Member Review : 01-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Thunderbolt TDR-10SE
Rating: 4.50
Comment: The original T-Bolt was a great mech, and this is a worthy successor. It can effectively fight at long or short range. It lacks CASE, but you'll probably use up the ammo pretty quickly. This version also has excelent armor protection and no XL, increasing its survivability. The targeting computer helps make your shots count and the heat sinks should be able to keep you cool if you don't alpha strike. The MASC and ECM let you get close to an enemy quickly and open up. This is a good upgrade to the old T-Bolt and a great heavy.
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Member Review : 01-Jul-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Sagittaire SGT-8R
Rating: 4.50
Comment: This mech is a city fighter. Its pulse lasers can chew up anything that stumbles upon it. However, at range it only has an ER PPC. Still, if it has proper support, it can close in and eat up enemies. This is also a good guerrilla fighter since it has an all energy loadout. If you hide a few of these and amush enemies that come nearby, you can destroy mechs on your own terms. The armor is good, but the XL hampers survivability. Still, on its own turf, this can eat up enemy mechs.
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Member Review : 30-Jun-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Warhammer WHM-9S
Rating: 4.00
Comment: This is a nice improvement over the 8D. The small laser really didn't help much and I personally don't like C3. This gets rid of them and gives you enough heat sinks to alpha strike often. All in all, this is one of the better upgrades.
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Member Review : 29-Jun-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Blackjack BJ2-O
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This is a decent mech. It's a little slow for an XL, but the JJ's improve its maneuverability. It has weapons for all ranges. The UAC's let you chew up enemies until you can use the lasers to finish them. I personally don't like machine guns, but they do let this mech handle infantry. All in all, this is a solid design. It isn't the greatest design, but it can hold its own.
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Member Review : 29-Jun-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Enfield END-6Q
Rating: 4.00
Comment: This is one of the better 3058 mediums. It's got a good weapons load (mostly energy, so you can stay in the fight) and CASE. The LBX has a lot of ammo, so you don't have to conserve it. Speed is average, but armor makes up for it (more than some heavies). This is a solid medium mech that I try to use whenever I get the chance.
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Member Review : 24-Jun-2005 00:00
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BattleMech: Goliath GOL-3S
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This is a pretty good mech. It's weapons loadout is balanced and it has pretty good speed. The ER Large and LRM 10 can annoy opponents until you get close enough to use your LBX. The only problem I have is the armor. A lot of heavy mechs have more armor. I would expect more from an assault mech.
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