for an assault mech. I try to field this mech whenever I can.
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Member Review : 13-Jun-2006 00:00
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BattleMech: Marauder MAD-9M
Rating: 4.50
Comment: This is one of the better Marauder variants. At range, use it like an Awesome and salvo large lasers 3-2-3 with a run each turn. When you get in close, drop one laser for the two streaks. I've taken out every other Marauder variant with one of these. The crit seeking on this mech is amazing. I managed to destroy my friends lightly damaged mech with my heavily damaged Marauder by hitting his head with streaks. This mech also has the lowest bv of all of the variants, which makes it easier to field. I also like it because most people don't expect a Marauder to carry such a strange weapons load and underestimate. I'd field this mech any day.
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Member Review : 18-Dec-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Perseus P1C
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This mech is deadly at all ranges. Granted, it will be pretty useless when its ammo runs out, but with 6 tons of ammo, this mech isn't going to run out unless your in a big engagement. The armor is also good for an XL, and the heat sinks let you run and shoot everything in one turn. This is probably one of the better Perseus configuration, and my personal favorite.
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Member Review : 18-Dec-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Perseus P1D
Rating: 3.00
Comment: This is a good mech for when you don't know what you're up against. The LRM's give you good ranged firepower until you can close in to bring your LBX, SRM and lasers to bear. The electronics help you to spot enemy mechs and break up C3 networks.
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Member Review : 18-Dec-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Perseus P1B
Rating: 3.00
Comment: This is the most ammo efficient of the Perseus configurations, but its Gauss rifle is useful after 8 shots. Why does it have two tons of AMS and only one of Gauss ammunition? Downgrade the pulses to ERL, heatsinks and ammo and you'll have a vicious sniper. This is a decent configuration, and the best one if you're in a long campaign. Otherwise, I'd use a different configuration.
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Member Review : 11-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Thunderbolt TDR-7SE
Rating: 4.00
Comment: This is a good sniper. The JJ's let it find a good position and snipe away. The targeting computer and pulses can stop most mechs sent to get rid of you. The ECM also lets you move in close and disrupt enemy C3 networks. This isn't quite as good as the 10SE, but it'll still give most mechs a run for their money.
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Member Review : 11-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Fafnir FNR-5
Rating: 4.00
Comment: This is a good urban fighter. The ECM lets is sneak up to enemy mechs and then let loose. Twin heavy gauss rifles will eat up any mech. The lack of an XL engine helps survivability as does the armor. The only problem is ammo dependency. Once you're out of ammo, you don't have any powerful backup weapons. Still, the Fafnir is a solid mech.
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