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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Centurion CN9-D92
Designer:           NCKestrel
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            50
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Jihad / 3079
Rules (Current):    Advanced
Rules (Era):        Advanced
Rules (Year):       Advanced
Total Cost:         5,931,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:       1,628

Chassis:              Endo Steel
Power Plant:          150 Compact
Walking Speed:        32.4 kph  
Maximum Speed:        43.2 kph  
Jump Jets:            Standard
    Jump Capacity:    90 meters
Armor:                Hardened with CASE
    1 Plasma Rifle
    2 ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    The Word of Blake utilized some of the strongest fortifications seen in the Inner Sphere
    since the fall of the Star League.  To deal with these, Davion converted several CN9-D9
    Centurion in to heavily armored, tougher variants with advanced c3 computers to lead the

    A compact fusion engine and gyro protected by 20 tons of hardened armor makes the Centurion
    tougher than even many assault 'mechs.  It's firepower is nothing impressive, but it's job
    is to survive long enough for its lancemates to find and destroy the enemy the Centurion has

    The CN9-D92 was used exclusively in the Word of Blake Protectorate against fortifications.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 2.50                     
Engine:                                    150 Compact                 8.50                     
    Walking MP:                                 3                                               
    Running MP:                                 4                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 3                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         10 [20]                   0.00                     
Gyro:                                        Compact                   3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  160                    20.00                     
    Type:                                    Hardened                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      16             25       
    Center Torso (rear):                               6       
    R/L Torso:                         12             20       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  4       
    R/L Arm:                            8             16       
    R/L Leg:                           12             20       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
C3 Slave                                                  CT                1          1.00             
2 ER Medium Lasers                                        CT                2          2.00             
Jump Jet                                                  CT                1          0.50             
CASE                                                      RT                1          0.50             
Jump Jet                                                  RT                1          0.50             
Plasma Rifle (Ammo 20)                                    RT                2          2.00             
Jump Jet                                                  LT                1          0.50             
Plasma Rifle                                              RA                2          6.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 40
TP: BM,  SZ: 2,  TMM: 0,  MV: 4"/6"j
Damage: (S) 2 / (M) 2 / (L) 0,  OV: 0
Armor (A): 11,  Structure (S): 5
Specials: C3S, CASE, CR, ENE, JMPS1, MHQ1