Member Review : 15-Jul-2004 00:00
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Download: MechWar
Rating: 3.00
Comment: This game left me with mixed impressions. Making it run a variety of scenarios is a simple task, and the variety can be virtualy unlimited with the included Mech/Scenario/Map/Pilot editors(also included is a Mech database containing most `25-`50s mechs).
However, I have notticed some issues regarding the implementation of rules(I have yet to find the PC game to perfectly implement PnP or cardboard rules). One thing is the fact that damage is not resolved simultaneously at the end of the fire phase. Seriously, this puts too much value on initative. Another issue are the small 'improvements' intorduce by the author.
Looks may be an issue for some players. Even a Dos based game could look a lot better. Some even do.
But untill something better appears, this will do. It's almost as good as the real thing. In some ways better.
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