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Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!!
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 05:57    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-10 18:56, chihawk wrote:

On 2002-06-10 16:53, Ronin wrote:
Also, in responce to the earlier comment about having your actions declared justified (by the police), we just got through discussing it in class today. Civil lawsuits are still possible, and in fact quite likely. And it is usually a judge or grand jury that determines if something was justified, at least officially (and as stated before, this will vary by jurisdiction, but that is how it is here and most other places that I know about).

If the DA doesn't persue the matter then a judge (or Grand Jury) wouldn't be nessessary, eh?

One thing that cuts down on the large amount of frivolous lawsuits is that if you file suit against someone and lose you can be forced to pay for that person's defense. Plus lawyers can be fined huge amounts for bringing suits that are frivolous, so that cuts them down even further...


That is crucial, know the law in your area. A Texas born citizen would be in big Trouble if he applied Texas law in Hawaii. (Texas allows lethal force for many things, Hawaii says lay down and take it, call the cops if you survive)

Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side & a dark side, and strings also lie under it all.

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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 06:13    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

In my research I've found no state that does not allow you to defend yourself provided the minimum conditions I wrote far above are met.

Many states do have different interpretations of "retreat"--like Maine as I posted above--however.

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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 07:53    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

In Virginia, he/she has to be in your house dead. If he/she makes it out of your house, then it's assault with a deadly weapon....

Sir HEnry, remember to drag them back in....

Sir Henry

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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 08:17    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Interesting seems that Chichawk can't admit he may not know all the facts here on the legal issues...oh well guess he has to be right. Still I am waiting to hear from him via email so as to keep things from becoming personal...but I guess it's time to go back to the topics so....

So has anyone who has the CD, have you had it cause trouble on your computer?


If you can strike few with many, you will thus minimize the number of those with whom you do battle.

[ This Message was edited by: Karagin on 2002-06-11 08:20 ]
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"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 16:29    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

On 2002-06-11 08:17, Karagin wrote:
So has anyone who has the CD, have you had it cause trouble on your computer?

I noticed today that the Audio CD with the Spiderman Movie soundtrack has the SONY copyprotection which prevents it from beeing played in PC/Mac CD-ROM's too


P.S.: I live in Europe, this means that i have Regioncode 2 !
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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 16:55    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Apparently there will be lots of CDs I`ll
not be buying anymore. I listen to music while driving and while netsurfing, rarely anytime else.

A tree fall in the forest, and no one is around, and it hits a mime. Does anyone care?
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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 17:04    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-11 16:29, MEX wrote:
On 2002-06-11 08:17, Karagin wrote:
So has anyone who has the CD, have you had it cause trouble on your computer?

I noticed today that the Audio CD with the Spiderman Movie soundtrack has the SONY copyprotection which prevents it from beeing played in PC/Mac CD-ROM's too


P.S.: I live in Europe, this means that i have Regioncode 2 !

What actually happens if you try to run the Spiderman CD in your CD Drive?

Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato

"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 11-Jun-2002 17:26    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-11 08:17, Karagin wrote:
Interesting seems that Chichawk can't admit he may not know all the facts here on the legal issues...oh well guess he has to be right. Still I am waiting to hear from him via email so as to keep things from becoming personal...but I guess it's time to go back to the topics so....

I never claimed to know everything about the legal facts. I stated the minimum steps that one would need to take to be able to legally use deadly force to protect ones self in most states, and that in most of those states if your shooting was deemed justified you'd be indemnified from a civil judgement.

One thing that hasn't been talked about is you'd still be liable for Civil Rights violations should the Federal government choose to charge you with that. (Can a state bring those charges? I'm unsure but think not).


And as promised, Karagin sent me a private message about this, so here it is:


You say I use smoke and mirrors to do my talking. I think it is you who is doing this.

Answer what I have asked you to answer. Be Specific. You choose not to respond to specific inquiries, and instead choose to pretend like those inquiries have not been made. Smoke and mirrors dude.

I pointed out two examples, you argue that I have no idea what I am talking about because you say so. I say you are full of it on that account and then you go off breaking the rules here by dragging things or hints to, from other boards, nice to see you can skate the rules, oh wait I guess you can cause you are a moderator...nice to see that the rules apply equal but I am sure you have a nice way out of this one as always.

The rule is very clear, 'Carrying "flames" from another board to this board may result in the offending poster being banned WITHOUT warning'. There are no flames between me and anyone else on that board, so mentioning issues that have happened on that board does not violate that rule. When I make a post that may contain "questionable" content I inform Mordel who determines what needs to be changed and what is within the rules. In fact, I am talking to Mordel right now on IM and he will see this post as soon as it's up, and will determine if anything said here by me violates the posting policy.

In fact, he has already warned me NOT to cross the line he has drawn. It is a warning I don't need as I have only once crossed that line (prior to being a mod) and after a few hours I apologized profusely to the person I flamed. I also don't need it as this post isn't made in anger. I have enough shit going on in the real world to even be mildly anoyed by something going on in a messageboard.

I point out from the orignial text of the topic about the CD protection and what it does. You didn't even listen, no you went on your track of thought and didn't notice I answered your question.

You'll notice my reply of 2002-06-06 13:31 is on topic and in reply to GP's post, 2002-06-06 14:30 is on topic and in direct reply to Hardware's post. You change the direction of the topic at 2002-06-06 14:35, which I reply to on 2002-06-06 14:58. Your next post on 2002-06-06 15:40 says you have a CD that doesn't have a warning, but you also said (2002-06-06 17:02) that it didn't damage your drive. Huh, I wonder why it didn't have a warning on it?

The rest is viaible to everyone--no need to continue with this portion.

As to the US it's a general statement, just as all of your's are, but you don't seem to understand that part.

I am making general statements. For specifics one should do as Ronin and Rarich have said, (to paraphrase) 'know what the specific laws for your juristiction are'. That's the best advice given, and you'll note I do not refute that.

As for the "us", what you said was "Fine you are right as always and the rest of us are wrong". So I'm still wondering who the "us" is because I've never heard anyone use the "generic us" before.

As for the rest well, let me say that I find you behavior and such to be a poor showing for some who thinks so highly of themselves and who has a long time poster, but as of late family life has cut into his posting tell me on more then one occasion what a great guy you are, your actions and comments fall with in the zone of one who needs their ego stroked, that is something I would expect from Peter Smith or Chung or one of that cliche, but around here...guess when the power get's to the brain all else goes out the window.

I know you've got a Jones for anyone that's a moderator on B'tech messageboards, but come on now dude. I go out of my way to let it be known I don't think I'm a better person than anyone else.

In fact, it's easy to point out a few people that just might be better people than I. To embarass one I'm going to point to Vagabond. Look at the shit that kid's gone through in life and I've never seen him in a bad mood. We started out in a rocky manner but have gone on to IM several times a week. I hope that if I'm ever faced with the obsticles he's been I face it with half the guts and dignity he has. I'm both honored and humbled that he asks me my opnion on his stories and mechs.

There are a ton of great personal stories on this board and I've been lucky to hear a few of them.

As for you posting this one the board go ahead it will make you look the one who is turning this in a personal bashing and I think, no wait, that to is agaisnt the rules. But hey I am sure you can bend them again since you are a why not abuse your power and let all know it.

I'm doing exactly what I said I would, and look--no flames.

I am perfectly calm and it seems you are posting in anger. Speaks volumes.

I think you need to stop trying to be right, yet some how you have to get in your comments and if some disagrees you keep at them tell either they slam you back or the topic dies off. Nice to see that you can do this.

I have a phrase that I use: "disagree without being disagreeable".

Ask Ruger, Gangrene, or many others--we've had some fantastic debates here on all sorts of issues. But not once did it get personal. But you don't seem to be able to seperate that in your posts. Too bad really, you've got some great opinions that might be fun to debate if you'd actually debate them.

But sorry I won't play that game, not this time.

"this time"....nah, ain't worth it.

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