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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 07-Jun-2002 21:49    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Some snippage for brevity...


On 2002-06-07 15:45, Ronin wrote:
Ok, stepping in with my semi-professional knowledge here...
All you have to do to sue someone is show economic loss. It is up to the judge to determine if he wants to allow that kind of nonsense in his court. Some do, some don't; that's why sue happy people go judge shopping.

And you have to prove that your own action didn't cause your economic loss. We all remember the woman who sued McD's because she spilled hot coffee in her lap and "won" like a bazillion dollars. That judgement was eventually reduced to under $40,000 because the appeals court ruled that even though the coffee was served at an unconventionally hot temperature it was her own actions that caused the spill, so it reduced the judgemet against McD's based upon the "percentage" of fault the court felt that McD's was at fault.


2: under the laws of the united states, the desicion is in favor of chihawk. leathel force may only be taken in the event the home owner is in need to protect his own life [and families].

This varies. In Texas, for example, a person may use the same level of force to protect a third person who would have the right to defend themselves as that third person is allowed. If Bob is attacking Joe with a knife (deadly force), I have the right, if not moral obligation, to use deadly force to protect Joe. (This is where the police in Texas get their authority to use force, BTW) Note that this is under the Penal Code (criminal laws). Being justified in your actions in criminal law does not protect you from being sued in civil law, unless the state specifically has a law forbidding it, such as the so-called Good Samaritan lwas designed to protect people who try to give first aid and get sued when ther actions have less than perfect results.

Yes, my point exactly in the cab driver example. But because (at least in the story as mentioned here) the attacker wasn't using deadly force one would not be able to use deadly force to oppose him. I presume the police would have a different standard and would nessessarily have to follow the laws as the pertain to "civilians".

Also note, that just because you are legally justified in doing something doesn't mean that nothing happens to you. Defense (whether of self or another) is considered a defense to prosecution, meaning that when you go before the Grand Jury for having used force, the grand Jury will usually "no bill" you (meaning that they have determined that you were legally justified, and that the charges against you are pointless). If for some reason you are true billed (the Grand Jury decides to let it go to trial) any lawyer worth his salt will immediately use the defense to prosecution to protect you.

If your actions are called "justified" by the police (and in turn the DA) then you wouldn't normally be facing a Grand Jury. In most states once the police determine a shooting is justified you'd be endemnified from lawsuit. If you went to trial and were found "not guilty" due to self defense you'd still be liable for being sued.

When a person starts a assault, but then decides to disengage, if the defender continues to use force after the attacker indicates that he wishes to stop, the defender then becomes the attacker and is just as legally guilty of assault. (Police in this situation may then use whatever force is necessary to arrest the individual and take them into custody, but no more; but this a separate issue).

Yes, this is just a continuation of the "equal force" as mentioned above.

Again, this will differ by state, but in Texas, if you shoot somoene breaking into your house, they do not have to be inside the house. Not only is it pointless to drag the body inside like many people are told to do, since it is easy to tell when this happens, it is needless. Once you have determined that you (or someone else that you have a right to protect) is in danger, you may use appropriate force to defend at any time the threat exists, regardless of where the threat happens to be at the moment. Texas and some other states do not require a retreat before defensive force is used, while some other states do require it. I agree with Texas law because there are times when it is more dangerous to retreat than to stand your ground and defend yourself, plus the simple fact that sometimes it is physically impossible to retreat.

In many states that require you attempt to retreat they also state that if retreat is not possible (like your in a corner, etc) you are exempt from that portion. Incredibly, in Maine you still must attemp to make a retreat. I guess they expect you to tunnel through the wall or floor...


3: desicion is in favor of chihawk, the use of a leathel weapon in the case of the cabby was not warented as his life was not threatened. under the law, he was in error. is this morraly right, no

Again, as noted above, it depends upon the state. Here in Texas, the cabby would be legally justified under the Penal Code. And again, he is still open to civil lawsuit.

In most states the cabbie would have been covered by the "Good Samaritain" had he used equal force. By using what some states would call excessive force he'd not be covered by the "GS" law.

Back to the CD booby trap thing, yes the manufacturer can be held civily liable, even with a warning label. All a plaintiff has to do is show an economic loss to file suit. Then it is up to the judge, and possibly a jury, to decide the case.

That whole "assumption of the risk" thing again Intentional misuse of a product indemnifies the product maker in most states (I'm betting all, but I'm too lazy to check).

Personally, I think any idiot that puts something in their computer that had a warning label telling you not to do so is SOL.

It is not the job of the Courts to help people avoid personal responsibility Sandra Day O'Connor

OK, I'm done now. I'll put myself in the penalty box for 15 minutes for arguing with the ref, and an extra 5 for getting snooty at the end there

Nah, it's only 10 minutes for arguing with the ref. But that's on top of the 2 minutes you get unsportsmanlike conduct. Hmmm, and with the length of that post Vagabond might give you 2 for delay of game also

Ronin, heading for the box

Grab a full water bottle on your way in, I emptied this one a few minutes ago...

"You all laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because you're all the same" Anon

[ This Message was edited by: chihawk on 2002-06-07 21:50 ]
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Gunslinger Patch
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PostPosted: 08-Jun-2002 03:43    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

You know, I just have to ask again about the CD warning label. Would that be on the jewel case?

Most music CDs can't even be bothered to have a list of songs on the CD itself, it would interfere with the wierd looking artwork. So would they be bothered to place a large, obvious warning label on the CD itself? I don't think they would.

My jewel cases are stacked on a bookshelf, I lug my CDs to work in a zip shut CD holder. I put forward the notion that when you stick that thing in your drive, you will be looking at the CD, while the jewel case resides in some other part of the house with a long forgetten warning label on it.

And on the other hand, when was the last time you saw a CD drive on the store shelf that the box didn't say it could play music CDs? So if Sony does that copy pretection, would they not have to first recall all their CD drives to stick warning labels on them since all their customers were told the things could play music CDs?
"Those who beat their guns into plows will plow for those with guns..." -Thomas Jefferson
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 08-Jun-2002 07:32    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Two very good questions. I'm sure Sony (et al) would have all that figured out prior to them doing something like that.

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PostPosted: 08-Jun-2002 10:10    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-06 14:35, Karagin wrote:
Chichawk, try shooting the theif who breaks in your house...and see if he doesn't sue you into chapter 11. I remember a news story back around 1994 or so about a cabbie that saw a guy beating the crap out of a lady for her purse so he rams the theif with his cab...well the theif sues him and the cab company and wins.

Someone will find away to turn the tables on the record companies over the CDs setup to harm the computer CD-ROM drives.

State Laws vary enough that, depending on the state, those guys could have walked. The cabbie was the furthest out of line, using lethal force to stop a theft. In Nevada, you can shoot the thief dead, and probably walk.
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PostPosted: 08-Jun-2002 19:32    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

*Ronin grabs a fresh water bottle*

A glare from Vagabond prevents Ronin from arguing further from the box.

Instead, he mutters under his breath: "Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially stupid people with the money to hire lawyers.", then drinks some quality H2O from the bottle.

Ronin, not a lawyer fan
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 08-Jun-2002 20:59    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Or a Lawyer that smells money.....

Sir Henry

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PostPosted: 09-Jun-2002 00:00    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-07 21:17, chihawk wrote:

On 2002-06-07 12:22, Karagin wrote:
Fine you are right as always and the rest of us are wrong. Nice talking with you on this.

"Us"? Whom might be the "us" you refer too?

Oh, that's right, I already accepted your surrender.

THen you are accepting the nothing. Sorry but I am not surrendering.

It is you who is wrong and it is you who will not admit it.

So any time you are ready to give your surrender and all that, heck I will even take ala Cronwallis and allow your second to deliever it. Can you even admit you could be wrong Chihawk? You are so quick to tell me I am wrong but has it accoured to you that you could be or is that not possible around here?

But why should I care, since you seem to enjoy pegging me as the one who is always wrong then get upset if I defend myself and seem to reveal in pointing out that I have been kicked off of other boards. Funny thing is I am not banned on any boards currently, but hey why could the issuse with facts when your version is so much more colorful and enterataing.

May I suggest you and take this problem you have with me to email or PM and find away to deal with before one of us says something that will take this to a level no one wants...or is that asking to much of you?

You can reach via email at

Looking forward to talking with you.

If you can strike few with many, you will thus minimize the number of those with whom you do battle.

[ This Message was edited by: Karagin on 2002-06-09 00:12 ]
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 09-Jun-2002 09:38    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-09 00:00, Karagin wrote:
THen you are accepting the nothing. Sorry but I am not surrendering.

Yes, so it seems. Too bad, I was willing to allow you to surrender with some honor. But I see that you will accpt nothing but a total defeat. So if that's what you prefer....

It is you who is wrong and it is you who will not admit it. So any time you are ready to give your surrender and all that, heck I will even take ala Cronwallis and allow your second to deliever it.

Please indicate what position I have that is incorrect and where you are correct. Be specific.

Can you even admit you could be wrong Chihawk? You are so quick to tell me I am wrong but has it accoured to you that you could be or is that not possible around here?

I've been wrong before and quickly admit it when shown. In this case you've not posted anything to refute what I have, and you will not be able to. I gave you an opportunity at 2002-06-06 21:03 to do so, but you didn't even mention anything in that post about the 3 points being made here.

But why should I care, since you seem to enjoy pegging me as the one who is always wrong then get upset if I defend myself and seem to reveal in pointing out that I have been kicked off of other boards.

I "peg" you as being wrong in this case because you're wrong. The problem I see is when you "defend" yourself (and not just with me, but other, and on other boards) by asking specific questions people answer those questions. When you are presented with specific question you do not answer them, instead relying on "smoke and mirrors" to continue your debate.

As for me mentioning that you have been kicked off other boards, I believe this is the first time I've brought it up. And seeing as your actions on that board are indentical to your actions here it is relevant.

Funny thing is I am not banned on any boards currently, but hey why could the issuse with facts when your version is so much more colorful and enterataing.

You'll note I didn't say you were currectly banned anywhere. My exact words were "You know, the reason you keep getting tossed off a different B'tech board...your inability to admit when you are incorrect. Even when faced with totally irrefutable evidence (just like now) you continue to argue." That post is also at 2002-06-06 21:03, the post that you've chosen not to reply to.

May I suggest you and take this problem you have with me to email or PM and find away to deal with before one of us says something that will take this to a level no one wants...or is that asking to much of you? You can reach via email at

You may suggest it, but I politely refuse. And if you send me an e-mail or PM about this I will post it on this board. I want every word you say to be public knowledge. That way should Mordel decide to ban you there will be no question why--you'll have no "hidden" issues that you can use to claim to be the victim.

Looking forward to talking with you.

You know where to find me

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The Bloody Clans

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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 09:50    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ok specifically...

If the copy protection is indeed on the CD as multiple others have stated.. even if there is a warning clearly indicated on the Jewel case... Unless there are a great big warning on the face of the CD itself, then that company is wide open to lawsuits from anyone that puts that particular CD into a MAC and tries to play it.

The CD-ROM drive is an accepted way to play music.. I do it at work.. If you as a music company do something that inhibits me from playing music on that forum, oh well, I don't buy your CD... BUT if you do something that destroys a piece of my hardware, you are open to a lawsuit.


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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 12:39    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

On 2002-06-06 14:35, Karagin wrote:
Chichawk, try shooting the theif who breaks in your house...and see if he doesn't sue you into chapter 11.

If you shoot a burglar in your house, make sure that he is dead before you call the police !


P.S.: A corpse cant sue you
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 12:59    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

But The Corpse's Family Can.....

Sir HEnry

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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 13:01    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

On 2002-06-10 09:50, Pinhead wrote:
If the copy protection is indeed on the CD as multiple others have stated.. even if there is a warning clearly indicated on the Jewel case... Unless there are a great big warning on the face of the CD itself, then that company is wide open to lawsuits from anyone that puts that particular CD into a MAC and tries to play it.

The CD-ROM drive is an accepted way to play music.. I do it at work.. If you as a music company do something that inhibits me from playing music on that forum, oh well, I don't buy your CD... BUT if you do something that destroys a piece of my hardware, you are open to a lawsuit.


There exists a copy protection from SONY, called "KEY2AUDIO" which has a pointer to a data-session, which only contains garbagge, in the inventory.

This corrupt data-session can prevent that your Macintosh is able to find his drives and it can prevent that your Mac is able to load his Operating System. You have to disconnect your Mac from mains and use a piece of wire to force your Mac to eject the copy protected Audio-CD ( RTFM ! ).
I can understand that some computer-illiterate people dont understand what has happened and that they send their Mac to Apple, believing that their Mac is damaged.

Hope this helps, MEX

P.S.: "A new day has come" from Celine Dion has this copy-protection !

[ This Message was edited by: MEX on 2002-06-10 13:52 ]
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 13:19    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

On 2002-06-10 12:59, Sir Henry wrote:
But The Corpse's Family Can.....
Sir HEnry

I can assure you that they wont do that.

Burglars, which have been shoot by their victims, often try to sue the shooter to get out of prison. If the burglar is dead his relatives are usually happy if nobody talks about the crimes of their relative.
But if they threaten to sue you, sue them for participation in the crimes of the dead burglar.


P.S.: Of course you have to make sure that the corpse has something in his hands which at least looks like a firearm or another dangerous weapon before you call the police

[ This Message was edited by: MEX on 2002-06-10 13:21 ]
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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 16:53    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote

On 2002-06-10 13:19, MEX wrote:
On 2002-06-10 12:59, Sir Henry wrote:
But The Corpse's Family Can.....
Sir HEnry

I can assure you that they wont do that.

Burglars, which have been shoot by their victims, often try to sue the shooter to get out of prison. If the burglar is dead his relatives are usually happy if nobody talks about the crimes of their relative.
But if they threaten to sue you, sue them for participation in the crimes of the dead burglar.

Ronin saith: Many people now would go for the wrongful death suit. They really don't care what people say about their relative as long as they can cash in on it. And just because you are related to a (suspected) criminal doesn't mean that you participated in that person's crime, even as just a passive accomplice. That lawsuit has no merit, since you cannot make that kind of connection without specific evidence.
end Ronin quote


P.S.: Of course you have to make sure that the corpse has something in his hands which at least looks like a firearm or another dangerous weapon before you call the police

Again Ronin saith: That becomes tampering with a crime scene. All you have to do to use force to defend yourself is to belive that you are in immediate danger. If the person has a paper mache ball that looks like a big rock, and you thought he was going to bash in your head with it, you are justified to use force to defend yourself. I think I've already covered the whole drag the body into the house routine already, so I'll skip it here.

Also, in responce to the earlier comment about having your actions declared justified (by the police), we just got through discussing it in class today. Civil lawsuits are still possible, and in fact quite likely. And it is usually a judge or grand jury that determines if something was justified, at least officially (and as stated before, this will vary by jurisdiction, but that is how it is here and most other places that I know about).

Ronin, trying to avoid sticking his index finger in the air like he is wont to do when expounding (a.k.a. lecturing)
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 10-Jun-2002 18:56    Post subject: Ban Felt Tip Pens!!!!!!!!!! Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2002-06-10 16:53, Ronin wrote:
Also, in responce to the earlier comment about having your actions declared justified (by the police), we just got through discussing it in class today. Civil lawsuits are still possible, and in fact quite likely. And it is usually a judge or grand jury that determines if something was justified, at least officially (and as stated before, this will vary by jurisdiction, but that is how it is here and most other places that I know about).

If the DA doesn't persue the matter then a judge (or Grand Jury) wouldn't be nessessary, eh?

One thing that cuts down on the large amount of frivolous lawsuits is that if you file suit against someone and lose you can be forced to pay for that person's defense. Plus lawyers can be fined huge amounts for bringing suits that are frivolous, so that cuts them down even further...

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